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Search for "monodisperse" in Full Text gives 125 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.

Novel hollow titanium dioxide nanospheres with antimicrobial activity against resistant bacteria

  • Carol López de Dicastillo,
  • Cristian Patiño,
  • María José Galotto,
  • Yesseny Vásquez-Martínez,
  • Claudia Torrent,
  • Daniela Alburquenque,
  • Alejandro Pereira and
  • Juan Escrig

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1716–1725, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.167

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  • spherical particles due to the low-viscosity-based solution. In this process, the electric field generated monodisperse drops that contracted due to the fast evaporation of the solvent induced by Columbic explosion [21][22]. Figure 2a–c shows photographs of the three steps of the process: electrosprayed
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Published 19 Aug 2019

Doxorubicin-loaded human serum albumin nanoparticles overcome transporter-mediated drug resistance in drug-adapted cancer cells

  • Hannah Onafuye,
  • Sebastian Pieper,
  • Dennis Mulac,
  • Jindrich Cinatl Jr.,
  • Mark N. Wass,
  • Klaus Langer and
  • Martin Michaelis

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1707–1715, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.166

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  • 460 and 500 nm and polydispersity indices in the range of 0.153 and 0.213, indicating a narrow but not monodisperse size distribution (Table 1). The spherical shape and narrow size distribution of HSA nanoparticles was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as depicted for nanoparticles
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Published 14 Aug 2019

On the relaxation time of interacting superparamagnetic nanoparticles and implications for magnetic fluid hyperthermia

  • Andrei Kuncser,
  • Nicusor Iacob and
  • Victor E. Kuncser

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1280–1289, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.127

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  • investigation of the relaxation time through SAR measurements is to express the power absorbed per unit volume of nanoparticles, P*, within Rosensweig’s model [21] specific to monodisperse noninteracting nanoparticles of a given volume, V. Nanoparticles that are smaller than a critical size that lead to the
  • suggest that anisotropy energy barriers and hence the switching time provided by Equation 5 may be altered by the volume fraction of the system of monodisperse (identical) nanoparticles. However, any information on the characteristic time constant τ0 is out of reach with this approach and this aspect will
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Published 24 Jun 2019

Tailoring the magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles using the polyol process

  • Malek Bibani,
  • Romain Breitwieser,
  • Alex Aubert,
  • Vincent Loyau,
  • Silvana Mercone,
  • Souad Ammar and
  • Fayna Mammeri

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1166–1176, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.116

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  • emerged as promising and versatile chemical route for the preparation of highly crystalline, monodisperse particles that are isotropic in shape [20][21]. Polyols act not only of solvents, but also as complexing ligands, avoiding the presence of any surfactant. Hydrolysis ratio, nature of polyol, synthesis
  • stoichiometric NPs of different sizes, between 5 and 7 nm, in diethylene glycol, starting from iron and cobalt acetates, and using a seed-mediated growth approach [23]. They obtained monodisperse and stable particles, superparamagnetic at room temperature (RT), with, once again, high saturation magnetization
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Published 04 Jun 2019

Serum type and concentration both affect the protein-corona composition of PLGA nanoparticles

  • Katrin Partikel,
  • Robin Korte,
  • Dennis Mulac,
  • Hans-Ulrich Humpf and
  • Klaus Langer

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1002–1015, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.101

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  • easily trackable in cell culture experiments. Prior to NP incubation with increasing amounts of serum (FBS, human serum) and protein corona analysis the NPs were characterized accurately by PCS and zeta potential measurements. The obtained NPs showed a diameter of approximately 200 nm and a monodisperse
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Published 06 May 2019

Structural and optical properties of penicillamine-protected gold nanocluster fractions separated by sequential size-selective fractionation

  • Xiupei Yang,
  • Zhengli Yang,
  • Fenglin Tang,
  • Jing Xu,
  • Maoxue Zhang and
  • Martin M. F. Choi

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 955–966, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.96

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  • purity and monodisperse NCs is often critical because these variables can distort optical and electronic measurements, or hinder the self-assembly process of nanoscale structures [5]. Therefore, the effective control of the size distribution of NCs will facilitate the tunability of the properties of the
  • the above mentioned methods, slight changes in reaction conditions may have a large effect on the product. Therefore, there are still major challenges in developing a strategy for synthesis of monodisperse NCs [12]. In order to obtain NCs with a low polydispersity index, various separation techniques
  • them from widely being used for the fractionation of NCs into monodisperse sizes. Moreover, the fractionation of monolayer-protected NCs by other methods often depends on the core or ligand properties, in addition to being time-consuming and sophisticated. Size-selective precipitation is a simple and
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Published 25 Apr 2019

Thermal control of the defunctionalization of supported Au25(glutathione)18 catalysts for benzyl alcohol oxidation

  • Zahraa Shahin,
  • Hyewon Ji,
  • Rodica Chiriac,
  • Nadine Essayem,
  • Franck Rataboul and
  • Aude Demessence

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 228–237, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.21

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  • ], direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide by the hydrogenation of O2 [3], ozone decomposition [4], selective oxidation reactions [5][6][7][8] and so on. However, a debate regarding the particle size effect on the catalytic activity and the concerns related to the synthesis and stabilization of monodisperse
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Published 18 Jan 2019

Study of silica-based intrinsically emitting nanoparticles produced by an excimer laser

  • Imène Reghioua,
  • Mattia Fanetti,
  • Sylvain Girard,
  • Diego Di Francesca,
  • Simonpietro Agnello,
  • Layla Martin-Samos,
  • Marco Cannas,
  • Matjaz Valant,
  • Melanie Raine,
  • Marc Gaillardin,
  • Nicolas Richard,
  • Philippe Paillet,
  • Aziz Boukenter,
  • Youcef Ouerdane and
  • Antonino Alessi

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 211–221, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.19

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  • irradiation. This experimental result indicates that it would be difficult to obtain monodisperse, regularly shape nanoparticles by increasing or decreasing the energy per pulse of a nanosecond pulsed laser with a spot size of millimeters. In the following we consider that the particles of irregular shape are
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Published 16 Jan 2019

Mechanism of silica–lysozyme composite formation unravelled by in situ fast SAXS

  • Tomasz M. Stawski,
  • Daniela B. van den Heuvel,
  • Rogier Besselink,
  • Dominique J. Tobler and
  • Liane G. Benning

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 182–197, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.17

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  • valid only for a system of ideally monodisperse particles (i.e., the distribution is a delta function), which is actually not the case for the silica NPs used here (Figure 1B). This is an important consideration when including the interparticle interactions from the structure factor. There are several
  • approaches to consider the polydispersity of particles together with a structure factor [33], but because the fitted size distribution (histogram in Figure 1B) is discrete with a finite number of n bins a local monodisperse approximation (LMA) [34] is used in our models: where Pp(q,ri) is the form factor of
  • system characterized by a monodisperse particle distribution with only a single value of for a given RHS and the resulting Nagg. For a polydisperse distribution, as in our study, although a population of primary particles is described by D(ri) (Equation 2), the resulting distribution of aggregate sizes
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Published 14 Jan 2019

Charged particle single nanometre manufacturing

  • Philip D. Prewett,
  • Cornelis W. Hagen,
  • Claudia Lenk,
  • Steve Lenk,
  • Marcus Kaestner,
  • Tzvetan Ivanov,
  • Ahmad Ahmad,
  • Ivo W. Rangelow,
  • Xiaoqing Shi,
  • Stuart A. Boden,
  • Alex P. G. Robinson,
  • Dongxu Yang,
  • Sangeetha Hari,
  • Marijke Scotuzzi and
  • Ejaz Huq

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2855–2882, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.266

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Published 14 Nov 2018

Near-infrared light harvesting of upconverting NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+-based amorphous silicon solar cells investigated by an optical filter

  • Daiming Liu,
  • Qingkang Wang and
  • Qing Wang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2788–2793, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.260

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  • smooth facets. No nanoparticles are observed and the UC nanorods exhibit a monodisperse size distribution. On average, they are ca. 200 nm in diameter and ca. 1.5 μm in length. According to the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns in Figure 1b, with increasing reaction time, reflections of the hexagonal β
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Published 31 Oct 2018

Enhanced antineoplastic/therapeutic efficacy using 5-fluorouracil-loaded calcium phosphate nanoparticles

  • Shanid Mohiyuddin,
  • Saba Naqvi and
  • Gopinath Packirisamy

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2499–2515, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.233

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  • uniformly dispersed in oil, forming a water-in-oil (W/O) microemulsion system [24]. Highly monodisperse, stable, size controllable and chemically reproducible nanoparticles can be formed by adopting the aforementioned method. The anionic surfactant (AOT) in the organic solvent forms the oil dispersion media
  • were prepared by a reverse micelle microemulsion method. The highly monodisperse nanoparticles were synthesized and subsequently validated by the presence of phosphate ester bonds in FTIR analysis and again the presence of the hydroxyapatite peak in the XRD analysis confirmed their successful formation
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Published 20 Sep 2018

Lead-free hybrid perovskites for photovoltaics

  • Oleksandr Stroyuk

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2209–2235, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.207

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  • possible size/shape effects to be investigated with respect to the optical, luminescent and photovoltaic properties of such materials. For example, reasonably monodisperse ≈10 nm NCs of a variety of CsSnX3 HPs (X = Cl, Br, I, Cl/Br, Br/I) can be produced (Figure 7a) by a general hot injection method using
Published 21 Aug 2018

Nanoconjugates of a calixresorcinarene derivative with methoxy poly(ethylene glycol) fragments for drug encapsulation

  • Alina M. Ermakova,
  • Julia E. Morozova,
  • Yana V. Shalaeva,
  • Victor V. Syakaev,
  • Aidar T. Gubaidullin,
  • Alexandra D. Voloshina,
  • Vladimir V. Zobov,
  • Irek R. Nizameev,
  • Olga B. Bazanova,
  • Igor S. Antipin and
  • Alexander I. Konovalov

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2057–2070, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.195

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  • interact with each other (Figure S5, Supporting Information File 1). Figure 2a presents the resulting scattering curve of the aqueous solution of 3 after the subtraction of water scattering. The character of scattering corresponds to a monodisperse particle system. Power-law slopes from the data in the
  • radius of gyration Rg and the forward scattering I(0) were calculated by using the Guinier plot (Figure 2b) and are 53.5 ± 1.8 Å and 531 ± 18, respectively. Additionally, with the help of the PRIMUS software [26] the fitting of SAXS spectra in a globular model with a local monodisperse approximation was
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Published 27 Jul 2018

Fabrication of photothermally active poly(vinyl alcohol) films with gold nanostars for antibacterial applications

  • Mykola Borzenkov,
  • Maria Moros,
  • Claudia Tortiglione,
  • Serena Bertoldi,
  • Nicola Contessi,
  • Silvia Faré,
  • Angelo Taglietti,
  • Agnese D’Agostino,
  • Piersandro Pallavicini,
  • Maddalena Collini and
  • Giuseppe Chirico

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2040–2048, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.193

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  • that the detected spots in the confocal image were single nanoparticles. The distribution of the reflectivity of the spots on each layer did not change more than a few tens of percent units, indicating that if any aggregation is occurring it is very monodisperse. It is hardly conceivable that all of
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Published 23 Jul 2018

Synthesis of a MnO2/Fe3O4/diatomite nanocomposite as an efficient heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst for methylene blue degradation

  • Zishun Li,
  • Xuekun Tang,
  • Kun Liu,
  • Jing Huang,
  • Yueyang Xu,
  • Qian Peng and
  • Minlin Ao

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1940–1950, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.185

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  • , Supporting Information File 1), the SEM and TEM images show that the pure MnO2 agglomerates into large micrometer-sized particles, in contrast to the monodisperse nano-MnO2 in the MnO2/Fe3O4/diatomite composite. The TEM analysis confirms the successful synthesis of the core–shell structured MnO2/Fe3O4
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Published 06 Jul 2018

Controllable one-pot synthesis of uniform colloidal TiO2 particles in a mixed solvent solution for photocatalysis

  • Jong Tae Moon,
  • Seung Ki Lee and
  • Ji Bong Joo

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1715–1727, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.163

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  • influences of synthetic parameters such as a solvent composition, surfactant concentration, and concentration of the titanium butoxide. Under the optimum ratio of mixed solvent conditions (ethanol/acetonitrile 3:1), uniform and monodisperse colloidal TiO2 particles were obtained. As the concentration of
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Published 08 Jun 2018

Closed polymer containers based on phenylboronic esters of resorcinarenes

  • Tatiana Yu. Sergeeva,
  • Rezeda K. Mukhitova,
  • Irek R. Nizameev,
  • Marsil K. Kadirov,
  • Polina D. Klypina,
  • Albina Y. Ziganshina and
  • Alexander I. Konovalov

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1594–1601, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.151

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  • bond SRA with BA and to form closed polymer particles. The size and dispersity of the particles depend on the volume of styrene used. Styrene and water in the ratio 1:40 (2.5 vol %) yields to the most monodisperse and uniform particles with a hydrodynamic diameter of about 200 nm and a polydispersity
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Published 29 May 2018

Interaction-tailored organization of large-area colloidal assemblies

  • Silvia Rizzato,
  • Elisabetta Primiceri,
  • Anna Grazia Monteduro,
  • Adriano Colombelli,
  • Angelo Leo,
  • Maria Grazia Manera,
  • Roberto Rella and
  • Giuseppe Maruccio

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1582–1593, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.150

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  • of nanoscale patterns such as nanoscale holes (nanoholes), nanoscale disks (nanodisks), nanoscale dots (nanodots) and nanoscale rings (nanorings), combining the advantages of both top-down and bottom-up approaches [16][17][18]. In this technique, monodisperse, spherical, nanoscale materials (usually
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Published 29 May 2018

Preparation and morphology-dependent wettability of porous alumina membranes

  • Dmitry L. Shimanovich,
  • Alla I. Vorobjova,
  • Daria I. Tishkevich,
  • Alex V. Trukhanov,
  • Maxim V. Zdorovets and
  • Artem L. Kozlovskiy

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1423–1436, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.135

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  • -monodisperse cylindrical pores [23][24]. Membranes obtained by traditional methods have a three-dimensional pore structure that has a large pore size distribution, which does not allow high permeability values to be obtained [9][25][26]. Therefore, the optimization of parameters such as the diameter and length
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Published 15 May 2018

Colorimetric detection of Cu2+ based on the formation of peptide–copper complexes on silver nanoparticle surfaces

  • Gajanan Sampatrao Ghodake,
  • Surendra Krishna Shinde,
  • Rijuta Ganesh Saratale,
  • Avinash Ashok Kadam,
  • Ganesh Dattatraya Saratale,
  • Asad Syed,
  • Fuad Ameen and
  • Dae-Young Kim

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1414–1422, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.134

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  • monodisperse in nature with a narrow size distribution, as expected from the narrow absorbance peak centered at 410 nm. The UV–vis spectroscopic data were collected before and after centrifugation (10000 rpm for 12 min) to observe how the SPR peak width and shift changed with the removal of unbound/unreacted
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Published 15 May 2018
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  • drying, 10 µL of monodisperse silica microspheres in water was deposited on the clean silicon substrates and dried in air to produce a surface film of Si spheres. The substrate and dried microspheres were placed in an oven at 150 °C for 20 h. The annealing heating step was used to temporarily solder the
  • ]. Steps for preparing nanopatterned CMPS-porphyrin heterostructures. (a) Monodisperse silica spheres were deposited on Si(111) to form a surface mask for particle lithography. (b) After immersion in OTS solution, the microspheres were rinsed away to reveal nanoholes of OTS. (c) With a second immersion
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Published 17 Apr 2018

Material discrimination and mixture ratio estimation in nanocomposites via harmonic atomic force microscopy

  • Weijie Zhang,
  • Yuhang Chen,
  • Xicheng Xia and
  • Jiaru Chu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 2771–2780, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.276

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  • should also be easily distinguishable from the topography, which is suitable for the verification of the capability of harmonic AFM in discriminating materials. The third kind of sample is a mixture of monodisperse PS NPs and SiO2 with the same diameter of about 100 nm. The mixture ratios (SiO2/PS) were
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Published 21 Dec 2017

PTFE-based microreactor system for the continuous synthesis of full-visible-spectrum emitting cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals

  • Chengxi Zhang,
  • Weiling Luan,
  • Yuhang Yin and
  • Fuqian Yang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 2521–2529, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.252

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  • , there is no report on the continuous synthesis of perovskite nanocrystals via microreactor systems, even though these systems have been successfully used to synthesize CdSe [25], CdSe/ZnS [26], CdSexTe1−x [27], and CdS [28] QDs, as well as monodisperse Au–Ag alloy nanoparticles [29]. In this work, we
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Published 28 Nov 2017

Synthesis and characterization of noble metal–titania core–shell nanostructures with tunable shell thickness

  • Bartosz Bartosewicz,
  • Marta Michalska-Domańska,
  • Malwina Liszewska,
  • Dariusz Zasada and
  • Bartłomiej J. Jankiewicz

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 2083–2093, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.208

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  • the reduction of silver nitrate with hydroxylamine hydrochloride [50][51]. In both cases, relatively monodisperse spherical or quasi-spherical metal NPs with a mean particle diameter of around 100 nm were obtained (Table 1, Figure 1 and Figure S1, Supporting Information File 1). Initially, we also
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Published 05 Oct 2017
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