Beilstein J. Nanotechnol.2011,2, 15–27, doi:10.3762/bjnano.2.2
frequencymodulation (FM) modes; AM–AM, AM–FM, FM–FM, FM–AM [3] where first abbreviation defines a surface tracking procedure and the second – detection of the electrostatic force. It is worth noting that AM is associated with force detection and FM with force gradient detection, and this difference appears
Figure 1:
Sketch illustrating implementation of Kelvin force microscopy in the AM–FM mode. Two servo-loops, w...
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol.2011,2, 1–14, doi:10.3762/bjnano.2.1
applied on thin oxide films beyond imaging the topography of the surface atoms.
Keywords: aluminum oxide; charge state; contact potential; defects; domain boundaries; dynamic force microscopy; frequencymodulation atomic force microscopy; Kelvin probe force microscopy; magnesium oxide; non-contact atomic
Experimental setup: dual mode NC-AFM/STM
The employed scanning probe microscope, i.e., a NC-AFM in combination with a STM, was optimized for surface investigation on the atomic scale with spatial resolution of some picometers. Note that NC-AFM is frequently referred to as frequencymodulation
Figure 1:
Model of a binary oxide surface. Point defects such as color centers, which are preferably situated...