The nanomorphology of cell surfaces of adhered osteoblasts

Christian Voelkner, Mirco Wendt, Regina Lange, Max Ulbrich, Martina Gruening, Susanne Staehlke, Barbara Nebe, Ingo Barke and Sylvia Speller
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 242–256.

Cite the Following Article

The nanomorphology of cell surfaces of adhered osteoblasts
Christian Voelkner, Mirco Wendt, Regina Lange, Max Ulbrich, Martina Gruening, Susanne Staehlke, Barbara Nebe, Ingo Barke and Sylvia Speller
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 242–256.

How to Cite

Voelkner, C.; Wendt, M.; Lange, R.; Ulbrich, M.; Gruening, M.; Staehlke, S.; Nebe, B.; Barke, I.; Speller, S. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 242–256. doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.20

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  • Voelkner, C.; Assi, I.; Karberg, W.; Lange, R.; Neuber, S.; Helm, C. A.; Gruening, M.; Nebe, J. B.; Barke, I.; Speller, S. Response of Osteoblasts to Electric Field Line Patterns Emerging from Molecule Stripe Landscapes. Applied Sciences 2022, 12, 7329. doi:10.3390/app12147329
  • Gruening, M.; Dawson, J. E.; Voelkner, C.; Neuber, S.; Fricke, K.; van Rienen, U.; Speller, S.; Helm, C. A.; Nebe, J. B. Automatic Actin Filament Quantification and Cell Shape Modeling of Osteoblasts on Charged Ti Surfaces. Applied Sciences 2021, 11, 5689. doi:10.3390/app11125689
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