Pyridine C(sp2)–H bond functionalization under transition-metal and rare earth metal catalysis

Haritha Sindhe, Malladi Mounika Reddy, Karthikeyan Rajkumar, Akshay Kamble, Amardeep Singh, Anand Kumar and Satyasheel Sharma
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 820–863.

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Pyridine C(sp2)–H bond functionalization under transition-metal and rare earth metal catalysis
Haritha Sindhe, Malladi Mounika Reddy, Karthikeyan Rajkumar, Akshay Kamble, Amardeep Singh, Anand Kumar and Satyasheel Sharma
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 820–863.

How to Cite

Sindhe, H.; Reddy, M. M.; Rajkumar, K.; Kamble, A.; Singh, A.; Kumar, A.; Sharma, S. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 820–863. doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.62

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