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Search for "template" in Full Text gives 273 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. Showing first 200.

Synthesis and catalytic application of magnetic Co–Cu nanowires

  • Lijuan Sun,
  • Xiaoyu Li,
  • Zhiqiang Xu,
  • Kenan Xie and
  • Li Liao

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 1769–1773, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.178

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  • Lijuan Sun Xiaoyu Li Zhiqiang Xu Kenan Xie Li Liao School of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, PR China 10.3762/bjnano.8.178 Abstract A rapid, template-free method was developed to prepare magnetic, bimetallic Co–Cu nanowires via liquid phase reduction and metal
  • mainly electrodeposition by different templates, as found in the previous literature. For example, many papers have reported Co–Cu nanowires electrodeposited into a porous anodic aluminum oxide template [1][2][3][4]. Additionally, L. Gravier et al. [8] prepared Co–Cu multilayered nanowires by
  • , bimetallic Co–Cu nanowires with a highly desirable linear structure were successfully synthesized via a rapid and facile template-free method [9][10][11] assisted by magnetic fields. Moreover, they were applied to catalyze the hydrolysis of ammonia borane (NH3–BH3, AB) for the first time. This result lays
Published 25 Aug 2017

Near-infrared-responsive, superparamagnetic Au@Co nanochains

  • Varadee Vittur,
  • Arati G. Kolhatkar,
  • Shreya Shah,
  • Irene Rusakova,
  • Dmitri Litvinov and
  • T. Randall Lee

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 1680–1687, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.168

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  • , behaved as a soft template for chain growth [47], as described below. Notably, the shells appear to possess varying porosity. Consequently, it is plausible that Co2+ and AuCl4− ions continuously diffused through the shell during the galvanic replacement reaction and thereby gave rise to the formation of
  • template exhibited a plasmonic resonance at 628 nm [27]. Consequently, our results represent a significant and potentially useful outcome, as there have been, to our knowledge, no prior reports of NIR-responsive nanochain systems. There is a strong need for nanomaterials that are NIR-active [10][11][12][14
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Published 14 Aug 2017

Micro- and nano-surface structures based on vapor-deposited polymers

  • Hsien-Yeh Chen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 1366–1374, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.138

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  • flat substrates or 3D complex substrates. Next, the creation of multiple or gradient structures/patterns on the polymers provides an interfacial template with multifunctional reactivity and gradient information for multifunctional or directional activities. Then, the emerging discovery of the selective
Published 04 Jul 2017

Synthesis of [Fe(Leq)(Lax)]n coordination polymer nanoparticles using blockcopolymer micelles

  • Christoph Göbel,
  • Ottokar Klimm,
  • Florian Puchtler,
  • Sabine Rosenfeldt,
  • Stephan Förster and
  • Birgit Weber

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 1318–1327, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.133

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  • -poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP) block copolymer (BCP) micelles as template. Variation of the solvent (THF and toluene) and the rigidity of the axial ligand Lax (Lax = 1,2-di(pyridin-4-yl)ethane) (bpea), trans-1,2-di(pyridin-4-yl)ethene (bpee), and 1,2-di(pyridin-4-yl)ethyne) (bpey); Leq = 1,2
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Published 26 Jun 2017

Nanotopographical control of surfaces using chemical vapor deposition processes

  • Meike Koenig and
  • Joerg Lahann

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 1250–1256, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.126

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  • and Oh used anodic aluminum oxide membranes as a template for the production of nanotubes with a tunable wall thickness (Figure 1) [11]. Via chemical oxidation polymerization of vaporized pyrroles, polypyrrole was deposited on the walls of the membrane pores which had been pretreated with ferric
  • . The colloidal template was removed by ultrasonication after deposition. Structures derived from a broad range of polymers and across a variety of length scales (down to 25 nm) could be fabricated. Selective deposition A straightforward method to selectively deposit polymers on prepatterned substrates
  • and patterned coatings from a great variety of polymer materials can be created that can be tailored to the respective applications. Polymer structures via masked deposition: polypyrrole nanotubes by deposition using aluminum oxide membranes with a pore size of 100 nm as the template. The wall
Published 12 Jun 2017

A top-down approach for fabricating three-dimensional closed hollow nanostructures with permeable thin metal walls

  • Carlos Angulo Barrios and
  • Víctor Canalejas-Tejero

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 1231–1237, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.124

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  • template by means of an oxygen-plasma treatment (ashing). The latter is enabled by the permeability and thinness of the metal film deposited on the nanopatterned resist sidewalls, which allows oxygen species to react with the organic polymer template. The technique is demonstrated through the fabrication
  • localization of the optical field among the hollow nanocages at resonance plays a major role. On the other hand, it should be pointed out that the measured nanocage bulk sensitivity is smaller than that exhibited by the SU-8 nanopillar array template (Figure 1a and blue curve in Figure 3a) of 509 nm/RIU [11
  • with the purpose of releasing CO2 (thermal decomposition of carbonates) to the surroundings by applying heat to the Si chip. Note also that, besides SU-8, other organic polymers can be used to form the load-containing template. In addition, apart from evaporation, other metal deposition techniques
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Published 08 Jun 2017

Enhanced catalytic activity without the use of an external light source using microwave-synthesized CuO nanopetals

  • Govinda Lakhotiya,
  • Sonal Bajaj,
  • Arpan Kumar Nayak,
  • Debabrata Pradhan,
  • Pradip Tekade and
  • Abhimanyu Rana

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 1167–1173, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.118

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  • S4).This confirms that the same as-synthesized CuO nanopetals can also be optimized for the efficient degradation of hazardous dyes other than MB. Conclusion In summary, we have synthesized CuO nanoflowers and nanopetals in the absence of any surfactant and/or template using a microwave-assisted wet
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Published 30 May 2017

Preparation of thick silica coatings on carbon fibers with fine-structured silica nanotubes induced by a self-assembly process

  • Benjamin Baumgärtner,
  • Hendrik Möller,
  • Thomas Neumann and
  • Dirk Volkmer

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 1145–1155, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.116

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  • self-assembles onto the carbon fiber substrate in the form of nanoscopic crystallites, which serve as a template for the subsequent silica deposition. The silicification at close to neutral pH is spatially restricted to the localized polyamine and consequently to the fiber surface. In case of the
  • template, and an amorphous shell, i.e., free ethylenimine units, which direct the silica deposition to the aggregates’ surface. As soon as the amorphous shell is covered by silica, no further significant deposition takes place [16]. A considerable number of factors can influence the shape of the primary
  • into the organic template core. A calcination process removes the LPEI template and provides access to the metal centers located at the inner wall of the silica nanotubes enabling potential catalytic reactions within the pores of the silica shell. A further conceivable application can be evaluated with
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Published 26 May 2017

Hierarchically structured nanoporous carbon tubes for high pressure carbon dioxide adsorption

  • Julia Patzsch,
  • Deepu J. Babu and
  • Jörg J. Schneider

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 1135–1144, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.115

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  • tubes to be obtained. To obtain these materials, a polymer was employed and used as the carbon source and template to mold a spherical structure of silica particles obtained by the Stoeber process. After a carbonization step, a second thermal treatment was employed to obtain either SiC tubes or a
  • . The formed carbon layer serves as the template and carbon source from which the silicon carbide is formed. It furthermore prevents particle agglomeration and reduces the loss of unstable SiO species which are formed during the conversion reaction. The conversion process thus represents a micro
  • One-dimensional mesoporous carbon tubes and silicon carbide tubes with diameters in the micrometer size range were synthesized using electrospun PS fibres (acting as both the carbon source as well as the template) and amorphous silica particles of spherical morphology derived from the Stoeber process
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Published 24 May 2017

Adsorption characteristics of Er3N@C80on W(110) and Au(111) studied via scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy

  • Sebastian Schimmel,
  • Zhixiang Sun,
  • Danny Baumann,
  • Denis Krylov,
  • Nataliya Samoylova,
  • Alexey Popov,
  • Bernd Büchner and
  • Christian Hess

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 1127–1134, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.114

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  • scientific community. Sustained efforts on the synthesis of endohedral fullerenes led to the trimetallic nitride template (TNT) process and consequently to the creation of the class of trimetallic nitride endohedral fullerenes in 1999, which can be produced in a sufficiently high yield for experimental
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Published 23 May 2017

Assembly of metallic nanoparticle arrays on glass via nanoimprinting and thin-film dewetting

  • Sun-Kyu Lee,
  • Sori Hwang,
  • Yoon-Kee Kim and
  • Yong-Jun Oh

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 1049–1055, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.106

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  • the dewetted nanoparticles [1][12][13][14][15]. These complicated processing steps for prepatterned templates critically restrict extensive application of the thin-film dewetting technique. Furthermore, lithography techniques based on silicon wafers have limitations when the template must also serve
  • as a functional layer. Thus, the applicability of a self-assembly technique that uses dewetting largely depends on how it can be combined with appropriate template materials that have both functionality and dewettability. In this regard, nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is expected to be an effective
  • –500 °C, forming an assembly of one metal nanoparticle per pit in the topographic patterns in the silica template, as shown in Figure 6e. This was the same for the Au films (Figure 6g). This evolution of the particle assembly with film thickness and dewetting temperature is very similar to previous
Published 12 May 2017

Synthesis of coaxial nanotubes of polyaniline and poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) by oxidative/initiated chemical vapor deposition

  • Alper Balkan,
  • Efe Armagan and
  • Gozde Ozaydin Ince

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 872–882, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.89

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  • polymer chains when deposited inside the pores of a template [36]. This supermolecular order leads to improved conjugation lengths with fewer bends and kinks in the linear polymer chains [52] leading to increased conductivities in nanotubes compared to thin films. A similar parabolic dependence of
  • and anodic aluminum oxide template (AAO) with pore sizes of 200 nm were used as substrates and were coated simultaneously. Glass slides were used for electrical conductivity measurements and UV–visible spectroscopy (UV–vis). Si wafers were used for Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometry
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Published 18 Apr 2017

Investigation of growth dynamics of carbon nanotubes

  • Marianna V. Kharlamova

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 826–856, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.85

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  • , efforts were aimed at the optimization of the SWCNT-catalyst interface for the chirality-selective growth. The authors of [124][125] used WCo alloy particles with specific structure as template to realize the chirality-controlled growth of SWCNTs. In [124], the (12,6) tubes (d = 1.28 nm) with an abundance
  • template effect of nanocrystal catalyst and the optimization of growth kinetics. The authors of recent report [120] also succeeded in the CVD synthesis of near-zigzag SWCNTs with the dominant chirality of (15,2) using Fe catalyst. It should be noted that besides the CVD method the single chirality SWCNTs
Published 11 Apr 2017

Synthesis of graphene–transition metal oxide hybrid nanoparticles and their application in various fields

  • Arpita Jana,
  • Elke Scheer and
  • Sebastian Polarz

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 688–714, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.74

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  • and mixed mechanically for application needs in various fields (Figure 1d) (although mainly used for electrode preparation in LIB applications). In the sandwich structure, graphene is used as a template to generate the active NP/graphene sandwich structure (Figure 1e) [77], and in the layer structure
Published 24 Mar 2017

The longstanding challenge of the nanocrystallization of 1,3,5-trinitroperhydro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX)

  • Florent Pessina and
  • Denis Spitzer

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 452–466, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.49

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  • nanocomposites using a technique similar to sol–gel [30]. The matrix is the NC itself solidified by micrometer-sized AP crystals and cross-linked with toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTDL), whereas RDX is dissolved in acetone inside that template. The gel and the crystallization of RDX is
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Published 17 Feb 2017

Tailoring bifunctional hybrid organic–inorganic nanoadsorbents by the choice of functional layer composition probed by adsorption of Cu2+ ions

  • Veronika V. Tomina,
  • Inna V. Melnyk,
  • Yuriy L. Zub,
  • Aivaras Kareiva,
  • Miroslava Vaclavikova,
  • Gulaim A. Seisenbaeva and
  • Vadim G. Kessler

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 334–347, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.36

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  • ] applying the well-known template method. Mann et al. were first to report it for the synthesis of hybrid organic–inorganic materials bearing functional groups of different nature [23][24][25][26]. Finally, there have been published papers describing the synthesis of non-porous silica nano- and sub
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Published 02 Feb 2017

Template-controlled piezoactivity of ZnO thin films grown via a bioinspired approach

  • Nina J. Blumenstein,
  • Fabian Streb,
  • Stefan Walheim,
  • Thomas Schimmel,
  • Zaklina Burghard and
  • Joachim Bill

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 296–303, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.32

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  • . Keywords: piezoresponse force microscopy; template-controlled deposition; ZnO; Introduction Zinc oxide is a wide band gap semiconductor. Thin films of it can be applied in, e.g., LEDs [1][2][3] or transistors [4][5][6]. Furthermore, due to its piezoelectricity, it can be incorporated in actuators [7] or
  • different functionalities are available, e.g., amino-, carboxylate or sulfonate groups for hydrophilic or alkyl groups and fluorine atoms for hydrophobic modifications. The properties of these functional groups control the interaction with ZnO. In the case of a template with polar functionality
  • composite nacre with its remarkable mechanical stability [37]. The growth of the inorganic, polycrystalline aragonite platelets is directed by biopolymers. This organic template leads to oriented attachment of the CaCO3 crystallites so that a preferred orientation along the c-axis arises [38]. According to
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Published 30 Jan 2017

Photocatalysis applications of some hybrid polymeric composites incorporating TiO2 nanoparticles and their combinations with SiO2/Fe2O3

  • Andreea Laura Chibac,
  • Tinca Buruiana,
  • Violeta Melinte and
  • Emil C. Buruiana

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 272–286, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.30

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  • in the polymeric matrix, as can be observed for the hybrid composites S1 and S4 in the inset of Figure 4a and Figure 4d, respectively. Therefore, it is clear that the introduction of the TiO2 nanoparticles in a polymer template avoids their agglomeration. The hybrid polymeric films, S1–S4 (thickness
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Published 27 Jan 2017

Performance of colloidal CdS sensitized solar cells with ZnO nanorods/nanoparticles

  • Anurag Roy,
  • Partha Pratim Das,
  • Mukta Tathavadekar,
  • Sumita Das and
  • Parukuttyamma Sujatha Devi

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 210–221, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.23

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  • photoelectrode surface and (iii) poor fill factors of the as-prepared DSSC devices. Conclusion Colloidal CdS NPs have been synthesized through a bioinspired route using bovine serum albumin as a template. The structural, microstructural and optical studies confirmed the formation of phase pure cubic CdS NPs with
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Published 23 Jan 2017

Structural and tribometric characterization of biomimetically inspired synthetic "insect adhesives"

  • Matthias W. Speidel,
  • Malte Kleemeier,
  • Andreas Hartwig,
  • Klaus Rischka,
  • Angelika Ellermann,
  • Rolf Daniels and
  • Oliver Betz

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 45–63, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.6

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Published 06 Jan 2017

Facile fabrication of luminescent organic dots by thermolysis of citric acid in urea melt, and their use for cell staining and polyelectrolyte microcapsule labelling

  • Nadezhda M. Zholobak,
  • Anton L. Popov,
  • Alexander B. Shcherbakov,
  • Nelly R. Popova,
  • Mykhailo M. Guzyk,
  • Valeriy P. Antonovich,
  • Alla V. Yegorova,
  • Yuliya V. Scrypynets,
  • Inna I. Leonenko,
  • Alexander Ye. Baranchikov and
  • Vladimir K. Ivanov

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1905–1917, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.182

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  • [56][57], with some modifications: instead of one polyanionic layer on the surface of microcapsules, a layer of negatively charged O-dots was used (Figure 8). Calcium carbonate microparticles were used as the template for fabrication of the nanocomposite shells. The first polyelectrolyte layer was
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Published 02 Dec 2016

Properties of Ni and Ni–Fe nanowires electrochemically deposited into a porous alumina template

  • Alla I. Vorobjova,
  • Dmitry L. Shimanovich,
  • Kazimir I. Yanushkevich,
  • Sergej L. Prischepa and
  • Elena A. Outkina

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1709–1717, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.163

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  • value of Ni–Fe NWs in the alumina template is higher than that of the Ni sample and bulk Ni, also the Curie temperature of the Ni–Fe sample (790 K) is higher than that of the Ni sample one or bulk Ni. Keywords: electrochemical deposition; nanowire; porous alumina template; specific magnetization
  • ][10]. Applying of porous alumina as a template allows the formation of vertically ordered NW arrays with uniform geometrical parameters (diameter, length, and density) which can be readily controlled over a wide range of sizes [11][12][13][14]. Additionally, porous alumina is a heat-resistant material
  • most common in industrial development. However, the problem of pore blocking during deposition into the high aspect ratio template requires optimization of the deposition conditions (current density, temperature, electrolyte composition) and adjustment of the parameters of the template (diameter, pore
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Published 14 Nov 2016

Filled and empty states of Zn-TPP films deposited on Fe(001)-p(1×1)O

  • Gianlorenzo Bussetti,
  • Alberto Calloni,
  • Rossella Yivlialin,
  • Andrea Picone,
  • Federico Bottegoni and
  • Marco Finazzi

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1527–1531, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.146

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  • a template for the deposition of other organic molecules or (ii) as a buffer layer in flat organic devices. On the other hand, a detailed analysis of the electronic properties of the porphyrin single layer requires a reference sample for comparison. Generally, as well as in this paper, a thick
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Published 27 Oct 2016

Polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) copolymers as templates for stacked, spherical large-mesopore silica coatings: dependence of silica pore size on the PS/PEO ratio

  • Roberto Nisticò,
  • Giuliana Magnacca,
  • Sushilkumar A. Jadhav and
  • Dominique Scalarone

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1454–1460, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.137

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  • templating (exotemplating) [6][7]. In general, templating agents arrange in the surrounding environment in such a way to generate a porous system in the newly synthesized materials, which replicates the 3D structure of the template arrangement. Often, both shape and size of the resulting porous system are
  • directly and clearly correlated to the adopted porogen, but sometimes the template behavior and its effect on pore generation remain unclear. Concerning soft templating, this procedure is related to the use of amphiphilic, low molecular weight surfactants or supramolecular cooperative macromolecules, which
  • constant value. This happens when a swelling equilibrium with the apolar solvent inside/outside the templating micelles is achieved. Even though further studies are necessary to better clarify this point, the interesting trends reported here confirm the importance of the template choice in order to obtain
Published 14 Oct 2016

Dealloying of gold–copper alloy nanowires: From hillocks to ring-shaped nanopores

  • Adrien Chauvin,
  • Cyril Delacôte,
  • Mohammed Boujtita,
  • Benoit Angleraud,
  • Junjun Ding,
  • Chang-Hwan Choi,
  • Pierre-Yves Tessier and
  • Abdel-Aziz El Mel

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1361–1367, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.127

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  • size and shape coupled to the alignment and periodic organization of the nanowires is expected to promote the SERS effect originating from such gold nanostructures. Experimental Nanopatterned substrates The nanopatterned silicon substrates used as a template to grow the nanowires were prepared using a
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Published 29 Sep 2016
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