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Search for "helical twisting power" in Full Text gives 3 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry.

4,6-Diaryl-5,5-difluoro-1,3-dioxanes as chiral dopants for liquid crystal compositions

  • Maurice Médebielle,
  • Peer Kirsch,
  • Jérémy Merad,
  • Carolina von Essen,
  • Clemens Kühn and
  • Andreas Ruhl

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 2940–2945, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.246

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  • dopants for liquid-crystal compositions. Keywords: chiral dopant; chirality; cholesteric phase; diols; fluorine; helical twisting power; liquid crystal; Introduction Liquid crystals for use in liquid crystal displays (LCDs) have become one of the most prominent application areas of fluoroorganic
  • from neat chiral mesogens, or through the addition of a chiral dopant to an achiral nematic liquid crystal [5][6]. The ability of the dopant to induce chirality in the nematic phase is defined as the helical twisting power [HTP; β = (pc)−1; with p the helical pitch and c the molar concentration]. The
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Published 14 Nov 2024

The interplay of configuration and conformation in helical perylenequinones: Insights from chirality induction in liquid crystals and calculations

  • Elisa Frezza,
  • Silvia Pieraccini,
  • Stefania Mazzini,
  • Alberta Ferrarini and
  • Gian Piero Spada

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 155–163, doi:10.3762/bjoc.8.16

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  • ) was investigated by integrating measurements of helical twisting power with a conformational analysis by DFT calculations and with the prediction of their twisting ability by the surface-chirality method. The two quasi-enantiomeric derivatives induce oppositely handed cholesteric phases when
  • introduced as dopants in nematic solvents. We evaluated the role of the different conformations of the chiral hydroxyalkyl side chains in determining the helical twisting power: They were found to affect the strength of the chirality transfer, although the handedness of the induced cholesteric phase is
  • essentially determined by the axial chirality (helicity) of the core of the perylenequinones. Keywords: chirality; conformational analysis; DFT calculations; helical twisting power; nematic liquid crystals; Introduction The phenomenon of chiral induction in nematic mesophases has been known for a long time
Full Research Paper
Published 24 Jan 2012

Chiral amplification in a cyanobiphenyl nematic liquid crystal doped with helicene-like derivatives

  • Alberta Ferrarini,
  • Silvia Pieraccini,
  • Stefano Masiero and
  • Gian Piero Spada

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2009, 5, No. 50, doi:10.3762/bjoc.5.50

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  • relationship between molecular structure, intermolecular interactions, and mesoscale organization. It is known that axially chiral or helical-shaped molecules with reduced conformational disorder are good candidates for high helical twisting power derivatives. In particular, biaryl derivatives are known to be
  • , allows us to extend our knowledge of the molecular origin of the chirality amplification in liquid crystals and to confirm the simple relationship “molecular P-helicity” → “cholesteric P-handedness” for helical-shaped helicene-like derivatives. Keywords: chirality; cholesteric; helical twisting power
  • propensity of a dopant to induce a helical organization in the LC matrix is then quantified by its helical twisting power (HTP), which is defined as [2][3]: where p is the helical pitch of the cholesteric phase and c and r are the concentration (molar fraction) and the enantiomeric excess of the dopant
Full Research Paper
Published 07 Oct 2009
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