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Search for "cyclodextrin" in Full Text gives 226 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. Showing first 200.

One-pot synthesis of block-copolyrotaxanes through controlled rotaxa-polymerization

  • Jessica Hilschmann,
  • Gerhard Wenz and
  • Gergely Kali

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 1310–1315, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.127

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  • acrylate and an acrylamide in the presence of methylated β-cyclodextrin was employed for the first time to synthesize block-copolyrotaxanes. RAFT polymerizations started from a symmetrical bifunctional trithiocarbonate and gave rise to triblock-copolymers where the outer polyacrylate/polyacrylamide blocks
  • act as stoppers for the cyclodextrin rings threaded onto the inner polyisoprene block. Statistical copolyrotaxanes were synthesized by RAFT polymerization as well. RAFT polymerization conditions allow control of the composition as well as the sequence of the constituents of the polymer backbone which
  • further effects the CD content and the aqueous solubility of the polyrotaxane. Keywords: block copolymer; cyclodextrin; polyisoprene; polyrotaxane; RAFT polymerization; Introduction Polymer necklaces, i.e., polyrotaxanes and pseudopolyrotaxanes, are supramolecular assemblies comprising polymeric axes
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Published 03 Jul 2017

Glyco-gold nanoparticles: synthesis and applications

  • Federica Compostella,
  • Olimpia Pitirollo,
  • Alessandro Silvestri and
  • Laura Polito

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 1008–1021, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.100

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  • showed that GAuNPs were still able to recognize specific lectin (peanut agglutinin, PNA) and human galectin-3 (Gal-3), exploiting multiple lactose residues displayed on gold surface. Moreover, due to the presence of the β-cyclodextrin cavity, these nanostructures worked as site-specific delivery systems
Published 24 May 2017

Interactions between shape-persistent macromolecules as probed by AFM

  • Johanna Blass,
  • Jessica Brunke,
  • Franziska Emmerich,
  • Cédric Przybylski,
  • Vasil M. Garamus,
  • Artem Feoktystov,
  • Roland Bennewitz,
  • Gerhard Wenz and
  • Marcel Albrecht

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 938–951, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.95

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  • -Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Lichtenbergstr. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany 10.3762/bjoc.13.95 Abstract Water-soluble shape-persistent cyclodextrin (CD) polymers with amino-functionalized
  • end groups were prepared starting from diacetylene-modified cyclodextrin monomers by a combined Glaser coupling/click chemistry approach. Structural perfection of the neutral CD polymers and inclusion complex formation with ditopic and monotopic guest molecules were proven by MALDI–TOF and UV–vis
  • configuration of the CD moieties. Depending on the geometrical configuration of attachment anisotropic adhesion characteristics of the polymer system can be distinguished between a peeling and a shearing mechanism. Keywords: AFM; cyclodextrin; inclusion complexes; molecular recognition; polyconjugated polymers
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Published 18 May 2017

The effect of cyclodextrin complexation on the solubility and photostability of nerolidol as pure compound and as main constituent of cabreuva essential oil

  • Joyce Azzi,
  • Pierre-Edouard Danjou,
  • David Landy,
  • Steven Ruellan,
  • Lizette Auezova,
  • Hélène Greige-Gerges and
  • Sophie Fourmentin

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 835–844, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.84

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Published 05 May 2017

Cyclodextrins tethered with oligolactides – green synthesis and structural assessment

  • Cristian Peptu,
  • Mihaela Balan-Porcarasu,
  • Alena Šišková,
  • Ľudovít Škultéty and
  • Jaroslav Mosnáček

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 779–792, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.77

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  • clearly demonstrate that the cyclodextrins were tethered with more than one short oligolactate chain per CD molecule, predominantly at the methylene group, through ring opening of L-LA initiated by primary OH groups. Keywords: cyclodextrin; ESI; evaporative light scattering detection; liquid
  • chromatography; L-lactide; MALDI; mass spectrometry; NMR; Introduction Cyclodextrin derivatives are increasingly important and their variety is dictated by the wide range of applications in which these compounds are employed with preponderance in the pharmaceutical field [1][2]. The employed strategies for the
  • The properties of cyclodextrin-oligoester covalent conjugates, situated at the border of low and high molecular weight compounds can be influenced by both the carbohydrate and the oligoester components. The properties of such materials like solubility, miscibility with other materials, inclusion
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Published 26 Apr 2017

Inclusion complexes of β-cyclodextrin with tricyclic drugs: an X-ray diffraction, NMR and molecular dynamics study

  • Franca Castiglione,
  • Fabio Ganazzoli,
  • Luciana Malpezzi,
  • Andrea Mele,
  • Walter Panzeri and
  • Giuseppina Raffaini

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 714–719, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.70

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  • 7, 20131 Milano, Italy 10.3762/bjoc.13.70 Abstract Tricyclic fused-ring cyclobenzaprine (1) and amitriptyline (2) form 1:1 inclusion complexes with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) in the solid state and in water solution. Rotating frame NOE experiments (ROESY) showed the same geometry of inclusion for both 1
  • /β-CD and 2/β-CD complexes, with the aromatic ring system entering the cavity from the large rim of the cyclodextrin and the alkylammonium chain protruding out of the cavity and facing the secondary OH rim. These features matched those found in the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in solution and
  • . Keywords: amitriptyline; β-cyclodextrin; crystal structure; cyclobenzaprine; molecular dynamics simulations; NOE; Introduction The present paper reports on a multidisciplinary approach [1][2] based on single crystal X-ray diffraction, solution NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with
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Published 13 Apr 2017

Fluorescent carbon dots from mono- and polysaccharides: synthesis, properties and applications

  • Stephen Hill and
  • M. Carmen Galan

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 675–693, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.67

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  • [13][24]. Similarly, important carbohydrate-based biopolymers such as cellulose, chitin, chitosan, dextran, cyclodextrin, and hyaluronic acid, which differ not only in elemental composition, but also in chemo-physical properties, have also been successfully utilised in the preparation of CDs, where
  • ) when compared to 36% release at pH 7 and 27% at pH 12. In order to improve the drug delivery profile of the complex, the authors developed a β-cyclodextrin/tetracycline (β-TC) host–guest inclusion complex, which allows a second “barrier” of release. The pre-formulated β-TC complex was loaded onto the
  • polysaccharide-based nanomaterials in other targeted live cell labelling, imaging and drug-delivery applications. In addition to amine containing polysaccharide, other neutral carbohydrate-based polymers have also been reported in the synthesis of CDs. Cyclodextrin is a cyclic glucose polymer that is commonly
Published 10 Apr 2017

Novel β-cyclodextrin–eosin conjugates

  • Gábor Benkovics,
  • Damien Afonso,
  • András Darcsi,
  • Szabolcs Béni,
  • Sabrina Conoci,
  • Éva Fenyvesi,
  • Lajos Szente,
  • Milo Malanga and
  • Salvatore Sortino

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 543–551, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.52

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  • Gabor Benkovics Damien Afonso Andras Darcsi Szabolcs Beni Sabrina Conoci Eva Fenyvesi Lajos Szente Milo Malanga Salvatore Sortino CycloLab, Cyclodextrin R&D Ltd, Budapest, H-1097 Illatos út 7, Hungary Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Hlavová 8, 128
  • /bjoc.13.52 Abstract Eosin B (EoB) and eosin Y (EoY), two xanthene dye derivatives with photosensitizing ability were prepared in high purity through an improved synthetic route. The dyes were grafted to a 6-monoamino-β-cyclodextrin scaffold under mild reaction conditions through a stable amide linkage
  • -cyclodextrin–EoY conjugate retains both the fluorescence properties and the capability to photogenerate singlet oxygen of the unbound chromophore. In contrast, the corresponding β-cyclodextrin–EoB conjugate did not show either relevant emission or photosensitizing activity probably due to aggregation in
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Published 15 Mar 2017

Structure–efficiency relationships of cyclodextrin scavengers in the hydrolytic degradation of organophosphorus compounds

  • Sophie Letort,
  • Michaël Bosco,
  • Benedetta Cornelio,
  • Frédérique Brégier,
  • Sébastien Daulon,
  • Géraldine Gouhier and
  • François Estour

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 417–427, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.45

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  • iodosobenzoate group, responsible for its degradation, the latter group had to be covalently bound to the cyclodextrin scaffold. Although the presence of the α nucleophile iodosobenzoate was a determinant in the hydrolysis process, an imidazole group was added to get a synergistic effect towards the degradation
  • of the agents. The degradation efficiency was found to be dependent on the relative position of the heterocycle towards the reactive group as well as on the nature of the organophosphorus derivative. Keywords: cyclodextrin; decontamination; enzyme mimic; nerve agents; organophosphorus pesticides
  • study focusing on the impact of covalently bound functional groups to macrocyclic β-cyclodextrin that are involved in the OP hydrolysis. Four new derivatives 2–5 were prepared (Figure 3) for this purpose. Compared to analog 1, scavenger 2 has a longer linker between the iodosobenzoate group and the
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Published 06 Mar 2017

NMR reaction monitoring in flow synthesis

  • M. Victoria Gomez and
  • Antonio de la Hoz

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 285–300, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.31

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  • dispersion of this nucleus. The authors determined the association constant of the complex of NaPF6 with α-cyclodextrin at the picomole level with a detection volume of 50 nL and using non-deuterated solvents [25]. To conclude with the different coil geometries, microslot NMR microprobes and stripline coils
Published 14 Feb 2017

Dynamics and interactions of ibuprofen in cyclodextrin nanosponges by solid-state NMR spectroscopy

  • Monica Ferro,
  • Franca Castiglione,
  • Nadia Pastori,
  • Carlo Punta,
  • Lucio Melone,
  • Walter Panzeri,
  • Barbara Rossi,
  • Francesco Trotta and
  • Andrea Mele

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 182–194, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.21

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  • of Chemistry, University of Torino, Via Pietro Giuria 7, 10125 Torino, Italy 10.3762/bjoc.13.21 Abstract Two different formulations of cyclodextrin nanosponges (CDNS), obtained by polycondensation of β-cyclodextrin with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid dianhydride (EDTAn), were treated with aqueous
  • reported matched the information from powder X-ray diffraction profiles. Keywords: cross-polarization; cyclodextrin; ibuprofen; nanosponges; solid-state NMR; Introduction In the last ten years cyclodextrin nanosponges (CDNS) polymer materials received great attention as promising new materials in several
  • active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) entrapped in a polymeric scaffold. The results pointed out that the motion of a small drug molecule drastically changes from subdiffusive to slightly superdiffusive regimes depending on the cyclodextrin to CL molar ratio, and hence on the CDNS polymeric structure
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Published 27 Jan 2017

Nucleophilic displacement reactions of 5′-derivatised nucleosides in a vibration ball mill

  • Olga Eguaogie,
  • Patrick F. Conlon,
  • Francesco Ravalico,
  • Jamie S. T. Sweet,
  • Thomas B. Elder,
  • Louis P. Conway,
  • Marc E. Lennon,
  • David R. W. Hodgson and
  • Joseph S. Vyle

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 87–92, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.11

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  • liquid [13][14][15]. Recently, Jicsinszky et al. described using a planetary ball mill to perform substitution reactions of 6I-O-(p-toluenesulfonyl)-β-cyclodextrin (Ts-β-CD) with azide, halide or thiolate nucleophiles and thereby avoided intramolecular cyclisation (commonly found under solution-phase
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Published 13 Jan 2017

Phosphated cyclodextrins as water-soluble chiral NMR solvating agents for cationic compounds

  • Cira Mollings Puentes and
  • Thomas J. Wenzel

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 43–53, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.6

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  • observed with the phosphated cyclodextrins. Keywords: chiral; chiral differentiation; cyclodextrin; enantiomer; enantiomeric purity; NMR; Introduction Chiral NMR solvating agents are commonly used for determining enantiomeric purity. In some cases, these compounds cause reproducible perturbations in
  • cationic form were individually tested with six different P-CDs at cyclodextrin concentrations of 5, 10 and 20 mM. All substrates, except for 14, have aromatic rings in their structures. Previous studies [21][31][32] and observations made herein with the P-CDs indicate that host–guest complexes through
  • carboxymethyl group on the CM-CD and the magnetic field of the paramagnetic lanthanide ion perturbs the chemical shifts of the substrate bound in the cyclodextrin cavity by a through-space (pseudocontact) mechanism. The ability of paramagnetic lanthanide ions to improve the enantiomeric differentiation in the
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Published 06 Jan 2017

Synthesis of multi-lactose-appended β-cyclodextrin and its cholesterol-lowering effects in Niemann–Pick type C disease-like HepG2 cells

  • Keiichi Motoyama,
  • Rena Nishiyama,
  • Yuki Maeda,
  • Taishi Higashi,
  • Yoichi Ishitsuka,
  • Yuki Kondo,
  • Tetsumi Irie,
  • Takumi Era and
  • Hidetoshi Arima

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017, 13, 10–18, doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.2

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  • -cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD). HP-β-CD is effective in the treatment of hepatosplenomegaly in NPC disease, albeit at a very high dose. One of the methods to reduce the required dose of HP-β-CD for treatment of NPC is to actively targeting hepatocytes with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD). The aim of the present study was to
  • NPC-like HepG2 cells via asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR)-mediated endocytosis. Keywords: asialoglycoprotein receptor; cholesterol; cyclodextrin; lactose; Niemann–Pick type C disease; Introduction The Niemann–Pick type C (NPC) disease is a lipid storage disorder with the accumulation of membrane
  • , and bioavailability of drugs. CDs improve the above properties of drugs through complex formation, when formulated as injectable solutions, sprays, eye drops, powders, and tablets [7][8]. In recent years, the efficacy of 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) in the treatment of the NPC disease has
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Published 03 Jan 2017

Versatile synthesis of end-reactive polyrotaxanes applicable to fabrication of supramolecular biomaterials

  • Atsushi Tamura,
  • Asato Tonegawa,
  • Yoshinori Arisaka and
  • Nobuhiko Yui

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 2883–2892, doi:10.3762/bjoc.12.287

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  • Atsushi Tamura Asato Tonegawa Yoshinori Arisaka Nobuhiko Yui Department of Organic Biomaterials, Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 2-3-10 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda, Tokyo 101-0062, Japan 10.3762/bjoc.12.287 Abstract Cyclodextrin (CD)-threaded
  • functional PRXs and can be applied to the fabrication of PRX-based supramolecular biomaterials. Keywords: azide group; biomaterials; click chemistry; cyclodextrin; polyrotaxane; Introduction Polyrotaxanes (PRXs) are a class of interlocked polymers that consist of an inclusion complex of cyclodextrins (CDs
  • obtained from NOF Corporation (Tokyo, Japan). α-Cyclodextrin (α-CD) was obtained from Ensuiko Sugar Refining (Tokyo, Japan). 4-(Azidomethyl)benzoic acid was synthesized according to the previous report [27]. 4-Azidobenzoic acid, 4-methylbenzoic acid, p-(tert-butyl)phenylacetylene, and 2-(2-hydroxyethoxy
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Published 28 Dec 2016

Stabilization of nanosized titanium dioxide by cyclodextrin polymers and its photocatalytic effect on the degradation of wastewater pollutants

  • Tamás Zoltán Agócs,
  • István Puskás,
  • Erzsébet Varga,
  • Mónika Molnár and
  • Éva Fenyvesi

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 2873–2882, doi:10.3762/bjoc.12.286

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  • Tamas Zoltan Agocs Istvan Puskas Erzsebet Varga Monika Molnar Eva Fenyvesi CycloLab Cyclodextrin R&D Laboratory Ltd, Illatos út 7, Budapest, 1097, Hungary Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Szent Gellért tér 4, Budapest, 1111
  • behavior and stability of nanoTiO2 in cyclodextrin solutions. On the other hand, we used various monomer and polymer cyclodextrin derivatives, and assessed the options for nanoTiO2 stabilization in the presence of various salts and tap water on the basis of turbidity tests. The physical stability of
  • nanoTiO2 dispersions is diminished in the presence of the salts found in tap water (and occurring also in surface waters and ground water) and they are precipitated immediately. This colloidal instability can be improved by cyclodextrin derivatives. Based on the results of our studies we have selected
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Published 28 Dec 2016

Interactions between cyclodextrins and cellular components: Towards greener medical applications?

  • Loïc Leclercq

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 2644–2662, doi:10.3762/bjoc.12.261

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  • properties. i) Native cyclodextrins As mentioned earlier, the ordinary starch hydrolysis (e.g., corn starch) by an enzyme (i.e., cyclodextrin glycosyl transferase, CGTase) allows the production of the native CDs [13]. To reduce the separation and the purification costs, selective α-, β- and γ-CGTases have
  • complexation of endogenous substances are of potential interest for many applications. Biomolecule/cyclodextrin inclusions complexes Native and modified CDs can be used to complex certain chemicals produced naturally present in cells and tissues (i.e., endogenous substances). Indeed, CDs are able to form
  • formation of cyclodextrin/protein supramolecular complexes can be used to improve their stabilizations. However, the intrinsic characteristics of guest proteins can be also modified. In addition, it is exceedingly clear throughout this paragraph that peptides and proteins have moderate binding constants
Published 07 Dec 2016

A self-assembled cyclodextrin nanocarrier for photoreactive squaraine

  • Ulrike Kauscher and
  • Bart Jan Ravoo

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 2535–2542, doi:10.3762/bjoc.12.248

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  • cyclodextrin vesicle surface. The supramolecular immobilization was monitored by using fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy and the photochemistry of the squaraine was investigated by using absorption spectroscopy. Keywords: cyclodextrin; host–guest chemistry; photodynamic therapy; self-assembly
  • -assembled from amphiphilic cyclodextrin [27]. Given their negligible toxicity cyclodextrins have been utilized as carriers in a number of studies [28][29]. Amphiphilic cyclodextrins substituted with hydrophobic alkyl groups on the primary side and hydrophilic oligo(ethylene glycol) units on the secondary
  • side can be synthesized in a simple and straightforward three step synthesis [27][30]. Cyclodextrin vesicles (CDVs) can be easily prepared by sonication or extrusion in aqueous solution. CDVs have the unique possibility of versatile surface decoration by the simple addition of guest molecules to the
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Published 25 Nov 2016

Radical polymerization by a supramolecular catalyst: cyclodextrin with a RAFT reagent

  • Kohei Koyanagi,
  • Yoshinori Takashima,
  • Takashi Nakamura,
  • Hiroyasu Yamaguchi and
  • Akira Harada

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 2495–2502, doi:10.3762/bjoc.12.244

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  • transfer agent (CTA) that has α-cyclodextrin (α-CD) as a host molecule (α-CD-CTA). Prior to the polymerization of N,N-dimethylacrylamide (DMA), we investigated the complex formation of α-CD with DMA. Single X-ray analysis demonstrated that α-CD includes DMA inside its cavity. When DMA was polymerized in
  • distributed polymers. In the presence of 1,6-hexanediol (C6 diol) which works as a competitive molecule by being included in the α-CD cavity, the reaction yield was lower than that without C6 diol. Keywords: cyclodextrin; radical polymerization; RAFT polymerization; substrate recognition site; supramolecular
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Published 22 Nov 2016

Efficient mechanochemical synthesis of regioselective persubstituted cyclodextrins

  • Laszlo Jicsinszky,
  • Marina Caporaso,
  • Katia Martina,
  • Emanuela Calcio Gaudino and
  • Giancarlo Cravotto

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 2364–2371, doi:10.3762/bjoc.12.230

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  • -6-substituted cyclodextrin derivative syntheses have been effectively carried out in a planetary ball mill under solvent-free conditions. The preparation of Bridion® and important per-6-amino/thiocyclodextrin intermediates without polar aprotic solvents, a source of byproducts and persistent
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Published 10 Nov 2016

Potent triazine-based dehydrocondensing reagents substituted by an amido group

  • Munetaka Kunishima,
  • Daiki Kato,
  • Nobu Kimura,
  • Masanori Kitamura,
  • Kohei Yamada and
  • Kazuhito Hioki

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 1897–1903, doi:10.3762/bjoc.12.179

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  • catalytic amide-forming reactions in water using triazinylammonium salts (DMT-Am) generated in situ from CDMT and a catalytic amount of tertiary amines 5 (Scheme 1d). Most notably, by introducing various functional groups into 5, it was possible to develop a cyclodextrin-based artificial acyltransferase [7
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Published 24 Aug 2016

From supramolecular chemistry to the nucleosome: studies in biomolecular recognition

  • Marcey L. Waters

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 1863–1869, doi:10.3762/bjoc.12.175

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  • viewed as the most challenging and most important medium for molecular recognition. This led to my decision to postdoc for Ron Breslow at Columbia University, who is known for biomimetic chemistry, but at the heart of his cyclodextrin-based enzyme mimics is molecular recognition in water. Breslow’s style
Published 17 Aug 2016

Cross-linked cyclodextrin-based material for treatment of metals and organic substances present in industrial discharge waters

  • Élise Euvrard,
  • Nadia Morin-Crini,
  • Coline Druart,
  • Justine Bugnet,
  • Bernard Martel,
  • Cesare Cosentino,
  • Virginie Moutarlier and
  • Grégorio Crini

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 1826–1838, doi:10.3762/bjoc.12.172

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  • Abstract In this study, a polymer, prepared by crosslinking cyclodextrin (CD) by means of a polycarboxylic acid, was used for the removal of pollutants from spiked solutions and discharge waters from the surface treatment industry. In spiked solutions containing five metals, sixteen polycyclic aromatic
  • calcium at high concentrations, which competed with other pollutants for the adsorption sites of the adsorbent. Keywords: alkylphenols; adsorption; cyclodextrin; metals; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; Introduction Although considerable efforts have been made by the industrial sector over the last 30
  • distinct commercial materials. To our knowledge, materials able to combine the two functions are rare. Recently, bifunctional natural derivatives have been proposed for this purpose. For example, Zhao et al. [3] proposed a new cyclodextrin-based material for the simultaneous adsorption of metals and
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Published 12 Aug 2016

Superstructures with cyclodextrins: chemistry and applications III

  • Gerhard Wenz and
  • Eric Monflier

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 937–938, doi:10.3762/bjoc.12.91

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  • impregnation enabled to prepare highly active and selective Ru/TiO2 catalysts for the hydrogenation of oleic acid methyl ester [13]. The latest results of CD chemistry have been exchanged at two international conferences in 2015. The Joint Conference of 8th Asian Cyclodextrin Conference and 32nd Cyclodextrin
  • congress with 130 presentations covered all fields of cyclodextrin research such as pharmacy, materials, catalysis, remediation, formulation and chemical analysis. Some remarkable original papers and reviews are published in this Thematic Series of the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. In particular
Published 10 May 2016

From steroids to aqueous supramolecular chemistry: an autobiographical career review

  • Bruce C. Gibb

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 684–701, doi:10.3762/bjoc.12.69

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  • exquisitely shaped hydrophobic pocket/active site. Ronald Breslow was asking similar questions and addressing it with cyclodextrin derivatives as enzyme mimics, but as I neared the end of my Ph.D. degree I confess I knew nothing of this facet of supramolecular chemistry. In 1991, as lab work started to be
Published 12 Apr 2016
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