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Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 1353–1361, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.108
Figure 1: Photographs of structures taken with an optical microscope. (a) Chip with samples A1–A4 and (b) sam...
Figure 2: SEM image of the edge of the Hf/Ti bridge structure made with the lift-off process.
Figure 3: The dependence of resistance versus temperature (black dots) for the test samples: (a) A1, (b) A2, ...
Figure 4: The temperature dependence of resistance of sample C1 (blue squares), sample A4 (red triangles), an...
Figure 5: The temperature and resistance relation for sample A4 and its fits with the Aslamazov–Larkin formul...
Figure 6: (a) Dependence of normalized derivatives δR/δT versus T/TC ratio for samples C1 (green curve) and A...
Figure 7: TES characteristics calculated from the parameters of sample A4. (a) Ampere–watt sensitivity and (b...
Figure 8: Energy resolution δE as a function of TES square edge length.
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 582–589, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.50
Figure 1: (a) Scheme of the measurement electronics with thermal anchoring and various filtering stages. (b) ...
Figure 2: (a) The current–voltage characteristics of the Josephson junction with Ic = 8.6 μA at 50 mK. The re...
Figure 3: Width of the switching current distribution of the Josephson junction. One can see a standard behav...
Figure 4: The lifetime of the junction as a function of the bias current at temperatures of 50 mK (green), 30...
Figure 5: The switching probability of the JJ as a function of the power of the signal (with duration 50 ms) ...
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 960–965, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.80
Figure 1: Experimentally measured histogram P(ISW) of switching the Josephson junction to the resistive state...
Figure 2: Temperature dependence of the mean switching current (left axis, red dots) and its standard deviati...
Figure 3: Experimental lifetime as function of the bias current for different sample temperatures (symbols) a...
Figure 4: Detection probability of 9 GHz 50 ms pulses of different power (signal attenuation) for different v...