Beilstein J. Nanotechnol.2024,15, 664–677, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.55
for swallowing. Grey whales (Eschrichtius robustus) use suction filter feeding [119].
At the smaller scales, aquaticinsects of the orders Ephemeroptera, Trichopteram, and Diptera use filter feeding to consume organic matter from their aqueous environment [120]. The fibrillar filters used by insects
Figure 1:
Scaling of hair across body size. (A) Scaling of hair mass mh versus body mass mb. The dots represe...
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol.2011,2, 137–144, doi:10.3762/bjnano.2.17
extremely interesting as a biomimetic model for low friction fluid transport or drag reduction on ship hulls.
Keywords: air film; aquaticinsects; backswimmer; drag reduction; superhydrophobic surfaces; Introduction
Superhydrophobic surfaces are of great economic interest because of their amazing
film for a longer time period [19][24][25]. Very high air film persistence was observed on the water bug Notonecta glauca under hydrostatic conditions on their elytra [24]. Based on this comparative study about the correlation of surface morphology and air film persistence on different semi-aquatic
insects, we chose Notonecta glauca as the model organism for further investigations on air film persistence and drag reduction. The backswimmer Notonecta glauca is surrounded by a thin film of air covering most body parts and causing a silvery sheen (Figure 1).
Notonecta spp. can dive and swim quickly
Figure 1:
Lateral view on the water bug Notonecta glauca.