Beilstein J. Nanotechnol.2013,4, 129–152, doi:10.3762/bjnano.4.14
-emission performance. However, it was demonstrated that a fluorine-based functionalization of carbonnanomaterials such as diamond films [83] or amorphous carbon nanoparticle films [84] increases the yield of the phenomenon. The fluorination of carbon nanofibers [85] and SWCNTs [86] was also underlined
Figure 1:
Example of scanning electron microscopy image of carbon nanotubes aligned perpendicularly to the su...
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol.2012,3, 345–350, doi:10.3762/bjnano.3.39
nanotechnology, particularly in the imaging and analysis of nanoscale samples that are sensitive to electron irradiation. The current study shows that it is applicable to the study of carbonnanomaterials, notably large two-dimensional structures for which statistical spectroscopic analyses over large areas are
Figure 1:
Schematic of the TXM for NEXAFS studies. Monochromated radiation from the undulator is focused by a...