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Search for "ligands" in Full Text gives 275 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. Showing first 200.

AI-assisted models to predict chemotherapy drugs modified with C60 fullerene derivatives

  • Jonathan-Siu-Loong Robles-Hernández,
  • Dora Iliana Medina,
  • Katerin Aguirre-Hurtado,
  • Marlene Bosquez,
  • Roberto Salcedo and
  • Alan Miralrio

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 1170–1188, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.95

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  • protein to obtain the docking score, number of established hydrogen bonds, and the protein residues interacting with the ligands in a coordination sphere of 3 Å. The results obtained with Autodock Vina [47][68] for training–testing and validation sets are shown in Table 2. The docking scores ranged from
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Published 19 Sep 2024

Direct electron beam writing of silver using a β-diketonate precursor: first insights

  • Katja Höflich,
  • Krzysztof Maćkosz,
  • Chinmai S. Jureddy,
  • Aleksei Tsarapkin and
  • Ivo Utke

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 1117–1124, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.90

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  • functionality [23][24]. Here, skin depth refers to the penetration depth of an electromagnetic field into a (non-transparent) metallic material. While pure metal deposition by direct electron beam writing was demonstrated for gold precursors with inorganic ligands [25][26], high purity comes often at the
  • compounds exist that feature sufficient vapor pressure and stability to be delivered into and used in a vacuum chamber. To date, only the class of carboxylates led to successful implementation, including both fluorinated and non-flourinated ligands [27]. The surprisingly high content of elemental silver
  • that was found in the deposit, despite the large number of carbon atoms in the ligands, was attributed to the thermodynamically favorable release of CO2 upon ligand cleavage [31]. All successfully tested silver carboxylates exhibit a generally high reactivity and sensitivity upon electron beam impact
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Published 26 Aug 2024

Recent updates in applications of nanomedicine for the treatment of hepatic fibrosis

  • Damai Ria Setyawati,
  • Fransiska Christydira Sekaringtyas,
  • Riyona Desvy Pratiwi,
  • A’liyatur Rosyidah,
  • Rohimmahtunnissa Azhar,
  • Nunik Gustini,
  • Gita Syahputra,
  • Idah Rosidah,
  • Etik Mardliyati,
  • Tarwadi and
  • Sjaikhurrizal El Muttaqien

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 1105–1116, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.89

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  • target because the activation of these cells is the central event underlying liver fibrosis. Considering the involvement of multiple cell types on the exacerbation of hepatic fibrosis, more studies targeting other liver cells should be carried out using various ligands. One needs to take into account
Published 23 Aug 2024

Unveiling the potential of alginate-based nanomaterials in sensing technology and smart delivery applications

  • Shakhzodjon Uzokboev,
  • Khojimukhammad Akhmadbekov,
  • Ra’no Nuritdinova,
  • Salah M. Tawfik and
  • Yong-Ill Lee

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 1077–1104, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.88

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  • . These functional groups can include ligands or antibodies that specifically bind to the target cells or tissues [51]. Stimuli-responsive nanoparticles help reduce toxicity and control drug biodistribution [46]. Alginate-based nanoparticles The preparation methods of alginate-based nanoparticles The
  • , while TEM and SEM yield images of separated particles [61]. Surface area: The reactivity of nanoparticles and their ability to interact with ligands highly depend on their surface area. This property of the nanoparticles can be detected directly by adsorbing an inert gas under various pressures to form
  • performance in glucose detection. For instance, the surface of alginate-based nanoparticles can be modified with specific receptors or ligands that selectively bind to glucose molecules, improving the sensitivity and selectivity of the biosensor. Moreover, alginate-based nanoparticles have the potential for
Published 22 Aug 2024

Entry of nanoparticles into cells and tissues: status and challenges

  • Kirsten Sandvig,
  • Tore Geir Iversen and
  • Tore Skotland

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 1017–1029, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.83

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  • with bound ligands enter by the same mechanism as the free ligands? Will the NPs affect intracellular transport and what are the consequences for the cell or tissue? In vivo, one might want NPs to be transcytosed across a cell layer. However, not much is known about the requirements for NPs to cross a
  • cell layer in this manner when it comes to size, charge, material, and NP-associated ligands. In vivo there are also a number of challenges regarding studies of distribution, half-life, and long-term effects. Furthermore, there is a major challenge in the field of NP research regarding the fact that
  • , was formed, and the internalized ligands could be directly transferred to the endoplasmic reticulum, thereby avoiding ending up in lysosomes and being degraded [33]. However, the same authors published in 2010 that this was wrong, and they advised that the name caveosome should not be used [34]. In
Published 12 Aug 2024

Therapeutic effect of F127-folate@PLGA/CHL/IR780 nanoparticles on folate receptor-expressing cancer cells

  • Thi Ngoc Han Pham,
  • Phuong-Thao Dang-Luong,
  • Hong-Phuc Nguyen,
  • Loc Le-Tuan,
  • Xuan Thang Cao,
  • Thanh-Danh Nguyen,
  • Vy Tran Anh and
  • Hieu Vu_Quang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 954–964, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.78

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  • copolymer has been utilized in many studies to develop a carrier that is effective for both treatment and diagnostics [8][9]. Its delivery efficiency can be improved by modifying the substance with targeted ligands such as folic acid, RGD, or antibodies [10][11]. Folic acid is one of the most common ligands
  • the nanoparticles and the targeting ligands. Longer retention times for nanoparticles make it more likely that they will target the right area with the right targeting ligands, which leads to more nanoparticles building up in cancer cells. Nanoparticle size, charge, and composition all have an impact
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Published 31 Jul 2024

Identification of structural features of surface modifiers in engineered nanostructured metal oxides regarding cell uptake through ML-based classification

  • Indrasis Dasgupta,
  • Totan Das,
  • Biplab Das and
  • Shovanlal Gayen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 909–924, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.75

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  • ENMOs (monocrystalline magnetic nanoparticles having overall size of 38 nm and an average of 60 ligands per nanoparticle, indicating a consistent level of attachment across different preparations) regarding human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells (PaCa2), human umbilical vein endothelial cells
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Published 22 Jul 2024

Facile synthesis of Fe-based metal–organic frameworks from Fe2O3 nanoparticles and their application for CO2/N2 separation

  • Van Nhieu Le,
  • Hoai Duc Tran,
  • Minh Tien Nguyen,
  • Hai Bang Truong,
  • Toan Minh Pham and
  • Jinsoo Kim

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 897–908, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.74

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  • (DUT), and others. Among them, the Fe-based MIL-100(Fe) material stands out as an exceptional member of the MIL family because of its distinct properties [7][8]. MIL-100(Fe) offers a substantial number of unsaturated metal sites. These sites act as Lewis acid sites once ligands (–OH and water) are
  • (ethanol and water) inside the pore system were released at low temperature around 100 °C. Subsequently, the ligands (water and/or –OH ligands) connected to Fe sites of the iron oxo-clusters were removed, leaving unsaturated metal sites inside the framework. Finally, a significant weight loss (approx. 41.8
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Published 19 Jul 2024

Water-assisted purification during electron beam-induced deposition of platinum and gold

  • Cristiano Glessi,
  • Fabian A. Polman and
  • Cornelis W. Hagen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 884–896, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.73

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  • ligands are removed. However, in most cases, a large amount of the carbon from the organic ligands is incorporated in the deposits. The removal of the carbonaceous material and, hence, the increase of metallic content of FEBID structures is ultimately important for the performance of the obtained
  • different purification mechanism is possible since organic ligands could be removed from adsorbed precursor molecules by the electron-activated water species and cause a favourable decomposition of the adsorbed material (Figure 1, pathway B). Radiolysis of water can generate acid species, such as H3O+, that
  • atom % ratio is plotted in Figure 3b as a function of the chamber pressure increase. When no water is injected, the C/Pt atom % ratio is 7.4, indicating roughly the removal of up to two methyl ligands on average during deposition. Up to a chamber pressure of 2.3·10−5 mbar, no appreciable purification
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Published 18 Jul 2024

A review on the structural characterization of nanomaterials for nano-QSAR models

  • Salvador Moncho,
  • Eva Serrano-Candelas,
  • Jesús Vicente de Julián-Ortiz and
  • Rafael Gozalbes

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 854–866, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.71

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  • distributed among the material that affect the properties), and (iv) ligands or coating (organic molecules linked to the external part of the particle that contribute to its formation, solubility, or function). Moreover, different experimental factors during the life of a NM (i.e., the conditions during its
  • related to the external part (shell or surface) and/or the substituents or ligands attached to it ((b) in Figure 3), and those that directly reflect the nanostructure of the nanoform (including factors such as size, aspect ratio, or surface area, (c) in Figure 3). (ii) Descriptors that codify experimental
  • nanoparticle discussed until now can be simplistic. NMs are often found to include different chemical components because they are mixtures or complex chemical structures, including impurities or even different crystal phases. Hence, the primary chemical composition of the nanoparticle, excluding ligands or
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Published 11 Jul 2024

Electron-induced ligand loss from iron tetracarbonyl methyl acrylate

  • Hlib Lyshchuk,
  • Atul Chaudhary,
  • Thomas F. M. Luxford,
  • Miloš Ranković,
  • Jaroslav Kočišek,
  • Juraj Fedor,
  • Lisa McElwee-White and
  • Pamir Nag

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 797–807, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.66

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  • and Technology, Technická 5, 16628 Prague, Czech Republic Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-7200, United States 10.3762/bjnano.15.66 Abstract We probe the separation of ligands from iron tetracarbonyl methyl acrylate (Fe(CO)4(C4H6O2) or Fe(CO)4MA) induced by
  • (FEBID); FEBID precursor; iron tetracarbonyl methyl acrylate; Introduction In recent years, a wave of interest in the electron-induced loss of ligands from organometallic and coordination compounds appeared, which has been motivated by the need to understand focused electron beam-induced deposition
  • electron energy of 70 eV. The mass spectrum shows extensive fragmentation: The parent cation (m/z = 254) is visible in the spectrum; however, it is very weak. In the high-mass range, there is a strong progression of CO loss channels with one, two, and three carbonyl ligands being removed (m/z = 226, 198
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Published 03 Jul 2024

Laser synthesis of nanoparticles in organic solvents – products, reactions, and perspectives

  • Theo Fromme,
  • Sven Reichenberger,
  • Katharine M. Tibbetts and
  • Stephan Barcikowski

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 638–663, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.54

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  • conditions during LSPC in organic liquids are quite different. The solvent molecules themselves as well as the created hydrocarbons can adsorb on the nanoparticle surface and act as ligands. If a carbon shell is formed, it can be amorphous or onion-like graphitic. In addition, composites such as carbides
Published 05 Jun 2024

Cholesterol nanoarchaeosomes for alendronate targeted delivery as an anti-endothelial dysfunction agent

  • Horacio Emanuel Jerez,
  • Yamila Roxana Simioni,
  • Kajal Ghosal,
  • Maria Jose Morilla and
  • Eder Lilia Romero

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 517–534, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.46

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  • nanoarchaeosomes is PGP-Me, a polar double negatively charged archaeolipid, which is a ligand of SRAI/II (a trimeric transmembrane glycoprotein that mediates the extensive internalization of polyanionic ligands) [40]. SRAI/II is expressed by J774A.1 cells in intermediate amounts [41]. The expression of SRAI/II by
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Published 13 May 2024

Electron-induced deposition using Fe(CO)4MA and Fe(CO)5 – effect of MA ligand and process conditions

  • Hannah Boeckers,
  • Atul Chaudhary,
  • Petra Martinović,
  • Amy V. Walker,
  • Lisa McElwee-White and
  • Petra Swiderek

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 500–516, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.45

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  • architecture on the deposit formation in electron irradiation experiments that mimic FEBID and cryo-FEBID processes. Electron-stimulated desorption and post-irradiation thermal desorption spectrometry were used to obtain insight into the fate of the ligands upon electron irradiation. As a key finding, the
  • atom to be deposited is surrounded by suitable ligands. In an ideal case, these ligands are converted to volatile species upon fragmentation of the precursor during electron irradiation and desorb from the surface while the desired element is deposited. Owing to their magnetic properties, iron
  • irradiation removes on average 2.5 CO ligands from Fe(CO)5. This is followed by a second phase during which continued irradiation produces graphitic carbon and oxide material corresponding to about 20% of the initial CO ligands. However, these latter reactions do not further reduce the carbon and oxygen
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Published 08 May 2024
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  • toxicity. Furthermore, it is a well-established fact that each metal has an affinity constant for various ligands, which means that most metal cations can form stable complexes with a wide variety of ligands, further increasing their potential toxicity. In the field of physical chemistry, the zeta
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Published 12 Mar 2024

Nanocarrier systems loaded with IR780, iron oxide nanoparticles and chlorambucil for cancer theragnostics

  • Phuong-Thao Dang-Luong,
  • Hong-Phuc Nguyen,
  • Loc Le-Tuan,
  • Xuan-Thang Cao,
  • Vy Tran-Anh and
  • Hieu Vu Quang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 180–189, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.17

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  • oxide) (PEO). To improve the targeting ability of nanoparticles, ligands are typically designed to be located on the exterior of nanoparticles. Typically, ligands are cell-type-specific monoclonal antibodies, RGD peptides for the overexpression of the asialoglycoprotein receptor on cancer cells [5
  • our NPs. Second, the ligand attached to the nanoparticles would aid in the accumulation of nanoparticles within the cells. Numerous studies have employed different ligands to target overexpressed receptors on cancer cells, including folate receptors [13][37], integrins [36][37], and vascular
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Published 06 Feb 2024

CdSe/ZnS quantum dots as a booster in the active layer of distributed ternary organic photovoltaics

  • Gabriela Lewińska,
  • Piotr Jeleń,
  • Zofia Kucia,
  • Maciej Sitarz,
  • Łukasz Walczak,
  • Bartłomiej Szafraniak,
  • Jerzy Sanetra and
  • Konstanty W. Marszalek

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 144–156, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.14

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  • outstanding excitation and optimum charge transport in the mixture. Small-molecule materials, dyes, polymers, fullerenes, and ligands have been introduced as a third component so far. Quantum dots (QDs) are also beneficial materials for ternary solar cells. QDs and nanoparticles as zero-dimensional materials
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Published 02 Feb 2024

New application of bimetallic Ag/Pt nanoplates in a colorimetric biosensor for specific detection of E. coli in water

  • Azam Bagheri Pebdeni,
  • Mohammad N. AL-Baiati and
  • Morteza Hosseini

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2024, 15, 95–103, doi:10.3762/bjnano.15.9

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  • ]. Nanomaterials have improved the ability to detect pathogens in water and food by enhancing signals and sensitivity. These materials, which encompass nanoparticles, nanorods, nanowires, and nanoclusters, can be combined with aptamers, antibodies, enzymes, and other ligands to display unique physical, chemical
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Published 17 Jan 2024

A combined gas-phase dissociative ionization, dissociative electron attachment and deposition study on the potential FEBID precursor [Au(CH3)2Cl]2

  • Elif Bilgilisoy,
  • Ali Kamali,
  • Thomas Xaver Gentner,
  • Gerd Ballmann,
  • Sjoerd Harder,
  • Hans-Peter Steinrück,
  • Hubertus Marbach and
  • Oddur Ingólfsson

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 1178–1199, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.98

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  • structures, these precursor molecules are commonly organometallics that adsorb on the substrate and are decomposed by the electron beam irradiation. Ideally, a pure metal is deposited while fragmented volatile ligands are pumped away [11][12][13]. Several parameters affect the FEBID process, including the
  • -vacuum (UHV) surface science studies and mass spectrometry in high-vacuum (HV) gas-phase investigations [27][28]. In this context, surface science experiments allow for electron-dose-dependent studies of the elemental composition of the deposit, and desorbing ligands may be monitored by means of mass
  • as well as deposition [22][43]. In these studies, the release of halogen ligands was indicated as the main reason for the etching process. FEBID on thermally cleaned Si(111) In several UHV-FEBID studies [43][44][45] it has been shown that an UHV setup alone is not sufficient to produce FEBID
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Published 06 Dec 2023

Properties of tin oxide films grown by atomic layer deposition from tin tetraiodide and ozone

  • Kristjan Kalam,
  • Peeter Ritslaid,
  • Tanel Käämbre,
  • Aile Tamm and
  • Kaupo Kukli

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 1085–1092, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.89

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  • hybridised with ligand Sn 5s states, while the three consecutive peaks at approximately 536.3, 537.7, and 539.6 eV correspond to states hybridised with Sn 5p states [37][38]. In the SnO2 rutile structure, the latter states are non-degenerate because of non-equidistant ligands for the axes of the coordination
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Published 13 Nov 2023

Dual-heterodyne Kelvin probe force microscopy

  • Benjamin Grévin,
  • Fatima Husainy,
  • Dmitry Aldakov and
  • Cyril Aumaître

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 1068–1084, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.88

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Published 07 Nov 2023

Recognition mechanisms of hemoglobin particles by monocytes – CD163 may just be one

  • Jonathan-Gabriel Nimz,
  • Pichayut Rerkshanandana,
  • Chiraphat Kloypan,
  • Ulrich Kalus,
  • Saranya Chaiwaree,
  • Axel Pruß,
  • Radostina Georgieva,
  • Yu Xiong and
  • Hans Bäumler

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 1028–1040, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.85

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  • a long list of ligands including modified serum albumin, which might also occur within our HBMPs [36]. The interaction of HbMPs (with different surface modifications) with Hp, as well as with anti-Hb antibodies has already been studied by Prapan and co-workers [19]. With this work, the investigation
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Published 19 Oct 2023

Nanoarchitectonics of photothermal materials to enhance the sensitivity of lateral flow assays

  • Elangovan Sarathkumar,
  • Rajasekharan S. Anjana and
  • Ramapurath S. Jayasree

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 988–1003, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.82

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  • materials, such as Fe3O4@Cu2−xS, the photothermal properties can also be changed [44]. In addition, because of the high surface-to-volume ratio and highly functional surface ligands, the material can be easily conjugated with a wide variety of biomolecules on its surface, which is useful in applications
Published 04 Oct 2023

Fragmentation of metal(II) bis(acetylacetonate) complexes induced by slow electrons

  • Janina Kopyra and
  • Hassan Abdoul-Carime

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 980–987, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.81

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  • planar to the tetrahedral configuration [25]. This change of geometry has been calculated for CuL2, for which one of the ligands rotates by 90° from the planar configuration [15]. Note that the planar anion may also co-exist, but this configuration is unstable [15]. Surprisingly from the DFT calculations
  • experiments below the decomposition temperatures of the material, ML3, in which the metal is coordinated by three ligands [26][27], may also be produced at least to a small extent at the studied temperatures. Indeed, it has been observed that thermal desorption of solid thymine produces not only the monomer
  • ]. As shown in Table 1, the fragmentation of the transient [ML2]#− anion results in a wide variety of negatively charged species. They arise from the decomposition of one of the ligands into X species, whereas the second ligand still binds to the metal, for example, [MLX]. The loss of C3H3 from one of
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Published 26 Sep 2023

Metal-organic framework-based nanomaterials for CO2 storage: A review

  • Ha Huu Do,
  • Iqra Rabani and
  • Hai Bang Truong

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 964–970, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.79

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  • manipulation of pore size by modifying the size of the ligands is an effective approach for accelerating CO2 adsorption. For instance, Yao et al. used different ligands to fabricate various Zn-based MOF nanomaterials with distinct pore volumes for CO2 adsorption applications [31]. Notably, SUMOF-2
Published 20 Sep 2023
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