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Search for "Ag" in Full Text gives 621 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. Showing first 200.

Revealing the local crystallinity of single silicon core–shell nanowires using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

  • Marius van den Berg,
  • Ardeshir Moeinian,
  • Arne Kobald,
  • Yu-Ting Chen,
  • Anke Horneber,
  • Steffen Strehle,
  • Alfred J. Meixner and
  • Dai Zhang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1147–1156, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.99

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  • antenna. This nanoantenna is typically made by chemical etching of a thin Ag or Au wire or by evaporating a Ag or Au thin film on AFM tips. The tip works like an optical antenna when it is brought as close as a few nanometers to the sample surface and when it is illuminated with a tightly focused laser
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Published 31 Jul 2020

Photothermally active nanoparticles as a promising tool for eliminating bacteria and biofilms

  • Mykola Borzenkov,
  • Piersandro Pallavicini,
  • Angelo Taglietti,
  • Laura D’Alfonso,
  • Maddalena Collini and
  • Giuseppe Chirico

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1134–1146, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.98

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  • results regarding antibacterial activity. The advances in the field of nanomaterials exhibiting antibacterial activity are well summarized in recent reviews [1][7][8][9]. In particular, the antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) and Ag-NP-based polymeric materials are the most
  • intensively studied within the broad spectrum of existing nanomaterials [10][11][12][13][14][15]. However, the low stability (even at physiological pH levels) and the potential toxicity of Ag NPs limit their application [7][16]. Moreover, the results regarding the efficiency of Ag NPs in preventing biofilm
  • formation are controversial as the Ag nanoparticles seem to be effective against the Gram-negative but not so much against the Gram-positive strains [6]. The antibacterial properties of a wide range of nanoparticles and their corresponding nanocomposites, such as ZnO [17][18], TiO2 [19][20], Fe3O4 [21][22
Published 31 Jul 2020

Thermophoretic tweezers for single nanoparticle manipulation

  • Jošt Stergar and
  • Natan Osterman

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1126–1133, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.97

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  • implemented using a custom-built fluorescence microscope. By using an LED-optimized filter cube (Dapi/FITC/Cy3/Cy5 Quad LED HC Filter Set, AHF analysentechnik AG), Köhler illumination is utilized for fluorescence imaging using an LED as its light source. Light is collected from the sample plane by a 63
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Published 30 Jul 2020

Gram-scale synthesis of splat-shaped Ag–TiO2 nanocomposites for enhanced antimicrobial properties

  • Mohammad Jaber,
  • Asim Mushtaq,
  • Kebiao Zhang,
  • Jindan Wu,
  • Dandan Luo,
  • Zihan Yi,
  • M. Zubair Iqbal and
  • Xiangdong Kong

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1119–1125, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.96

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  • multidrug-resistant bacterial strains. In this regard, metal-oxide-based antibacterial nanomaterials have received potential research interest due to the efficient prevention of microorganism growth. In this study, splat-shaped Ag–TiO2 nanocomposites (NCs) were synthesized on the gram scale and the enhanced
  • antibacterial properties of TiO2 in the presence of silver were examined. The formation of Ag–TiO2 NCs was analyzed through various characterization techniques. The cell viability experimental results demonstrated that the Ag–TiO2 NCs have good biocompatibility. The antibacterial activity of the prepared Ag
  • –TiO2 NCs was tested against the Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Gram-negative Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacterial strains. The Ag–TiO2 NCs exhibited promising and superior antibacterial properties compared to TiO2 nanospheres as confirmed by the bacterial growth and inhibition zone
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Published 29 Jul 2020

Monolayers of MoS2 on Ag(111) as decoupling layers for organic molecules: resolution of electronic and vibronic states of TCNQ

  • Asieh Yousofnejad,
  • Gaël Reecht,
  • Nils Krane,
  • Christian Lotze and
  • Katharina J. Franke

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 1062–1071, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.91

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  • vibronic states of an almost isolated molecule. Here, we use scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy to show that a single layer of MoS2 on Ag(111) exhibits a semiconducting bandgap, which may prevent molecular states from strong interactions with the metal substrate. We show that the lowest
  • explore this potential for MoS2 on a Ag(111) surface. In agreement with the band modifications of WS2 on Au(111) and Ag(111), we find that the bandgap remains almost the same, albeit shifted to lower energies [33]. As a test molecule we chose tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ). Due to its electron-accepting
  • vibronic states of the gas-phase molecule. Results and Discussion We have grown monolayer islands of MoS2 on an atomically clean Ag(111) surface, which had been exposed to sputtering–annealing cycles under ultrahigh vacuum before. The growth procedure was adapted from that of MoS2 on Au(111) [34][35], with
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Published 20 Jul 2020

Electrochemical nanostructuring of (111) oriented GaAs crystals: from porous structures to nanowires

  • Elena I. Monaico,
  • Eduard V. Monaico,
  • Veaceslav V. Ursaki,
  • Shashank Honnali,
  • Vitalie Postolache,
  • Karin Leistner,
  • Kornelius Nielsch and
  • Ion M. Tiginyanu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 966–975, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.81

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  • in a Teflon cell with the 0.2 cm2 area exposed to the electrolyte. The electrolytes used in this study were 1.75 M NaCl and 1 M HNO3. The experiments were performed in a three-electrode configuration, with a Pt mesh with a surface area of 6 cm2 acting as counter electrode, a saturated Ag/AgCl
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Published 29 Jun 2020

Atomic layer deposition for efficient oxygen evolution reaction at Pt/Ir catalyst layers

  • Stefanie Schlicht,
  • Korcan Percin,
  • Stefanie Kriescher,
  • André Hofer,
  • Claudia Weidlich,
  • Matthias Wessling and
  • Julien Bachmann

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 952–959, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.79

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  • Meinsberg) mounted in a Haber–Luggin capillary or a Ag/AgCl reference electrode was used. A platinum (coated titanium mesh) electrode was used as the counter electrode (Magneto Special Anodes B.V., The Netherlands). The working electrodes consist of the prepared catalyst-coated titanium electrodes
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Published 22 Jun 2020

Measurement of electrostatic tip–sample interactions by time-domain Kelvin probe force microscopy

  • Christian Ritz,
  • Tino Wagner and
  • Andreas Stemmer

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 911–921, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.76

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  • Christian Ritz Tino Wagner Andreas Stemmer Nanotechnology Group, ETH Zürich, Säumerstrasse 4, 8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland present address: Zurich Instruments AG, Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland 10.3762/bjnano.11.76 Abstract Kelvin probe force microscopy is a scanning probe
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Published 15 Jun 2020

A Josephson junction based on a highly disordered superconductor/low-resistivity normal metal bilayer

  • Pavel M. Marychev and
  • Denis Yu. Vodolazov

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 858–865, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.71

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  • NbN/Al, NbN/Ag and MoN/Ag bilayers. Namely, the suppression of the critical temperature of the SN bilayer is smaller while the change in magnetic field penetration depth of the SN bilayer is larger than the Usadel model predicts. Therefore, the present results should be considered only as a route for
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Published 02 Jun 2020

Adsorption behavior of tin phthalocyanine onto the (110) face of rutile TiO2

  • Lukasz Bodek,
  • Mads Engelund,
  • Aleksandra Cebrat and
  • Bartosz Such

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 821–828, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.67

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  • protrudes from the macrocycle making the molecule nonplanar [20]. This enables the molecule to adsorb onto a surface with a tin atom pointing either towards the surface (Sn-down) or towards the vacuum (Sn-up). Similar findings were reported for the Ag(111) surface [21][22], where Sn-up Pc molecules appeared
  • (above 5 V) leads to a lateral movement of the molecules or to their distortion. The conformational switching of SnPc molecules was previously discussed for the Ag(111) surface [21], the InAs(111) surface [26] and a 1 ML PTCDA/Ag(111) interface [27]. Using a C60-functionalized tip, successful switching
  • between Sn-up and Sn-down was also reported on Cu(111) and Ag(100), while this reaction did not occur on Au(111) and Au(110) surfaces [28]. On the Ag(111) surface, within the first layer, Sn-up molecules were irreversibly switched to the down position, while on InAs(111), the molecules could be switched
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Published 26 May 2020

A set of empirical equations describing the observed colours of metal–anodic aluminium oxide–Al nanostructures

  • Cristina V. Manzano,
  • Jakob J. Schwiedrzik,
  • Gerhard Bürki,
  • Laszlo Pethö,
  • Johann Michler and
  • Laetitia Philippe

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 798–806, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.64

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  • changed by changing the used metal (Pt/Pd, Al, Cr, Ag, or Au) [9][10], by using carbon [5], or by changing the thickness of the metal film [9][11][12]. There are two published studies in which wavelength values were generated by using a model that could predict colours by taking into account the
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Published 13 May 2020

Nickel nanoparticles supported on a covalent triazine framework as electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction and oxygen reduction reactions

  • Secil Öztürk,
  • Yu-Xuan Xiao,
  • Dennis Dietrich,
  • Beatriz Giesen,
  • Juri Barthel,
  • Jie Ying,
  • Xiao-Yu Yang and
  • Christoph Janiak

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 770–781, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.62

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  • material Ni(OH)2/graphene oxide has an onset potential of −0.17 V vs Ag/AgCl for ORR, which is 80 to 100 mV more positive than the corresponding onset potentials of unsupported Ni(OH)2 (−0.25 V vs Ag/AgCl) and exfoliated graphite oxide sheets (−0.27 V vs Ag/AgCl) [64]. In another study, Ni-N/C (nickel
  • Autolab working station from Metrohm, Switzerland. Typically, a Ag/AgCl electrode (with saturated KCl solution) was used as a reference electrode, a carbon rod was used as a counter electrode, and a glassy-carbon rotating disk electrode (RDE, diameter: 5 mm, area: 0.196 cm2) was used as the working
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Published 11 May 2020

Effect of Ag loading position on the photocatalytic performance of TiO2 nanocolumn arrays

  • Jinghan Xu,
  • Yanqi Liu and
  • Yan Zhao

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 717–728, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.59

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  • solar energy harvesting in photovoltaic and photocatalytic applications owing to their extremely high visible-light absorption and tuned effective band gap. In this work, Ag-loaded TiO2 nanocolumn (Ag-TNC) arrays were fabricated based on anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template by combining atomic layer
  • deposition (ALD) and vacuum evaporation. The effects of the Ag loading position and deposition thickness, and the morphology, structure and composition of Ag-deposited TNC arrays on its optical and photocatalytic properties were studied. The Ag-filled TiO2 (AFT) nanocolumn arrays exhibited higher removal
  • efficiency of methylene blue (MB) compared with Ag-coated TiO2 (ACT) nanocolumn arrays and pure TiO2 nanocolumns arrays. Both experimental and theoretical simulation results demonstrated that the enhanced photocatalytic performance of AFT nanocolumn arrays was attributed to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR
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Published 05 May 2020

Structural optical and electrical properties of a transparent conductive ITO/Al–Ag/ITO multilayer contact

  • Aliyu Kabiru Isiyaku,
  • Ahmad Hadi Ali and
  • Nafarizal Nayan

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 695–702, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.57

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  • for transparent conductive oxide (TCO) films due to its good optical and electrical properties. Improving the optoelectronic properties of ITO films with reduced thickness is crucial and quite challenging. ITO-based multilayer films with an aluminium–silver (Al–Ag) interlayer (ITO/Al–Ag/ITO) and a
  • pure ITO layer (as reference) were prepared by RF and DC sputtering. The microstructural, optical and electrical properties of the ITO/Al–Ag/ITO (IAAI) films were investigated before and after annealing at 400 °C. X-ray diffraction measurements show that the insertion of the Al–Ag intermediate bilayer
  • led to the crystallization of an Ag interlayer even at the as-deposited stage. Peaks attributed to ITO(222), Ag(111) and Al(200) were observed after annealing, indicating an enhancement in crystallinity of the multilayer films. The annealed IAAI film exhibited a remarkable improvement in optical
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Published 27 Apr 2020

Electromigration-induced directional steps towards the formation of single atomic Ag contacts

  • Atasi Chatterjee,
  • Christoph Tegenkamp and
  • Herbert Pfnür

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 680–687, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.55

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  • structures and at grain boundaries. Nevertheless, we showed recently that it can be used reliably for the formation of single atomic point contacts after careful pre-structuring of the initial Ag nanostructures. The process of formation of nanocontacts by EM down to a single-atom point contact was
  • investigated for ultrathin (5 nm) Ag structures at 100 K by measuring the conductance as a function of the time during EM. In this paper, we compare the process of thinning by EM of structures with constrictions below the average grain size of Ag layers (15 nm) with that of structures with much larger initial
  • only observed for alkali metals, but also in monovalent noble metals such as Ag and Au [10][11]. These experimental findings could be very well correlated with the theoretical simulations of conductance histograms [7][12][13]. The theoretical calculation of conductance histograms is based on the semi
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Published 22 Apr 2020

Silver-decorated gel-shell nanobeads: physicochemical characterization and evaluation of antibacterial properties

  • Marta Bartel,
  • Katarzyna Markowska,
  • Marcin Strawski,
  • Krystyna Wolska and
  • Maciej Mazur

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 620–630, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.49

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  • incorporation of [Ag(NH3)2]+ complexes, followed by the reduction of the silver precursor with polyvinylpyrrolidone [23]. The resulting composite was examined with regard to its antimicrobial properties against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Similarly, Liao et al. obtained polystyrene
  • -resolution spectra for these elements. The direct evidence for metallic silver embedded in the polymer matrix is the spin–orbit doublet recorded at 368.3 and 374.3 eV for Ag 3d5/2 and 3d3/2, respectively (Figure 5A), followed by plasmon loss peaks at 372 and 378 eV [30][31]. However, the asymmetric shape of
  • the spectra suggests another spin–orbit pair with binding energies at 368.8 and 374.8 eV. This indicates the presence of some other form of silver, e.g., Ag bonded to organic molecules [32] or non-reduced silver ions [33] embedded in the gel layer. The content of this form of silver is ca. 37.1% (w/w
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Published 14 Apr 2020

Identification of physicochemical properties that modulate nanoparticle aggregation in blood

  • Ludovica Soddu,
  • Duong N. Trinh,
  • Eimear Dunne,
  • Dermot Kenny,
  • Giorgia Bernardini,
  • Ida Kokalari,
  • Arianna Marucco,
  • Marco P. Monopoli and
  • Ivana Fenoglio

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 550–567, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.44

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  • system (Büchi AG) and heated at 190 °C for 3 or 8 h. The parameters used during the synthesis are described in detail in Table 1. The CNPs were then purified with ultrapure water either by centrifugation for large carbon nanoparticles (CNP-L) or by tangential flow ultrafiltration (Vivaflow 50R, MW 30 kDa
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Published 03 Apr 2020

Correction: Photocatalytic antibacterial performance of TiO2 and Ag-doped TiO2 against S. aureus. P. aeruginosa and E. coli

  • Kiran Gupta,
  • R. P. Singh,
  • Ashutosh Pandey and
  • Anjana Pandey

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 547–549, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.43

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  • ., India Department of Biotechnology, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, Prayagraj, 211004, U.P., India 10.3762/bjnano.11.43 Keywords: Ag-doped TiO2; antimicrobial activity; sol–gel; The following is a correction to the section “XRD of TiO2 and Ag-doped TiO2”, which contains a new
  • results of the article. XRD of TiO2 and Ag-doped TiO2 nanoparticles X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to characterize as-prepared TiO2 and Ag-doped TiO2 nanoparticles. The diameter of crystalline TiO2, 3 wt % Ag-doped TiO2 and 7 wt % Ag-doped TiO2 nanoparticles annealed at 450 °C was calculated by the
  • phase (2θ = 27.5°, compared with JCPDS file no. 00-021-1276), revealing the effect of calcination. As expected from previous works on similar Ag-doped TiO2 nanoparticles [1][2][3][4][5], the diffraction peaks associated with Ag were not easily observed. Similar to these prior works, the presence of Ag
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Published 03 Apr 2020

Evolution of Ag nanostructures created from thin films: UV–vis absorption and its theoretical predictions

  • Robert Kozioł,
  • Marcin Łapiński,
  • Paweł Syty,
  • Damian Koszelow,
  • Wojciech Sadowski,
  • Józef E. Sienkiewicz and
  • Barbara Kościelska

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 494–507, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.40

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  • Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland 10.3762/bjnano.11.40 Abstract Ag-based plasmonic nanostructures were manufactured by thermal annealing of thin metallic films. Structure and morphology were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution
  • transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). SEM images show that the formation of nanostructures is influenced by the initial layer thickness as well as the temperature and the time of annealing. The Ag 3d and Ag 4d XPS spectra are characteristic of nanostructures. The
  • appears around 350 nm, which probably corresponds to the quadrupole resonance. For calculations leading to a better illustration of absorption, scattering and overall absorption of light in Ag nanoparticles, the Mie theory is employed. Absorbance and the distribution of the electromagnetic field around
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Published 25 Mar 2020

Preparation and in vivo evaluation of glyco-gold nanoparticles carrying synthetic mycobacterial hexaarabinofuranoside

  • Gennady L. Burygin,
  • Polina I. Abronina,
  • Nikita M. Podvalnyy,
  • Sergey A. Staroverov,
  • Leonid O. Kononov and
  • Lev A. Dykman

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 480–493, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.39

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  • ][63]. Although M. tuberculosis has been extensively studied [64], TB presents an ever-growing challenge, and novel strategies for the prevention and treatment of TB are urgently needed [59]. Lipoarabinomannan (LAM) and the related arabinogalactan (AG) are two major structural components of the M
  • aimed to prepare and evaluate in vivo glyco-GNPs bearing the terminal-branched hexaarabinofuranoside fragment (Ara6, Figure 1), which is common for the arabinan domains of both LAM and AG and has earlier been identified as one of the lead structures [7][10][65]. Specifically, we were interested whether
  • -linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which confirmed their specificity against Mycobacteria. Results Preparation and characterization of conjugates of amino-functionalized glycosides with GNPs Glycans The known hexasaccharide fragments of LAM/AG with amino groups at the terminal position of short (С2) or
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Published 19 Mar 2020

Nanoparticles based on the zwitterionic pillar[5]arene and Ag+: synthesis, self-assembly and cytotoxicity in the human lung cancer cell line A549

  • Dmitriy N. Shurpik,
  • Denis A. Sevastyanov,
  • Pavel V. Zelenikhin,
  • Pavel L. Padnya,
  • Vladimir G. Evtugyn,
  • Yuriy N. Osin and
  • Ivan I. Stoikov

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 421–431, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.33

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  • University, 420008 Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan, Russian Federation Interdisciplinary Centre for Analytical Microscopy, Kazan Federal University, 420008 Kazan, Kremlevskaya 18, Russian Federation 10.3762/bjnano.11.33 Abstract For the first time, stable pillar[5]arene/Ag+ nanoparticles, consisting of water
  • -soluble pillar[5]arene containing γ-sulfobetaine fragments and Ag+ ions without AgAg bonds, were synthesized and characterized. The pillar[5]arene/Ag+ (ratio 1:10) nanoparticles obtained were cubic with a rib length of 100 nm and are less cytotoxic than Ag+ ions. The survival of the A549 model cells in
  • the presence of pillar[5]arene/Ag+ (1:10) nanoparticles at a concentration of 30 and 40 μM was 76% and 55%, while in the absence of pillar[5]arene, the cell survival for free Ag+ ions at the same concentration was 30% and 10%, respectively. The results can be used to create new antibacterial materials
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Published 05 Mar 2020

DFT calculations of the structure and stability of copper clusters on MoS2

  • Cara-Lena Nies and
  • Michael Nolan

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 391–406, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.30

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  • transition metals, as well as Ag and Au. However, most studies have examined single-atom adsorption or adsorbed nanoparticles of noble metals. This means there is a knowledge gap in terms of thin film nucleation on 2D materials. To begin addressing this issue, we present in this paper a first-principles
  • had the strongest interaction, with a computed binding energy of 6.57 eV. The preferred adsorption site depends on the adsorbed atom. The majority of atoms prefers to adsorb above Mo, including Cu, C and Mg. Mn and Ag prefer to adsorb at a hollow site of the Mo–S hexagon, and Au and O adsorb atop the
  • the targeted battery applications [30]. Studies of the adsorption of larger structures include the adsorption of 1D metal chains of Cu, Ag and Au [24] on a monolayer of graphene, in which two different conformations of metal chains, namely zig-zag and armchair, are studied. The metal chains physisorb
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Published 26 Feb 2020

Formation of nanoripples on ZnO flat substrates and nanorods by gas cluster ion bombardment

  • Xiaomei Zeng,
  • Vasiliy Pelenovich,
  • Bin Xing,
  • Rakhim Rakhimov,
  • Wenbin Zuo,
  • Alexander Tolstogouzov,
  • Chuansheng Liu,
  • Dejun Fu and
  • Xiangheng Xiao

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 383–390, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.29

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  • of semiconductor quantum dots [2]. Arrays of metallic nanoparticles or nanowires aligned on dielectric surfaces with nanoripples are ideal for research on plasmonics [3]. Ag nanoparticle arrays created on rippled silicon surfaces have demonstrated excellent sensing of molecules through surface
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Published 24 Feb 2020

Fabrication of Ag-modified hollow titania spheres via controlled silver diffusion in Ag–TiO2 core–shell nanostructures

  • Bartosz Bartosewicz,
  • Malwina Liszewska,
  • Bogusław Budner,
  • Marta Michalska-Domańska,
  • Krzysztof Kopczyński and
  • Bartłomiej J. Jankiewicz

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 141–146, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.12

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  • metal nanoparticles. A simple method employing sol–gel coating of nanoparticles with titania followed by controlled silver diffusion was developed and applied for the synthesis of Ag-modified hollow TiO2 spheres. The morphology of the synthesized structures and their chemical composition was
  • investigated using SEM and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, respectively. The optical properties of the synthesized structures were characterized using UV–vis spectroscopy. Ag–TiO2 hollow nanostructures with different optical properties were prepared simply by a change of the annealing time in the last
  • obtained composite catalyst exhibits a synergistic effect between the anatase crystalline shell and the AuNPs as well as superb thermal and mechanical stability of the highly dispersed AuNPs. TiO2 HSs decorated with ultrasmall Ag nanocrystallites and exhibiting excellent photocatalytic properties were
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Published 10 Jan 2020

Nanosecond resistive switching in Ag/AgI/PtIr nanojunctions

  • Botond Sánta,
  • Dániel Molnár,
  • Patrick Haiber,
  • Agnes Gubicza,
  • Edit Szilágyi,
  • Zsolt Zolnai,
  • András Halbritter and
  • Miklós Csontos

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 92–100, doi:10.3762/bjnano.11.9

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  • electric-field-driven redistribution of only a small amount of highly mobile ionic species upon resistive switching. We investigate the memristive behavior of a so-far less explored representative of this class, the Ag/AgI material system in a point contact arrangement established by the conducting PtIr
  • set and reset transitions upon biasing the Ag/AgI/PtIr nanojunctions with sub-nanosecond voltage pulses. Our results demonstrate the potential of Ag-based filamentary memristive nanodevices to serve as the hardware elements in high-speed neuromorphic circuits. Keywords: memristor; nanojunction
  • –matrix multiplication [10][11][12]. An access to a continuum of resistance states exhibiting highly linear current–voltage [I(V)] characteristics were exploited to achieve a numerical precision up to 8 bits. Ag-based filamentary resistive switches [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26
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Published 08 Jan 2020
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