Publishing Community and Sustainability

The following organizations, guidelines and projects are essential to our work as a highly respected scholarly journal. We stand together with other nonprofit organizations and initiatives to promote a more sustainable future for nonprofit scholarly publishing. We also guarantee long-term sustainability by ensuring all content is digitally archived for long-term preservation. If you like what we do and have a proposal on how we could collaborate, please get in touch.

Members of

Logo of Crossref

Crossref – we are members of Crossref, we subscribe to Metadata Plus, and we have a seat on the Crossref Board of Directors

Logo of OASPA

OASPA – we are active members of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), an international community of open access publishers in all scientific, technical and scholarly disciplines

Logo of the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM)

STM – together with other prominent scholarly publishers, we aim to advance trusted research worldwide as members of the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM)

Logo of the Free Journal Network (FJN)

FJN – we are one of the founding members of the Free Journal Network (FJN), a nonprofit organization and coalition of scholar-led, diamond open access journals who follow FairOA principles


ALPSP – we are members of the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP), an international trade association which supports and represents not-for-profit organizations that publish scholarly and professional content, and those that work with them.


Guided by

Logo of the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)

DORA – we are signatories to the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and fully support their mission to improve the ways in which researchers and scholarly research are evaluated


CoARA – we are signatories to the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) and actively participate in their Germany National Chapter. We fully support their commitment to improve the methods by which research, researchers and research organizations are evaluated.


Compliant with

Publishing with the Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology will ensure compliance with all major funding agency publishing mandates including the NIH, NSF, UKRI, ERC, DFG, RCUK, European Commission and Wellcome Trust.

Logo showing Plan S compliance

Plan S – our journal is Plan S compliant and meets all technical specifications and policy requirements as outlined by cOAlition S


Archived in

Logo of Europe PMC

Europe PMC – all articles are archived in Europe PMC, an open science platform that enables access to life science publications and preprints

PubMed Central – all articles are deposited in PubMed Central (the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature) in JATS XML format and are freely available in their open access subset

Logo of Portico

Portico – all articles are archived with Portico, a system developed by the US non-profit organization Ithaka for the long-term archiving of digital objects 

Logo of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

DOAJ – all articles are delivered to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) in their requested XML format, including all necessary metadata


Logo of ORCID

ORCID – we support this nonprofit organization by enabling and highly encouraging all authors to connect their ORCID iD to all submitted articles and preprints

Logo of iThenticate

iThenticate/Similarity Check – we are Similarity Check members and check all submitted manuscripts for similarity to other published content using the iThenticate text comparison software

Logo OA Switchboard

OA Switchboard – to streamline communication with libraries, funders and institutions, we have signed up with the OA Switchboard initiative - an information exchange hub to inform institutions when their researchers publish in our journals.

Logo ROR

ROR – we are part of the Research Organization Registry (ROR) community, which aims to connect researchers and research outputs to affiliations. We automatically collect ROR IDs for all articles we publish and embed them in our freely accessible metadata.

Logo Lens

Lens – we collaborate with, a secure and open infrastructure by the non-profit Cambia social enterprise, in order to provide our readers with the most comprehensive and accurate overview of the impact of individual published articles.

Other Beilstein-Institut Open Science Activities