Gold-catalyzed ethylene cyclopropanation

Silvia G. Rull, Andrea Olmos and Pedro J. Pérez
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 67–71.

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Gold-catalyzed ethylene cyclopropanation
Silvia G. Rull, Andrea Olmos and Pedro J. Pérez
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 67–71.

How to Cite

Rull, S. G.; Olmos, A.; Pérez, P. J. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 67–71. doi:10.3762/bjoc.15.7

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  • Watson, B. T.; Dias, H. V. R. Going for gold - the chemistry of structurally authenticated gold(I)-ethylene complexes. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 2024, 60, 4872–4889. doi:10.1039/d4cc00676c
  • Kadiyala, K. G.; Goutham, K.; Yamini, V.; Katari, N. K. Gold-catalyzed synthesis of small-sized carbo- and heterocyclic compounds: A review. Heterocyclic Communications 2024, 30. doi:10.1515/hc-2022-0172
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  • Ledovskaya, M. S.; Voronin, V. V.; Rodygin, K. S.; Ananikov, V. P. Acetylene and ethylene – universal C2 molecular units in cycloaddition reactions. Synthesis 2021, 54, 999–1042. doi:10.1055/a-1654-2318
  • Wu, J.; Noonikara-Poyil, A.; Muñoz-Castro, A.; Dias, H. V. R. Gold(I) ethylene complexes supported by electron-rich scorpionates. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 2021, 57, 978–981. doi:10.1039/d0cc07717h
  • Mato, M.; Franchino, A.; García-Morales, C.; Echavarren, A. M. Gold-Catalyzed Synthesis of Small Rings. Chemical reviews 2020, 121, 8613–8684. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrev.0c00697
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