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Search for "amino acid" in Full Text gives 73 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.

Electrospun polysuccinimide scaffolds containing different salts as potential wound dressing material

  • Veronika Pálos,
  • Krisztina S. Nagy,
  • Rita Pázmány,
  • Krisztina Juriga-Tóth,
  • Bálint Budavári,
  • Judit Domokos,
  • Dóra Szabó,
  • Ákos Zsembery and
  • Angela Jedlovszky-Hajdu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 781–796, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.65

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  • , USA); Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium (DMEM, Gibco, USA); MEM, no glutamine, no phenol red (Gibco, USA); phosphate-buffered saline (Gibco, USA); fetal bovine serum (FBS, Gibco, USA); penicillin/streptomycin mix (Gibco, USA); ʟ-glutamine (Gibco, USA); non-essential amino acid solution (NEAA, Gibco
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Published 02 Jul 2024
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  • to mispairing with adenine, resulting in transversion mutations. Proteins can also be damaged when their amino acid side chains are oxidized by ROS. Exposure of lipids to ROS can result in lipid peroxidation, which can cause cell damage and generate reactive by-products that further damage the cell
  • hydroxyl radicals, resulting in oxidative damage to proteins. Moreover, they can bind non-specifically to amino acid residues and replace existing metal ions at active sites of enzymes, leading to abnormal protein folding. Protein aggregation diseases are a type of neurodegenerative diseases that occur
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Published 12 Mar 2024

Assessing phytotoxicity and tolerance levels of ZnO nanoparticles on Raphanus sativus: implications for widespread adoptions

  • Pathirannahalage Sahan Samuditha,
  • Nadeesh Madusanka Adassooriya and
  • Nazeera Salim

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 115–125, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.11

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  • content in olive tree (cv. Moraiolo) shoots in vitro was reported upon treatment with ZnO NPs at concentrations of 6 and 18 mg/L [35]. Zinc is essential for the synthesis of tryptophan, an amino acid required for the biosynthesis of IAA. Zinc has an indirect influence on auxins by activating tryptophan
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Published 23 Jan 2024

Berberine-loaded polylactic acid nanofiber scaffold as a drug delivery system: The relationship between chemical characteristics, drug-release behavior, and antibacterial efficiency

  • Le Thi Le,
  • Hue Thi Nguyen,
  • Liem Thanh Nguyen,
  • Huy Quang Tran and
  • Thuy Thi Thu Nguyen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 71–82, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.7

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  • mechanism of BBR against a standard strain Staphylococcus aureus, whereby BBR inhibits the synthesis of the cell wall and an aromatic amino acid induces oxidative damage and decreases stress resistance. Besides, BBR was found to inhibit MRSA biofilm formation with the concentration in the range of 1–64 mg/L
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Published 12 Jan 2024

Curcumin-loaded albumin submicron particles with potential as a cancer therapy: an in vitro study

  • Nittiya Suwannasom,
  • Netsai Sriaksorn,
  • Chutamas Thepmalee,
  • Krissana Khoothiam,
  • Ausanai Prapan,
  • Hans Bäumler and
  • Chonthida Thephinlap

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 1127–1140, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.93

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  • due to the preparation process, which involves cross-linking of amino acid residues in proteins by glutaraldehyde (GA). As shown in Figure 3B, HSA retained its secondary structure, while both HSA-MPs and CUR-HSA-MPs lost their peptide bonds and secondary structure. The lack of secondary structure of
  • both HSA-MPs and CUR-HSA-MPs is attributed to the cross-linking reaction that utilizes amino acid residues, leading to the destruction of the secondary structure [37]. Influence of the CUR concentration in the suspension medium on the CUR-loading capacities The surface chemical properties of MnCO3-HSA
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Published 21 Nov 2023

New trends in nanobiotechnology

  • Pau-Loke Show,
  • Kit Wayne Chew,
  • Wee-Jun Ong,
  • Sunita Varjani and
  • Joon Ching Juan

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 377–379, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.32

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  • biocompatibility of the nanomaterials is also discussed. The thematic issue also recorded a work on the topic of “Self-assembly of amino acids toward functional biomaterials” [5], where the role of biomaterials in nanobiotechnology is discussed. In this review, the latest advances in amino acid self-assembly and
  • properties associated with the process and yielded products are highlighted. The self-assembly methods in focus included single amino acid self-assembly, functional amino acid self-assembly, amino acid and metal ion coordination self-assembly, and amino acid regulatory functional molecule self-assembly. Many
Published 27 Mar 2023

Biocatalytic synthesis and ordered self-assembly of silica nanoparticles via a silica-binding peptide

  • Mustafa Gungormus

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 280–290, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.25

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  • synthesis and assembly of SiO2 nanoparticles into gels or opal-like ordered structures. Experimental Synthesis of the peptide The SiBP was commercially synthesized (Genscript, NJ, USA) at <98% purity via 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (F-moc) chemistry methods. The amino acid sequence and physicochemical
  • -range homogeneity of self-assembly of as-synthesized SiO2 particles formed with NH3 alone and NH3 + 1 mM SiBP. Amino acid sequence and physicochemical properties of the SiBP. Reaction contents for the different conditions studied. Supporting Information Supporting Information features mass spectra of
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Published 28 Feb 2023

Cyclodextrins as eminent constituents in nanoarchitectonics for drug delivery systems

  • Makoto Komiyama

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 218–232, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.21

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  • pressure regulation (Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe) was precisely recognized by a molecularly imprinted β-CyD polymer [113]. Surprisingly, a difference of only one amino acid is clearly differentiated. Apparently, the solution conformation of the oligopeptide, rather than its primary structure, is
Published 09 Feb 2023

Enhanced electronic transport properties of Te roll-like nanostructures

  • E. R. Viana,
  • N. Cifuentes and
  • J. C. González

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1284–1291, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.106

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  • chemical composition of the nanostructures. This morphology has not been reported for the hydrothermal synthesis of Te nanostructures. Though, similar morphologies have been observed in Te scroll-like nanostructures grown by reflux processes [20] or Te shuttle-like scrolled nanostructures produced by amino
  • acid-controlled hydrothermal growth [21]. However, the typical seed at the center of the scroll-like nanostructures grown by reflux processes was not observed in our case, nor was the characteristic sharp tip at both ends of the shuttle-like scrolled Te NTs. Figure 2 shows TEM images and the
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Published 08 Nov 2022

Design of surface nanostructures for chirality sensing based on quartz crystal microbalance

  • Yinglin Ma,
  • Xiangyun Xiao and
  • Qingmin Ji

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1201–1219, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.100

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  • serum albumin (RbSA) for real-time chiral recognition of five pairs of enantiomers [32]. Although SAs of different species have similar structures with 70–80% identical amino acid sequences, they showed different chiral recognition abilities. For example, the maximum chiral recognition degree αQCM of
  • typical hydrogen bonds with the amino acid residues of SA molecules. Based on the QCM responses of naproxen (Nap) recognition on the BSA selector layer, Guo et al. studied the chiral adsorption forces by cyclic voltammograms (CVs) [33]. The result showed the formation of a larger electron transfer
  • amino acids in the presence of other amino acid interferences. The resultant sensing system has also the advantages of being simple, reusable, and can be easily manipulated for enantioselective sensing assays. Rational selection of chiral ligands is the key factor for successful chirality detection by
Published 27 Oct 2022

Green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles toward highly efficient photocatalysis and antibacterial application

  • Vo Thi Thu Nhu,
  • Nguyen Duy Dat,
  • Le-Minh Tam and
  • Nguyen Hoang Phuong

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1108–1119, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.94

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  • bacterial cell membranes, inhibiting amino acid metabolism and disrupting the bacterial cell enzymatic system [43][44][45]. Conclusion ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized by a green method using rosin extracted from Pinus latteri trees in Vietnam. The XRD diagram of synthesized ZnO showed that ZnO has the
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Published 07 Oct 2022

Biomimetic chitosan with biocomposite nanomaterials for bone tissue repair and regeneration

  • Se-Kwon Kim,
  • Sesha Subramanian Murugan,
  • Pandurang Appana Dalavi,
  • Sebanti Gupta,
  • Sukumaran Anil,
  • Gi Hun Seong and
  • Jayachandran Venkatesan

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1051–1067, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.92

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  • inside the bone extracellular matrix is produced by bone-forming osteoblasts with a repeating amino acid sequence of [Gly(glycine)–X–Y]n, where X and Y may be proline and hydroxyproline. Collagen fibrils, composed of specific proteins, are usually responsible for mechanical strength. Furthermore
Published 29 Sep 2022

Bioselectivity of silk protein-based materials and their bio-inspired applications

  • Hendrik Bargel,
  • Vanessa T. Trossmann,
  • Christoph Sommer and
  • Thomas Scheibel

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 902–921, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.81

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  • collagens, laminins, fibronectin, and elastin, which contain several short peptide recognition and binding motifs in their amino acid sequence for interaction with specific cellular surface integrins or other types of receptors [23]. Within the ECM, fibronectin is the best-known attachment site for cells by
  • its minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for planktonic organisms [94], and, subsequently, it was demonstrated that a distinct subset of HDP peptides can be addressed specifically as antibiofilm peptides, with similar overall amino acid compositions but distinct structure–activity relationships
  • compared to those of antimicrobial peptides [95]. As a result of the multiple functionalities of HDPs, several amphiphilic antimicrobial molecules have recently been developed mimicking both structure and functional aspects of the antimicrobial peptides, such as all-ᴅ amino acid peptides [96], β-peptides
Published 08 Sep 2022

DNA aptamer selection and construction of an aptasensor based on graphene FETs for Zika virus NS1 protein detection

  • Nathalie B. F. Almeida,
  • Thiago A. S. L. Sousa,
  • Viviane C. F. Santos,
  • Camila M. S. Lacerda,
  • Thais G. Silva,
  • Rafaella F. Q. Grenfell,
  • Flavio Plentz and
  • Antero S. R. Andrade

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 873–881, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.78

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  • replication [4]. The glycoprotein NS1 is a 352-amino-acid polypeptide, which has a molecular weight of 46–55 kDa (depending on its glycosylation status), and is essential in viral replication contributing to different stages of the virus life cycle. The NS1 protein is found at high levels in the blood of
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Published 02 Sep 2022

Design and selection of peptides to block the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain by molecular docking

  • Kendra Ramirez-Acosta,
  • Ivan A. Rosales-Fuerte,
  • J. Eduardo Perez-Sanchez,
  • Alfredo Nuñez-Rivera,
  • Josue Juarez and
  • Ruben D. Cadena-Nava

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 699–711, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.62

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  • entry of SARS-CoV-2 into cells is mediated by the interaction of the RBD with the host cell ACE2 receptor [2][3][5]. Figure 1 shows the RBD–ACE2 complex formed at the first stage of the cellular infection by SARS-CoV-2. The formation of the RBD–ACE2 complex is mediated by the amino acid residues F486
  • region). APD peptides were selected based on an already known antiviral activity (Table S1, Supporting Information File 1). ADV results showed that both peptides from the APD and theoretical peptides have the capability to dock on the RBD active region, blocking the amino acid residues related to the
  • ]. From this, new theoretical peptides were designed, considering the most common amino acid residues involved in the formation of hydrogen bonds to the RBD active region of SARS-CoV-2. These small peptides may reinforce and enhance the effectiveness of the immune system response before and after the
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Published 22 Jul 2022

Stimuli-responsive polypeptide nanogels for trypsin inhibition

  • Petr Šálek,
  • Jana Dvořáková,
  • Sviatoslav Hladysh,
  • Diana Oleshchuk,
  • Ewa Pavlova,
  • Jan Kučka and
  • Vladimír Proks

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 538–548, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.45

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  • PHEG-Tyr (Figure 6a, crosses) was tested. Interestingly, it was found that these polypeptide nanogels also showed an inhibition effect on trypsin. The results indicate that these nanogels synthesized from Nα-Lys-NG or PHEG-Tyr polypeptide precursors, in other words from synthetic poly(amino acid)s
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Published 22 Jun 2022

Alcohol-perturbed self-assembly of the tobacco mosaic virus coat protein

  • Ismael Abu-Baker and
  • Amy Szuchmacher Blum

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 355–362, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.30

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  • are 300 nm in length and 18 nm in diameter with a 4 nm central channel. The viral RNA is encapsidated near the inner radius [16]. The tobacco mosaic virus coat protein (TMV-cp) is a 158 amino acid protein with a mass of approximately 17.5 kDa. In the absence of viral RNA, TMV-cp self-assembles into a
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Published 01 Apr 2022

Self-assembly of amino acids toward functional biomaterials

  • Huan Ren,
  • Lifang Wu,
  • Lina Tan,
  • Yanni Bao,
  • Yuchen Ma,
  • Yong Jin and
  • Qianli Zou

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 1140–1150, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.85

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  • acid self-assembly. This article reviews the recent advances in amino acid self-assembly regarding amino acid self-assembly, functional amino acid self-assembly, amino acid coordination self-assembly, and amino acid regulatory functional molecule self-assembly. Keywords: amino acids; functional
  • of all naturally occurring peptides and proteins [25]. Amino-acid-based nanostructures are self-assembled from the simplest building blocks in the biological system environment and are the smallest component of the bottom-up approach [26]. Amino acids and their derivatives can be self-assembled into
  • in vivo [28] compared with the self-assembly of large molecules, such as proteins and peptides. Importantly, amino acids or amino acid derivatives may be self-assembled with other components to form functional architectures, such as drug delivery systems, light collection systems, and imaging systems
Published 12 Oct 2021

The impact of molecular tumor profiling on the design strategies for targeting myeloid leukemia and EGFR/CD44-positive solid tumors

  • Nikola Geskovski,
  • Nadica Matevska-Geshkovska,
  • Simona Dimchevska Sazdovska,
  • Marija Glavas Dodov,
  • Kristina Mladenovska and
  • Katerina Goracinova

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 375–401, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.31

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Published 29 Apr 2021

A review on the green and sustainable synthesis of silver nanoparticles and one-dimensional silver nanostructures

  • Sina Kaabipour and
  • Shohreh Hemmati

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 102–136, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.9

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  • ] synthesized AgNPs in cylindrical matrices using TMV as the biotemplate. In this work, AgNPs were 2–4 nm in size and it was shown that AgNPs, unlike platinum and gold nanoparticles, were coated on the inner surface of the TMV channel. The synthesis process is known to be mediated by the amino acid functional
Published 25 Jan 2021

Antimicrobial metal-based nanoparticles: a review on their synthesis, types and antimicrobial action

  • Matías Guerrero Correa,
  • Fernanda B. Martínez,
  • Cristian Patiño Vidal,
  • Camilo Streitt,
  • Juan Escrig and
  • Carol Lopez de Dicastillo

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1450–1469, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.129

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  • bacteria in the presence of MeO NPs have confirmed that oxidative damage and metal ion release are not exclusive antimicrobial mechanisms [155]. Critical cellular processes related to the proteins, including amino acid, carbohydrate, and nucleotide metabolisms, are significantly reduced, leading to cell
Published 25 Sep 2020

A 3D-polyphenylalanine network inside porous alumina: Synthesis and characterization of an inorganic–organic composite membrane

  • Jonathan Stott and
  • Jörg J. Schneider

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 938–951, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.78

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  • chose phenylalanine as an aromatic and hydrophobic amino acid to achieve a good interaction with slightly water-soluble compounds (e.g. chloroanilic acid) in aqueous solutions. Due the lack of amino groups in the side chain of phenylalanine, no further protection groups are needed for NCA-synthesis and
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Published 17 Jun 2020

Key for crossing the BBB with nanoparticles: the rational design

  • Sonia M. Lombardo,
  • Marc Schneider,
  • Akif E. Türeli and
  • Nazende Günday Türeli

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 866–883, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.72

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  • the brain of specific molecules such as nutrients or amino acids, transport proteins are present on the luminal and basolateral side of the endothelial cells. For instance, GLUT-1, large neutral amino acid transporters (LAT), nucleoside transporters and also organic cation and anion transporters have
  • crossing through AMT by increasing the positive charge on the nanoparticle surface [125]. Another investigated way to increase BBB permeation is to use cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs). These peptides usually contain between five and 40 amino acids, including a large amount of basic amino-acid residues
Published 04 Jun 2020

Preparation and in vivo evaluation of glyco-gold nanoparticles carrying synthetic mycobacterial hexaarabinofuranoside

  • Gennady L. Burygin,
  • Polina I. Abronina,
  • Nikita M. Podvalnyy,
  • Sergey A. Staroverov,
  • Leonid O. Kononov and
  • Lev A. Dykman

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 480–493, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.39

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  • -based amino acid HO2CCH2(OCH2CH2)6NHTFA (prepared from 18-crown-6 [114]) in the presence of DMT-MM [115][116] and N-methylmorpholine in MeOH followed by basic deprotection as described previously [92]. Preparation of GNPs and a study of ability of Ara6 glycosides 1 and 2 to stabilize nanoparticles Gold
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Published 19 Mar 2020

Using gold nanoparticles to detect single-nucleotide polymorphisms: toward liquid biopsy

  • María Sanromán Iglesias and
  • Marek Grzelczak

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 263–284, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.20

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  • classified: Single-point mutations or single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). A base substitution at one nucleotide that may result in a change of the amino acid sequence of the encoded protein or premature truncation of the protein (Figure 2). Copy-number alteration. Duplications, insertions or deletions of
  • bases [48]. To date, around 1.42 million single-base variations have been identified. These small variations may occur in noncoding or coding regions of the genes. SNPs in coding regions can be either synonymous (without altering the encoded amino acid) or nonsynonymous (altering the encoded amino acid
  • drug treatment. Genotyping is an essential process in determining which genetic variants alter the encoded amino acid sequence and thus the function of a given protein. Based on the molecular mechanism, the majority of SNP genotyping assays fall in one of four groups [54][55]. These include (1) allele
Published 31 Jan 2020
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