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Search for "polymer" in Full Text gives 597 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. Showing first 200.

Dawn of a new era in industrial photochemistry: the scale-up of micro- and mesostructured photoreactors

  • Emine Kayahan,
  • Mathias Jacobs,
  • Leen Braeken,
  • Leen C.J. Thomassen,
  • Simon Kuhn,
  • Tom van Gerven and
  • M. Enis Leblebici

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 2484–2504, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.202

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  • scaling up can be achieved by numbering up. One of the most used photomicroreactors are capillaries wrapped around a light source. Such microcapillaries can be scaled up by connecting them either in parallel or in series (Figure 3a and Figure 3b). In a previous study, five polymer-based microcapillaries
Published 08 Oct 2020

Computational tools for drawing, building and displaying carbohydrates: a visual guide

  • Kanhaya Lal,
  • Rafael Bermeo and
  • Serge Perez

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 2448–2468, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.199

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  • . Subsequently, a glycosylation model can be prepared for carbohydrate polymer simulation using the script. Similarly, the script can be used to develop models for glycoproteins and glycolipids. Together, these tools are called doGlycans toolset. Although doGlycans is highly flexible
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Published 02 Oct 2020

The B & B approach: Ball-milling conjugation of dextran with phenylboronic acid (PBA)-functionalized BODIPY

  • Patrizia Andreozzi,
  • Lorenza Tamberi,
  • Elisamaria Tasca,
  • Gina Elena Giacomazzo,
  • Marta Martinez,
  • Mirko Severi,
  • Marco Marradi,
  • Stefano Cicchi,
  • Sergio Moya,
  • Giacomo Biagiotti and
  • Barbara Richichi

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 2272–2281, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.188

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  • properties of BODIPY and the biocompatibility of dextran. The BODIPY dextran nanoparticles were characterized regarding their size, morphology, polarity, and toxicity in vitro. We demonstrate the feasibility of mechanochemistry for boronic ester formation [23] to a glycan polymer as a route of conjugation
  • (Figure 2B) according to the molar extinction coefficient (see Supporting Information File 1, Figure S1). Considering that dextran is a polydisperse polymer the functionalization was reported as weight ratio percent in the labeled polymer [26]. As shown in Figure 2B, a 1.6% w/w of 1 in the Dex-1b
  • conjugate Dex-1b in aggregates or nanoparticles. Moreover, it is known that dye conjugation to a polymer even in small percentages can generate a large change in the environment of the chains affecting conformation and chain organization [36]. To assess the influence of hydrophobicity on the formation of
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Published 11 Sep 2020

Naphthalene diimide bis-guanidinio-carbonyl-pyrrole as a pH-switchable threading DNA intercalator

  • Poulami Jana,
  • Filip Šupljika,
  • Carsten Schmuck and
  • Ivo Piantanida

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 2201–2211, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.185

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  • with DNA/RNA. To study the interactions of 4 with DNA/RNA, we opted for long (>100 base pairs) polynucleotides, to ensure a large number of identical binding sites along one polymer (Table S2 in Supporting Information File 1). Thus, we used calf thymus (ct)-DNA as a typical B-helix structure with a
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Published 08 Sep 2020

Synergy between supported ionic liquid-like phases and immobilized palladium N-heterocyclic carbene–phosphine complexes for the Negishi reaction under flow conditions

  • Edgar Peris,
  • Raúl Porcar,
  • María Macia,
  • Jesús Alcázar,
  • Eduardo García-Verdugo and
  • Santiago V. Luis

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1924–1935, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.159

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  • under continuous flow conditions. Results and Discussion Scheme 1 summarizes the synthetic approach used for the preparation of the functionalized polymers considered in this work. A commercially available PS-DVB bead-type macroporous chloromethylated polymer 1 (Merrifield resin with 20% DVB and 1.2
  • corresponding Pd–NHC complexes 4a and 4b (Scheme 1) were obtained by treatment of the supported imidazolium species with Pd(OAc)2 in the presence of a base. The amount of immobilized NHC ligand was determined by elemental analysis, while the palladium loaded on the polymer was determined by ICP analyses (see
  • -bromobenzoate (6) to form methyl 4-benzylbenzoate (7) was used to evaluate the activity of the palladium catalysts on polymer support (Scheme 2). The Negishi reaction is a potent cross-coupling reaction in organic chemistry. Notably, it has much value for the synthesis of fine chemicals and medicinal drugs [22
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Published 06 Aug 2020

Design, synthesis and application of carbazole macrocycles in anion sensors

  • Alo Rüütel,
  • Ville Yrjänä,
  • Sandip A. Kadam,
  • Indrek Saar,
  • Mihkel Ilisson,
  • Astrid Darnell,
  • Kristjan Haav,
  • Tõiv Haljasorg,
  • Lauri Toom,
  • Johan Bobacka and
  • Ivo Leito

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1901–1914, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.157

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  • different types of materials such as glass, crystal, or polymer. pH electrodes with glass membranes are the most used ISEs and produce highly selective responses over a wide range of concentrations. Polymeric membranes have gained popularity due to their robustness, the ability to fine-tune their properties
  • and the ability to target a larger variety of ions compared to e.g. glass. Plasticizers may be required to improve transmembrane diffusion rates unless the polymer is self-plasticizing. Plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), which was used in this study, is an example of a commonly used membrane
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Published 04 Aug 2020

Three new O-isocrotonyl-3-hydroxybutyric acid congeners produced by a sea anemone-derived marine bacterium of the genus Vibrio

  • Dandan Li,
  • Enjuro Harunari,
  • Tao Zhou,
  • Naoya Oku and
  • Yasuhiro Igarashi

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1869–1874, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.154

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  • -chain 3-hydroxy acids are the common building blocks with PHA, the microbial storage polymer. The structural similarities among 1–5 and PHA suggest a quite similar or even the same biosynthetic origin of these molecules, and hence a potential dehydrative modification at the hydroxy terminus of PHA. MS
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Published 29 Jul 2020

Synthesis, docking study and biological evaluation of ᴅ-fructofuranosyl and ᴅ-tagatofuranosyl sulfones as potential inhibitors of the mycobacterial galactan synthesis targeting the galactofuranosyltransferase GlfT2

  • Marek Baráth,
  • Jana Jakubčinová,
  • Zuzana Konyariková,
  • Stanislav Kozmon,
  • Katarína Mikušová and
  • Maroš Bella

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1853–1862, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.152

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  • decaprenyl-P-P-GlcNAc-Rha, (glycolipid 2, GL2), which serves as a lipid carrier for arabinogalactan polymerization [7][8]. The latter enzyme, GlfT2, extends the product of GlfT1-catalyzed reaction, decaprenyl-P-P-GlcNAc-Rha-Galf2 (glycolipid 4, GL4), producing the lipid-linked galactan polymer [8]. Both
  • synthesis of the lipid-linked galactan polymer. Complete experimental procedures, spectral characterization of all prepared compounds and copies of their 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra are also provided. Supporting Information File 126: Experimental and analytical data. Funding The presented work was supported
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Published 27 Jul 2020

One-pot synthesis of isosorbide from cellulose or lignocellulosic biomass: a challenge?

  • Isaline Bonnin,
  • Raphaël Mereau,
  • Thierry Tassaing and
  • Karine De Oliveira Vigier

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1713–1721, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.143

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  • ; isosorbide; lignocellulosic biomass; Introduction Cellulose, a homopolymer of ᴅ-glucose, is the most abundant component of lignocellulosic biomass. Cellulose is a crystalline polymer due to its intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bond network. The conversion of cellulose to added value chemicals has received
  • to sorbitol and 3) dehydration of sorbitol to isosorbide (Scheme 1). Isosorbide, a molecule obtained from biomass can find many applications such as additives, pharmaceuticals [2][3] and monomers for polymer industries [4][5][6]. For instance, one polymer obtained from isosorbide, poly(ethylene-co
Published 16 Jul 2020

Clickable azide-functionalized bromoarylaldehydes – synthesis and photophysical characterization

  • Dominik Göbel,
  • Marius Friedrich,
  • Enno Lork and
  • Boris J. Nachtsheim

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1683–1692, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.139

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  • *) character of the T2 state. Although phosphorescent organic compounds are well investigated with respect to their photophysical properties in the crystalline state, in solution or physically embedded in polymer matrices, there is a significant lack of possibilities [61] for their targeted covalent attachment
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Published 14 Jul 2020

Mechanochemical green synthesis of hyper-crosslinked cyclodextrin polymers

  • Alberto Rubin Pedrazzo,
  • Fabrizio Caldera,
  • Marco Zanetti,
  • Silvia Lucia Appleton,
  • Nilesh Kumar Dhakar and
  • Francesco Trotta

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1554–1563, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.127

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  • crosslinker. The polymer obtained exhibited the same characteristics as a CD-based carbonate NS synthesized in a solvent. Moreover, after the synthesis, the polymer was easily functionalized through the reaction of the nucleophilic carboxylic group with three different organic dyes (fluorescein, methyl red
  • allow them to act as polyfunctional monomers, permitting the crosslinking with bi- or multifunctional chemicals, such as dianhydrides, diisocyanates, diepoxides, and dicarboxylic acids, etc. The polarity and size of the polymer network can be easily tuned by varying the type of the crosslinker and
  • CD nanosponges, after crosslinking, comprise carbonate bonds between the cyclodextrin monomers. If this reaction is carried out under classical conditions in a N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) solution, an amorphous crosslinked insoluble polymer is obtained. In general, carbonate nanosponges are insoluble
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Published 29 Jun 2020

Heterogeneous photocatalysis in flow chemical reactors

  • Christopher G. Thomson,
  • Ai-Lan Lee and
  • Filipe Vilela

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1495–1549, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.125

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  • electrostatic repulsion that prevents the dye adsorption. 2.2 Organic semiconductor photocatalysis Polyaniline was the first conductive polymer reported by Henry Letheby in 1862 [99][100], but the potential of organic electronics was not realised until the 1960s, and the seminal work of Heeger, MacDiarmid, and
  • polymer chains, charge transport is limited to intraplanar transport along the conjugated network. In crystalline and graphitic organic materials, the close packing of two-dimensional sheets permits interplanar charge transport in the third dimension, allowing the delocalisation of charge over several
  • ]. Organic polymer materials, such poly(p-phenylene vinylene, εr(ω) = 2), typically have low εr(ω) values, which prevents the screening of excitons and leads to much stronger binding energies of 0.1–1 eV, which greatly exceeds the available thermal energy at room temperature [111][112][113]. This is
Published 26 Jun 2020

Disposable cartridge concept for the on-demand synthesis of turbo Grignards, Knochel–Hauser amides, and magnesium alkoxides

  • Mateo Berton,
  • Kevin Sheehan,
  • Andrea Adamo and
  • D. Tyler McQuade

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1343–1356, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.115

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  • with perfluorinated polymer film (PFA), and the bags are filled with the fluid to dispense. The pumping is accomplished by enclosing the bag in a metal clamshell, with contact surfaces made with an elastomer (Figure 3A). When compressed air is pumped in the clamshell, it squeezes the bag through the
  • elastomer, and thus dispensing fluid. The elastomer sheets fully embrace the reagent bag, providing mechanical support. In this way, a soft polymer bag can be squeezed at a relatively high pressure: our prototype achieved pumping pressures up to about 1 MPa (10 bar). This type of pressure-driven pump, where
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Published 19 Jun 2020

Activated carbon as catalyst support: precursors, preparation, modification and characterization

  • Melanie Iwanow,
  • Tobias Gärtner,
  • Volker Sieber and
  • Burkhard König

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1188–1202, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.104

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  • with a production of 1011–1012 tons per year, followed by lignin as second most abundant raw material [16]. Lignin is a three-dimensional phenolic polymer and is responsible for the cementation of cellulose fibres in plants [17]. Hemicelluloses, predominantly xylan, are non-cellulosic polysaccharides
Published 02 Jun 2020

Synthesis and properties of quinazoline-based versatile exciplex-forming compounds

  • Rasa Keruckiene,
  • Simona Vekteryte,
  • Ervinas Urbonas,
  • Matas Guzauskas,
  • Eigirdas Skuodis,
  • Dmytro Volyniuk and
  • Juozas V. Grazulevicius

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1142–1153, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.101

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  • Rasa Keruckiene Simona Vekteryte Ervinas Urbonas Matas Guzauskas Eigirdas Skuodis Dmytro Volyniuk Juozas V. Grazulevicius Department of Polymer Chemistry and Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, K. Baršausko g. 59, Kaunas 51423, Lithuania 10.3762/bjoc.16.101 Abstract Three compounds
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Published 28 May 2020

Synthesis of esters of diaminotruxillic bis-amino acids by Pd-mediated photocycloaddition of analogs of the Kaede protein chromophore

  • Esteban P. Urriolabeitia,
  • Pablo Sánchez,
  • Alexandra Pop,
  • Cristian Silvestru,
  • Eduardo Laga,
  • Ana I. Jiménez and
  • Carlos Cativiela

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1111–1123, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.98

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  • applications as internal donors in Ziegler–Natta catalysts for polymerization [14] or as building blocks in polymer chemistry [15]. A very closely related group of cyclobutanes are the 1,3-diaminotruxillic ester derivatives (Figure 1b). This type of bis-amino esters also shows remarkable pharmacological
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Published 25 May 2020

Aryl-substituted acridanes as hosts for TADF-based OLEDs

  • Naveen Masimukku,
  • Dalius Gudeika,
  • Oleksandr Bezvikonnyi,
  • Ihor Syvorotka,
  • Rasa Keruckiene,
  • Dmytro Volyniuk and
  • Juozas V. Grazulevicius

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 989–1000, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.88

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  • Naveen Masimukku Dalius Gudeika Oleksandr Bezvikonnyi Ihor Syvorotka Rasa Keruckiene Dmytro Volyniuk Juozas V. Grazulevicius Department of Polymer Chemistry and Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, Radvilenu pl. 19, LT-50254, Kaunas, Lithuania Scientific Research Company “Electron-Carat
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Published 13 May 2020

Recent applications of porphyrins as photocatalysts in organic synthesis: batch and continuous flow approaches

  • Rodrigo Costa e Silva,
  • Luely Oliveira da Silva,
  • Aloisio de Andrade Bartolomeu,
  • Timothy John Brocksom and
  • Kleber Thiago de Oliveira

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 917–955, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.83

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  • thermal decomposition of urea at 550 °C for 2 h afforded the CN polymer, which possesses abundant –NH2 functional groups. The heterogeneous photocatalyst carbon nitride-hemin (CNH) was prepared after an amidation reaction between a carboxyl group of Fe(III) protoporphyrin IX and an amino group of the CN
Published 06 May 2020

Recent advances in Cu-catalyzed C(sp3)–Si and C(sp3)–B bond formation

  • Balaram S. Takale,
  • Ruchita R. Thakore,
  • Elham Etemadi-Davan and
  • Bruce H. Lipshutz

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 691–737, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.67

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  • interesting class of substrates for medicinal and polymer chemistry. Nevertheless, they can be transformed into a variety of building blocks for subsequent use in complex molecule synthesis. The first example of a copper-catalyzed C(sp3)–Si bond formation was reported by Oshima and co-workers in 1984 [25]. In
Published 15 Apr 2020

A systematic review on silica-, carbon-, and magnetic materials-supported copper species as efficient heterogeneous nanocatalysts in “click” reactions

  • Pezhman Shiri and
  • Jasem Aboonajmi

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 551–586, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.52

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  • . This solid material was washed with MeOH and dried. The resulting GO/intrinsically microporous polymer (Pim) material and CuSO4 were added into water and heated at 50 °C overnight to afford the material GO/Pim/Cu (100, Scheme 22). The powder was collected by filtration and washed by water/methanol. The
  • polymer that contains many carboxylate groups. These functional groups can chelate Fe3O4 nanoparticles (i.e., pectin includes the Fe3O4 nanoparticles as a shell). Generally, 122 is a branched macromolecule that is found broadly in nature. The promising aspects associated with pectin are biodegradability
Published 01 Apr 2020

Photophysics and photochemistry of NIR absorbers derived from cyanines: key to new technologies based on chemistry 4.0

  • Bernd Strehmel,
  • Christian Schmitz,
  • Ceren Kütahya,
  • Yulian Pang,
  • Anke Drewitz and
  • Heinz Mustroph

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 415–444, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.40

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  • processes requesting heat to initiate either chemical (activated reactions) or physical (melting, evaporation) events. Keywords: chemistry 4.0; cyanine; near infrared; photopolymer; polymer synthesis; sensitizer; Introduction Cyanines have received in the class of polymethines big attention within the
  • received remarkable attention in the academic community although industrial applications use this reaction to pattern imaged areas [97][98]. The structure was confirmed by direct synthesis following a procedure using MnO2[63]. Polymer synthesis NIR sensitized radical photopolymerization Photosensitized
  • been in progress. Tailor-made synthesis by photo-ATRP with NIR sensitizers NIR absorbers/sensitizers have also reached the field of polymer synthesis; that is controlled/living radical polymerization (CLRP). This facilitates well-defined polymeric materials with pre-design architectures, predetermined
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Published 18 Mar 2020

Room-temperature Pd/Ag direct arylation enabled by a radical pathway

  • Amy L. Mayhugh and
  • Christine K. Luscombe

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 384–390, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.36

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  • growth are the expensive, toxic, and energy-intensive methods in which these materials are typically prepared [1]. Direct arylation is one solution to these problems, which allows improved atom and step economy in polymer synthesis. Traditional coupling methods form a new C–C bond using a reactive C–M
  • number average molecular weight of 14 kg/mol, although in 9% yield [7]. Room-temperature DArP would improve the simplicity of conjugated polymer synthesis, and reduce the energy requirements. Small molecule reactions can help predict a method’s utility in polymerizations, as DArP proceeds through a step
  • paper, we investigated the mechanism of room-temperature direct arylation and DArP by extending the method reported by Larrosa to synthesize a conjugated polymer, polyindole (PIn). Small molecule mechanistic studies were undertaken that will help future development of mild, efficient DArP conditions
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Published 13 Mar 2020

Oligomeric ricinoleic acid preparation promoted by an efficient and recoverable Brønsted acidic ionic liquid

  • Fei You,
  • Xing He,
  • Song Gao,
  • Hong-Ru Li and
  • Liang-Nian He

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 351–361, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.34

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  • biomass provides an alternative avenue to liberate us from the reliance on petroleum resource [1]. Nowadays, fuels, fine chemicals and functional molecules/materials can be derived from biomass such as lignocellulose and plant oils [2][3], wherein the plant oils play an important role in the polymer
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Published 10 Mar 2020

p-Pyridinyl oxime carbamates: synthesis, DNA binding, DNA photocleaving activity and theoretical photodegradation studies

  • Panagiotis S. Gritzapis,
  • Panayiotis C. Varras,
  • Nikolaos-Panagiotis Andreou,
  • Katerina R. Katsani,
  • Konstantinos Dafnopoulos,
  • George Psomas,
  • Zisis V. Peitsinis,
  • Alexandros E. Koumbis and
  • Konstantina C. Fylaktakidou

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 337–350, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.33

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  • under reflux were identical, meaning that no isomerization or decomposition occurred and that the delivered product in both cases is the more thermodynamically stable. Interestingly, although carbamates are important in both medicinal and polymer chemistry, besides compound 23 [61], all the rest were
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Published 09 Mar 2020

Formal preparation of regioregular and alternating thiophene–thiophene copolymers bearing different substituents

  • Atsunori Mori,
  • Keisuke Fujita,
  • Chihiro Kubota,
  • Toyoko Suzuki,
  • Kentaro Okano,
  • Takuya Matsumoto,
  • Takashi Nishino and
  • Masaki Horie

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 317–324, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.31

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  • and KF-404HQ. Molecular weights and molecular weight distributions were estimated on the basis of the calibration curve obtained by 6 standard polystyrenes. UV–vis absorption spectra of the polymer films were measured with a Shimadzu UV-3150 spectrometer. XRD analysis was carried out with a Rigaku
  • , 1134, 1052, 840, 801, 773, 754, 720, 700 cm−1. Solubility tests of alternating copolymer 6 (1 mg of material dissolved in 1 mL of the solvent). XRD measurement and prediction of the bilayer lamellar structure of polymer 6c. a) XRD analysis. b) Suggested bilayer lamellar structure. c) Side chain length
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Published 05 Mar 2020
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