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Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 694–703, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.57
Figure 1: (a) Microcantilever beams with different inputs (purple) and outputs (red). (b) Diagram of the brid...
Figure 2: Bode plot of the response of the macroscale bridge/cantilever coupled system.
Figure 3: Lower surface schematic diagram of the macroscale bridge/cantilever coupled system model. The total...
Figure 4: The first two orders of modal frequency response of a traditional rectangular cantilever beam (blue...
Figure 5: The modal response of the left side of the coupled system for lengths l of 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 2.75, ...
Figure 6: (a) Influence of different excitation positions la of the coupled system on the modal response when ...
Figure 7: Experimental setup of the macroscale cantilever platform.
Figure 8: Image of the macroscale cantilever. The left side is clamped by (a) a size-adjustable optical dry p...
Figure 9: Sweep results for (a) the traditional rectangular cantilever beam and (b) the bridge/cantilever cou...
Figure 10: First two orders of frequency response of traditional cantilever beam (blue) and bridge/cantilever ...
Figure 11: Experimental results of the first two orders of frequency response for different lengths of the lef...
Figure 12: Experimental influence of excitation position la on the first two orders of modal response when l =...
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 775–785, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.61
Figure 1: Snapshot of the AM mode molecular dynamics simulation. Zc is the distance between the virtual atom ...
Figure 2: Mathematical model of compressed-sensing AFM imaging. The image obtained by AFM can be regarded as ...
Figure 3: The block diagram of fast molecular simulation method for AFM imaging based on Bayesian compressed ...
Figure 4: The flow chart of the proposed SRCNN reconstruction method. First, the low-resolution simulated ima...
Figure 5: The interaction energy maps of graphite and gold samples obtained by molecular dynamics simulation....
Figure 6: The reconstructed results of Figure 5a with size of 51 × 51. The first column is the original image, the sec...
Figure 7: The reconstructed results of Figure 5h with size of 101 × 101. The first line is the result of the BCS algor...
Figure 8: Reconstructed results of the other seven images. The upper image of each group shows the result of ...
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 2346–2356, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.225
Figure 1: The schematic of removing impulse noise from AFM images based on Bayesian compressed sensing.
Figure 2: Mathematical model of compressed sensing AFM imaging.
Figure 3: Comparison of denoising between the interval-BCS denoising, the median filter and the adaptive medi...
Figure 4: Comparison of interval-BCS denoising with different upper and lower limits. (a) Original image. (b)...
Figure 5: Denoised images. (a1–d1) Original images. (a2–d2) Images with added impulse noise with a density of...
Figure 6: Denoised results comparison of the proposed method, the median filter and the adaptive median filte...
Figure 7: (a) AFM image with added noise of high density. (b) Denoised image obtained by the interval-BCS den...
Figure 8: (a) AFM image with added noise. (b) Denoised image obtained by the interval-BCS denoising. (c) Deno...