Electrical response of liquid crystal cells doped with multi-walled carbon nanotubes

Amanda García-García, Ricardo Vergaz, José F. Algorri, Xabier Quintana and José M. Otón
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 396–403. https://doi.org/10.3762/bjnano.6.39

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Electrical response of liquid crystal cells doped with multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Amanda García-García, Ricardo Vergaz, José F. Algorri, Xabier Quintana and José M. Otón
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 396–403. https://doi.org/10.3762/bjnano.6.39

How to Cite

García-García, A.; Vergaz, R.; Algorri, J. F.; Quintana, X.; Otón, J. M. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 396–403. doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.39

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