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Search for "Ag" in Full Text gives 621 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. Showing first 200.

Gold(I) N-heterocyclic carbene precursors for focused electron beam-induced deposition

  • Cristiano Glessi,
  • Aya Mahgoub,
  • Cornelis W. Hagen and
  • Mats Tilset

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 257–269, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.21

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  • iodides [48]. For the triazolium salt the two alkylation reactions were carried out together in a one-pot synthesis [36]. The resulting salts were then reacted with silver oxide to generate the respective Ag(I) NHC complexes. Upon the addition of 1 equiv of gold precursor Au(SMe2)Cl in situ, a
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Published 17 Mar 2021

The nanomorphology of cell surfaces of adhered osteoblasts

  • Christian Voelkner,
  • Mirco Wendt,
  • Regina Lange,
  • Max Ulbrich,
  • Martina Gruening,
  • Susanne Staehlke,
  • Barbara Nebe,
  • Ingo Barke and
  • Sylvia Speller

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 242–256, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.20

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  • measurement of I–V characteristics [21]. The bias voltage applied between pipette and bath electrode was approximately 100 mV. Both electrodes were non-polarizable (Ag/AgCl). For SICM topography measurements the nanopipette approached the surface until the setpoint of 0.98 nA (corresponding to an ion current
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Published 12 Mar 2021

A review on the biological effects of nanomaterials on silkworm (Bombyx mori)

  • Sandra Senyo Fometu,
  • Guohua Wu,
  • Lin Ma and
  • Joan Shine Davids

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 190–202, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.15

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  • ), graphene oxide, silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) [24][25][26], quantum dots, and superparamagnetic particles [27] have been reported to have antibacterial properties against Streptococcus mutans [28] and Xanthomonas perforans, antifungal properties against Fusarium oxysporum [27] and Fusarium graminearum [29
  • triethoxycaprylylsilane: 130 nm, size of non-functionalized nanoparticles: 100 nm). Conversely, mice exposed to 100 mg/mL of Ag NM (<20 nm) exhibited no adverse effects on the lungs [38]. Also, anatase TiO2 NM was reported to induce pulmonary inflammation in mice models [39]. Kim et al. reported that male Sprague-Dawley
  • uptake of carbon black and single-walled nanotubes caused impairment in the locomotor function of these flies. Demir et al. [42] reported that Ag NPs (0.1, 1, 5, and 10 mM) induced genotoxicity in the wing spot assay of fruit flies via somatic recombination. Carmona et al. [43] reported cytotoxic effects
Published 12 Feb 2021

Paper-based triboelectric nanogenerators and their applications: a review

  • Jing Han,
  • Nuo Xu,
  • Yuchen Liang,
  • Mei Ding,
  • Junyi Zhai,
  • Qijun Sun and
  • Zhong Lin Wang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 151–171, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.12

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  • main materials utilized on those P-TENGs were commercial tissue paper and silver nanowires (Ag NWs), which were key to their feasibility. The P-TENGs were built with two conductive paper pieces as the electrodes, which were sandwiched between two commercial tissue paper pieces. Three basic operation
Published 01 Feb 2021

A review on the green and sustainable synthesis of silver nanoparticles and one-dimensional silver nanostructures

  • Sina Kaabipour and
  • Shohreh Hemmati

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 102–136, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.9

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  • methods. The first category consists of techniques that use chemical reagents to reduce Ag cations into zero-charged Ag atoms, which then mount on top of the nuclei, serving as templates for crystal growth into particles at the nanoscale [138][139]. This set of techniques is also known as the “chemical
  • ], microalgae [189][190][191][192][193], enzymes [194][195][196], saccharides [197][198][199][200][201], and vitamins [202][203][204] to synthesize Ag nanostructures with controlled size and morphology. These methods can also be referred to as a subcategory of green synthesis. Numerous works in the literature
  • rate, and narrow size distribution can be achieved by this method [108]. The process uses a laser beam at high energy to ablate pure Ag from which the separated AgNPs, either in liquid or vapor form, are attained and confined in the surrounding ambient [109]. The formation of nanoparticles by laser
Published 25 Jan 2021

Fusion of purple membranes triggered by immobilization on carbon nanomembranes

  • René Riedel,
  • Natalie Frese,
  • Fang Yang,
  • Martin Wortmann,
  • Raphael Dalpke,
  • Daniel Rhinow,
  • Norbert Hampp and
  • Armin Gölzhäuser

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 93–101, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.8

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  • fluorescence micrographs. Funding This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) Cluster of Excellence “Macromolecular Complexes” Frankfurt, DFG grant GO 918/14-1 to AG, DFG grant HA 2906/9-1 to NH, and DFG grant RH 134/1-1 to DR.
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Published 22 Jan 2021

Atomic layer deposited films of Al2O3 on fluorine-doped tin oxide electrodes: stability and barrier properties

  • Hana Krýsová,
  • Michael Neumann-Spallart,
  • Hana Tarábková,
  • Pavel Janda,
  • Ladislav Kavan and
  • Josef Krýsa

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 24–34, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.2

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  • studies, Al2O3 films on FTO were exposed, at various time intervals and at room temperature, to 1 M NaOH, 1 M H2SO4, and buffered solution (pH 7.2). Electrochemical experiments were carried out in a single-compartment three-electrode cell using a Zahner workstation. The reference electrode was Ag/AgCl (3
  • 7.2). Chronoamperometric measurements were performed in buffered solution (pH 7.2) at −1.2 V (vs Ag/AgCl). The morphology of the films was characterized ex situ, under ambient conditions, by atomic force microscopy (AFM, Dimension Icon, Bruker, USA) in a semicontact (tapping) mode. A silicon
  • polarization at −1.2 V vs Ag/AgCl, the reduction of FTO to tin took place (Equation 1). No Sn was found when the FTO layers were protected by alumina films (Figure 9). Conclusion ALD Al2O3 films, already at a thickness of 5 nm, exhibited very good blocking of the electron transport from solid electrodes (FTO
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Published 05 Jan 2021

Unravelling the interfacial interaction in mesoporous SiO2@nickel phyllosilicate/TiO2 core–shell nanostructures for photocatalytic activity

  • Bridget K. Mutuma,
  • Xiluva Mathebula,
  • Isaac Nongwe,
  • Bonakele P. Mtolo,
  • Boitumelo J. Matsoso,
  • Rudolph Erasmus,
  • Zikhona Tetana and
  • Neil J. Coville

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1834–1846, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.165

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  • , the electron–hole recombination can be inhibited by loading metals, such as Ni [12], V, Fe [13], Ag [14], and Cu–Ni [15], on the TiO2 surface, which accelerates the formation of hydroxyl radicals and, consequently, improves the photocatalytic activity of TiO2. In contrast, the doping of TiO2 with
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Published 09 Dec 2020

The influence of an interfacial hBN layer on the fluorescence of an organic molecule

  • Christine Brülke,
  • Oliver Bauer and
  • Moritz M. Sokolowski

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1663–1684, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.149

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  • PTCDA from Cu(111). For PTCDA on Ag(111) and Au(111) [39], it has been shown that FL can only be observed from the second and third molecular layer onward. The excitation of the first layers is completely quenched by the metal substrates as described above. In UPS experiments, a partial filling of the
  • LUMO of PTCDA was found on Ag(111), but not on Au(111) [33]. Thus, the quenching on Ag(111) is directly understood by the static charge transfer seen in UPS. The quenching on Au(111), not as evident from UPS, demonstrates the sensitivity of FL spectroscopy to an overlap of wave functions of excited
  • states. Accordingly, the same behavior as on Ag(111) can be expected on Cu(111), where a filling of the LUMO has been found, too [33]. In addition, for multilayer PTCDA films we can compare the first, interfacial PTCDA layer with a hBN layer regarding their abilities to decouple the next PTCDA layer from
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Published 03 Nov 2020

Piezoelectric sensor based on graphene-doped PVDF nanofibers for sign language translation

  • Shuai Yang,
  • Xiaojing Cui,
  • Rui Guo,
  • Zhiyi Zhang,
  • Shengbo Sang and
  • Hulin Zhang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1655–1662, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.148

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  • sensing. Results and Discussion The structural design of the self-powered PES based on GR-doped PVDF nanofibers is shown in Figure 1a. The cross section of the self-powered PES shows three parts, namely the GR-doped PVDF piezoelectric layer in the center, the electrode layer of Ti3C2 MXene and Ag NWs on
  • is added under stirring to yield the spinning solution for electrospinning. After preparation of the fibers, an aqueous solution of Ti3C2 MXene and Ag NWs is sprayed on both sides of the material and then dried. Finally, the nanowire membrane is covered on both sides with PDMS to obtain the
  • piezoelectric sensor. Ti3C2 MXene and Ag NWs maintain the good conductivity of the electrode and avoid possible short-circuit problems occurring after magnetron sputtering. Also, a stable flexibility of the structure is maintained. GR is added with six different mass fractions, that is, 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8
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Published 02 Nov 2020

PTCDA adsorption on CaF2 thin films

  • Philipp Rahe

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1615–1622, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.144

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  • partially KBr-covered Ag(111) surfaces [24] as well as for cyanoporphyrin molecules on KBr-covered Cu(111) surfaces [26]. Here, the understanding of molecular adsorption on insulating thin films is extended by studying an insulator-on-semiconductor system, namely CaF2 thin films grown on Si(111) surfaces
  • in the present experiments. On the CaF1 interface layer, a double-lobe feature (see also Figure 1b) is the prevalently observed shape of PTCDA, similar to the coffee bean-like shape measured by STM on KCl(001)/Ag(001) [21] or on KBr(001)/InSb(001) [23] thin films. A similar pattern was also observed
  • in STM imaging of PTCDA/Ag(111) with an s-tip at a bias between −0.4 and −0.5 V [12] and explained by strong domination of the LUMO. In contrast, imaging at larger tip–sample distance and the according loss of sensitivity to intramolecular features was given as an explanation for the prevalently
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Published 26 Oct 2020

Oxidation of Au/Ag films by oxygen plasma: phase separation and generation of nanoporosity

  • Abdel-Aziz El Mel,
  • Said A. Mansour,
  • Mujaheed Pasha,
  • Atef Zekri,
  • Janarthanan Ponraj,
  • Akshath Shetty and
  • Yousef Haik

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1608–1614, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.143

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  • Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Texas A & M University-Kingsville, TX 78363, USA 10.3762/bjnano.11.143 Abstract The oxidation of Au/Ag alloy thin films using radio-frequency oxygen plasma was studied in this work. It was demonstrated that there is a phase separation occurring between
  • a few have reported on the oxidation of silver alloys [15][20][21]. Gao et al. investigated the oxidation of Ag/Cu alloy by exposure to atomic oxygen. They demonstrated that the resistance of silver against corrosion by atomic oxygen was improved due to the presence of copper in the alloy [21]. From
  • a fundamental point of view, gold/silver is a peculiar model system to study corrosion processes since gold is a noble metal. Interestingly, by using different types of Au/Ag nanoparticles, Lewis et al. showed how one can control and engineer, at the nanometer scale, the final shape and structure of
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Published 22 Oct 2020

High-responsivity hybrid α-Ag2S/Si photodetector prepared by pulsed laser ablation in liquid

  • Raid A. Ismail,
  • Hanan A. Rawdhan and
  • Duha S. Ahmed

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1596–1607, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.142

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  • with a monoclinic structure and that crystallinity of the nanoparticles was improved after adding CTAB. Raman studies revealed the presence of peaks related to Ag–S bonds (Ag modes) and the longitudinal optical phonon 2LO mode. Scanning electron microscopy investigations confirmed the production of
  • positioned at the bottom of a glass vessel filled with Tu solution mixed with the CTAB solution. The height of the solution was 2 mm above the Ag target. The laser beam was focused on the Ag pellet by using a converging lens of 10 cm focal length. The laser fluence used for ablation was 3.9 J·cm−2·per pulse
  • vibration and silver material is expelled from the target surface in the form of a plasma plum. Thus, silver ions Ag+ and sulfur ions S2− are produced from silver target and thiourea solution, respectively. They form Ag2S NPs according to the following chemical reaction [21]: Figure 3 shows the XRD patterns
Full Research Paper
Published 21 Oct 2020

Fabrication of nano/microstructures for SERS substrates using an electrochemical method

  • Jingran Zhang,
  • Tianqi Jia,
  • Xiaoping Li,
  • Junjie Yang,
  • Zhengkai Li,
  • Guangfeng Shi,
  • Xinming Zhang and
  • Zuobin Wang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1568–1576, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.139

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  • spots decreases. Sivashanmugan et al. [32] employed FIB technology to prepare nanostructures on silicon surfaces, which were then coated with Au and Ag films to generate SERS substrates. The enhancement factor range of R6G using the substrate was between 2.62 × 106 and 1.74 × 107. Gao et al. [33
  • a KCl-saturated Ag/AgCl rod are used as the working, counter, and reference electrodes, respectively. Using this approach, Au/TiO2 nanocomposites formed on Pt substrates yielded a SERS enhancement factor of 1.8 × 108 for R6G molecules [34]. Chang et al. [35] fabricated different Ag nanostructures on
  • to fabricate roughened Ag substrates. In this system, the limit of detection for R6G with SERS was 2 × 10−8 mol·L−1. Based on a ORC method, Chen et al. [37] created hybrid Au–AuOx with reverse rates of 200, 100, 50, 25, and 5 mV/s. The highest enhancement factor observed with R6G in this system was
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Published 16 Oct 2020

Adsorption and self-assembly of porphyrins on ultrathin CoO films on Ir(100)

  • Feifei Xiang,
  • Tobias Schmitt,
  • Marco Raschmann and
  • M. Alexander Schneider

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1516–1524, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.134

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  • homogeneous contrast develops in Figure 4d. Such compact assemblies were previously observed for the case of the non-metalated 2H-DPP compound on Ag(110) [24] and on Au(111) [22], but, for example, not on Cu(111) [23]. For the assembly on 1BL CoO, the distance between the phenyl rings is a little larger than
  • forms compact islands on the 2BL film when the molecules are deposited at approx. 300 K or when the system is annealed to that temperature (Figure 6a). The appearance of 2 on the 2BL film is very similar to that on Ag(111) and allows for an identification of individual molecules in the compact
Full Research Paper
Published 05 Oct 2020

Controlling the electronic and physical coupling on dielectric thin films

  • Philipp Hurdax,
  • Michael Hollerer,
  • Larissa Egger,
  • Georg Koller,
  • Xiaosheng Yang,
  • Anja Haags,
  • Serguei Soubatch,
  • Frank Stefan Tautz,
  • Mathias Richter,
  • Alexander Gottwald,
  • Peter Puschnig,
  • Martin Sterrer and
  • Michael G. Ramsey

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1492–1503, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.132

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  • (6P) on ultrathin MgO(100) films supported on Ag(100) is reported. By deliberately changing the work function of the MgO(100)/Ag(100) system, it is shown that the charge transfer (electronic coupling) into the 6P molecules can be controlled, and 6P monolayers with uncharged molecules (Schottky–Mott
  • Pacchioni et al. [4][5][6] and either inferred or observed for adsorbates ranging from metal atoms [7][8] and small molecules [9][10] to larger π-conjugated molecules [11][12][13]. This phenomenon has been comprehensively analyzed for 5A on epitaxial MgO(100)/Ag(100), in which orbital-resolved STM and
  • )/Ag(100) work function after MgO film growth (ΦMgO) by changing the composition at the dielectric–metal interface without changing its surface [16][17][18][19], it has been recently shown that two distinct adsorption regimes exist [20]. On films with a high ΦMgO, all molecules in the ML remain neutral
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Published 01 Oct 2020

Self-assembly and spectroscopic fingerprints of photoactive pyrenyl tectons on hBN/Cu(111)

  • Domenik M. Zimmermann,
  • Knud Seufert,
  • Luka Ðorđević,
  • Tobias Hoh,
  • Sushobhan Joshi,
  • Tomas Marangoni,
  • Davide Bonifazi and
  • Willi Auwärter

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1470–1483, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.130

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  • -ylethynyl substituents have been used to steer and control the self-assembly on hBN/Cu(111), including the formation of dense-packed arrays and intricate kagome networks. The resulting structures deviate in part from the assemblies previously studied on Ag(111) [48]. Additionally, the hBN decoupling layer
  • section, we will put forward a comparative discussion of the self-assembly of pyridin-4-ylethynyl-functionalized pyrenes on hBN/Cu(111) and on Ag(111) [48]. The molecular density of tetrapyridylpyrene 1 in arrays on hBN/Cu(111) was higher compared to Ag(111) (ρtetra/hBN = 0.41 molecules/nm2 vs ρtetra/Ag
  • hBN/Cu(111) and Ag(111), the separation along the unit cell vector a was clearly reduced on hBN, reflecting the minimum energy interdigitation configuration, determined by basic molecular mechanics modeling for two modules of 1 in the gas phase. Thus, we tentatively assigned the higher packing density
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Published 29 Sep 2020

Antimicrobial metal-based nanoparticles: a review on their synthesis, types and antimicrobial action

  • Matías Guerrero Correa,
  • Fernanda B. Martínez,
  • Cristian Patiño Vidal,
  • Camilo Streitt,
  • Juan Escrig and
  • Carol Lopez de Dicastillo

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1450–1469, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.129

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  • allows for nanoparticles to be synthesized directly from a metal source. Jung et al., for example, obtained Ag NPs in various sizes, ranging from 6 to 21 nm. However, this technique has the disadvantage of consuming a significant amount of energy and it requires a large lab space for the experimental
  • different materials in a fast, safe, and environmentally friendly way. This technique allows for the synthesis of Ag [27], CuO [28], and MgO [29] NPs with sizes ranging from 1 to 25 nm. In addition, with this technique it is possible to control the geometry of the nanoparticles in order to obtain squared
  • irradiation time. For example, while Tan et al. [31] obtained spherical silver nanoparticles, Zhou et al. [32] obtained plate-like triangles. Another method used is the pulsed laser ablation technique which is used to synthesize colloidal solutions of Ag [33], Au [34], MgO [35], and ZnO [36] NPs, among others
Published 25 Sep 2020

Wafer-level integration of self-aligned high aspect ratio silicon 3D structures using the MACE method with Au, Pd, Pt, Cu, and Ir

  • Mathias Franz,
  • Romy Junghans,
  • Paul Schmitt,
  • Adriana Szeghalmi and
  • Stefan E. Schulz

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1439–1449, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.128

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  • layer for the wet etching of silicon. The MACE process has been extensively studied over the last decade [13][14][15][16]. In theory, the process works with a wide range of noble metals. The main focus in research has been set on the noble metals gold (Au) and silver (Ag) [2][17][18][19]. Other studies
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Published 23 Sep 2020

Protruding hydrogen atoms as markers for the molecular orientation of a metallocene

  • Linda Laflör,
  • Michael Reichling and
  • Philipp Rahe

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1432–1438, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.127

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  • ionised derivates calculations yielded rotational barrier values of up to 1.4 eV [19]. From this class of molecules we investigate the ferrocene derivate 1,1’-ferrocene dicarboxylic acid (FDCA), a ferrocene functionalised with two carboxylic acid moieties. This molecule has been analysed before on Ag(111
  • FDCA molecule to the tip with the carbonyl moiety facing the surface. This would be in line with earlier NC-AFM experiments of naphthalene tetracarboxylic diimide (NTCDI) adsorbed on Ag-terminated silicon surfaces [37]. In the latter case, the observation of submolecular contrast similar to images
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Published 22 Sep 2020

Impact of fluorination on interface energetics and growth of pentacene on Ag(111)

  • Qi Wang,
  • Meng-Ting Chen,
  • Antoni Franco-Cañellas,
  • Bin Shen,
  • Thomas Geiger,
  • Holger F. Bettinger,
  • Frank Schreiber,
  • Ingo Salzmann,
  • Alexander Gerlach and
  • Steffen Duhm

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1361–1370, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.120

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  • ) on Ag(111) via X-ray standing waves (XSW), low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) as well as ultraviolet and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS and XPS). XSW revealed that the adsorption distances of F4PEN in (sub)monolayers on Ag(111) were 3.00 Å for carbon atoms and 3.05 Å for fluorine atoms
  • . The F4PEN monolayer was essentially lying on Ag(111), and multilayers adopted π-stacking. Our study shed light not only on the F4PEN–Ag(111) interface but also on the fundamental adsorption behavior of fluorinated pentacene derivatives on metals in the context of interface energetics and growth mode
  • charge transfer from the substrate [9][28]. This can be explained by the repulsive interaction of the fluorine atoms with the substrate, which leads to much larger vertical adsorption heights of PFP compared to PEN in monolayers on Cu(111) [9]. Ag(111) represents an intermediate case [55] with weak
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Published 08 Sep 2020

Growth of a self-assembled monolayer decoupled from the substrate: nucleation on-command using buffer layers

  • Robby Reynaerts,
  • Kunal S. Mali and
  • Steven De Feyter

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1291–1302, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.113

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  • formed at the solution–solid interface, is a more of routine occurrence than an exception. Such structurally diverse monolayers are typically formed on solid substrates such as highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), graphene, and metals such as Cu, Ag and Au and have been characterized using scanning
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Published 01 Sep 2020

Ultrasensitive detection of cadmium ions using a microcantilever-based piezoresistive sensor for groundwater

  • Dinesh Rotake,
  • Anand Darji and
  • Nitin Kale

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1242–1253, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.108

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  • . Results of the SAM detecting cadmium ions The proposed microfluidic platform provides real-time monitoring of Cd(II) in groundwater. We performed the experiment using the coating of cysteamine thiol with cross-linked ᴅʟ-glyceraldehyde (Cys-DL-GC). We have already discussed that the methods based on Au/Ag
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Published 18 Aug 2020

Hybridization vs decoupling: influence of an h-BN interlayer on the physical properties of a lander-type molecule on Ni(111)

  • Maximilian Schaal,
  • Takumi Aihara,
  • Marco Gruenewald,
  • Felix Otto,
  • Jari Domke,
  • Roman Forker,
  • Hiroyuki Yoshida and
  • Torsten Fritz

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1168–1177, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.101

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  • indicative of a strong electronic interaction of first-layer molecules with the Ni(111) substrate. A similar broadening was observed for DBP on Ag(111), where a mixing of the molecular frontier orbitals with the metal bands of the substrate was concluded [26]. After about 0.25 monolayer equivalents (MLE
  • ordered DBP on h-BN/Ni(111), suitable coincidences with the lowest substrate orders are the on-line coincidences (1, 2), (−1, −2), (−2, 1), and (2, −1). A comparison with reported lateral structures of DBP on Ag(111) [34] and Au(111) [33] shows very similar adsorbate lattice parameters except for the unit
  • the LT-STM measurements, we concluded that the DBP molecules adopt a herringbone structure similar to DBP on Ag(111) and Au(111). Furthermore, we observed that the low work function of h-BN/Ni(111) decreases upon DBP deposition down to a value of 3.45(2) eV for the highly ordered DBP layer on h-BN/Ni
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Published 04 Aug 2020

Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of rubrene on clean and graphene-covered metal surfaces

  • Karl Rothe,
  • Alexander Mehler,
  • Nicolas Néel and
  • Jörg Kröger

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1157–1167, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.100

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  • (Figure 1c) where one diagonal pair of phenyl groups would appear higher than the other. Such a configuration was indeed observed for a closed monolayer of C42H28 on Ag(100) [24]. However, it is difficult to infer geometric heights from STM images due to variations in the local density of states. Moreover
  • superimposed molecule sketch visualizes this assignment. For some molecules the apparent height of all four phenyl groups is similar, while others exhibit a pair of diagonal phenyl groups appearing higher than the other pair, similar to previous findings on Ag(100) [24]. This observation is compatible with the
  • of the molecular backbone of C42H28 is not limited to low-temperature depositions. It was likewise observed for room-temperature deposition on low-index Cu surfaces [22][36] and Ag(100) [24]. The STM image in Figure 4c shows the influence of the Au(111) reconstruction on the C42H28 assembly
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Published 03 Aug 2020
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