Beilstein J. Org. Chem.2023,19, 1776–1784, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.130
, reported by Sauvage in 1983 [14], the synthetic strategies employed to access MIMs, including catenanes, rotaxanes and molecularknots, have grown in number and complexity of the obtained structures [15]. Thus, currently, synthesis of rotaxanes is usually performed through clipping, capping, snaping or
Graphical Abstract
Figure 1:
a. Active-metal template (reported in the literature) and b. active-metal template clipping (used i...
Beilstein J. Org. Chem.2020,16, 2314–2321, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.192
molecularknots. The modular second-generation approach to small trefoil knots described herein involves electrostatic interactions between an electron-rich bis-macrocyclic host compound and electron-deficient guests in the threading step. The bis-macrocyclic host was synthesized in eight steps and 6.6
Keywords: alkynes; azides; host–guest; macrocycles; molecularknots; Introduction
Macrocycles have played a central role in the development of molecular recognition, self-assembled molecular devices, and molecular topology [1][2][3][4][5][6]. For example, early work by Pedersen on crown ethers [1], Lehn
Herein the synthesis of a unique bis-macrocyclic host 1 is described (Figure 1). Host 1 was designed to be a second-generation building block in the thread–link–cut (TLC) approach to molecularknots [13]. The two 25-atom macrocycles are electron-rich and complementary to the electron-deficient guests bis
Graphical Abstract
Figure 1:
Structures of electron-rich bis-macrocyclic host 1, and electron-poor guests bis(ammonium) 2, and b...