Synthesis of a dihalogenated pyridinyl silicon rhodamine for mitochondrial imaging by a halogen dance rearrangement

Jessica Matthias, Thines Kanagasundaram, Klaus Kopka and Carsten S. Kramer
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 2333–2343.

Supporting Information

Synthesis of dye 15, its optical characterization and detailed information on microscopy experiments, including videos showing undisturbed cell proliferation in U2OS cells incubated with 1 µM of dye 15 for 1 h compared to untreated U2OS cells are given.

Supporting Information File 1: Experimental and analytical data, spectra, live cell imaging and assessment of cytotoxicity.
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Supporting Information File 2: Independent experiment assessing cell division of U2OS cells after treatment with 1 µM SiR dye 15.
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Supporting Information File 3: Independent experiment assessing cell division of U2OS cells after treatment with 1 µM SiR dye 15.
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Supporting Information File 4: Independent control experiment assessing undisturbed cell division of U2OS cells.
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Supporting Information File 5: Independent control experiment assessing undisturbed cell division of U2OS cells.
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Synthesis of a dihalogenated pyridinyl silicon rhodamine for mitochondrial imaging by a halogen dance rearrangement
Jessica Matthias, Thines Kanagasundaram, Klaus Kopka and Carsten S. Kramer
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 2333–2343.

How to Cite

Matthias, J.; Kanagasundaram, T.; Kopka, K.; Kramer, C. S. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 2333–2343. doi:10.3762/bjoc.15.226

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