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Search for "EGFR" in Full Text gives 13 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.

Radiosensitizing properties of dual-functionalized carbon nanostructures loaded with temozolomide

  • Radmila Milenkovska,
  • Nikola Geskovski,
  • Dushko Shalabalija,
  • Ljubica Mihailova,
  • Petre Makreski,
  • Dushko Lukarski,
  • Igor Stojkovski,
  • Maja Simonoska Crcarevska and
  • Kristina Mladenovska

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2025, 16, 229–251, doi:10.3762/bjnano.16.18

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  • [13]. It was also shown that the CNs impair extracellular adhesion and regulate adhesion-dependent pathways (such as EGFR/AKT/mTOR and β-catenin) [14], inhibit angiogenesis via the NF-κB pathway [15], inhibit several signal transduction pathways (WNT/β-catenin, Notch, and JAK-STAT) [16], promote
Full Research Paper
Published 19 Feb 2025

Antibody-conjugated nanoparticles for target-specific drug delivery of chemotherapeutics

  • Mamta Kumari,
  • Amitabha Acharya and
  • Praveen Thaggikuppe Krishnamurthy

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 912–926, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.75

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  • , JAK2/STAT3 pathway) [25][26][27][28], and proangiogenic factors (e.g., vascular endothelial growth factor receptor, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), platelet derived growth factor, and basic fibroblast growth factor) [29][30]. Further, overexpression of cancer receptors, such as estrogen
  • . The antibody-conjugated NPs were able to recognize the extracellular ligand-binding domain of EGFR and provided an effective targeted delivery of rapamycin. The ACNPs significantly increased the therapeutic effect of the chemotherapeutics [49]. The covalent binding can lead to a random immobilization
Published 04 Sep 2023

Nanotechnology – a robust tool for fighting the challenges of drug resistance in non-small cell lung cancer

  • Filip Gorachinov,
  • Fatima Mraiche,
  • Diala Alhaj Moustafa,
  • Ola Hishari,
  • Yomna Ismail,
  • Jensa Joseph,
  • Maja Simonoska Crcarevska,
  • Marija Glavas Dodov,
  • Nikola Geskovski and
  • Katerina Goracinova

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 240–261, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.23

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  • selecting candidates for therapies with tyrosine kinase inhibitors against the human epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR TKI therapies) and further monitoring cancer treatment efficacy and cancer development. Acquired resistance due to various genetic aberrations is an unavoidable problem during EGFR TKI
  • therapy, leading to the rapid exhaustion of standard molecularly targeted therapeutic options against mutant variants. Attacking multiple molecular targets within one or several signaling pathways by co-delivery of multiple agents is a viable strategy for overcoming and preventing resistance to EGFR TKIs
  • intracellular internalization, and bring advantages over conventional nanocarriers. Keywords: co-delivery nanoparticles; combinatorial therapy; EGFR TKI resistance; non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC); overcoming and preventing resistance; Introduction Among the malignant diseases, lung cancer takes the lead
Published 22 Feb 2023

Theranostic potential of self-luminescent branched polyethyleneimine-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles

  • Rouhollah Khodadust,
  • Ozlem Unal and
  • Havva Yagci Acar

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 82–95, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.6

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  • factor receptor (EGFR). Pro-apoptotic polyinosinic–polycytidylic acid sodium (PIC) was delivered to HeLa cells with SPION@bPEI and caused a dramatic reduction in the cell viability at otherwise non-toxic nanoparticle concentrations, proving that bPEI coating is still an effective component for the
  • delivery of an anionic cargo. Besides, a strong intracellular optical signal supports the optically traceable nature of these nanoparticles. SPION@bPEI nanoparticles were further conjugated with Erbitux (Erb), which is an anti-EGFR antibody for targeting EGFR-overexpressing cancer cell lines. SPION@bPEI
  • as well as its targeted delivery to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-positive cancer cell lines, in vitro. Initially, the dose dependent cytotoxicity of the nanoparticles was determined. Then, using a fluorescence microscope, the ability of these nanoparticles to generate intracellular optical
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Published 18 Jan 2022

The impact of molecular tumor profiling on the design strategies for targeting myeloid leukemia and EGFR/CD44-positive solid tumors

  • Nikola Geskovski,
  • Nadica Matevska-Geshkovska,
  • Simona Dimchevska Sazdovska,
  • Marija Glavas Dodov,
  • Kristina Mladenovska and
  • Katerina Goracinova

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 375–401, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.31

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  • efficacy of the cancer treatment. This article will focus on novel design strategies for nanoscale drug delivery systems, based on the unique molecular signatures of myeloid leukemia and EGFR/CD44-positive solid tumors, and the impact of novel discoveries in molecular tumor profiles on future
  • chemotherapeutic protocols. Keywords: CD44; EGFR; liquid tumors; molecular tumor targeting; myeloid leukemia; solid tumors; surface-engineered nanoparticles; Introduction The conventional chemotherapy regimens of both liquid (hematological) and solid tumors are challenged by their lack of targeting ability
  • introduced the possibility of employing similar strategies for passive targeting as for solid tumors, but these tumors also have much in common regarding the expression of specific molecules as viable targets for therapy and/or homing of NDDSs. For example, overexpression of the EGFR gene or protein kinase
Published 29 Apr 2021

Doxorubicin-loaded gold nanorods: a multifunctional chemo-photothermal nanoplatform for cancer management

  • Uzma Azeem Awan,
  • Abida Raza,
  • Shaukat Ali,
  • Rida Fatima Saeed and
  • Nosheen Akhtar

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 295–303, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.24

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  • was 7.99 ± 0.0032 µg/mL. For PSS-GNRs-DOX with laser irradiation it was 3.12 ± 0.0906 µg/mL. The IC50 values of free DOX and DOX with laser exposure were 3.999 ± 0.04211 and 4.41 ± 0.0037 µg/mL, respectively. Previously, Au-HNS-EGFR-DOX were reported to have a significant antiproliferative activity
Full Research Paper
Published 31 Mar 2021

Key for crossing the BBB with nanoparticles: the rational design

  • Sonia M. Lombardo,
  • Marc Schneider,
  • Akif E. Türeli and
  • Nazende Günday Türeli

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 866–883, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.72

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  • clinical use for the treatment of CNS diseases, although some clinical trials are currently ongoing. A phase-I trial of anti-EGFR-immunoliposomes loaded with doxorubicin, still recruiting, might provide soon clinical information on the ratio between the concentration of doxorubicin in the cerebro-spinal
  • tumors or in diseases such as Alzheimer’s or ischemic stroke [185]. Using targeting ligands such as EGF, cetuximab (an anti-EGFR antibody), or anti-Aβ peptide antibodies, their accumulation in these areas can be increased [30][186][187]. For example, in a study by Shevtsov et al., SPIONs conjugated with
Published 04 Jun 2020

Using gold nanoparticles to detect single-nucleotide polymorphisms: toward liquid biopsy

  • María Sanromán Iglesias and
  • Marek Grzelczak

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 263–284, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.20

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  • reported the detection of mutations in exon 19 and exon 21 of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) isolated from both the lung cancer cell lines and the cancer tissues of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer [66]. The citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles underwent selective aggregation upon the
  • Park et al. [81] have extended this strategy by using catalyst DNA (c-DNA) to discriminate single-base mutations in long (84 molecules) EGFR mutated DNA. The catalyst c-DNA was complementary to the so-called c-c DNA, a longer DNA sequence (Figure 5). The introduction of target DNA to a solution
  • colorimetric assay for the detection of EGFR mutants in long DNA sequences. The presence of a target releases the catalyst oligonucleotide initiating CHA, which in turn progressively aggregate gold nanoparticles. Reprinted with permission from [81], copyright 2018 John Wiley and Sons. The combination of
Published 31 Jan 2020

Rational design of block copolymer self-assemblies in photodynamic therapy

  • Maxime Demazeau,
  • Laure Gibot,
  • Anne-Françoise Mingotaud,
  • Patricia Vicendo,
  • Clément Roux and
  • Barbara Lonetti

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 180–212, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.15

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  • the delivery of PDT sensitizers [120]. Many groups have explored this strategy since. More recently, one of the most often targeted cell-surface entities has been EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor, overexpressed in a variety of solid tumors such as non-small cell lung cancer, head and neck
Published 15 Jan 2020

Engineered superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) for dual-modality imaging of intracranial glioblastoma via EGFRvIII targeting

  • Xianping Liu,
  • Chengjuan Du,
  • Haichun Li,
  • Ting Jiang,
  • Zimiao Luo,
  • Zhiqing Pang,
  • Daoying Geng and
  • Jun Zhang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1860–1872, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.181

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  • . Recently, the development of nanotechnology has made SPIONs promising candidates as molecular MR imaging probes as well [15][16][17][18]. The epidermal growth factor receptor variant III (EGFRvIII), the most common mutation type of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), is highly overexpressed in
Full Research Paper
Published 11 Sep 2019

Targeting strategies for improving the efficacy of nanomedicine in oncology

  • Gonzalo Villaverde and
  • Alejandro Baeza

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 168–181, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.16

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  • specifically designed for binding to the epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR) have been anchored on the surface of hollow gold nanospheres [39]. The thiolated version of these aptamers was anchored on the gold surface through the thiol groups producing an average anchorage yield of 250 aptamers per
Published 14 Jan 2019

Optical techniques for cervical neoplasia detection

  • Tatiana Novikova

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 1844–1862, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.186

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  • ). It is known that progression of CIN from mild dysplasia to invasive cancer is accompanied by the increase in level of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). The overexpression of EGFR has been correlated to uncontrolled cell growth and inhibition of cell apoptosis. Hence, EGFR can be used as a
  • imaging of the specific biomarker of cervical cancer. The bioconjugates of gold nanoparticles (approximately 12 nm in diameter) with antibodies against EGFR have been used to increase the contrast during in vitro confocal reflectance and confocal fluorescence imaging of normal and abnormal cervical cells
  • . The high affinity of antibodies to EGFR and the overexpression of EGFR in tumor cells lead to the agglomeration of gold nanoparticles in tumor zone. The scattering cross-section per particle increases when particles agglomerate. It leads to a non-linear enhancement in scattering resulting in a large
Published 06 Sep 2017

Magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical NMR-based diagnostics

  • Huilin Shao,
  • Tae-Jong Yoon,
  • Monty Liong,
  • Ralph Weissleder and
  • Hakho Lee

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2010, 1, 142–154, doi:10.3762/bjnano.1.17

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  • and rapid profiling of tumor cell surface markers in unprocessed biological samples will undoubtedly have a significant impact on both the life sciences and clinical practice. DMR molecular profiling of Her2/neu, EGFR, and CD326 (EpCAM) cancer markers on mammalian cells was first demonstrated using
  • in small sample volumes and in a multiplexed manner. Fine-needle aspirate biopsies from a panel of mouse xenograft tumors have already been successfully analyzed for Her2/neu, EGFR, and EpCAM expression. Furthermore, the multiple-marker targeting strategy has been shown to significantly improve the
  • well with standard molecular analyses, such as flow cytometry and Western blot, but required substantially fewer cells. (d) Molecular profiling of fine-needle aspirates of mouse tumor xenografts. Three cancer markers (Her2/neu, EGFR, EpCAM) were profiled to increase the accuracy of diagnosis
Published 16 Dec 2010
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