Reversible enzyme-catalysed reactions: the quasi steady state as a a quasi-equilibrium, and a correction to Haldane's kinetic constants and to secondary relationships involving kinetic constants.

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Retired, Freiburg, Germany

Beilstein Arch. 2021, 202147.

Published 28 Jun 2021

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For reversible enzyme-catalysed reactions obeying Henri-Michaelis-Menten kinetics, theoretical solution of the rate equations for the enzyme-substrate intermediate are generally incorrect when the quasi-steady state approximation, equating the rate of change of the concentration of the enzyme-substrate intermediate to zero, is used.  For the simplest kinetic model used by Haldane, such a procedure does not reveal that in one direction, that starting with the reactant having the lower binding constant, the quasi-steady state is one of quasi-equilibrium, and Haldane’s structure of the Km written in terms of rate constants is incorrect. This is probably also true of more complex mechanisms in which the structure of kcat may also be in error.  Modern methods of numerical integration for the solution of rate equations, if applied to reversible reactions to obtain rate constants from measured catalytic constants, will require the correct expressions for kcat and Km. Furthermore, the (now called) Haldane relationship, relating the kinetic constants kcat and Km for the forward and reverse reactions to the equilibrium constant of a reaction, is now seen to be generally incorrect, and in addition another exception for a the theoretical validation of kcat /Km as a specificity constant arises.

Keywords: enzyme catalysis; Michaelis constant; kinetic constant; errors in kcat; errors in Km; quasi-equilibrium state; quasi-steady state; numerical integration

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When a peer-reviewed version of this preprint is available, this information will be updated in the information box above. If no peer-reviewed version is available, please cite this preprint using the following information:

Barnsley, E. A. Beilstein Arch. 2021, 202147. doi:10.3762/bxiv.2021.47.v1

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