The following graph (A) should be implemented in Figure 4 of the original article, since it was part of the manuscript and was accidently removed during the revision process. No other change in the corresponding text and caption of Figure 4 is necessary.
Figure 1: Figure 4 in the original article: SANS raw data (A) and CLD analysis (B) for the four resin- and pitch-based carbon materials, treated at 800 °C and 3000 °C. For all samples, SANS analysis was performed on evacuated samples (hollow symbols), as well as under a maximum load of deuterated p-xylene (filled symbols). All samples exhibit a Porod-asymptote (s−4) at large s (modulus of the scattering vector), proving an almost ideal two-phase system (pore–carbon) with sharp interfacial boundaries on the nanometer scale.
Figure 1: Figure 4 in the original article: SANS raw data (A) and CLD analysis (B) for the four resin- and pi...
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