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Search for "scaffold" in Full Text gives 90 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.

The cleaner, the greener? Product sustainability assessment of the biomimetic façade paint Lotusan® in comparison to the conventional façade paint Jumbosil®

  • Florian Antony,
  • Rainer Grießhammer,
  • Thomas Speck and
  • Olga Speck

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 2100–2115, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.200

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  • retail price of about 20.00 € per m2 (including material cost) could be retrieved as suitable approximation regarding the German market and including delivery and installation of the scaffold, possible pre-treatments such as façade cleaning, the required amount of paint and also the dismantling and
  • return of the scaffold. All labour cost, overhead cost and the profit margin are also included therein. Table 1 shows the calculation of life-cycle cost for both paints. As both paints can be applied using the same techniques, it can be assumed that there are no differences regarding labour cost
  • . For this purpose, the production of the paints, their distribution to the building and the effort for assembling and dismantling the paint scaffold have to be taken into account. The software umberto (umberto NXT Universal © ifu hamburg 2013) has been used to prepare the LCA. Life-cycle impact
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Published 29 Dec 2016

Fundamental properties of high-quality carbon nanofoam: from low to high density

  • Natalie Frese,
  • Shelby Taylor Mitchell,
  • Christof Neumann,
  • Amanda Bowers,
  • Armin Gölzhäuser and
  • Klaus Sattler

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 2065–2073, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.197

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  • cellular structures, other scaffolds have been suggested in some cases, for example, for gold. Foams of connected gold nanowires have been designed in molecular dynamics computer simulations [8]. Also, for materials such as glass compounds, nanofoam with a three-dimensional scaffold of interconnected
  • development of this method since it is environmentally friendly without the use of toxic chemicals. Using this technique, the foams tend to be composed of micrometer-sized spheres of predominantly sp2 carbon that forms a three-dimensional open scaffold. These so-called micropearls are usually detected as
  • thickening of the walls of the graphitic scaffold. We assume that the wall structure starts with single- to few-layer graphene at the beginning of the carbonization process. Then, with further growth, additional layers of graphene are added to the wall structure. Therefore, the foams are light weight when
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Published 27 Dec 2016

“Sticky invasion” – the physical properties of Plantago lanceolata L. seed mucilage

  • Agnieszka Kreitschitz,
  • Alexander Kovalev and
  • Stanislav N. Gorb

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1918–1927, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.183

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  • constitutes a kind of scaffold for other mucilage components, namely pectins and hemicelluloses, spread between the fibrils. They represent linear and/or branched polymers with size about 7 nm [27]. Considering the composition and the size of the individual components, mucilage can be treated as a specific
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Published 05 Dec 2016

Reasons and remedies for the agglomeration of multilayered graphene and carbon nanotubes in polymers

  • Rasheed Atif and
  • Fawad Inam

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1174–1196, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.109

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Published 12 Aug 2016

Multiwalled carbon nanotube hybrids as MRI contrast agents

  • Nikodem Kuźnik and
  • Mateusz M. Tomczyk

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1086–1103, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.102

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  • both a diagnostic and therapeutic role. Nanomaterials have been found to be an excellent scaffold for contrast agents, among which carbon nanotubes offer vast possibilities. The morphology of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), their magnetic and electronic properties, the possibility of different
  • vapor deposition (c-CVD) [20]. This is the most common method of MWCNT synthesis. The inherent consequence of the application of a metal catalyst (e.g., ferrocene, aluminum oxide) is the presence of a nanometallic deposit in the tubes [21]. Thus obtained MWCNTs are already an interesting scaffold for
  • photoluminescence quenching. This functionalization allows for europium photoluminescence emission and endows the hybrids with a second, optical modality. We took another approach to MWCNT functionalization by introducing N-phenylaziridine groups on the carbon scaffold [26] in the reaction of aryl azide with
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Published 27 Jul 2016

Dielectrophoresis of gold nanoparticles conjugated to DNA origami structures

  • Anja Henning-Knechtel,
  • Matthew Wiens,
  • Mathias Lakatos,
  • Andreas Heerwig,
  • Frieder Ostermaier,
  • Nora Haufe and
  • Michael Mertig

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 948–956, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.87

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  • -called six-helix bundle (6HB, Figure 1). The diameter is approximately 6 nm. For the assembly, the single-stranded circular M13mp18 DNA scaffold strand is folded with staples in a z-shaped pattern into six, parallel arranged double helices. Our design includes ten particle-binding sites, each consisting
  • nanostructures within a microfluidic device. Experimental Preparation of the DNA origami structures The 6HB was designed using the software caDNAno [45]. Staple strands and the single stranded scaffold M13mp18 were purchased from Life Technologies and Bayou Biolabs, respectively. For the assembly, the 50 nM
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Published 01 Jul 2016

Large-scale fabrication of achiral plasmonic metamaterials with giant chiroptical response

  • Morten Slyngborg,
  • Yao-Chung Tsao and
  • Peter Fojan

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 914–925, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.83

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  • beam lithography or focused ion beam milling, which both are expensive and time consuming methods. Large-scale fabrication of PCMs have been attempted to some degree applying different approaches such as glancing angle deposition [28], scaffold ornamentation [29][30], individual chiral nanoparticles
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Published 24 Jun 2016

Hierarchical coassembly of DNA–triptycene hybrid molecular building blocks and zinc protoporphyrin IX

  • Rina Kumari,
  • Sumit Singh,
  • Mohan Monisha,
  • Sourav Bhowmick,
  • Anindya Roy,
  • Neeladri Das and
  • Prolay Das

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 697–707, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.62

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  • block of the nanofibers. A notable change in photocatalytic efficiency of Zn PpIX was observed when it was inside the TPA–DNA scaffold. The significant increase in ROS generation by Zn PpIX when trapped in this biocompatible DNA–TPA hybrid nanofiber may be an effective tool to explore photodynamic
  • [56]. Hence, the positioning of Zn PpIX in a DNA–TPA scaffold stipulates the study of induced chirality in the above constructed nanostructure. The chirality and conformational changes induced in DNA after conjugation with TPA as well as after the self-assembly and coassembly with Zn PpIX was
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Published 12 May 2016

Tight junction between endothelial cells: the interaction between nanoparticles and blood vessels

  • Yue Zhang and
  • Wan-Xi Yang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 675–684, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.60

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  • cells and increased mRNA and protein expression of VEDF [71], which may account for the increasing permeability due to the low shear stress. ZO proteins ZO proteins exihibt the ability to link occludins or claudins to the actin cytoskeleton and are generally regarded as TJ scaffold due to several
Published 06 May 2016

Novel roles for well-known players: from tobacco mosaic virus pests to enzymatically active assemblies

  • Claudia Koch,
  • Fabian J. Eber,
  • Carlos Azucena,
  • Alexander Förste,
  • Stefan Walheim,
  • Thomas Schimmel,
  • Alexander M. Bittner,
  • Holger Jeske,
  • Hartmut Gliemann,
  • Sabine Eiben,
  • Fania C. Geiger and
  • Christina Wege

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 613–629, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.54

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  • freedom for a dense decoration with [SA]-enzymes, and a spatial decoupling of the enzymes and the TMV scaffold. About 50% of the CPCys subunits could be decorated with biotin linkers, and virtually all thereof with enzymes (Figure 5B,C), resulting in complete coverage of the TMV sticks by more than a
Published 25 Apr 2016

Rigid multipodal platforms for metal surfaces

  • Michal Valášek,
  • Marcin Lindner and
  • Marcel Mayor

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 374–405, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.34

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  • cyclohexane moieties. The synthesis of adamantane-based tripodal platforms with sulfanylmethyl anchoring groups for chemisorption on gold was pioneered by Keana and co-workers [81][82][106]. The clearly defined geometry, the size and rigidity of sp3-hybridized tricyclic hydrocarbon scaffold as well as the
  • ][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106]. The anchoring platform of the ideal AFM tip molecule should be large enough and the total height of the tripodal scaffold should be such that neighboring molecules bound to the convex surface do not interfere with imaging by the
Published 08 Mar 2016

Green and energy-efficient methods for the production of metallic nanoparticles

  • Mitra Naghdi,
  • Mehrdad Taheran,
  • Satinder K. Brar,
  • M. Verma,
  • R. Y. Surampalli and
  • J. R. Valero

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 2354–2376, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.243

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  • nanomaterials, since it offers rapid and uniform heating of the constituents [112]. Green reagents Saccharides Potara et al. found that chitosan (CTS) is not only capable of reducing and stabilizing, but it can aksi act as a scaffold for the formation of Au NPs. Their results indicated that the formation, size
  • range of 40–200 nm [86]. Also, Wei et al. used CTS in aqueous solution of AgNO3 and HAuCl4 to act as reducing agent and scaffold for the formation of Au and Ag NPs. They used surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis to confirm the formation of NPs [29]. In related reports, they used TEM analysis and
Published 10 Dec 2015

Fabrication of hybrid nanocomposite scaffolds by incorporating ligand-free hydroxyapatite nanoparticles into biodegradable polymer scaffolds and release studies

  • Balazs Farkas,
  • Marina Rodio,
  • Ilaria Romano,
  • Alberto Diaspro,
  • Romuald Intartaglia and
  • Szabolcs Beke

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 2217–2223, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.227

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  • tissue growth and functions. Whenever the need arises for a certain type of scaffold to be produced, all these fields have to be utilized together to get an appropriate solution. HA is an essential ingredient of normal bone and teeth and is widely used for bone tissue regeneration. Given the high degree
  • also proved that these scaffolds did not cause immune rejection [21]. A constant release of HA NPs during scaffold degradation may vastly improve the healing process. Also, certain tuning capabilities emerge with PPF:DEF resins when fabrication parameters are changed [22][23]: The stiffness/Young
  • illustrates the degradation, the scaffold swelling, and HA NPs release during degradation in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM). In order to test the release of HA NPs from the bulk scaffolds, 20 layer of 3 mm diameter porous (400 μm pore size) scaffolds were fabricated from HA NPs–PPF resins
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Published 25 Nov 2015

Predicting cytotoxicity of PAMAM dendrimers using molecular descriptors

  • David E. Jones,
  • Hamidreza Ghandehari and
  • Julio C. Facelli

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 1886–1896, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.192

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  • scaffold structures, they have been demonstrated to be suitable carriers for a number of diverse bioactive agents, improving the solubility and bioavailability of poorly soluble ones [14][15]. These particular nanoparticles are also promising for use in the treatment of cancer, including oral formulations
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Published 11 Sep 2015

DNA–melamine hybrid molecules: from self-assembly to nanostructures

  • Rina Kumari,
  • Shib Shankar Banerjee,
  • Anil K. Bhowmick and
  • Prolay Das

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 1432–1438, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.148

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  • an attractive molecular scaffold for the precise positioning of different molecules on the nanoscale [3][4]. DNA has been used to create nanostructures through hybridization-mediated self-assembly for molecular electronics and sensing applications [5][6][7]. DNA–organic hybrid structures have
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Published 30 Jun 2015

Peptide-equipped tobacco mosaic virus templates for selective and controllable biomineral deposition

  • Klara Altintoprak,
  • Axel Seidenstücker,
  • Alexander Welle,
  • Sabine Eiben,
  • Petia Atanasova,
  • Nina Stitz,
  • Alfred Plettl,
  • Joachim Bill,
  • Hartmut Gliemann,
  • Holger Jeske,
  • Dirk Rothenstein,
  • Fania Geiger and
  • Christina Wege

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 1399–1412, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.145

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  • charge-relay activity, in comparison to different histidine-containing effector peptides and the bare or linker-coated viral scaffold surface. To our knowledge, this is the first evaluation of peptide-equipped TMV templates with regard to the generation of silica nanostructures of adjustable diameter
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Published 25 Jun 2015

Mandibular gnathobases of marine planktonic copepods – feeding tools with complex micro- and nanoscale composite architectures

  • Jan Michels and
  • Stanislav N. Gorb

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 674–685, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.68

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  • . In addition, the silica-containing cap-like structures exhibit a nanoscale composite architecture. They contain some amorphous silica and large proportions of the crystalline silica type α-cristobalite and are pervaded by a fine chitinous fibre network that very likely serves as a scaffold during the
  • diatom frustules, for example, contain an internal organic network of cross-linked chitin fibres that is assumed to be a scaffold for silica deposition [36]. After chemical removal of the silica from the gnathobases or fracturing the siliceous cap-like structures, fibre networks become visible in the
Published 06 Mar 2015

Self-assembled anchor layers/polysaccharide coatings on titanium surfaces: a study of functionalization and stability

  • Ognen Pop-Georgievski,
  • Dana Kubies,
  • Josef Zemek,
  • Neda Neykova,
  • Roman Demianchuk,
  • Eliška Mázl Chánová,
  • Miroslav Šlouf,
  • Milan Houska and
  • František Rypáček

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 617–631, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.63

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  • and a thin, alginate hydrogel could be used in bone tissue engineering as a scaffold material that provides biologically active molecules. The main objective of this contribution is to characterize the activation and the functionalization of titanium surfaces by the covalent immobilization of
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Published 02 Mar 2015

Oxygen-plasma-modified biomimetic nanofibrous scaffolds for enhanced compatibility of cardiovascular implants

  • Anna Maria Pappa,
  • Varvara Karagkiozaki,
  • Silke Krol,
  • Spyros Kassavetis,
  • Dimitris Konstantinou,
  • Charalampos Pitsalidis,
  • Lazaros Tzounis,
  • Nikos Pliatsikas and
  • Stergios Logothetidis

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 254–262, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.24

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  • complications of thrombosis and implant failure. Thus, we herein fabricated poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds, to serve as coatings for cardiovascular implants and guide tissue regeneration. Oxygen plasma treatment was applied in order to modify the surface chemistry of the scaffold
  • of these biomimetic tissue-engineering constructs as efficient coatings for enhanced compatibility of cardiovascular implants. Keywords: cardiovascular implants; electrospun nanofibers; plasma treatment; scaffold; tissue engineering; Introduction Cardiovascular diseases represent one of the major
  • powerful tool to control cell affinity and adhesion. Moreover, their high surface area to volume ratio, porosity and biodegradability favor cellular interactions, making them ideal candidates for polymer scaffolds [16]. As it is well known, the ideal scaffold should possess good bulk properties in terms of
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Published 22 Jan 2015

Multifunctional layered magnetic composites

  • Maria Siglreitmeier,
  • Baohu Wu,
  • Tina Kollmann,
  • Martin Neubauer,
  • Gergely Nagy,
  • Dietmar Schwahn,
  • Vitaliy Pipich,
  • Damien Faivre,
  • Dirk Zahn,
  • Andreas Fery and
  • Helmut Cölfen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 134–148, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.13

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  • Potsdam, Germany 10.3762/bjnano.6.13 Abstract A fabrication method of a multifunctional hybrid material is achieved by using the insoluble organic nacre matrix of the Haliotis laevigata shell infiltrated with gelatin as a confined reaction environment. Inside this organic scaffold magnetite nanoparticles
  • nacre scaffold [3]. Inside this organic gelatin matrix we synthesize magnetite nanoparticles to form a highly mineralized organic–inorganic hybrid body. The resulting material should mimic the fracture resistance of nacre and the hardness and abrasion resistance of the chiton teeth. Results and
  • principles presented in Figure 1. The starting material is an original demineralized nacre matrix that is infiltrated by a thermo reversible gelatin solution mimicking a gel precursor inside the chitin nacre scaffold. Within this gelatin matrix we synthesize magnetite nanoparticles to form a highly
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Published 12 Jan 2015

Functionalization of α-synuclein fibrils

  • Simona Povilonienė,
  • Vida Časaitė,
  • Virginijus Bukauskas,
  • Arūnas Šetkus,
  • Juozas Staniulis and
  • Rolandas Meškys

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 124–133, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.12

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  • devices [21][22]. Amyloids, including α-Syn, show stability against harsh physical, chemical, and biochemical conditions. Such extraordinary properties make them attractive nanomaterials for a variety of applications [23][24], including the development of a scaffold for enzyme immobilization [25][26], for
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Published 12 Jan 2015

Synthesis of boron nitride nanotubes and their applications

  • Saban Kalay,
  • Zehra Yilmaz,
  • Ozlem Sen,
  • Melis Emanet,
  • Emine Kazanc and
  • Mustafa Çulha

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 84–102, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.9

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  • , metabolic activity and proliferation of the cells were analyzed with MTT and trypan blue assays. The results showed that the PEI-coated BNNTs did not affect the viability of neuroblastoma cells up to 5 µg/mL [12]. Lahiri et al. studied the behavior of osteoblast cells in a scaffold constructed from the BNNT
  • RunX2 gene expression of the osteoblast cells up to sevenfold. It was concluded that the positive effect of the BNNTs embedded into the scaffold on the cell proliferation was due to the natural affinity of proteins to the hydrophobic BNNTs [75]. Ciofani et al. investigated the cytotoxicity of GC–BNNTs
  • of a scaffold and up regulated the gene expression for increased cell viability for orthopedic applications [75]. Hydroxypatite (HA) is an important material used in orthopedic implant applications [89]. 4 wt % of BNNTs were added into HA to improve its mechanical properties. It was found that
Published 08 Jan 2015

Poly(styrene)/oligo(fluorene)-intercalated fluoromica hybrids: synthesis, characterization and self-assembly

  • Giuseppe Leone,
  • Francesco Galeotti,
  • William Porzio,
  • Guido Scavia,
  • Luisa Barba,
  • Gianmichele Arrighetti,
  • Giovanni Ricci,
  • Chiara Botta and
  • Umberto Giovanella

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2014, 5, 2450–2458, doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.254

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  • hierarchical organization of this material by the BF approach is feasible. Photostability The intercalation of the oligo(fluorene) molecules within the lamellae interlayers of the inorganic scaffold has dramatically improved their photophysical stability, a critical issue for fluorene-based materials [35
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Published 19 Dec 2014

Nanoparticle interactions with live cells: Quantitative fluorescence microscopy of nanoparticle size effects

  • Li Shang,
  • Karin Nienhaus,
  • Xiue Jiang,
  • Linxiao Yang,
  • Katharina Landfester,
  • Volker Mailänder,
  • Thomas Simmet and
  • G. Ulrich Nienhaus

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2014, 5, 2388–2397, doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.248

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  • clearly show that NP size plays an important role in their interactions with cells during the endocytosis process. However, size should not be discussed uncoupled from the surface functionalization. In fact, an NP can be considered as a scaffold carrying ligands that interact (or avoid the interaction
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Published 11 Dec 2014

Biopolymer colloids for controlling and templating inorganic synthesis

  • Laura C. Preiss,
  • Katharina Landfester and
  • Rafael Muñoz-Espí

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2014, 5, 2129–2138, doi:10.3762/bjnano.5.222

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  • presence of a heterophase system, but probably the example could have been included as well in the next subsection, as the silver precipitation takes place within the polymer scaffold. As an extension of the metallization examples presented in Section B1, structures formed by DNA or proteins can also be
  • network generated by the polymer and not on the surface or edges (as it is the case of the “supports” of the previous subsection), we label this type of templating as “scaffold”, being aware that the term is also used in a more general way – almost as a simple synonym for “template” – by other authors
  • phosphate/chitosan composite films were shown to influence the behavior of human mesenchymal stem cells. Lee et al. [79] studied the scaffold–cell interaction by changing the crystallinity and ratio of the calcium phosphate. Alginate is another of the gelling biopolymers used as a scaffold. An alginate
Published 17 Nov 2014
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