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Search for "photocatalysts" in Full Text gives 113 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.

Nanocasting synthesis of BiFeO3 nanoparticles with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity

  • Thomas Cadenbach,
  • Maria J. Benitez,
  • A. Lucia Morales,
  • Cesar Costa Vera,
  • Luis Lascano,
  • Francisco Quiroz,
  • Alexis Debut and
  • Karla Vizuete

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1822–1833, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.164

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  • the complete mineralization of dyes is achieved by the generation of hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals [10][11]. Traditional photocatalysts, such as TiO2 or ZnO, provide chemical stability and facile preparation methods [12][13]. However, their environmental benefit in large-scale industrial
  • photocatalysts with narrow bandgaps in the visible-light region in combination with a slow electron–hole recombination has attracted a great deal of interest [18]. Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) is one of those photocatalysts and has been intensively researched in the past few years due to its narrow bandgap in the
  • lead to a decrease in photocatalytic activity due to crystal defects and local distortions altering the skin layer of the BiFeO3 photocatalysts [28][53][56]. From this results we conclude that the nanocasting method for the synthesis of BiFeO3 does not only produce pure-phase, uniform BiFeO3 with a
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Published 07 Dec 2020

High-responsivity hybrid α-Ag2S/Si photodetector prepared by pulsed laser ablation in liquid

  • Raid A. Ismail,
  • Hanan A. Rawdhan and
  • Duha S. Ahmed

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1596–1607, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.142

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  • ][6]. Silver sulfide nanoparticles (NPs) are extensively used in many applications, such as photoconductors, solar cells, infrared (IR) photodetectors, biosensors, photocatalysts, and probes [7][8][9]. A number of techniques have been used to synthesize nanostructured Ag2S, including facile
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Published 21 Oct 2020

Cu2O nanoparticles for the degradation of methyl parathion

  • Juan Rizo,
  • David Díaz,
  • Benito Reyes-Trejo and
  • M. Josefina Arellano-Jiménez

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1546–1555, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.137

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  • degradation time while increasing the degradation efficacy. Our results suggest that the surface basicity of Cu2O NPs leads to degradation of MP without the need of other chemical substances or the use of photocatalysts that generate free radicals. The presence of free radicals is undesired since there is a
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Published 12 Oct 2020

Effect of Ag loading position on the photocatalytic performance of TiO2 nanocolumn arrays

  • Jinghan Xu,
  • Yanqi Liu and
  • Yan Zhao

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 717–728, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.59

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  • ) of Ag and the absorption of light by TiO2. These results represent a promising step forward to the development of high-performance photocatalysts for energy conversion and storage. Keywords: anodic aluminum oxide template; nanocolumn arrays; photocatalysis; surface plasmon resonance; Introduction
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Published 05 May 2020

Synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic performance of 0D/2D CuO/tourmaline composite photocatalysts

  • Changqiang Yu,
  • Min Wen,
  • Zhen Tong,
  • Shuhua Li,
  • Yanhong Yin,
  • Xianbin Liu,
  • Yesheng Li,
  • Tongxiang Liang,
  • Ziping Wu and
  • Dionysios D. Dionysiou

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 407–416, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.31

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  • tourmaline-based functional composite photocatalysts for the treatment of organic contaminants in water. Keywords: 0D/2D CuO; organic contaminants; photocatalytic activity; photoinduced charge separation; tourmaline; Introduction Developing a novel semiconductor with excellent photoreactive activity toward
  • the treatment of organic contaminants in wastewater is in urgent need owing to the deterioration of the ecological environment [1]. Metal oxides, such as ZnO [2], TiO2 [3], Fe2O3 [4], and CuO [5], have been demonstrated to be promising photocatalysts. In particular, the band gap energy (Eg) of the p
  • way to promote the photocatalytic activity of CuO by coupling with the polar mineral tourmaline, and provides an ideal example for the development of easily synthesized and low-cost tourmaline-based photocatalysts. The morphology, microstructure, pore structure, optical properties, and durability of
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Published 02 Mar 2020

Improved adsorption and degradation performance by S-doping of (001)-TiO2

  • Xiao-Yu Sun,
  • Xian Zhang,
  • Xiao Sun,
  • Ni-Xian Qian,
  • Min Wang and
  • Yong-Qing Ma

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 2116–2127, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.206

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  • spectra (UV–vis DRS) of the samples were measured on a Shimadazu U-4100 spectrometer (U-4100, Shimadazu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was performed using a Thermo Scientific ESCALAB 250Xi (Thermo Scientific Inc., USA). The chemical bonds of the photocatalysts were
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Published 01 Nov 2019

Pulsed laser synthesis of highly active Ag–Rh and Ag–Pt antenna–reactor-type plasmonic catalysts

  • Kenneth A. Kane and
  • Massimo F. Bertino

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1958–1963, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.192

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  • forming multicomponent, antenna–reactor-type photocatalysts. Highly elevated LSPR-induced electric fields in the angular concavities increase the number of energetic charge carriers of adsorbed Rh/Pt NPs, and subsequently increase the reduction rate of 4-nitrophenolate. This effect is isolated to the NP
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Published 26 Sep 2019

BiOCl/TiO2/diatomite composites with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity for the degradation of rhodamine B

  • Minlin Ao,
  • Kun Liu,
  • Xuekun Tang,
  • Zishun Li,
  • Qian Peng and
  • Jing Huang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1412–1422, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.139

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  • [10]. As one of the most promising photocatalysts, in terms of its chemical stability, non-toxicity, photo-corrosion resistance in aqueous media and advanced oxidation properties, titanium dioxide (TiO2) has been widely studied [11][12] and employed for water splitting [13], energy storage [14], and
  • of TiO2/diatomite and pure BiOCl were analyzed by the same method. In addition, cyclic experiments were carried out to prove the recyclability of photocatalysts. The photocatalyst was collected by centrifugation and the surface organic matter was removed by ethanol and water washing several times
  • mineralized, although it has been completely decolorized under the same conditions. The result shows that about 45% of carbon is degraded to CO2. Photoelectrons and holes in photocatalysts have strong reductive and oxidative abilities, so they react with oxygen and other substances to form a variety of active
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Published 16 Jul 2019

Construction of a 0D/1D composite based on Au nanoparticles/CuBi2O4 microrods for efficient visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity

  • Weilong Shi,
  • Mingyang Li,
  • Hongji Ren,
  • Feng Guo,
  • Xiliu Huang,
  • Yu Shi and
  • Yubin Tang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1360–1367, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.134

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  • , enhancing photoresponse and providing more active sites. Our work shows a possible design of efficient photocatalysts for environmental remediation. Keywords: Au nanoparticles; 0D/1D composite; CuBi2O4 microrods; photocatalysis; photocatalytic degradation; Introduction Heterogeneous semiconductor
  • photocatalysis as an advanced green technology has been widely studied and applied for the removal of organic pollutants from water [1][2][3]. The catalytic activity of many wide-bandgap (Eg) semiconductor photocatalysts is restricted to UV light radiation, which is only 5% of the solar spectrum. Hence, the
  • development of visible-light-driven photocatalysts is highly desirable because visible light accounts for about 43% of the solar spectrum. Currently, bismuth-based semiconductor materials, including Bi2O3 [4], BiVO4 [5][6], Bi2WO6 [7], Bi2MoO6 [8], BiOX (X = Cl, Br, I) [9], and Bi2O2CO3 [10], are explored as
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Published 04 Jul 2019

A highly efficient porous rod-like Ce-doped ZnO photocatalyst for the degradation of dye contaminants in water

  • Binjing Hu,
  • Qiang Sun,
  • Chengyi Zuo,
  • Yunxin Pei,
  • Siwei Yang,
  • Hui Zheng and
  • Fangming Liu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1157–1165, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.115

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  • a sunlight simulator. The results showed that ZnO doped with 3% Ce exhibits the highest RhB degradation rate. To understand the crystal structure, elemental state, surface morphology and chemical composition, the photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron
  • repeatability of CZO-4, recycling experiments were carried out at optimized conditions (concentration of RhB = 10 mg/L, catalyst dosage = 0.7 g/L, pH 9 and temperature = 50 °C). The photocatalysts were recycled after washing, centrifugation and vacuum drying at 75 °C for 1 h. The results given in Figure 2
  • test tube. The suspension was stirred in darkness for 30 min before the initial absorbance was measured. The degradation rate was calculated after 2 h of exposure to sunlight. The design and results are listed in Table 1. Characterization of photocatalysts The XRD patterns of ZnO and CZO-4 were
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Published 03 Jun 2019

Photoactive nanoarchitectures based on clays incorporating TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles

  • Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky,
  • Pilar Aranda,
  • Marwa Akkari,
  • Nithima Khaorapapong and
  • Makoto Ogawa

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1140–1156, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.114

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  • ; nanoarchitectures; photocatalysts; titanium dioxide; zinc dioxide; Review Introduction: immobilization of nanoscale TiO2 and ZnO on clay minerals Nanoarchitectonics is a term coined by Japan's National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), which refers to the nanoscale design of complex materials through a deep
  • are more efficient as photocatalysts than the corresponding bulk TiO2 and ZnO powders when they are present as NPs. This fact could be simply explained by the fact that the smaller particles normally have a larger surface-to-volume ratio. Many studies have focused on the photocatalytic activities of
  • the “Web of Science” (WoS) [21] around 10,000 papers have been published in the last decade in connection with the topic of TiO2 NPs used as photocatalysts, indicating the high interest in the use of these materials for this type of applications. In fact, titanium dioxide (anatase phase) can be
Published 31 May 2019

Synthesis of novel C-doped g-C3N4 nanosheets coupled with CdIn2S4 for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

  • Jingshuai Chen,
  • Chang-Jie Mao,
  • Helin Niu and
  • Ji-Ming Song

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 912–921, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.92

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  • effective strategy, the combination of C-doping with nanocomposite semiconductors, is presented in this work. C-doped g-C3N4 (CCN) was prepared by supramolecular self-assembly and subsequently a number of CdIn2S4/CCN composite photocatalysts were designed and fabricated though in situ decoration of CdIn2S4
  • μmol h−1 g−1). In addition, the hybrid photocatalysts display good recycling stability under visible-light irradiation. This research may provide promising information for the preparation of more efficient multifunctional hybrid photocatalysts with excellent stability in fine chemical engineering
  • transfer nanochannels [5]. The as-prepared g-C3N4 nanosheet@ZnIn2S4 nanoleaf structure displays an enhanced photocatalytic activity for H2 production without the addition of a Pt co-catalyst. As visible-light-active photocatalysts, ternary metal sulfide (e.g., ZnIn2S4 and CdIn2S4) have attracted great
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Published 18 Apr 2019

Electronic properties of several two dimensional halides from ab initio calculations

  • Mohamed Barhoumi,
  • Ali Abboud,
  • Lamjed Debbichi,
  • Moncef Said,
  • Torbjörn Björkman,
  • Dario Rocca and
  • Sébastien Lebègue

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 823–832, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.82

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  • is an active research field [14][15][16]. A family of layered materials that attracted interest over the past few years are halides. For instance, BiOX (with X = Cl, Br and I) compounds are known to be promising photocatalysts [17][18][19]. In this context, Sharma et al. [20] have studied the
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Published 03 Apr 2019

Deposition of metal particles onto semiconductor nanorods using an ionic liquid

  • Michael D. Ballentine,
  • Elizabeth G. Embry,
  • Marco A. Garcia and
  • Lawrence J. Hill

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 718–724, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.71

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  • using the methods reported here. Keywords: catalyst; ionic liquid; methylene blue; platinum; semiconductor nanorod; Introduction Core@shell semiconductor nanorods with attached noble metal particles have been widely studied as photocatalysts, and any improvement on the synthesis of these materials has
  • dye degradation for the catalyst prepared using the ionic liquid compared to the catalyst prepared in toluene. These heterostructured nanorod photocatalysts bleach methylene blue by donating electrons from platinum cocatalyst sites to the dye [36]. Thus, the enhanced catalytic activity of samples
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Published 14 Mar 2019

Ceria/polymer nanocontainers for high-performance encapsulation of fluorophores

  • Kartheek Katta,
  • Dmitry Busko,
  • Yuri Avlasevich,
  • Katharina Landfester,
  • Stanislav Baluschev and
  • Rafael Muñoz-Espí

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 522–530, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.53

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  • film at the oil–water interface [32] or rose bengal embedded in a microcapsule shell [33] can also be used to protect the encapsulated dye from molecular oxygen. Incorporating oxygen-scavenging materials such as WO3 photocatalysts loaded with Pt [34], phosphonate coatings [35], organophosphates [36] or
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Published 22 Feb 2019

Reduced graphene oxide supported C3N4 nanoflakes and quantum dots as metal-free catalysts for visible light assisted CO2 reduction

  • Md Rakibuddin and
  • Haekyoung Kim

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 448–458, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.44

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  • , and CH3OH is one of the sustainable ways to address the issues of both global warming and the energy crisis [1][2][3][4][5][6]. So far, a variety of semiconductor photocatalysts, such as ZnO, TiO2, WO3, and CdS have been developed for the photoreduction of CO2 [7][8][9][10]. However, poor separation
  • -5: a) survey spectrum, and high-resolution b) C 1s, c) N 1s and d) O 1s spectra. Fourier transform infrared spectra of the prepared g-C3N4, CN nanoflakes and quantum dots, and GCN-5 photocatalysts. TEM images of the a) CN-5, b) GCN-5, c) CN-10, d) GCN-10, e) CN-20 and GCN-20 nanoflakes and quantum
  • rate of HCHO in the presence of different GCN photocatalysts. Apparent yield of HCHO in the presence of the various photocatalysts. Photostability of the GCN-5 sample against the production of HCHO. Possible photoreduction mechanism of CO2 to HCHO in the presence of the GCN-5 catalyst sample under
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Published 13 Feb 2019

Zn/F-doped tin oxide nanoparticles synthesized by laser pyrolysis: structural and optical properties

  • Florian Dumitrache,
  • Iuliana P. Morjan,
  • Elena Dutu,
  • Ion Morjan,
  • Claudiu Teodor Fleaca,
  • Monica Scarisoreanu,
  • Alina Ilie,
  • Marius Dumitru,
  • Cristian Mihailescu,
  • Adriana Smarandache and
  • Gabriel Prodan

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 9–21, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.2

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  • ], photocatalysts for rhodamine 6G dye degradation in aqueous solution [27] and were proposed as a thermal UV sensor for high-radiation environments [4]. Moreover, the ZTO materials were also employed as volatile organic compound (VOC) (such as methanol, ethanol or acetone vapors) sensors [28], as an anode for Li
  • -ion microbatteries [29], as photocatalysts for brilliant green dye degradation in solution under solar light [30] and even as a component for supercapacitors [31]. The in situ synthesis of SnO2-based nanoparticles co-doped with F and Zn is demonstrated in this work. For this purpose we use the
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Published 02 Jan 2019

Graphene-enhanced metal oxide gas sensors at room temperature: a review

  • Dongjin Sun,
  • Yifan Luo,
  • Marc Debliquy and
  • Chao Zhang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2832–2844, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.264

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  • ], graphene has been widely used in various fields such as photocatalysts, lithium battery electrodes, supercapacitors, gas sensors and electronic devices [2][3][4] due to its high specific surface area (2630 m2/g) and high carrier mobility at room temperature [5]. The electrical properties of graphene are
Published 09 Nov 2018

Nanocellulose: Recent advances and its prospects in environmental remediation

  • Katrina Pui Yee Shak,
  • Yean Ling Pang and
  • Shee Keat Mah

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2479–2498, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.232

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  • -based composites as adsorbents, photocatalysts, flocculants, and membranes in the field of environmental remediation will be reviewed. Nanocellulose-based adsorbents Wastewater purification using cellulose-based adsorbents materials has been developed as an alternative to the energy intensive and
  • toxicology) for some cases, further optimization and improvement must be made. Furthermore, the fabrication of nanocellulose-based adsorbents is mostly established based on CNF, and limited when it comes to CNC. Nanocellulose-based photocatalysts Recently, numerous inorganic-organic hybrid-based
  • nanostructured composites have emerged as new types of photocatalysts with remarkable optical, electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties. The gravitation from petrochemical-based feedstock to environmentally friendly biomaterials such as cellulose-based materials is making headway for a cleaner and more
Published 19 Sep 2018

Hierarchical heterostructures of Bi2MoO6 microflowers decorated with Ag2CO3 nanoparticles for efficient visible-light-driven photocatalytic removal of toxic pollutants

  • Shijie Li,
  • Wei Jiang,
  • Shiwei Hu,
  • Yu Liu,
  • Yanping Liu,
  • Kaibing Xu and
  • Jianshe Liu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2297–2305, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.214

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  • Treatment and Control in Textile Industry, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China 10.3762/bjnano.9.214 Abstract Developing highly active and durable visible-light-driven photocatalysts for the degradation of toxic pollutants is of vital significance
  • environmental remediation [3][4][5][6]. Crucial to photocatalysis is to obtain high-performance photocatalysts [7][8]. Obtaining excellent photocatalysts that can be excited by visible light (43% of the solar energy spectrum) is very important for practical applications [9][10][11][12][13][14]. Bi2MoO6 has been
  • obstacle, various methods have been developed, including doping [20][21] and the construction of heterojunctions [22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33]. Particularly, the combination of Bi2MoO6 with other semiconductors to construct heterojunction photocatalysts leads to an enhanced activity of
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Published 27 Aug 2018

Localized photodeposition of catalysts using nanophotonic resonances in silicon photocathodes

  • Evgenia Kontoleta,
  • Sven H. C. Askes,
  • Lai-Hung Lai and
  • Erik C. Garnett

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2097–2105, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.198

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  • –Lambert law have been obtained, in contrast to previous related work on silicon microwires [32][33]. Our results provide the first step for rationally designed catalyst positioning using the underlying resonant properties of nanoscale photocatalysts, tunable simply by altering the shape, size or
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Published 03 Aug 2018

Controllable one-pot synthesis of uniform colloidal TiO2 particles in a mixed solvent solution for photocatalysis

  • Jong Tae Moon,
  • Seung Ki Lee and
  • Ji Bong Joo

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1715–1727, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.163

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  • well as the crystalline properties and performance enhancement of TiO2 photocatalysts calcined at different temperatures. Keywords: mixed solvent; one-pot synthesis; photocatalysts; rhodamine B degradation; sol–gel synthesis; spherical TiO2 particles; Introduction Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a widely
  • Honda and Fujishima [12]. Over the past decade, there have been many attempts to fabricate highly active TiO2-based photocatalysts for enhanced photocatalytic efficiency [13][14][15][16][17]. It is well-known that photocatalysis over a semiconductor photocatalyst occurs in the following sequential steps
  • synthesize TiO2 photocatalysts with controlled crystallinity while maintaining a high surface area. Since many photocatalysis reactions are a liquid phase reaction, a well-dispersible colloidal TiO2 nanostructure should be one of the most ideal forms. In order to maximize the active surface area as well as
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Published 08 Jun 2018

Sulfur-, nitrogen- and platinum-doped titania thin films with high catalytic efficiency under visible-light illumination

  • Boštjan Žener,
  • Lev Matoh,
  • Giorgio Carraro,
  • Bojan Miljević and
  • Romana Cerc Korošec

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1629–1640, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.155

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  • of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 10.3762/bjnano.9.155 Abstract Titanium dioxide photocatalysts have received a lot of attention during the past decades due to their ability to degrade various organic pollutants to CO2 and H2O, which makes them
  • performed for sample S3. First-order rate constant for plasmocorinth B degradation for selected photocatalysts synthesized in this work. Sample labels, types and amounts of added dopants, thermal treatment temperatures and calculated crystallite sizes for different samples. BET specific surface area and
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Published 04 Jun 2018

Sheet-on-belt branched TiO2(B)/rGO powders with enhanced photocatalytic activity

  • Huan Xing,
  • Wei Wen and
  • Jin-Ming Wu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1550–1557, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.146

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  • all three photocatalysts. The TGN-branch 4 h sample demonstrated enhanced photocatalytic performance as compared to TiO2 nanobelts and the TGN sample. Figure S3 in Supporting Information File 1 shows the photodegradation curves in the presence of TGN and TGN-branches with different deposition times
  • under UV light illumination for up to 5 cycles. The slightly decreased efficiency can be attributed to the catalyst loss during the centrifugation process after each cycle. The reaction rate constants were normalized with the corresponding specific surface area of the photocatalysts to see whether or
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Published 24 May 2018

Cr(VI) remediation from aqueous environment through modified-TiO2-mediated photocatalytic reduction

  • Rashmi Acharya,
  • Brundabana Naik and
  • Kulamani Parida

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1448–1470, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.137

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  • practical applications in remediation of Cr(VI) from wastewater were addressed in the Conclusion section as well. The future perspectives of the field presented in this review are focused on the development of whole-solar-spectrum responsive, TiO2-coupled photocatalysts which provide efficient
  • visible-light irradiation. The authors have also reported that •CO2− radicals (produced by the reaction of hVB+ with HCO2NH4) and eCB− are responsible for the reduction of 4-nitroaniline to p-phenylenediamine over CdS/TiO2 photocatalysts [56]. Photodegradation of pollutants The principle of photocatalysis
  • conditions, low cost, high efficiency and reusability. It uses renewable and pollution-free solar energy and produces minimal secondary waste without using toxic chemicals that follow the rules of green chemistry [59][60][61]. Various semiconductor photocatalysts such as CdS, ZnO, WO3, SnO2, and TiO2 have
Published 16 May 2018
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