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Search for "electron-beam lithography" in Full Text gives 113 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.

Electromigration-induced directional steps towards the formation of single atomic Ag contacts

  • Atasi Chatterjee,
  • Christoph Tegenkamp and
  • Herbert Pfnür

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 680–687, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.55

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  • ultrathin Ag films. Experimental Low-doped Si(100) substrates (1000 Ω·cm at 300 K), which are good insulators at temperatures around 100 K, were used. Structuring was carried out by a three-step process. As a first step, we patterned the contact pads by photolithography. Secondly, electron beam lithography
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Published 22 Apr 2020

High dynamic resistance elements based on a Josephson junction array

  • Konstantin Yu. Arutyunov and
  • Janne S. Lehtinen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 417–420, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.32

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  • ), while at finite current values, the corresponding singularities were not so pronounced. The purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth analysis of the I–V dependence of the same JJ chains used in the current-biasing elements in [12]. Experimental Conventional lift-off electron-beam lithography
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Published 03 Mar 2020

Label-free highly sensitive probe detection with novel hierarchical SERS substrates fabricated by nanoindentation and chemical reaction methods

  • Jingran Zhang,
  • Tianqi Jia,
  • Yongda Yan,
  • Li Wang,
  • Peng Miao,
  • Yimin Han,
  • Xinming Zhang,
  • Guangfeng Shi,
  • Yanquan Geng,
  • Zhankun Weng,
  • Daniel Laipple and
  • Zuobin Wang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 2483–2496, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.239

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  • beam lithography and self-assembly methods to fabricate gold clusters of micrometer size and regular spacing. Subsequently, the detection resolution of 4-acetamidothiophenol was 0.05 g/L using the substrate. Nanoparticle cluster array structures with a size of 40 nm were fabricated by electron beam
  • the template-assisted assembly of gold nanospheres with patterned PDMS molds featuring square array geometries with lattice parameters of 400 to 1600 nm and hole diameters of 230 to 960 nm. Then 4-acetamidothiophenol at 10−4 mol/L was detected using this substrate. Domenici et al. [22] used electron
  • lithography and self-assembly methods [23]. Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus were detected with this substrate. However, the major limitation of lithography-based methods is the difficulty in machining more complex nanostructures, particularly complex 3D structures. Recently, tip-based micro
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Published 13 Dec 2019

Integration of sharp silicon nitride tips into high-speed SU8 cantilevers in a batch fabrication process

  • Nahid Hosseini,
  • Matthias Neuenschwander,
  • Oliver Peric,
  • Santiago H. Andany,
  • Jonathan D. Adams and
  • Georg E. Fantner

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 2357–2363, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.226

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  • by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition. Circular openings (20 µm diameter) are then cut into the layer by electron-beam lithography. The LSNT mask is dry-etched before the moulds are structured by anisotropic KOH (40% at 60 °C) etching. The formation of {111} facets results in four-sided pyramidal
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Published 29 Nov 2019

Atomic force acoustic microscopy reveals the influence of substrate stiffness and topography on cell behavior

  • Yan Liu,
  • Li Li,
  • Xing Chen,
  • Ying Wang,
  • Meng-Nan Liu,
  • Jin Yan,
  • Liang Cao,
  • Lu Wang and
  • Zuo-Bin Wang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 2329–2337, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.223

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  • able to characterize materials at high lateral resolution. To produce substrates of tunable stiffness and topography, we imprint nanostripe patterns on undeveloped and developed SU-8 photoresist films using electron-beam lithography (EBL). Elastic deformations of the substrate surfaces and the cells
  • mechanical strength [25][26]. The patterned stiffness of the SU-8 films was induced by electron beam lithography (EBL). The approach to control the stiffness and the topography of the substrate is shown in Figure 1. The rigidity of the film was tuned by varying the electron beam dosage, while the surface
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Published 26 Nov 2019

Development of a new hybrid approach combining AFM and SEM for the nanoparticle dimensional metrology

  • Loïc Crouzier,
  • Alexandra Delvallée,
  • Sébastien Ducourtieux,
  • Laurent Devoille,
  • Guillaume Noircler,
  • Christian Ulysse,
  • Olivier Taché,
  • Elodie Barruet,
  • Christophe Tromas and
  • Nicolas Feltin

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1523–1536, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.150

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  • silicon wafers. The technique is based on using a direct-writing system (Raith-Vistec EBPG 5000+ electron-beam lithography system) and PMMA resist. After developing, the mask is transferred using RIE (reactive-ion etching). The P900H60 grating is used as a transfer standard and was calibrated by means of
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Published 26 Jul 2019

Fabrication of phase masks from amorphous carbon thin films for electron-beam shaping

  • Lukas Grünewald,
  • Dagmar Gerthsen and
  • Simon Hettler

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1290–1302, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.128

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  • structure without any (in-)elastic scattering events, i.e., the amplitude is only modified slightly. Experimentally, focused ion beam (FIB) milling or electron-beam lithography are used to engrave a well-defined thickness profile in an amorphous thin film thereby exploiting the direct proportionality
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Published 25 Jun 2019

Revisiting semicontinuous silver films as surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrates

  • Malwina Liszewska,
  • Bogusław Budner,
  • Małgorzata Norek,
  • Bartłomiej J. Jankiewicz and
  • Piotr Nyga

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 1048–1055, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.105

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  • via various structuring methods. Electron beam lithography allows fabrication of planar [21] and 3D metallic structures [22]. Nanosphere lithography can be used to obtain nanotriangles [23] and nanocones [24]. Much attention has been also given to the deposition of metal onto nano- and micro
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Published 15 May 2019

Biomimetic synthesis of Ag-coated glasswing butterfly arrays as ultra-sensitive SERS substrates for efficient trace detection of pesticides

  • Guochao Shi,
  • Mingli Wang,
  • Yanying Zhu,
  • Yuhong Wang,
  • Xiaoya Yan,
  • Xin Sun,
  • Haijun Xu and
  • Wanli Ma

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 578–588, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.59

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  • invaluable in research and industrial application. Researchers have paid attention to physical methods (“top-down” techniques) such as focused ion beam lithography (FIB) [14][15], electron beam lithography (EBL) [16][17] or soft nanoimprint nanolithography (NIL) [18], which can produce controllable shapes
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Published 28 Feb 2019

Advanced scanning probe lithography using anatase-to-rutile transition to create localized TiO2 nanorods

  • Julian Kalb,
  • Vanessa Knittel and
  • Lukas Schmidt-Mende

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 412–418, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.40

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  • nanocrystals and provide the growth of rutile TiO2 nanorods in well-defined areas. Due to the small tip radius, the resolution of this method is excellent and the method is quite inexpensive compared to electron-beam lithography and similar methods providing a position-controlled growth of semiconducting TiO2
  • hydrothermally grown rutile TiO2 nanorods [36]. Beside the homogeneous growth on macroscopic areas, we indicated how to trigger the growth via conventional electron-beam lithography locally. In this report, we apply an advanced but inexpensive scanning probe lithography technique to draw thin lines of nanorods
  • directly on polycrystalline anatase TiO2 films. The resulting nanorod arrangements are compared with similar structures obtained with conventional electron-beam lithography, which is a more expensive and laborious procedure. The method is drafted in Figure 1. A silicon tip, as it is used in a conventional
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Published 08 Feb 2019

Charged particle single nanometre manufacturing

  • Philip D. Prewett,
  • Cornelis W. Hagen,
  • Claudia Lenk,
  • Steve Lenk,
  • Marcus Kaestner,
  • Tzvetan Ivanov,
  • Ahmad Ahmad,
  • Ivo W. Rangelow,
  • Xiaoqing Shi,
  • Stuart A. Boden,
  • Alex P. G. Robinson,
  • Dongxu Yang,
  • Sangeetha Hari,
  • Marijke Scotuzzi and
  • Ejaz Huq

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2855–2882, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.266

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  • which electron beam lithography developed out of the scanning electron microscope, three state-of-the-art charged-particle beam nanopatterning technologies are considered. All three have been the subject of a recently completed European Union Project entitled “Single Nanometre Manufacturing: Beyond CMOS
  • to write circuit patterns by scanning the beam under computer control to expose a thin layer of electron sensitive polymer resist on the surface of a silicon wafer is a process now universally familiar as electron beam lithography or EBL [7]. EBL has become an important R&D tool for micro and
  • methods to improve resolution and throughput. 2 Scanning beam lithography 2.1 Scanning ion beam lithography Scanning ion beam lithography is by no means a new invention, having grown out of electron beam lithography through partnerships between several commercial companies and academic institutions in the
Published 14 Nov 2018

Polarization-dependent strong coupling between silver nanorods and photochromic molecules

  • Gwénaëlle Lamri,
  • Alessandro Veltri,
  • Jean Aubard,
  • Pierre-Michel Adam,
  • Nordin Felidj and
  • Anne-Laure Baudrion

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2657–2664, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.247

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  • plasmonic resonances and the excited state of photochromic molecules, as well as the existence of a strong coupling regime when the plasmonic resonance matches the wavelength of the molecular transition. Theoretical calculations confirm our experimental findings. Experimental We used standard electron-beam
  • lithography to fabricate large arrays of silver nanorods on a glass substrate. The pitch of the arrays has been varied to keep the filling factor approximately equal to 10% and to avoid any lattice mode contribution in the optical spectra. For three different nanorod widths (70, 90 and 110 nm), the nanorod
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Published 08 Oct 2018

Au–Si plasmonic platforms: synthesis, structure and FDTD simulations

  • Anna Gapska,
  • Marcin Łapiński,
  • Paweł Syty,
  • Wojciech Sadowski,
  • Józef E. Sienkiewicz and
  • Barbara Kościelska

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2599–2608, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.241

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  • homogeneous distributions of nanostructures, but are far more complex and expensive, such as electron beam lithography. One promising technique that could be used to fabrication of plasmonic platforms is the method based on the directional solidification of eutectics. In this process, two or more phases can
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Published 28 Sep 2018

Pattern generation for direct-write three-dimensional nanoscale structures via focused electron beam induced deposition

  • Lukas Keller and
  • Michael Huth

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2581–2598, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.240

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  • uses a layer-by-layer based technique [4]. The design of the desired 3D structure is partitioned into horizontal slices parallel to the substrate surface. For each slice a full set of structure-definition steps, typically combining physical vapor deposition and UV or electron beam lithography, are
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Published 27 Sep 2018

High-throughput micro-nanostructuring by microdroplet inkjet printing

  • Hendrikje R. Neumann and
  • Christine Selhuber-Unkel

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2372–2380, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.222

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  • ]. Using electron-beam lithography, it is possible to generate such patterns with very high spatial precision [5]. Focused electron beam induced deposition (FEBID) even serves as a method to deposit 3D nanostructures without the need of masks [6]. A further and very successful method to write gold
  • steps that are only achievable with clean-room methods. For example, so-called “micro-nanostructures” have been fabricated by combining BCML with electron-beam lithography and photolithography [20][21]. A different approach was proposed based on topography-induced micro-nanostructuring, but this method
  • BCML micro-nanostructuring strategies is the time for the patterning itself – it is much shorter and less complicated than other approaches that employ additional steps such as electron-beam lithography or photolithography [20][21]. A further result of the plasma treatment could be a rough surface
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Published 04 Sep 2018

Magnetism and magnetoresistance of single Ni–Cu alloy nanowires

  • Andreea Costas,
  • Camelia Florica,
  • Elena Matei,
  • Maria Eugenia Toimil-Molares,
  • Ionel Stavarache,
  • Andrei Kuncser,
  • Victor Kuncser and
  • Ionut Enculescu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2345–2355, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.219

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  • membranes. Photolithography was employed for obtaining interdigitated metallic electrode systems of Ti/Au onto SiO2/Si substrates and subsequent electron beam lithography was used for contacting single nanowires in order to investigate their galvano-magnetic properties. The results of the magnetoresistance
  • electrochemical replication, using as templates chemically etched polycarbonate membranes irradiated with swift heavy ions. Individual Ni–Cu alloy nanowires of different compositions have been contacted on interdigitated metallic electrodes by using electron beam lithography (EBL) and magnetoresistive
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Published 30 Aug 2018

Two-dimensional photonic crystals increasing vertical light emission from Si nanocrystal-rich thin layers

  • Lukáš Ondič,
  • Marian Varga,
  • Ivan Pelant,
  • Alexander Kromka,
  • Karel Hruška and
  • Robert G. Elliman

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2287–2296, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.213

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  • theoretically [12] and experimentally [13], that by optimizing the dimensions of the PhC, very high absorption efficiencies can be achieved. The main issue limiting the practical use of 2D PhCs is a relatively complicated and expensive fabrication process. Typically, electron beam lithography in combination
  • ” by electron beam lithography (“e-LiNE system”, Raith GmbH, Germany) into a polymer mask forming a 2D periodic patterns of holes. A 60 nm thick gold layer was subsequently evaporated and part of the gold was removed by lift-off of the PMMA to define a mask for etching. Afterwards, the samples were
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Published 24 Aug 2018

Optimization of the optical coupling in nanowire-based integrated photonic platforms by FDTD simulation

  • Nan Guan,
  • Andrey Babichev,
  • Martin Foldyna,
  • Dmitry Denisov,
  • François H. Julien and
  • Maria Tchernycheva

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2248–2254, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.209

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  • from 1.25 to 1.75 µm. We note that the control of the waveguide width with a precision of ≈20 nm is within reach of electron beam lithography processing techniques. The FDTD simulations for the waveguide widths around 1.5 µm were performed as shown in Figure 3b. A coupling efficiency above 59% is
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Published 22 Aug 2018

Dumbbell gold nanoparticle dimer antennas with advanced optical properties

  • Janning F. Herrmann and
  • Christiane Höppener

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2188–2197, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.205

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  • approaches, which rely on, e.g., electron-beam lithography, ion milling and other techniques, are widely used, often tailoring gap structures explores common limitations in regard to their obtainable resolution and non-invasiveness. In contrast, common bottom-up approaches often rely on the specific
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Published 17 Aug 2018

High-throughput synthesis of modified Fresnel zone plate arrays via ion beam lithography

  • Kahraman Keskinbora,
  • Umut Tunca Sanli,
  • Margarita Baluktsian,
  • Corinne Grévent,
  • Markus Weigand and
  • Gisela Schütz

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2049–2056, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.194

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  • , FZPs can achieve diffraction-limited focusing and imaging performance. The fabrication requirements of nanofocusing FZPs are stringent [1]. Usually, state-of-the-art electron beam lithography instrumentation is chosen to comply with these strict requirements [11][12][13][14]. Recently, a few
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Published 25 Jul 2018

Self-assembled quasi-hexagonal arrays of gold nanoparticles with small gaps for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

  • Emre Gürdal,
  • Simon Dickreuter,
  • Fatima Noureddine,
  • Pascal Bieschke,
  • Dieter P. Kern and
  • Monika Fleischer

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1977–1985, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.188

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  • enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) [10]. Ordered arrays of such particles can be fabricated by different methods. Electron-beam lithography for example is a top-down method which provides good control, but is time consuming and costly. In contrast, the self-assembly of block-copolymers is a bottom-up
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Published 12 Jul 2018

Electromigrated electrical optical antennas for transducing electrons and photons at the nanoscale

  • Arindam Dasgupta,
  • Mickaël Buret,
  • Nicolas Cazier,
  • Marie-Maxime Mennemanteuil,
  • Reinaldo Chacon,
  • Kamal Hammani,
  • Jean-Claude Weeber,
  • Juan Arocas,
  • Laurent Markey,
  • Gérard Colas des Francs,
  • Alexander Uskov,
  • Igor Smetanin and
  • Alexandre Bouhelier

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1964–1976, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.187

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  • connected optical antenna is a Au constriction formed between two fan-out electrodes laying on a glass cover slip. We use electron-beam lithography and standard physical vapor deposition to produce gold constrictions and the proximity electrodes. The thickness of the Au layer is typically 50 nm, and we use
  • is obtained in a second step of fabrication by ultraviolet (UV) photolithography. An image of a typical sample, constituted of 24 constrictions and their associated macroscopic electrodes, is illustrated in Figure 1b. The red and blue regions are realized by electron-beam lithography and UV
  • connected tunneling optical antennas is fabricated by electron-beam lithography, Au evaporation and lift-off process. The structures consist of either a gold nanowire of 1.1 μm length and 130 nm width or a constriction as discussed above. For both types, the structures are connected to a set of electrodes
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Published 11 Jul 2018

Field-controlled ultrafast magnetization dynamics in two-dimensional nanoscale ferromagnetic antidot arrays

  • Anulekha De,
  • Sucheta Mondal,
  • Sourav Sahoo,
  • Saswati Barman,
  • Yoshichika Otani,
  • Rajib Kumar Mitra and
  • Anjan Barman

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 1123–1134, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.104

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  • previously. Results and Discussion 25 × 25 μm2 arrays of two-dimensional Py antidot arrays with triangular holes arranged in hexagonal lattice symmetry have been fabricated by a combination of electron-beam lithography, electron-beam evaporation and ion milling [20]. Figure 1a,b shows the scanning electron
  • -dimensional arrays of Py antidots with triangular holes arranged in a hexagonal lattice have been fabricated by a combination of electron-beam lithography, electron-beam evaporation and ion milling. The 20 nm-thick Py film was deposited on a commercially available self-oxidized Si(100) substrate and a 60-nm
  • irradiation of laser light. A PMMA/MMA bilayer resist was used for electron-beam lithography to prepare the resist pattern on the Py thin film followed by argon ion milling at a base pressure of 1 × 10−4 Torr with a beam current of 60 mA for 6 min for etching out the Py film from everywhere except the
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Published 09 Apr 2018

Review: Electrostatically actuated nanobeam-based nanoelectromechanical switches – materials solutions and operational conditions

  • Liga Jasulaneca,
  • Jelena Kosmaca,
  • Raimonds Meija,
  • Jana Andzane and
  • Donats Erts

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 271–300, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.29

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  • ] top-down NEM switch fabrication approaches. Similarly to copper, the fabrication of a platinum cantilever NEM switching element involved an additional thermal annealing step at 300 °C to reduce the stress gradient in the beam. The usability of platinum for electron-beam lithography-based fabrication
  • . Several CNT-based relays and switches have been fabricated using the bottom-up arrangement of CNTs, including dielectrophoresis [33], controlled growth of CNTs [34][37], dispersion coating [12][35][36], nanomanipulation [15][32] techniques and electron beam lithography/metal sputtering for the fabrication
  • chemical vapour deposition (CVD)-synthesized or mechanically exfoliated graphene flakes to the desired position on the substrate, and photo- and electron-beam lithography and metal sputtering techniques for fabrication of the electrical contacts. A SiO2 sacrificial layer may be used for the release of
Published 25 Jan 2018

The rational design of a Au(I) precursor for focused electron beam induced deposition

  • Ali Marashdeh,
  • Thiadrik Tiesma,
  • Niels J. C. van Velzen,
  • Sjoerd Harder,
  • Remco W. A. Havenith,
  • Jeff T. M. De Hosson and
  • Willem F. van Dorp

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2017, 8, 2753–2765, doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.274

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  • instable while being extremely flammable and highly poisonous. Similar to the extensive development of resists and processes for electron beam lithography, a significant research effort is required to design precursors dedicated to FEBIP. In this paper we focus on the design criteria for Au precursors
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Published 20 Dec 2017
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