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Search for "biocompatibility" in Full Text gives 232 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. Showing first 200.

Zinc oxide nanostructures for fluorescence and Raman signal enhancement: a review

  • Ioana Marica,
  • Fran Nekvapil,
  • Maria Ștefan,
  • Cosmin Farcău and
  • Alexandra Falamaș

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 472–490, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.40

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  • properties including a high refractive index, which can confine the excitation light in order to enhance the SERS effect, various types of tuneable morphologies that can be used in combination with noble metals, but also its biocompatibility, photocatalytic self-cleaning capability, and high chemical
  • [53]. Additionally, the polydopamine layer assured a large number of functional groups, which served as anchors for controlled distribution and growth of Ag NPs, durability of the substrate, and biocompatibility. Fewer studies paid attention to the reversed structural configuration based on coating
  • morphologies that can be used in combination with noble metals, but also its biocompatibility, photocatalytic self-cleaning capability, and high chemical stability. The SERS effect occurs through the electromagnetic enhancement from the excitation of plasmon resonances in metallic nanoparticles and the
Published 27 May 2022

Tubular glassy carbon microneedles with fullerene-like tips for biomedical applications

  • Sharali Malik and
  • George E. Kostakis

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 455–461, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.38

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  • allotrope of carbon, which combines glassy and ceramic properties with those associated with graphite and has been of scientific and technological interest for over fifty years. Glassy carbon has good electrical and thermal conductivities, excellent chemical stability, and good biocompatibility, which has
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Published 19 May 2022

Micro- and nanotechnology in biomedical engineering for cartilage tissue regeneration in osteoarthritis

  • Zahra Nabizadeh,
  • Mahmoud Nasrollahzadeh,
  • Hamed Daemi,
  • Mohamadreza Baghaban Eslaminejad,
  • Ali Akbar Shabani,
  • Mehdi Dadashpour,
  • Majid Mirmohammadkhani and
  • Davood Nasrabadi

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 363–389, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.31

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  • scaffolds to regenerate different tissues and organs. The surface of electrospun nanofibers, which are excellent biomaterials to fabricate TE scaffolds capable of forming ECM mimicking structures can be physicochemically modified to meet the biocompatibility requirements of nanofiber biomaterials. For
  • a faster repair rate compared to a PLA–gelatin nanoscale scaffold [116]. Furthermore, to enhance biocompatibility, a 3D porous nanofiber scaffold made of gelatin and PLA was modified using CS [78]. The results demonstrated that the modified scaffold had appropriate mechanical properties and
  • biocompatibility. BMSCs seeded on this scaffold showed better chondrogenic differentiation compared to cells seeded on the PLA–gelatin scaffold. In a rabbit cartilage defect model, the CS modified 3D nanofiber scaffold showed anti-inflammatory effect and promoted cartilage regeneration [78]. To accelerate the
Published 11 Apr 2022

Coordination-assembled myricetin nanoarchitectonics for sustainably scavenging free radicals

  • Xiaoyan Ma,
  • Haoning Gong,
  • Kenji Ogino,
  • Xuehai Yan and
  • Ruirui Xing

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 284–291, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.23

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  • good hydrophilicity and biocompatibility. However, it is easily metabolized by enzymes. To take advantages of their antioxidation activity and to overcome the abovementioned limitations, GSH, Zn2+, and Myr were selected to co-assemble into Myr-Zn2+-GSH nanoparticles or nanoarchitectonics. This study
  • offers a new design to harness stable, sustainable antioxidant nanoparticles with high loading capacity, high bioavailability, and good biocompatibility as antioxidants. Keywords: antioxidant; co-assembly; glutathione; myricetin; nanoarchitectonics; Introduction Oxidative stress, caused by an imbalance
  • phosphopeptides, exhibited huge therapeutic potential in antioxidant treatments [11][12][13]. Nevertheless, a plenty of disadvantages restrict biomedical applications, namely low biocompatibility of the metal-based nanomaterials, low bioavailability of hydrophobic small-molecule compounds, and easy degradation of
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Published 01 Mar 2022

Photothermal ablation of murine melanomas by Fe3O4 nanoparticle clusters

  • Xue Wang,
  • Lili Xuan and
  • Ying Pan

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 255–264, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.20

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  • micelles and the formation of Fe3O4 nanoparticle clusters, which were then coated with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) to improve stability, biocompatibility and chemical features of the nanoparticles. Further SEM measurements revealed the as-formed Fe3O4 NPCs to be spherical and uniformly sized with an average
  • nanoparticle-containing up-conversion nanoprobes, which required a minimal working concentration of at least 0.25 mg/mL to achieve a similar cell viability reduction [15]. These findings indicate that our Fe3O4 NPCs possess high biocompatibility and are able to ablate melanoma cells at low concentrations under
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Published 22 Feb 2022

Engineered titania nanomaterials in advanced clinical applications

  • Padmavati Sahare,
  • Paulina Govea Alvarez,
  • Juan Manual Sanchez Yanez,
  • Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas,
  • Samik Chakraborty,
  • Sujay Paul and
  • Miriam Estevez

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 201–218, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.15

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  • systems for theranostic purposes. Titanium dioxide (titanium(IV) oxide/titania/TiO2) has garnered considerable attention as one of the most extensively studied metal oxides in clinical applications. Owing to the unique properties of titania, such as photocatalytic activity, excellent biocompatibility
  • that they can circulate freely through the circulatory system and can penetrate tissues. Recently, TiO2 has received substantial recognition as one of the most extensively studied inorganic metal oxides in clinical research due to its unique nanosized features, intrinsic properties, biocompatibility
  • their clinical applications, including their usage as an implant material, antimicrobial agent, drug delivery vehicle, photothermal therapeutic tool, and antivenom. In addition, the intriguing physical and chemical properties of titania nanomaterials that affect their biocompatibility are also discussed
Published 14 Feb 2022

A comprehensive review on electrospun nanohybrid membranes for wastewater treatment

  • Senuri Kumarage,
  • Imalka Munaweera and
  • Nilwala Kottegoda

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 137–159, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.10

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  • , modified chitin, cellulose acetate (CA) and chitosan (CS) have been electrospun as nanohybrids and have been used in a variety of applications [7][8]. Regarding the health sector, the enhanced biocompatibility, antibacterial properties, and cell compatibility has made ENHs great candidates to deliver
  • pure electrospun polymer. Also, it has shown superior biocompatibility and osteoinductivity [9]. A nanohybrid electrospun non-woven mat of wool keratin combined with diclofenac loaded hydrotalcites was prepared by Giuri et al. as a bioactive wound dressing [8]. Munaweera et al. developed electrospun CA
Published 31 Jan 2022

Theranostic potential of self-luminescent branched polyethyleneimine-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles

  • Rouhollah Khodadust,
  • Ozlem Unal and
  • Havva Yagci Acar

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 82–95, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.6

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  • targeting potential of these transfection vehicles [67][68][69]. The applied Erb concentration to modify nanoparticle surfaces was almost 1% of the toxic doses [63]. Therefore, selective internalization of the target cells with no toxicity was achieved. This result, coupled with the biocompatibility of the
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Published 18 Jan 2022

Biocompatibility and cytotoxicity in vitro of surface-functionalized drug-loaded spinel ferrite nanoparticles

  • Sadaf Mushtaq,
  • Khuram Shahzad,
  • Tariq Saeed,
  • Anwar Ul-Hamid,
  • Bilal Haider Abbasi,
  • Nafees Ahmad,
  • Waqas Khalid,
  • Muhammad Atif,
  • Zulqurnain Ali and
  • Rashda Abbasi

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 1339–1364, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.99

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  • , magnetite NPs have some serious limitations, such as chemical reactivity, rapid oxidation, particle agglomeration, and high surface energy which may affect their biocompatibility and performance [11]. Moreover, they have low magnetization at a smaller size and the presence of iron has been associated with
  • penetration and hemocompatibility which can be useful for biomedical applications [12][17]. Furthermore, in order to be exploited in biomedical applications, NPs need to fulfill certain criteria which include water solubility, excellent colloidal stability, biocompatibility, and high saturation magnetization
  • hydrophobic NPs was achieved by the functionalization with an amphiphilic brush copolymer, poly(isobutylene-alt-maleic anhydride) (PMA) implanted with dodecylamine, which provides biocompatibility, colloidal stability, and hydrophilicity [22]. It is composed of hydrophobic side chains and the backbone of
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Published 02 Dec 2021

Self-assembly of amino acids toward functional biomaterials

  • Huan Ren,
  • Lifang Wu,
  • Lina Tan,
  • Yanni Bao,
  • Yuchen Ma,
  • Yong Jin and
  • Qianli Zou

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 1140–1150, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.85

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  • , simple modeling, excellent biocompatibility and biodegradability in vivo. In addition, amino acids can be assembled with other components to meet multiple scientific needs. However, using these simple building blocks to design attractive materials remains a challenge due to the simplicity of the amino
  • structure and functional reorganization. Peptides and proteins are attractive candidates for functional biomedical materials [10] due to their extensive existence in nature, easy access, and good biocompatibility [11]. Self-assembly refers to the selective and spontaneous formation of one or more well
  • nucleotides, can be self-assembled [14]. Proteins are direct functional performers of countless interactions between living organisms and the outside world, and are susceptible to changes in pH value, ionic strength, and temperature [15]. Peptides have similar biocompatibility and diversity as proteins, but
Published 12 Oct 2021

pH-driven enhancement of anti-tubercular drug loading on iron oxide nanoparticles for drug delivery in macrophages

  • Karishma Berta Cotta,
  • Sarika Mehra and
  • Rajdip Bandyopadhyaya

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 1127–1139, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.84

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  • deployment in drug delivery is contingent upon controlled drug loading and a desired release profile, with simultaneous biocompatibility and cellular targeting. Iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs), being biocompatible, are used as drug carriers. However, to prevent aggregation of bare IONPs, they are coated
  • biocompatibility and magnetic properties, have found applications in drug delivery, magnetic resonance imaging and treatment of iron deficiencies [3][4][5][6]. The property of hyperthermia has been found to be beneficial in localized drug release, particularly in cancer therapy [7]. In anti-cancer therapy, IONPs
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Published 07 Oct 2021

Use of nanosystems to improve the anticancer effects of curcumin

  • Andrea M. Araya-Sibaja,
  • Norma J. Salazar-López,
  • Krissia Wilhelm Romero,
  • José R. Vega-Baudrit,
  • J. Abraham Domínguez-Avila,
  • Carlos A. Velázquez Contreras,
  • Ramón E. Robles-Zepeda,
  • Mirtha Navarro-Hoyos and
  • Gustavo A. González-Aguilar

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 1047–1062, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.78

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  • nanoparticles (50–1000 nm) [61]. They contain crystallized lipid droplets that are solid at room and body temperatures [62][63], with the drug or the molecule of interest loaded into the solid lipid phase [64]. The advantages of SLN include high drug loading capacity, great stability, good biocompatibility, and
  • advantages include high biocompatibility, safety, and flexibility (the latter can be modulated by the concentration of cholesterol in the lipid membrane) [40][73][74]. PEGylated long-circulating liposomes with co-encapsulated CUR–doxorubicin inhibited C26 (murine colon carcinoma) cell proliferation, in
Published 15 Sep 2021

An overview of microneedle applications, materials, and fabrication methods

  • Zahra Faraji Rad,
  • Philip D. Prewett and
  • Graham J. Davies

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 1034–1046, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.77

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  • or height, and shaft and tip shape. Other parameters including fluid flow rates, biocompatibility, penetration force, fragility, relative simplicity, and cost of fabrication are all key design considerations. The final design will depend on the limitations of the fabrication method and the mechanical
  • are currently receiving more interest because of biocompatibility, superior mechanical properties, low material cost, and biodegradability. The low-cost of fabrication is an additional advantage of polymer microneedles over silicon. It is increasingly clear that the favoured fabrication methods used
  • (COP) material using this method [5]. Fabrication and use of metal microneedles In addition to silicon and polymers, microneedles are also fabricated from metals including nickel, titanium, stainless steel, and palladium. Metals provide good mechanical properties and biocompatibility for microneedle
Published 13 Sep 2021

The role of deep eutectic solvents and carrageenan in synthesizing biocompatible anisotropic metal nanoparticles

  • Nabojit Das,
  • Akash Kumar and
  • Raja Gopal Rayavarapu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 924–938, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.69

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  • the reported gold nanostars and nanoflowers [96]. Concerning the biocompatibility of the nanomaterials synthesized using DESs, only a couple of studies has been carried out in vivo and in vitro. Mineral-substituted apatite nanoparticles synthesized using a choline chloride/thiourea mixture for
  • , biocompatibility, sustainability, and low cost, achieving the real potential in nanobiotechnology is not far. Carrageenan as green/safe stabilizing agent in nanomaterial synthesis A stabilizing agent, often known as capping agent, is one of the vital components in the synthesis of nanomaterials. The colloidal
  • positively charged head group of the surfactants in the solution phase. The importance of using DESs and carrageenan is the fact that the biocompatible molecules already used in designing safe nanomaterials add no further improvement than just biocompatibility. Some are also prone to enzymatic degradation
Published 18 Aug 2021

Comprehensive review on ultrasound-responsive theranostic nanomaterials: mechanisms, structures and medical applications

  • Sepand Tehrani Fateh,
  • Lida Moradi,
  • Elmira Kohan,
  • Michael R. Hamblin and
  • Amin Shiralizadeh Dezfuli

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 808–862, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.64

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  • composition. Moreover, their biocompatibility, biodistribution, stability, capacity, and diagnostic efficacy are related to this factor. Lipid- and surfactant-based nanomaterials, polymeric nanomaterials, and metallic and non-metallic nanomaterials, in addition to micro- and nanomotors and some miscellaneous
Published 11 Aug 2021

Silver nanoparticles nucleated in NaOH-treated halloysite: a potential antimicrobial material

  • Yuri B. Matos,
  • Rodrigo S. Romanus,
  • Mattheus Torquato,
  • Edgar H. de Souza,
  • Rodrigo L. Villanova,
  • Marlene Soares and
  • Emilson R. Viana

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 798–807, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.63

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  • , improving dispersability into polymeric matrices, keeping good biocompatibility with the human body, and immobilizing Ag-NPs on a substrate, which provides better interaction with bacteria and is a more eco-friendly way to obtain antimicrobial agents. Halloysite (HNT) is a natural clay, consisting of an
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Published 05 Aug 2021

Recent progress in magnetic applications for micro- and nanorobots

  • Ke Xu,
  • Shuang Xu and
  • Fanan Wei

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 744–755, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.58

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  • transportation of cargo [22][23], and transmit energy. Compared with other concepts, magnetic MNRs that combine diamagnetic, paramagnetic, and ferromagnetic materials [24] could have a greater driving force and exhibit characteristics such as biocompatibility [25]. Hence, magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are widely
  • enabled actuation, control, and observation of the FMSM. In most mobile sensing applications, microrobots are driven by chemical fuels such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and surfactants. In contrast, magnetic drives have good biocompatibility and external power supply. For example, a porous microelectrode
  • also yielded biocompatibility. At the same time, adding a very thin layer of nickel or iron could improve magnetic properties. In order not to affect the swimming speed and let the flagella oscillate naturally as much as possible, Magdanz and others believed that it is possible to make strongly
Published 19 Jul 2021

Nanogenerator-based self-powered sensors for data collection

  • Yicheng Shao,
  • Maoliang Shen,
  • Yuankai Zhou,
  • Xin Cui,
  • Lijie Li and
  • Yan Zhang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 680–693, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.54

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  • with good biocompatibility can used for implantable self-powered physiological sensors. The sensors can be powered by the mechanical energy from the biological activity of the organism, and provide physiological data. An implantable heart monitoring sensor based on a TENG can work stably for a long
  • time, providing a solution for long-term heart monitoring. Zheng et al. proposed an implantable TENG (iTENG) to realize wireless heart monitoring in vivo [28]. The iTENG is not cytotoxic. The packaging material of the iTENG showed good biocompatibility in mouse fibroblasts. The iTENG was implanted
Published 08 Jul 2021

Doxorubicin-loaded gold nanorods: a multifunctional chemo-photothermal nanoplatform for cancer management

  • Uzma Azeem Awan,
  • Abida Raza,
  • Shaukat Ali,
  • Rida Fatima Saeed and
  • Nosheen Akhtar

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 295–303, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.24

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  • properties such as significant absorption or scattering in the visible and near-infrared (NIR) regions, tunable aspect ratio, biocompatibility, fluorescence properties, and the ease of biofunctionalization, which makes them ideal in biomedical applications [13]. Gold-based nanomaterials (i.e., nanospheres
  • their biocompatibility and dispersion at physiological pH values. The positive CTAB layer on the GNR surface facilitates electrostatic adsorption of anionic compounds, such as poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS), which ultimately facilitates electrostatic interaction with cationic anticancerous drugs
  • may be responsible for the laser-triggered release of DOX. These findings are consistent with previous studies [23]. PSS-GNRs nanocomplex biocompatibility Dose-dependent biocompatibility and cytotoxicity efficiency of the nanocarriers were measured in vitro. The efficiency of the GNRs in mediating
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Published 31 Mar 2021

Differences in surface chemistry of iron oxide nanoparticles result in different routes of internalization

  • Barbora Svitkova,
  • Vlasta Zavisova,
  • Veronika Nemethova,
  • Martina Koneracka,
  • Miroslava Kretova,
  • Filip Razga,
  • Monika Ursinyova and
  • Alena Gabelova

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 270–281, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.22

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  • 40–50 nm in diameter [14], or glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins [15]. Inorganic nanoparticles are frequently engineered with an organic surface coating to improve their biocompatibility, colloidal stability, and bioavailability. Moreover, the coating facilitates their further
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Published 23 Mar 2021

The nanomorphology of cell surfaces of adhered osteoblasts

  • Christian Voelkner,
  • Mirco Wendt,
  • Regina Lange,
  • Max Ulbrich,
  • Martina Gruening,
  • Susanne Staehlke,
  • Barbara Nebe,
  • Ingo Barke and
  • Sylvia Speller

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 242–256, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.20

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  • surface of the material. Apart from cell biologic parameters, the adhesion interface area and the speed of its formation provide insights concerning the biocompatibility of the surface with regard to osteoblastic cells [11]. Dynamic remodeling of the cytoskeleton is the basis for shape adaptation and
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Published 12 Mar 2021

A review on the green and sustainable synthesis of silver nanoparticles and one-dimensional silver nanostructures

  • Sina Kaabipour and
  • Shohreh Hemmati

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 102–136, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.9

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  • nanostructures using plants and plant extracts has recently gained more attention. These methods can act as appropriate alternatives for other methods as a result of their simplicity, low-cost, non-toxicity, and simple scale-up capability [186]. In addition, thanks to their non-pathogenic and biocompatibility
Published 25 Jan 2021

ZnO and MXenes as electrode materials for supercapacitor devices

  • Ameen Uddin Ammar,
  • Ipek Deniz Yildirim,
  • Feray Bakan and
  • Emre Erdem

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 49–57, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.4

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  • biocompatibility, photothermal efficiency, low Seebeck coefficient, as well as good conductivity. They synthesized tantalum carbide MXene sheets from a tantalum aluminum carbide (Ta4AlC3) MAX phase through etching the intermediate aluminium with the aid of hydrofluoric acid (HF). Analysis of the synthesized
Published 13 Jan 2021

Effect of different silica coatings on the toxicity of upconversion nanoparticles on RAW 264.7 macrophage cells

  • Cynthia Kembuan,
  • Helena Oliveira and
  • Christina Graf

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 35–48, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.3

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  • shells with thickness values of 7 nm or even 21 nm were not sufficient to completely hinder the release of lanthanide ions from UCNPs. According to MTT assays and, more specifically, cell cycle analysis, the UCNPs did not exhibit a biocompatibility level similar to that of silica particles without a
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Published 08 Jan 2021

PEG/PEI-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes as delivery carriers for doxorubicin: synthesis, characterization, and in vitro evaluation

  • Shuoye Yang,
  • Zhenwei Wang,
  • Yahong Ping,
  • Yuying Miao,
  • Yongmei Xiao,
  • Lingbo Qu,
  • Lu Zhang,
  • Yuansen Hu and
  • Jinshui Wang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1728–1741, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.155

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  • from PEI make the CNTs much more soluble in aqueous solution and thus improve their biocompatibility [37]. Furthermore, surface modification with PEGylated agents or positively charged groups can protect the nanocarriers by providing a steric barrier from being recognized and captured by the
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Published 13 Nov 2020
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