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Search for "chitosan fibers" in Full Text gives 2 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.

Enhancing mechanical properties of chitosan/PVA electrospun nanofibers: a comprehensive review

  • Nur Areisman Mohd Salleh,
  • Amalina Muhammad Afifi,
  • Fathiah Mohamed Zuki and
  • Hanna Sofia SalehHudin

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2025, 16, 286–307, doi:10.3762/bjnano.16.22

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  • form gels, which complicates the electrospinning process. Repulsive forces between ionic groups due to high electric fields during electrospinning also tend to form discontinuous chitosan fibers [102]. Solvents used in the electrospinning of pure chitosan include hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, formic
  • , multinozzle, and blend electrospinning. The resultant composite was made up of chitosan fibers as the bottom layer, co-electropun chitosan and PVA fibers as the middle layer, and blended PVA/nanobioglass fibers as the top layer. Emulsion electrospinning of chitosan/PVA was reported by Mouro’s research group
Published 26 Feb 2025

Wet-spinning of magneto-responsive helical chitosan microfibers

  • Dorothea Brüggemann,
  • Johanna Michel,
  • Naiana Suter,
  • Matheus Grande de Aguiar and
  • Michael Maas

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 991–999, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.83

Graphical Abstract
  • were prepared by wet-spinning and coagulation in an ethanol bath. Thereby, no toxic components were introduced into the wet-spun chitosan fibers. After drying, the helical fibers had a diameter of approximately 130 µm. Scanning electron microscopy analysis of wet-spun helices revealed that the magnetic
  • actuators; chitosan fibers; helical fibers; magnetic tissue engineering; mechanical properties; wet-spinning; Introduction Helical fibrous structures are ubiquitous in nature and are found at virtually every length scale. A few examples are the structural motifs in proteins and DNA at the molecular level
  • immunogenicity [17] and, therefore, has become highly used in tissue regeneration [18][19]. Chitosan fibers are particularly well-suited for tissue engineering due to their highly porous scaffold architecture [20]. Using electrospinning, chitosan fibers can be produced with a diameter ranging from several tens
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Published 07 Jul 2020
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