Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 380–419, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.33
Figure 1: Schematic representation of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) excitation. (a) SPR wave or surface pla...
Figure 2: Optical spectra (absorption – red, scattering – blue, and extinction – black) of different morpholo...
Figure 3: Manifestation of the governing factors of SPR. Shown are the changes to the peak position while con...
Figure 4: Dissipation ratio of electron–hole pair loss vs phonon loss of the surface plasmon excitation for d...
Figure 5: Extinction efficiencies of gold nanospheres calculated through the quasi-static approximation vs us...
Figure 6: Absorption spectra of Au nanospheres of different diameters showing the shift of excitation wavelen...
Figure 7: Normalized absorption spectra of Ag-NMs with different radii of the concentric spheres irradiated u...
Figure 8: The PT conversion mechanism. (a) Photoexcitation of plasmons. (b) Electron thermalization. (c) Elec...
Figure 9: Radiative and non-radiative decay time scales of the conversion processes in PPT materials. For the...
Figure 10: Hot carrier lifetimes on the Fermi surface and variation between positive and negative curvature, e...
Figure 11: Electron–phonon coupling timescales for different diameters of metal nanoparticles: (a) Ag, (b) Au,...
Figure 12: Comparison of the probability distribution of electrons and holes at various energy levels for coin...
Figure 13: Relaxation process of the phonon vibration. Figure 13i (left panel) was redrawn from [82]. Figure 13ii (right panel) was ad...
Figure 14: Thermal capacitance coefficient (β) for the ellipsoidal, rod, disk, and ring morphologies of Au nan...
Figure 15: Absorption spectra of spherical nanoparticles of Ag, Au, and Cu with radii between 50 and 100 nm an...
Figure 16: PT conversion and thermalization of plasmonic nanoparticles after absorption of a laser pulse. The ...
Figure 17: SEM images of Au nanoassemblies. (a) Hexagonally filled Au polyhedra. (b) Hexagonally filled Au pol...
Figure 18: (i) FDTD calculation of absorption spectra of Au nanorods (aspect ratio of ca. 3) for different num...
Figure 19: TEM images with 50 nm scale bars of linked Ag nanospheres prepared with an injection rate of 5 μL/m...
Figure 20: TEM images of CuS, metal, and bimetal plasmonic nanoparticles and the corresponding temperature ris...
Figure 21: (i) (a, b) SEM images of a black Au membrane in a hexagonal ordered array of AAO. (c) Thermal image...
Figure 22: (i) Simulated electric field intensities of Ag/SiO2 at the ZX plane: (a) Core–shell (dAg = 40 nm, t...
Figure 23: Integrated nanostructures for PT conversion. (i) Hollow mesoporous bimetallic (Ag/Au) nanoshells fo...
Figure 24: PT conversion efficiencies of different transition metal nitrides (HfN, ZrN, and TiN) and the corre...
Figure 25: Colloidal stability of nanoparticles for different particle sizes from 8 to 68 nm of organic pigmen...
Figure 26: Illustration of the chemical interaction stability of nanoparticles. (i) Chemical interactions betw...
Figure 27: Thermal stability of Ag and Au nanoparticles of different shapes at different temperatures. (i) (a)...
Figure 28: Thermal stability of Au nanorods at increasing temperatures. (i) Aspect ratio and plasmonic absorba...