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Search for "dye degradation" in Full Text gives 30 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.

Visible light photooxidative performance of a high-nuclearity molecular bismuth vanadium oxide cluster

  • Johannes Tucher and
  • Carsten Streb

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2014, 5, 711–716, doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.83

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  • . In these screening reactions it was found that 1 performs as an effective visible-light driven photooxidant for the degradation of indigo, see Figure 2. Photooxidative activity of 1 In detail, it was found that dye degradation under visible light irradiation (here: λ = 430 nm) is significantly
  • enhanced by the presence of photocatalyst 1. After tirradiation = 80 min and under anaerobic conditions, virtually full dye degradation in the presence of 1 is observed ([Ind]/[Ind]0 < 3%), see Figure 2. In the absence of any photocatalyst, the dye concentration after an identical irradiation time is [Ind
  • ]/[Ind]0 ca. 85%, illustrating the visible-light photooxidative activity of 1. Initial spectroscopic and gas chromatographic analyses suggest that dye degradation is only partial and no full mineralization leading to the formation of CO or CO2 was observed. Aerobic vs anaerobic photocatalytic activity of
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Published 26 May 2014

Nanostructure sensitization of transition metal oxides for visible-light photocatalysis

  • Hongjun Chen and
  • Lianzhou Wang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2014, 5, 696–710, doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.82

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  • carbon nanodot–TiO2 nanotube [130], carbon nanodot–SrTiO3 film [131], carbon nanodot–TiO2 nanoparticle [114], and carbon nanodot–ZnO nanorod arrays [132], exhibited a good performance for photoelectrochemical water splitting or photocatalytic activity in dye degradation under visible light irradiation
Published 23 May 2014

Mesoporous cerium oxide nanospheres for the visible-light driven photocatalytic degradation of dyes

  • Subas K. Muduli,
  • Songling Wang,
  • Shi Chen,
  • Chin Fan Ng,
  • Cheng Hon Alfred Huan,
  • Tze Chien Sum and
  • Han Sen Soo

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2014, 5, 517–523, doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.60

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  • , suggesting that the mechanism of photocatalytic activity under visible-light irradiation involves predominantly hydroxyl radicals as the active species. Keywords: cerium oxide; dye degradation; mesoporous; photocatalysis; visible light; Introduction The degradation of organic pollutants by affordable and
  • additional experimental data. Supporting Information File 58: Synthesis procedure, characterization, and dye degradation studies. Acknowledgements H. S. Soo is supported by a NTU start-up grant (M4081012) and the Nanyang Assistant Professorship (M4081154). T. C. Sum is supported by a NTU start-up grant
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Published 24 Apr 2014

Applicability and costs of nanofiltration in combination with photocatalysis for the treatment of dye house effluents

  • Wolfgang M. Samhaber and
  • Minh Tan Nguyen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2014, 5, 476–484, doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.55

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  • and 6 US$ per m3 of treated effluent depending on plant size, quality of effluent to be treated and required treatment limits. Conclusion The combination of NF with photocatalysis is capable of increasing the efficiency of the dye degradation process. NF possesses the ability to reject organic colour
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Published 15 Apr 2014

Mesoporous MgTa2O6 thin films with enhanced photocatalytic activity: On the interplay between crystallinity and mesostructure

  • Jin-Ming Wu,
  • Igor Djerdj,
  • Till von Graberg and
  • Bernd M. Smarsly

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2012, 3, 123–133, doi:10.3762/bjnano.3.13

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  • addressed the influence of the heat-treatment temperature (i.e., crystallite size) on the photocatalytic activity. Thereby, the influence of the crystallite size and mesostructural organization on the photocatalytic activity was systematically investigated by using dye degradation as a qualitative measure
  • that, of all the various oxide films, the KLE derived mesoporous MgTa2O6 film possessed the highest activity in assisting the photodegradation of RhB in water. Interestingly, PIB6000-templated mesoporous MgTa2O6 thin film showed a very similar dye-degradation activity as compared with the KLE-templated
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Published 13 Feb 2012
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