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Search for "SDTRIMSP" in Full Text gives 4 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.

Level set simulation of focused ion beam sputtering of a multilayer substrate

  • Alexander V. Rumyantsev,
  • Nikolai I. Borgardt,
  • Roman L. Volkov and
  • Yuri A. Chaplygin

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 733–742, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.61

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  • negligible for incidence angles smaller than 70°. The values of functions and were tabulated on the basis of SDTrimSP Monte Carlo simulations. The range of incidence angles θ from 70° to 88° was divided into intervals with the step size of 2°, while the hemisphere above the substrate surface was presented
  • experimental results [37] demonstrated that, at glancing incidence angles, this distribution is shifted by 18° towards larger γ angle values compared to the data calculated using the SDTrimSP software package. In order to account for this discrepancy, when calculating the redeposited atom fluxes Fr,i for
  • underestimation of the depths of the experimentally fabricated structures. The energy distribution functions for incident angles θ > 70° were found by SDTrimSP simulations by dividing the energy range of backscattered ions into intervals with a step of 3 keV and calculating the normalized number of particles
Full Research Paper
Published 24 Jun 2024

Ultralow-energy amorphization of contaminated silicon samples investigated by molecular dynamics

  • Grégoire R. N. Defoort-Levkov,
  • Alan Bahm and
  • Patrick Philipp

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 834–849, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.68

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  • example, for the preparation of TEM samples. Furthermore, we performed binary collision approximation (BCA) simulations on pristine silicon using the SDTrimSP code [49]. In Figure 10, the sputtering yields are plotted, as well as a comparison between the three sputtering simulations of the silicon sample
  • . We can observe a very similar trend for MD and SDTrimSP, yet we also observe a significant difference between the yields (Figure 9). This can be explained by the difference in the codes used. While ReaxFF models breaking and forming of bonds between atoms, the SDTrimSP BCA-type simulations are used
  • as a reference method for comparison. Furthermore, SDTrimSP and TRIM both use a fully amorphous target and use purely repulsive interatomic potentials. When comparing closely the results for ReaxFF, SDTrimSP, and TRIM, we observe that the maximum yield is obtained around 60°–70° for all models. More
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Published 01 Aug 2023

Defect formation in multiwalled carbon nanotubes under low-energy He and Ne ion irradiation

  • Santhana Eswara,
  • Jean-Nicolas Audinot,
  • Brahime El Adib,
  • Maël Guennou,
  • Tom Wirtz and
  • Patrick Philipp

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1951–1963, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.186

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  • carbon support of typical TEM grids, a new methodology involving Raman inactive Au TEM grids was developed. The experimental results have been compared to SDTRIMSP simulations. Due to the small thickness of the MWCNTs, sputtering has been observed for the top and bottom side of the samples. Depending on
  • imaging conditions for HIM as well as controlled and targeted structural modification of carbon using ion-irradiation. Numerical simulations will rely on the SDTRIMSP code [47], which is relying on the binary collision approximation (BCA). This decision is based on SDTRIMSP’s ability to model ion fluences
  • structural information from TEM images and the chemical signal from Raman spectra are both consistent with each other and also with the simulations results shown below in Figure 4. Simulation of He and Ne irradiation Numerical simulations have been carried out using the SDTRIMSP code [47]. As this code does
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Published 09 Jul 2018

Numerical investigation of depth profiling capabilities of helium and neon ions in ion microscopy

  • Patrick Philipp,
  • Lukasz Rzeznik and
  • Tom Wirtz

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1749–1760, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.168

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  • profiling; helium ion microscopy; ion bombardment; numerical simulations; polymers; SDTRIMSP; Introduction Ion bombardment of polymer samples has been studied for various applications related to surface modifications and surface analysis. Ion bombardment of polymers allows to change the electric
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Published 17 Nov 2016
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