The Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal which started publication in August 2005. It covers all areas of organic chemistry, including organic synthesis, organic reactions, natural product chemistry, structural investigations, supramolecular chemistry and chemical biology. The content is freely accessible online immediately upon publication and is publicly archived in the major Open Access repositories.
The Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry is published and completely funded by the Beilstein-Institut, a non-profit foundation located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Editor-in-chief is Peter H. Seeberger, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany. Currently, there are 42 scientists from all over the world, including several Nobel Prize laureates, who support the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry as Editorial Advisory Board members.
The most important key facts for the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry are
For more information please see The Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry.
The Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften (Beilstein-Institut for the Advancement of Chemical Sciences) is a non-profit foundation located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
For more information please see
Manuscripts, which are within the scope of the journal and potentially suitable for publication, according to Beilstein's publication criteria (high quality, originality, novelty and importance), are sent for formal review. Detailed information about the review process is given in the Instructions for Referees. The corresponding editor makes a final decision on the manuscript based on the referees' recommendations.
All articles published in the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry are Open Access. They are freely and universally accessible online for everyone immediately upon publication without any registration.
Access and publication of articles in the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry is free of charge. The journal is financed completely by the Beilstein-Institut, thus making it free for both authors and readers. The Beilstein-Institut is committed to financing the journal on an ongoing basis. Uniquely in organic chemistry, the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry has no financial barriers for scientists to publish in or read the journal.
Authors retain copyright of their article. The articles of the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Articles in the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry should be cited according to the ACS Style Guide (Coghill, A. M.; Garson, L. R., Eds. The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information, 3rd ed.; Oxford University Press, Inc.: New York, 2006) as shown in the subsequent examples.
Up to volume 6, article 79 the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry has no page numbers but unique article numbers. The page numbers printed in the corresponding PDFs are not for citation purposes, since every article starts with the page number 1. Instead of using page numbers these articles should be cited with the respective article number. The following example refers to the seventh article from volume 1 published in 2005:
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2005, 1, No. 7.
Starting with volume 6, article 80 the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry has introduced consecutive page numbers. These aricles should be cited with the respective page numbers. The following example refers to the first article with page numbers from volume 6 published in 2010 with the page range 699–703:
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2010, 6, 699–703.
All articles published in the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry are highly visible. The articles will be listed in PubMed, and will be covered by PubMed Central, Thomson Scientific (ISI), CAS (CODEN: BJOCBH) and others.
Long term accessibility of the articles published in the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry is guaranteed. Articles of the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry are archived in PubMed Central, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature, in UK PubMed Central, the British equivalent of PubMed Central, in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and in the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, the national German archive of publications.
Manuscripts should fall within the scope of the journal and meet Beilstein's publication criteria: high quality, originality, novelty and importance. All relevant materials should be prepared according to the Instructions for Authors. A Submission Checklist is available to help authors to provide all relevant data and information. For more information about the submission process please see Help for Authors.
Yes, manuscripts that have been deposited in a non-commercial preprint repository (e.g., arXiv, bioRxiv), or the author’s university repository will be considered for publication. Authors should include a link to the preprint in their manuscript and cover letter and update the preprint with a link to the final published version.
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The corresponding author is the author of an article to whom questions concerning the scientific content of an article should be addressed after publication. He/she is the person who is most familiar with and responsible for the scientific content of the published article.
The addition of an ORCID iD for the submitting author and each co-author is highly encouraged, but not mandatory. It is to your benefit to add this identifier to ensure your work is properly attributed and credited. During the submission process, the submitting author will be asked to link their existing ORCID record to their manuscript, or create an ORCID record, if they do not already have one. All co-authors will also be provided a link where they can amend this information. Note that Internet Explorer users may experience problems when linking their ORCID record and are encouraged to use another browser or contact our support team at
On acceptance, new articles are posted online as a formatted final PDF file and full text HTML version once the submitting author returns a corrected proof of the copyedited and layouted manuscript. The submitting author is informed by email as soon as the final PDF file is made public.
Referees are invited by the corresponding editor to perform the peer-review of a manuscript. Only scientists with experience in the respective area of interest are chosen for the review process. If an author is interested in reviewing for the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry he/she should contact the editorial office to express his/her interest and to communicate his/her specialist area (
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To withdraw a manuscript, the submitting author must log in to the Beilstein Publishing System at The manuscript overview page opens and gives an overview of all manuscripts submitted to the Beilstein Journals by that author. After opening the details section of the relevant manuscript, the author can click on the action "Withdraw" in the action list provided that the manuscript has not yet been published. He/she will be asked to enter a reason for the withdrawal in a text field before the status change can be performed.
Incomplete submissions may be removed at any point in time. The submitting author must log in to the Beilstein Publishing System at The manuscript overview page opens and gives an overview of all manuscripts submitted to the Beilstein Journals by that author. After opening the details section of the corresponding incomplete submission, the author can click on the action "Remove Submission" in the action list and then must confirm the intention to delete all data provided.
To submit a revised manuscript, the submitting author must log in to the Beilstein Publishing System at The manuscript overview page opens and gives an overview of all manuscripts submitted to the Beilstein Journals by that author. Manuscripts for which an editor has requested revision are listed with the status "Revision". After opening the details section of such a manuscript the author can choose the action "Upload Revision" from the action list. This opens a resubmission form which allows the author to replace an existing file with a new version or to add any new file. An author is also asked to provide a point-by-point response to the requested changes explaining what revisions have been made or why any requested changes have not been made. For more information see Help for Authors.
A subject area for a manuscript should be selected to enable the editor to invite referees who have expertise in an area identical or similar to that described in the manuscript.
Authors can interrupt the submission process at any time. Afterwards incomplete submissions can be found on the manuscript overview page of the Beilstein Publishing System once an author has logged in. After opening the details section of the relevant manuscript, the author can click on the link "Modify Submission" in the action list to open the submission form and continue where he/she stopped.
It is possible to upload ZIP archives during manuscript submission for the file types "Review-only Material" and "Supporting Information". Additionally there is the possibility to upload high quality graphic files as ZIP archive during the revision of the manuscript. For more information about acceptable file formats please see the Instructions for Authors.