Graphene oxide–chloroquine conjugate induces DNA damage in A549 lung cancer cells through autophagy modulation

Braham Dutt Arya, Sandeep Mittal, Prachi Joshi, Alok Kumar Pandey, Jaime E. Ramirez-Vick, Govind Gupta and Surinder P. Singh
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2025, 16, 316–332.

Supporting Information

The file contains three figures and one table. Figure S1 demonstrates the optical, functional, structural, and morphological analysis of GO and GO–Chl nanoconjugate via UV–vis, FTIR, Raman Spectroscopy, FESEM, and HRTEM. Figure S2 shows the atomic force microscopy-based topographical analysis of GO nanosheets. Figure S3 represents the XPS survey spectra of GO, GO–Chl, and Chl. Table S1 shows the summary of fitting parameters for the C1s core level spectra for GO, Chl, and GO–Chl samples.

Supporting Information File 1: Additional figures (S1–S3) and table (S1).
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Cite the Following Article

Graphene oxide–chloroquine conjugate induces DNA damage in A549 lung cancer cells through autophagy modulation
Braham Dutt Arya, Sandeep Mittal, Prachi Joshi, Alok Kumar Pandey, Jaime E. Ramirez-Vick, Govind Gupta and Surinder P. Singh
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2025, 16, 316–332.

How to Cite

Arya, B. D.; Mittal, S.; Joshi, P.; Pandey, A. K.; Ramirez-Vick, J. E.; Gupta, G.; Singh, S. P. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2025, 16, 316–332. doi:10.3762/bjnano.16.24

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