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Search for "oligosaccharides" in Full Text gives 175 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry.

Biosynthesis of rare hexoses using microorganisms and related enzymes

  • Zijie Li,
  • Yahui Gao,
  • Hideki Nakanishi,
  • Xiaodong Gao and
  • Li Cai

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2013, 9, 2434–2445, doi:10.3762/bjoc.9.281

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  • rare sugar [25]. More interestingly, D-psicose has also been used to prepare several D-psicose containing disaccharides, aiming to learn the function of the rare sugar containing oligosaccharides and glycosides [27]. D-Psicose can be prepared through the epimerization of D-fructose at C-3 catalyzed by
  • engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum was used to produce guanosine-5’-diphosphate (GDP)-L-fucose, the precursor of fucosyl-oligosaccharides, from glucose and mannose [95]. L-Fucose (or its analogs) can also be prepared in vitro enzymatically in a three-step procedure (Scheme 16) [96]. Firstly, L-fuculose-1
Published 12 Nov 2013

Gold-catalyzed glycosidation for the synthesis of trisaccharides by applying the armed–disarmed strategy

  • Abhijeet K. Kayastha and
  • Srinivas Hotha

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2013, 9, 2147–2155, doi:10.3762/bjoc.9.252

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  • Abhijeet K. Kayastha Srinivas Hotha Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Research and Education, Pune-411 008, India 10.3762/bjoc.9.252 Abstract The synthesis of oligosaccharides is still a challenging task as there is no universal glycosyl donor for the synthesis of all
  • oligosaccharides. The gold catalysis for glycosidation reactions, in which alkynylated glycosides are used, has emerged as one of the versatile options in this regard. A cleavage of the interglycosidic bond that was thought to be due to the higher reaction temperature and the acidic medium was observed during the
  • process, the saccharide unit that is donating its glycon is called a glycosyl donor, whereas the saccharide that is accepting the glycon is referred to as glycosyl acceptor or aglycon. The synthesis of oligosaccharides is still a formidable task in spite of the development of various methods. There is
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Published 18 Oct 2013

Synthesis of mucin-type O-glycan probes as aminopropyl glycosides

  • David Benito-Alifonso,
  • Rachel A. Jones,
  • Anh-Tuan Tran,
  • Hannah Woodward,
  • Nichola Smith and
  • M. Carmen Galan

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2013, 9, 1867–1872, doi:10.3762/bjoc.9.218

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  • . Keywords: glycosylation; mucin-type oligosaccharides; O-glycans; oligosaccharide synthesis; Introduction Mucins are heavily glycosylated glycoproteins that may be membrane-associated or secreted in gel form and play an important biological role in the respiratory and intestinal tracks [1][2][3]. Mucins
  • create a plethora of potential binding sites for commensal and pathogenic microbes, and are also ligands for the targeting of leucocytes to endothelial cells. Secreted mucins found in the intestinal mucus gel and the glycocalyx contain hundreds of different mucin type, O-linked oligosaccharides and
  • -deoxy-D-galactose to serine or threonine. This saccharide forms the inner part of the characteristic core oligosaccharides from where glycans are extended through common core (di- and trisaccharide) structures, cores 1–8 [6][7][8]. The mucin-type oligosaccharides identified to date have remarkable
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Published 13 Sep 2013

Straightforward synthesis of a tetrasaccharide repeating unit corresponding to the O-antigen of Escherichia coli O16

  • Manas Jana and
  • Anup Kumar Misra

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2013, 9, 1757–1762, doi:10.3762/bjoc.9.203

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  • virulence property of the pathogen, several reports appeared in the past on the development of glycoconjugate based therapeutics against bacterial infections [10][11][12]. Detailed biological studies of the glycoconjugates require a significant quantity of the oligosaccharides, which is difficult to isolate
  • from natural sources. Hence, the development of chemical synthetic strategies for the synthesis of oligosaccharides is essential. In this context, a straightforward synthesis of the tetrasaccharide corresponding to the O-antigen of E. coli O16 as its p-methoxyphenyl glycoside has been developed and is
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Published 28 Aug 2013

Short synthesis of the common trisaccharide core of kankanose and kankanoside isolated from Cistanche tubulosa

  • Goutam Guchhait and
  • Anup Kumar Misra

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2013, 9, 705–709, doi:10.3762/bjoc.9.80

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  • from C. tubulosa and have shown promising medicinal activity such as hepatoprotective and vasorelaxant activities [4][5][6]. Most of the compounds isolated from C. tubulosa and related species are phenylethyl oligosaccharides, iridoids, terpenes and lignans [4][5][6][7]. Recently, Yoshikawa et al
  • . isolated and characterized a significant number of phenylethyl oligosaccharides, which include kankanose, kankanoside F, H1, H2, I, etc. [4][5]. Since C. tubulosa has been used in the folk medicine for several years, it is beneficial to find out the biological activities of the individual compounds present
  • best option to gain access to these compounds on a large scale. A few reports are available in the literature for the synthesis of phenylethyl oligosaccharides [8][9]. In this context, we developed a synthetic strategy for the synthesis of the common trisaccharide core of kankanose, kankanoside F, H1
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Published 11 Apr 2013

Synthesis and testing of the first azobenzene mannobioside as photoswitchable ligand for the bacterial lectin FimH

  • Vijayanand Chandrasekaran,
  • Katharina Kolbe,
  • Femke Beiroth and
  • Thisbe K. Lindhorst

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2013, 9, 223–233, doi:10.3762/bjoc.9.26

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  • portion is complexed in the carbohydrate binding site, the first mannoside does not add significantly to the affinity and this is in accordance with other studies on the complexation of oligosaccharides by FimH [11]. However, this mannose ring acts as a spacer moiety, sticking out straight from the CRD
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Published 01 Feb 2013

Glycosylation efficiencies on different solid supports using a hydrogenolysis-labile linker

  • Mayeul Collot,
  • Steffen Eller,
  • Markus Weishaupt and
  • Peter H. Seeberger

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2013, 9, 97–105, doi:10.3762/bjoc.9.13

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  • cleavage efficiencies on these functionalized solid supports were investigated, and restrictions for the choice of solid support for oligosaccharide synthesis were found. Keywords: glycosylation; hydrogenolysis; linkers; oligosaccharides; resins; solid-phase synthesis; Findings Since Bruce Merrifield
  • oligosaccharides [4]. Solid-phase synthesis is performed on insoluble supports that are functionalized with a linker that connects the growing molecule with the resin (Scheme 1). Once the target molecule has been assembled, it is cleaved from the solid support. The solid-phase paradigm allows for the use of excess
  • ], the need for synthetic tools has prompted synthetic carbohydrate chemists to develop methods for the accelerated synthesis of all types of glycans [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. Automated synthesis of oligosaccharides is beginning to provide molecules for biological evaluation [20][21
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Published 16 Jan 2013

Removal of benzylidene acetal and benzyl ether in carbohydrate derivatives using triethylsilane and Pd/C

  • Abhishek Santra,
  • Tamashree Ghosh and
  • Anup Kumar Misra

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2013, 9, 74–78, doi:10.3762/bjoc.9.9

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  • hydrogenation; triethylsilane; Introduction Functionalization of carbohydrate intermediates is essential for their assembly towards the synthesis of complex oligosaccharides [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. Benzylidene acetal is a frequently used protecting group for the simultaneous protection of 1,2- and 1,3
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Published 14 Jan 2013

Peptoids and polyamines going sweet: Modular synthesis of glycosylated peptoids and polyamines using click chemistry

  • Daniel Fürniss,
  • Timo Mack,
  • Frank Hahn,
  • Sidonie B. L. Vollrath,
  • Katarzyna Koroniak,
  • Ute Schepers and
  • Stefan Bräse

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2013, 9, 56–63, doi:10.3762/bjoc.9.7

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  • azide alkyne cycloadditions. In addition, the up-scaling of some particular azide-modified sugars is described. Keywords: click chemistry; glycans; peptoids; polyalkynes; polyamines; solid-phase chemistry; Introduction To date, oligosaccharides have gained more and more interest as potential drugs in
  • the treatment of a variety of diseases. However, the rendering of nucleic acids and oligosaccharides as therapeutically active substances often requires a derivatization or a chemical coupling reaction that permits the selective and simple formation of covalent adducts. Some modifications permit the
  • functional structures. Likewise, the coupling reaction should be permitted in hydrophilic solvents such as water or DMSO, since both unprotected nucleic acids and oligosaccharides, as well as many other biomacromolecules, prefer a hydrophilic reaction environment. With the advent of mild and biocompatible
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Published 10 Jan 2013

Theoretical study on β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with propiconazole and protonated propiconazole

  • Adrian Fifere,
  • Narcisa Marangoci,
  • Stelian Maier,
  • Adina Coroaba,
  • Dan Maftei and
  • Mariana Pinteala

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 2191–2201, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.247

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  • compared to unmodified PP. The inclusion compound based on β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) and PPH+ (further abbreviated as β-CD/PPH+) was preliminarily investigated in vitro, and its antifungal activity was reported [4]. Cyclodextrins (CDs) are macrocyclic oligosaccharides consisting of six to twelve glucopyranose
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Published 17 Dec 2012

Synthesis of a derivative of α-D-Glcp(1->2)-D-Galf suitable for further glycosylation and of α-D-Glcp(1->2)-D-Gal, a disaccharide fragment obtained from varianose

  • Carla Marino,
  • Carlos Lima,
  • Karina Mariño and
  • Rosa M. de Lederkremer

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 2142–2148, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.241

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  • monitor the natural disaccharide released from varianose by mild acid degradation. The synthesis, performed by the glycosylaldonolactone approach, involved a glucosylgalactofuranose derivative, suitable for the synthesis of higher oligosaccharides with an internal D-Galf. Keywords: α-D-galactofuranose
  • )Galf and β-Galf(1→6)Galf [12][13][14]. Synthetic oligosaccharides have been used to characterize these GalfTs and it was demonstrated that a single active site in GalfT2 is responsible for both activities [15]. The crystal structures of both, free and UDP-bound GalfT2 have been recently determined [16
  • a good model for studies on the GlfTα. The constitutive oligosaccharides could be used as substrates or as standards for the identification of the products. A pentasaccharide fragment containing both, α and β-galactofuranosyl residues was synthesized by Bay and Lowary [18]. The two possible
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Published 07 Dec 2012

Acylsulfonamide safety-catch linker: promise and limitations for solid–phase oligosaccharide synthesis

  • Jian Yin,
  • Steffen Eller,
  • Mayeul Collot and
  • Peter H. Seeberger

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 2067–2071, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.232

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  • cleavage products revealed shortcomings for oligosaccharide synthesis. Keywords: glycosaminoglycans (GAGs); glycosylation; resins; safety-catch linker; solid-phase synthesis; Findings Solid-phase oligosaccharide synthesis [1][2] has been automated [3][4][5] to rapidly assemble complex oligosaccharides
  • linker 1 [13][14] (Figure 1) has been developed, which can be readily cleaved from the resin by basic methanolysis. The released chromophore-containing part, such as aromatic benzyl ether protecting groups, facilitates the purification of the synthetic oligosaccharides by HPLC. Final deprotection of the
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Published 26 Nov 2012

Convergent synthesis of the tetrasaccharide repeating unit of the cell wall lipopolysaccharide of Escherichia coli O40

  • Abhijit Sau and
  • Anup Kumar Misra

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 2053–2059, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.230

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  • ]. In order to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of the glycoconjugate derivatives it is essential to have a significant quantity of oligosaccharides, which is difficult to isolate from natural sources. Therefore, the development of a chemical synthetic strategy for the synthesis of the oligosaccharides
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Published 22 Nov 2012

Self-assembled organic–inorganic magnetic hybrid adsorbent ferrite based on cyclodextrin nanoparticles

  • Ângelo M. L. Denadai,
  • Frederico B. De Sousa,
  • Joel J. Passos,
  • Fernando C. Guatimosim,
  • Kirla D. Barbosa,
  • Ana E. Burgos,
  • Fernando Castro de Oliveira,
  • Jeann C. da Silva,
  • Bernardo R. A. Neves,
  • Nelcy D. S. Mohallem and
  • Rubén D. Sinisterra

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 1867–1876, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.215

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  • (CDs) can be associated with the inorganic matrix as an interesting strategy, since these macromolecules have been used for several devices with different properties, from light-responsive matrices to molecular recognition materials [12][13]. CDs are oligosaccharides commonly formed by six, seven or
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Published 01 Nov 2012

Molecular solubilization of fullerene C60 in water by γ-cyclodextrin thioethers

  • Hai Ming Wang and
  • Gerhard Wenz

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 1644–1651, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.188

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  • ][22]. CDs are cyclic oligosaccharides consisting of six, seven, eight or more glucose subunits connected through α-1,4 glycosidic linkages, called α-, β-, and γ-CD, respectively. CD molecules resemble truncated cones comprising a hydrophilic outer surface and a relatively hydrophobic cavity [23][24
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Published 28 Sep 2012

Automated synthesis of sialylated oligosaccharides

  • Davide Esposito,
  • Mattan Hurevich,
  • Bastien Castagner,
  • Cheng-Chung Wang and
  • Peter H. Seeberger

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 1601–1609, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.183

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  • , which have been extensively studied [2]. The distinctive structure of Sia confers special properties to membrane oligosaccharides [3] resulting in sialosides having exceptional biological significance. Rapid access to synthetic sialylated glycans would contribute greatly to the biological studies on
  • this important class of molecules. The automated synthesis of oligosaccharides has been significantly improved since the first report in 2001 [4]. Currently, the platform enables the rapid assembly of complex oligosaccharides and accommodates the most commonly employed glycosylation reactions [5][6][7
  • building blocks proved successful for the synthesis of representative Sia-containing oligosaccharides ready for biological evaluation. Results and Discussion Building-blocks preparation Many sialylation strategies utilize building blocks that require multistep syntheses [10]. In contrast, solid-phase
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Published 21 Sep 2012

Mannose-decorated cyclodextrin vesicles: The interplay of multivalency and surface density in lectin–carbohydrate recognition

  • Ulrike Kauscher and
  • Bart Jan Ravoo

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 1543–1551, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.175

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  • role of oligosaccharides on cell surfaces is the fact that human blood types (A, B, AB and 0) are solely determined by minor changes in the composition of the erythrocyte glycocalyx. Additionally, many biological mechanisms are mediated by multivalent recognition of carbohydrates. For example, lectins
  • to ConA and, hence, is able to mediate fast agglutination at low overall concentration as well as low surface coverage. These findings should further the understanding of the complex and dynamic interactions of oligosaccharides on cell surfaces. Experimental Materials: Throughout this work, chemicals
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Published 17 Sep 2012

Superstructures with cyclodextrins: Chemistry and applications

  • Helmut Ritter

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 1303–1304, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.148

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  • Helmut Ritter Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry II, Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf, Universitätsstraße 1, D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany 10.3762/bjoc.8.148 Keywords: cyclodextrins; superstructures; Cyclodextrins (CDs) are cyclic oligosaccharides consisting of 6 (α
Published 16 Aug 2012

The use of glycoinformatics in glycochemistry

  • Thomas Lütteke

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 915–929, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.104

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  • Chemical Identifier) codes, and 3D structural information in mol2 format. However, no carbohydrate-specific search options are available. This can make it difficult to locate entries in ChEBI or PubChem especially for oligosaccharides. Introducing cross-links between carbohydrate-specific databases and the
  • structures stored in the databases. An analysis of mammalian carbohydrate structures present in Glycosciences.DB, for example, revealed that this data set contained 3299 oligosaccharides, which are part of N-glycans, O-glycans or glycolipids from 38 mammalian species. Only ten different monosaccharides were
  • found in this data set [66]. However, different anomeric configurations and some substitutions, such as sulfate groups, were ignored, and no distinction was made between N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc). The large number of different oligosaccharides that are
Published 21 Jun 2012

Synthetic glycopeptides and glycoproteins with applications in biological research

  • Ulrika Westerlind

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 804–818, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.90

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  • - or oligosaccharides. The glycoprotein saccharides contribute physiochemical properties, influencing protein conformation or increasing stability against proteolytic activity. With their unique structural diversity and complexity, carbohydrates attached on proteins or lipids are involved in numerous
  • glycopeptide/glycoprotein synthesis, Endo-A specific for high-mannose glycans and Endo-M operating on both high-mannose and complex type N-glycans [81][82][83]. These enzymes can, in contrast to glycosyltransferases, by means of a one-step reaction attach large oligosaccharides to a GlcNAc polypeptide. Until
Published 30 May 2012

An easily accessible sulfated saccharide mimetic inhibits in vitro human tumor cell adhesion and angiogenesis of vascular endothelial cells

  • Grazia Marano,
  • Claas Gronewold,
  • Martin Frank,
  • Anette Merling,
  • Christian Kliem,
  • Sandra Sauer,
  • Manfred Wiessler,
  • Eva Frei and
  • Reinhard Schwartz-Albiez

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 787–803, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.89

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  • Kao Germany GmbH, Pfungstädter Str. 92–100, 64297 Darmstadt/Eberstadt, Germany, Biognos AB, Generatorsgatan 1, 41705 Goeteborg, Sweden 10.3762/bjoc.8.89 Abstract Oligosaccharides aberrantly expressed on tumor cells influence processes such as cell adhesion and modulation of the cell’s
  • among cells are mediated by binding of proteins such as lectins to oligosaccharides. Upon progression to higher malignancy, the glycosylation patterns of glycoproteins and glycosphingolipids on tumor cell surfaces undergo several alterations [6]. These changes are closely associated with distinct
  • development not only of new tools for tumor diagnosis and monitoring but also in the design of new anticancer drugs [8]. Attempts have been made to mount an immune response against tumor oligosaccharides by carbohydrate vaccines [9] and also to inhibit adhesive processes, such as the interaction between
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Published 29 May 2012

Triterpenoid saponins from the roots of Acanthophyllum gypsophiloides Regel

  • Elena A. Khatuntseva,
  • Vladimir M. Men’shov,
  • Alexander S. Shashkov,
  • Yury E. Tsvetkov,
  • Rodion N. Stepanenko,
  • Raymonda Ya. Vlasenko,
  • Elvira E. Shults,
  • Genrikh A. Tolstikov,
  • Tatjana G. Tolstikova,
  • Dimitri S. Baev,
  • Vasiliy A. Kaledin,
  • Nelli A. Popova,
  • Valeriy P. Nikolin,
  • Pavel P. Laktionov,
  • Anna V. Cherepanova,
  • Tatiana V. Kulakovskaya,
  • Ekaterina V. Kulakovskaya and
  • Nikolay E. Nifantiev

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 763–775, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.87

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  • triterpene aglycon and showed the positions of the substitutions within the oligosaccharide fragments (Table 1 and Table 2). The ROESY spectra (identical for compounds 1 and 2) disclosed the sequence of the residues in two oligosaccharides and their location at the C-3 and C-28 of the aglycon. Thus, the
  • (Figure 4). The other inter-residue correlation peaks were in agreement with the structure of oligosaccharides established from analysis of the ROESY spectra. Characteristic chemical shifts in the 13C NMR spectrum of 2 (δC 85.4 ppm for C-3 and δC 176.4 ppm for C-28 of the aglycon) evidence the
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Published 23 May 2012

Chemo-enzymatic modification of poly-N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) oligomers and N,N-diacetyllactosamine (LacDiNAc) based on galactose oxidase treatment

  • Christiane E. Kupper,
  • Ruben R. Rosencrantz,
  • Birgit Henßen,
  • Helena Pelantová,
  • Stephan Thönes,
  • Anna Drozdová,
  • Vladimir Křen and
  • Lothar Elling

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 712–725, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.80

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  • . Results and Discussion Evaluation of Gal- and GalNAc terminated poly-LacNAc oligomers as substrates of galactose oxidase The activity of galactose oxidase from Dactylium dendroides with LacNAc 1a, Gal-terminated poly-LacNAc oligosaccharides 1b–d and LacDiNAc 2 (Scheme 1) was investigated by a photometric
  • oligosaccharides, either by photometric or by HPLC analysis, even after long reaction times (data not shown). This confirms that galactose oxidase accepts only terminal galactose residues of poly-LacNAc glycans, as previously concluded for the oxidation of raffinose and plant arabinogalactan polysaccharides [36
  • -antigens (β1,6-branched poly-LacNAc) [58][59]. The I-antigen structures have so far been synthesised by chemical routes [60][61]. A similar coupling of oligosaccharides has already been shown by Rodriguez et al. on peptides, but no branching site in the glycans was introduced in their study [35]. In
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Published 09 May 2012

Sonogashira–Hagihara reactions of halogenated glycals

  • Dennis C. Koester and
  • Daniel B. Werz

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 675–682, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.75

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  • ][3][4]. Many different monosaccharide units and the large variety of possibilities to link two subunits result in an immense variety of highly complex biomolecules [5][6][7]. In order to mimic certain subunits of oligosaccharides, e.g., for the inhibition of glycosidases or glycosyltransferases
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Published 02 May 2012

2-Allylphenyl glycosides as complementary building blocks for oligosaccharide and glycoconjugate synthesis

  • Hemali D. Premathilake and
  • Alexei V. Demchenko

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 597–605, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.66

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  • efficient oligosaccharide assembly. Keywords: carbohydrates; glycosylation; leaving group; oligosaccharides; orthogonal strategy; selective activation; Introduction Current knowledge about the key roles of carbohydrates is still limited. However, thanks to the explosive growth of the field of glycobiology
  • particularly stimulating for major scientific efforts in the field of modern glycosciences. The traditional chemical synthesis of oligosaccharides is lengthy because it involves multiple manipulations of protecting and/or leaving groups between glycosylation steps [5]. Many advanced strategies that shorten the
  • give streamlined access to oligosaccharides (Scheme 1). Yet, the orthogonal strategy remains underdeveloped, with too few examples to become universally applicable. Only Ogawa’s S-phenyl (SPh) versus fluoride [9][10][13] and our thioimidate-based approaches [14][15][16] are known. A very promising
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Published 18 Apr 2012
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