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Search for "methyl groups" in Full Text gives 36 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.

The role of low-energy electrons in focused electron beam induced deposition: four case studies of representative precursors

  • Rachel M. Thorman,
  • Ragesh Kumar T. P.,
  • D. Howard Fairbrother and
  • Oddur Ingólfsson

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 1904–1926, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.194

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  • evident that the most efficient DEA channel is the loss of one methyl ligand. In contrast, the highest intensity DI channel is the loss of two methyl groups, along with the loss of two methyl groups and one or more hydrogen atoms. The second most efficient DI channel is half as intense and corresponds to
Published 16 Sep 2015

Synthesis, characterization and in vitro biocompatibility study of Au/TMC/Fe3O4 nanocomposites as a promising, nontoxic system for biomedical applications

  • Hanieh Shirazi,
  • Maryam Daneshpour,
  • Soheila Kashanian and
  • Kobra Omidfar

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 1677–1689, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.170

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  • between the patterns of TMC and chitosan: for TMC, there is a peak at about 1471 cm−1 related to the C–H asymmetrical stretching mode present in methyl groups, which was not detected in the chitosan spectrum. Also, near 1603 cm−1 in the FTIR spectrum of chitosan, the N–H angular deformation peak of the
  • those with chitosan, which is in agreement with the results of other analyses. In addition, higher value of C in the TMC-contained sample could be related to the methyl groups from the chitosan molecules from the TMC synthesis. Figure 1e shows that the measured saturated magnetization for Au/chitosan
  • weight chitosan and 50 mL of NMP were mixed and stirred for 12 h at rt. Then, 8 mL of sodium hydroxide (15%) and 3 g of sodium iodide were added to the mixture which was stirred for 15 min at 60 °C. Later, 8 mL of iodomethane (as the source of methyl groups) were added in three steps every three hours
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Published 03 Aug 2015

Electrical properties and mechanical stability of anchoring groups for single-molecule electronics

  • Riccardo Frisenda,
  • Simge Tarkuç,
  • Elena Galán,
  • Mickael L. Perrin,
  • Rienk Eelkema,
  • Ferdinand C. Grozema and
  • Herre S. J. van der Zant

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 1558–1567, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.159

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  • methyl groups are not cleaved away when the molecules make contact with the gold contacts [42]. Since the absolute value of displacement, at which the gold wire ruptures, changes from trace to trace, we define the zero of displacement, for each breaking trace, as the point where the conductance drops
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Published 17 Jul 2015

Entropy effects in the collective dynamic behavior of alkyl monolayers tethered to Si(111)

  • Christian Godet

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 583–594, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.60

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  • ]. Recently, the temperature dependence of the molecular relaxation frequency (at low reverse bias) has revealed the sensitivity of its activation energy to end-group functionalization, namely increased motional constraints with carboxylic acid substitution to methyl groups [40]. This extension of our
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Published 26 Feb 2015
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  • influence of a quaternary ammonium group with its pH-independent, permanently positive charge surrounded by three hydrophobic methyl groups. The result of the corresponding turbidity measurements at pH 6.8 is shown in Figure 5. First of all, it is evident that the monomeric compounds are much less efficient
  • should be the same (+1 elementary charges). An explanation for the higher turbidity induced by allylamineQ compared with allylamine could be the influence of hydrophobic interactions induced by the methyl groups. This effect has already been described by Robinson et al. [48] when studying the turbidity
  • containing the compound TMEDA with two methyl groups on each of the two nitrogen atoms exhibits by far the largest turbidity. In contrast, the non-methylated compound EN exhibits the lowest absorption, even slightly below the control. The absorbance curves for two partly methylated substances MEEN and ENQ
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Published 06 Nov 2014

Resonance of graphene nanoribbons doped with nitrogen and boron: a molecular dynamics study

  • Ye Wei,
  • Haifei Zhan,
  • Kang Xia,
  • Wendong Zhang,
  • Shengbo Sang and
  • Yuantong Gu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2014, 5, 717–725, doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.84

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  • synthesised through chemical functionalization with hydroxy and methyl groups or hydrogen [10], the decoration with quantum dots [11], noble metal nanoparticles (NPs) [12], or complex biomolecular structures [13][14]. A number of works have been conducted to investigate the properties of graphene derivatives
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Published 27 May 2014

Surface assembly and nanofabrication of 1,1,1-tris(mercaptomethyl)heptadecane on Au(111) studied with time-lapse atomic force microscopy

  • Tian Tian,
  • Burapol Singhana,
  • Lauren E. Englade-Franklin,
  • Xianglin Zhai,
  • T. Randall Lee and
  • Jayne C. Garno

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2014, 5, 26–35, doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.3

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  • nanografted pattern compared to the matrix for the lateral force image of Figure 5b, even though TMMH and ODT are both terminated with methyl groups. The darker contrast could be attributable to differences in packing density: the nanografted pattern appears to be more dense than the surrounding SAM of TMMH
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Published 09 Jan 2014

Spin relaxation in antiferromagnetic Fe–Fe dimers slowed down by anisotropic DyIII ions

  • Valeriu Mereacre,
  • Frederik Klöwer,
  • Yanhua Lan,
  • Rodolphe Clérac,
  • Juliusz A. Wolny,
  • Volker Schünemann,
  • Christopher E. Anson and
  • Annie K. Powell

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2013, 4, 807–814, doi:10.3762/bjnano.4.92

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  • described as distorted bicapped trigonal prisms. The molecular structure of the Fe4Y2 aggregate in 2 is very similar to that of the Fe4Dy2 in 1, and differs only in the replacement of the n-butyl groups in 1 by methyl groups and the replacement of DyIII by YIII. At temperatures higher than 20 K the
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Published 27 Nov 2013

Ellipsometry and XPS comparative studies of thermal and plasma enhanced atomic layer deposited Al2O3-films

  • Jörg Haeberle,
  • Karsten Henkel,
  • Hassan Gargouri,
  • Franziska Naumann,
  • Bernd Gruska,
  • Michael Arens,
  • Massimo Tallarida and
  • Dieter Schmeißer

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2013, 4, 732–742, doi:10.3762/bjnano.4.83

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  • with adsorbed methyl groups (284.5 eV) or adsorbed hydro-carbons (285 eV) but are inserted in an oxidic matrix. The formation of C–O bonds results in core level energies at around 286 eV (Figure 5). Second, the peak position of the C1s (Figure 5) varies in the same way as that of the Al2p and the O1s
  • were observed. However, the PE-ALD at this temperature exhibits favorably increased growth rates and reduced carbon contaminations. The reduction of the deposition temperature of the PE-ALD down to rt leads to the integration of carbon, COO and CHx compounds. Methyl groups and derivatives of the TMA
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Published 08 Nov 2013

Self-assembled monolayers and titanium dioxide: From surface patterning to potential applications

  • Yaron Paz

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2011, 2, 845–861, doi:10.3762/bjnano.2.94

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  • or TDD formed TiO2 on the hydrophilic silanol groups but not on the hydrophobic methyl groups of OTS, TE induced TiO2 growth on both types of substrates without any preference. Regardless of the precursor, the obtained TiO2 films were amorphous. Conversion to anatase took place at 300 °C when TC was
Published 20 Dec 2011

Superhydrophobicity in perfection: the outstanding properties of the lotus leaf

  • Hans J. Ensikat,
  • Petra Ditsche-Kuru,
  • Christoph Neinhuis and
  • Wilhelm Barthlott

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2011, 2, 152–161, doi:10.3762/bjnano.2.19

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  • , but X-ray diffraction analyses (Figure 12) are in accordance with a layer structure model in which the OH-groups are buried deep in the layer, while the layer surface consists only of non-polar methyl groups [11][18]. In contrast, primary alcohols such as the widespread octacosan-1-ol, which occurs in
  • for aliphatic waxes which present only methyl groups on the surface. According to the layer structure model, the tubules are strongly curved helically growing layers. While straight long-chained alkane molecules form flat layers and regular platelet crystals, secondary alcohols and ketones carry
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Published 10 Mar 2011
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