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Search for "water" in Full Text gives 1465 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. Showing first 200.

Studies of probe tip materials by atomic force microscopy: a review

  • Ke Xu and
  • Yuzhe Liu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1256–1267, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.104

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  • addition, the method was also used for the determination of glyphosate in tap water samples with good recovery results. The assay has the advantages of high sensitivity and good selectivity. Compared to the above-proposed metal nanoclusters, gold-based bimetallic nanoclusters have the advantages of metal
  • -recognition probe ("sandwich" complex) and measured by matrix-assisted laser resolved ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI–TOF MS). Ultra-pure water (as a blank control), perfectly matched DNA, incompletely matched DNA, and two DNA fragments with only one base mismatch were added to the system
  • dopa adhesion. This composite surface also has strong hydrophobicity and excellent resistance to water adhesion compared with the arid gold lily's silicon sharkskin-like micron structure surface. The colloidal particles in the above method present a relatively stable colloidal suspension in water or
Published 03 Nov 2022

Role of titanium and organic precursors in molecular layer deposition of “titanicone” hybrid materials

  • Arbresha Muriqi and
  • Michael Nolan

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1240–1255, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.103

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  • between the hydroxylated anatase TiO2, hydroxylated rutile TiO2 and hydroxylated Al2O3 surfaces with TiCl4 and EG or GL precursors. The hydroxylated surfaces that results from the interactions with water and before the introduction of TiCl4 are taken from previous studies [50][51]. In the first
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Published 02 Nov 2022

Roll-to-roll fabrication of superhydrophobic pads covered with nanofur for the efficient clean-up of oil spills

  • Patrick Weiser,
  • Robin Kietz,
  • Marc Schneider,
  • Matthias Worgull and
  • Hendrik Hölscher

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1228–1239, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.102

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  • (KNMFi), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany 10.3762/bjnano.13.102 Abstract Superhydrophobic surfaces, which self-clean through rinsing with water, have gained significant importance during the last decades. A method to
  • . These are well-suited for the cleanup of small oil spills. Keywords: hot embossing; lotus effect; nanofur; nanopads; oil spill cleanup; oil water separation; roll-to-roll; R2R; superhydrophobicity; Introduction Self-cleaning surfaces utilizing the famous lotus effect have gained significant importance
  • for commercial applications. Furthermore, we demonstrate the subsequent processing of the thin polymeric nanofur into an exemplary product, namely so-called nanopads. These are an aid for the efficient cleaning of oil spills due to the efficient oil–water separation ability of nanofur [23]. The
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Published 31 Oct 2022

Application of nanoarchitectonics in moist-electric generation

  • Jia-Cheng Feng and
  • Hong Xia

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1185–1200, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.99

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  • investigated electro-osmosis in tubes and provided a qualitative explanation of the mechanism. In 1861, Georg Quincke measured a potential difference between the two ends of the channels when water flowed in pipe channels, which implies that the streaming potential may be converted to electric power [5][6
  • ]. This viewpoint was confirmed by many experiments later, such as the electrical signal generated by the flow of water through single-walled carbon nanotubes [7], carbon nanosheets [8], and nanoparticles [9]. Regarding the principle of this phenomenon, the common explanation is that charge transfer
  • improve the efficiency of energy harvesting in MEGs, and a considerable number of studies have focused on nanomaterials [9][21]. The generation of a flowing current through the injection of water flow into carbon nanotubes was one of the initial studies of MEGs [4][5][10][22][23]. Since then, more works
Published 25 Oct 2022

Microneedle-based ocular drug delivery systems – recent advances and challenges

  • Piotr Gadziński,
  • Anna Froelich,
  • Monika Wojtyłko,
  • Antoni Białek,
  • Julia Krysztofiak and
  • Tomasz Osmałek

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1167–1184, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.98

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  • through dipping or spraying with the drug solution, which is usually obtained as a water-based formulation containing also surfactants, thickening agents, and stabilizers. These excipients are necessary to provide the desired properties of the coating layer [114]. Hollow microneedles are similar to
  • intended to deliver active ingredients that are sensitive to heat, as these systems can be prepared from water-based polymer solutions at room temperature. The polymer dissolves in the tissue after the administration and the incorporated drug is released in this way. The dissolution time required to
  • in PLGA-based nanoparticles by a water-in-oil-in-water double emulsion method. The nanoparticles were used to form microneedles in combination with various types of PVA. Then, after drying, a base layer made of an aqueous hydrogel was attached. It turned out that the MNs had adequate mechanical
Published 24 Oct 2022

Rapid fabrication of MgO@g-C3N4 heterojunctions for photocatalytic nitric oxide removal

  • Minh-Thuan Pham,
  • Duyen P. H. Tran,
  • Xuan-Thanh Bui and
  • Sheng-Jie You

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1141–1154, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.96

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  • the dosage of catalysts was 0.2 g for all experiments. Before each catalytic experiment, 0.2 g of the sample was dispersed in 10 mL of DI water, evaporated at 80 °C, and placed in the dark to achieve adsorption–desorption equilibrium. Finally, the sample was illuminated by a Xenon lamp (300 W) for 30
  • higher than 5% had been added [33][51]. Figure 4b shows the FTIR spectra of g-C3N4, MgO, and MgO@g-C3N4. For pure g-C3N4, the broad peak in the range of 3000–3600 cm−1 was attributed to the stretching vibrations of N–H and O–H bonds, indicating the existence of amino groups and adsorbed water molecules
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Published 18 Oct 2022

Green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles toward highly efficient photocatalysis and antibacterial application

  • Vo Thi Thu Nhu,
  • Nguyen Duy Dat,
  • Le-Minh Tam and
  • Nguyen Hoang Phuong

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1108–1119, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.94

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  • technologies have been proposed to remove organic pollutants from water, including coagulation coupled with sedimentation, biological processes, membrane filtration, adsorption, advanced oxidation, catalysis, and photocatalysis [1][2][3]. Using semiconductors as photocatalysts has been a widely studied
  • ) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were provided by Xilong Scientific Co., Ltd. Methylene blue and methyl orange were purchased from Merck Co., Ltd. Nutrients and agar powder were provided by Titan Co., Ltd. All reagents were of analytical grade. ZnCl2 and NaOH were diluted in DI water with low conductivity
  • resinate. The suspension containing zinc resinate was then filtered and washed with hot distilled water to remove impurities. The zinc resinate was then calcined in a furnace with an increasing temperature rate of 5 °C/min to 600 °C and held for 30 min to obtain pure ZnO nanoparticle powder. The relevant
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Published 07 Oct 2022

Recent advances in green carbon dots (2015–2022): synthesis, metal ion sensing, and biological applications

  • Aisha Kanwal,
  • Naheed Bibi,
  • Sajjad Hyder,
  • Arif Muhammad,
  • Hao Ren,
  • Jiangtao Liu and
  • Zhongli Lei

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1068–1107, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.93

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  • sensing, bioimaging, catalysis, medicine, optoelectronics, and drug delivery due to their unique properties, that is, low cytotoxicity, cytocompatibility, water-solubility, multicolor wavelength tuned emission, photo-stability, easy modification, strong chemical inertness, etc. This review article
  • organic dyes. Moreover, CDs have unparalleled extraordinary properties, including cell compatibility, chemical inertness, emission at tunable wavelengths, low cost, high quantum yield (QY), water dispersibility, small size, tunability, high biocompatibility, strong photostability (resistance to
  • ordinary biomass waste as carbon source, namely orange peel, ginkgo leaves, paulownia leaves, and magnolia flowers [58]. Water-soluble CDs using Manilkara zapota fruit as a natural source of carbon were reported where sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid were used to regulate the emission of CDs, producing
Published 05 Oct 2022

Biomimetic chitosan with biocomposite nanomaterials for bone tissue repair and regeneration

  • Se-Kwon Kim,
  • Sesha Subramanian Murugan,
  • Pandurang Appana Dalavi,
  • Sebanti Gupta,
  • Sukumaran Anil,
  • Gi Hun Seong and
  • Jayachandran Venkatesan

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1051–1067, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.92

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  • wettability of the chitosan/reduced graphene oxide composites with specific acetic acid and lactic acid shows water contact angles of (75.40° ± 4.32°) and (36.71° ± 4.53°) [60]. The anticancer agent cisplatin was loaded into graphene oxide/hydroxyapatite/chitosan composites to enable proliferation of
Published 29 Sep 2022

Spindle-like MIL101(Fe) decorated with Bi2O3 nanoparticles for enhanced degradation of chlortetracycline under visible-light irradiation

  • Chen-chen Hao,
  • Fang-yan Chen,
  • Kun Bian,
  • Yu-bin Tang and
  • Wei-long Shi

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1038–1050, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.91

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  • remove CTC existing in the aquatic environment. Up to now, various technologies, including adsorption, hydrolysis, and biodegradation, have been applied in the removal of pollutants from water [5][6][7][8]. Owing to the relatively complicated treatment, high cost, and possible secondary pollution, these
  • -lined steel autoclave and heated at 110 °C for 24 h. The orange solid product collected by centrifugation was rinsed by deionized water and ethanol for several times to remove unreacted substances, dried at 60 °C for 10 h in a vacuum oven, and ground to obtain Bi2O3/MIL101(Fe) composites. The as
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Published 28 Sep 2022

Electrocatalytic oxygen reduction activity of AgCoCu oxides on reduced graphene oxide in alkaline media

  • Iyyappan Madakannu,
  • Indrajit Patil,
  • Bhalchandra Kakade and
  • Kasibhatta Kumara Ramanatha Datta

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1020–1029, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.89

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  • the interaction between electrolyte and the electrode surface. We probed the water wetting ability of supported ACC-2 and supportless ACC-2* by measuring the water contact angles (Figure S8a,b, Supporting Information File 1). The rGO-supported ACC-2 material showed a higher water wettability (14 ± 1
  • , materials, characterization data, electrochemical measurements, water contact angle measurements, and comparison of reported ORR activities of Ag-based catalysts. Acknowledgements Authors thank SRM IST for providing Microwave reactor facility and DST-FIST, Department of Chemistry [SR/FST/CST-66/2015(c
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Published 26 Sep 2022

Influence of water contamination on the sputtering of silicon with low-energy argon ions investigated by molecular dynamics simulations

  • Grégoire R. N. Defoort-Levkov,
  • Alan Bahm and
  • Patrick Philipp

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 986–1003, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.86

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  • by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations how one of the most commonly found residual contaminations in vacuum chambers (i.e., water adsorbed on a silicon surface) influences sputtering by 100 eV argon ions. The incidence angle was changed from normal incidence to close to grazing incidence. For the
  • simulation conditions used in this work, the adsorption of water favours the formation of defects in silicon by mixing hydrogen and oxygen atoms into the substrate. The sputtering yield of silicon is not significantly changed by the contamination, but the fraction of hydrogen and oxygen atoms that is
  • ; molecular dynamics; silicon; simulations; water; Introduction Focused ion beams (FIB) play an increasingly important role in materials research areas such as nanoanalysis (e.g., secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) [1][2][3] and sample preparation for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) [4], atom
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Published 21 Sep 2022

Interaction between honeybee mandibles and propolis

  • Leonie Saccardi,
  • Franz Brümmer,
  • Jonas Schiebl,
  • Oliver Schwarz,
  • Alexander Kovalev and
  • Stanislav Gorb

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 958–974, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.84

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  • , water, and resin [6]. They are therefore adapted to extract liquids as well as to grasp and manipulate objects [5][6]. The mouthparts consist of labrum, mandibles, maxillae, and labium. The labium is used as a tongue to take up liquids while the mandibles are responsible for tasks involving grasping [5
  • experiments. They are hereinafter referred to as „nectar collectors“. In October 2018, bees were taken directly from the hive (Stuttgart, Germany). They are further named „hive bees“. They were kept in a cage and provided with water and honey until they were prepared for experiments. The remaining bees were
  • ) equipped with a camera (Leica DFC420) prior to further experiments. For the following anatomical studies, mandibles of nectar collector and hive bees were then washed with acetone and water. They were air-dried, mounted on holders (inside up), sputter-coated with a 10 nm thick layer of gold–palladium and
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Published 14 Sep 2022

Design of a biomimetic, small-scale artificial leaf surface for the study of environmental interactions

  • Miriam Anna Huth,
  • Axel Huth,
  • Lukas Schreiber and
  • Kerstin Koch

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 944–957, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.83

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  • electron microscopy, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, and by the determination of water contact angles, contact angle hysteresis, and tilting angles. Wheat leaves of different ages were covered exclusively with wax platelets. The extracted wheat wax was composed of alcohols, aldehydes, esters, and
  • properties of wheat leaves (OD) and glass with and without wax coating were analyzed by determining the static CA, the TA, and the CAH of a water droplet (aqua dest., droplet volume: 5 µL; n = 15). For this purpose, a goniometer (OCA 35, DataPhysics Instruments GmbH, Filderstadt, Germany) equipped with a
  • the upper and the lower leaf sides. The deposited water droplets appeared spherical (Figure 7a). The CAs of water ranged between 127.5° ± 13.6° and 147.5° ± 11.7°. The deposited droplets rolled off from all leaves at TAs ranging from 10.8° ± 7.3° up to 29.4° ± 15.6°. The CAH values varied from 8.2
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Published 13 Sep 2022

Comparing the performance of single and multifrequency Kelvin probe force microscopy techniques in air and water

  • Jason I. Kilpatrick,
  • Emrullah Kargin and
  • Brian J. Rodriguez

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 922–943, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.82

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  • governing the performance of single and multifrequency Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) techniques in both air and water. Metrics such as minimum detectable contact potential difference, minimum required AC bias, and signal-to-noise ratio are compared and contrasted both off resonance and utilizing the
  • on eigenmode ω1, and where the first harmonic of the electrostatic responses occurs on eigenmode ω2. We also compare the performance in air vs liquid (e.g., water), where both the transfer function of the cantilever changes (reducing Q enhancement at the eigenmodes) and the relative permittivity
  • the performance of KPFM techniques in both air and water environments. To do this, we examine three performance criteria, namely minimum detectable CPD, minimum required bias, and SNR as a function of tip–sample separation, z, under the specified conditions as outlined in Table 2 in Appendix I
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Published 12 Sep 2022

Bioselectivity of silk protein-based materials and their bio-inspired applications

  • Hendrik Bargel,
  • Vanessa T. Trossmann,
  • Christoph Sommer and
  • Thomas Scheibel

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 902–921, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.81

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  • nanostructured ultrahydrophobic surfaces with self-cleaning ability, such as Lotus leaves and insect wing analogues [53][54][55], and the superhydrophobic air-retaining surfaces of Salvinia floating fern leaves and of the water bug Notonecta glauca [53][56]. Based on such blueprints, bioinspired anti-adhesion
  • polymer chains against protein molecules increases, while a tightly bound water layer creates a physical and energetic barrier and renders interactions with approaching proteins or bacteria thermodynamically unfavorable [50]. The concept of steric repulsion based on a hydration layer through hydrogen
Published 08 Sep 2022

Solar-light-driven LaFexNi1−xO3 perovskite oxides for photocatalytic Fenton-like reaction to degrade organic pollutants

  • Chao-Wei Huang,
  • Shu-Yu Hsu,
  • Jun-Han Lin,
  • Yun Jhou,
  • Wei-Yu Chen,
  • Kun-Yi Andrew Lin,
  • Yu-Tang Lin and
  • Van-Huy Nguyen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 882–895, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.79

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  • : LaFeO3; LaNiO3; methylene blue (MB); perovskite oxides; photocatalyst; Introduction With the advancement of science and technology, the world's population is increasing, leading to the fact that factories are consuming more and more resources. Water inevitably plays a vital role in industrial
  • development among the demanded resources. According to the World Resources Institute (WRI), the demand for freshwater has continued to rise since the 1960s [1]. The inseparable relationship between water and human urban economic activities has been strong. Particularly, agricultural irrigation and animal
  • husbandry have consumed the world's largest water. As the global population increases, the water demand for agricultural planting also increases yearly [2]. Moreover, there is abundant industrial wastewater produced [3]. It originates from the increased demand for electricity, fuels, textiles, and other
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Published 05 Sep 2022

DNA aptamer selection and construction of an aptasensor based on graphene FETs for Zika virus NS1 protein detection

  • Nathalie B. F. Almeida,
  • Thiago A. S. L. Sousa,
  • Viviane C. F. Santos,
  • Camila M. S. Lacerda,
  • Thais G. Silva,
  • Rafaella F. Q. Grenfell,
  • Flavio Plentz and
  • Antero S. R. Andrade

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 873–881, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.78

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  • rinsed with 0.1 M HCl for 5 min, water (DNAse/RNAse free) for 1 min, then borate buffer for 5 min under 50 psi pressure before injection of the incubation mixture at 0.5 psi for 5 s. The mixture was separated under 26 kV (reverse polarity) in borate buffer at 25 °C and monitored through UV absorbance
  • solution dispersed in 1 mM PBS (phosphate-buffered saline: 0.0001 M phosphate buffer, 0.000027 M potassium chloride, and 0.00137 M sodium chloride), pH 7.4. After incubation, the graphene devices were rinsed with 1 mM PBS, followed by sequential rinsing with deionized water and drying in a nitrogen flow
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Published 02 Sep 2022

Micro-structures, nanomechanical properties and flight performance of three beetles with different folding ratios

  • Jiyu Sun,
  • Pengpeng Li,
  • Yongwei Yan,
  • Fa Song,
  • Nuo Xu and
  • Zhijun Zhang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 845–856, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.75

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  • body width was 23.74 ± 1.53 mm, and the body weight was 5.27 ± 0.16 g. All insects were acclimated under standard laboratory conditions (ventilation room, 25 ± 1 °C, 60% ± 5% humidity, 12 h light/dark cycle) and had free access to standard water and food. All procedures were conducted in accordance
  • microscope (VHX-6000, Keyence, Japan) was used to obtain images of the fully unfolded and folded hind wings of the three beetles. To obtain the macroscopic structures of the hind wings of the three beetles, the hind wings were first removed with a scalpel and rinsed with distilled water and then dried and
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Published 26 Aug 2022

Temperature and chemical effects on the interfacial energy between a Ga–In–Sn eutectic liquid alloy and nanoscopic asperities

  • Yujin Han,
  • Pierre-Marie Thebault,
  • Corentin Audes,
  • Xuelin Wang,
  • Haiwoong Park,
  • Jian-Zhong Jiang and
  • Arnaud Caron

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 817–827, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.72

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  • the meniscus flow of the eutectic Ga–In–Sn melt upon retraction, the adsorption of a thin water layer is likely to modify the surface energy of the liquid neck upon pulling and affect the above results. The analysis of the interfacial energy from AFM adhesion measurements is thus complicated by the
  • liquid sample to depths of several hundreds of nanometers. For this reason, we can neglect the effect of adsorbed water and assume an intimate contact between the tip material and the eutectic Ga–In–Sn melt. Also, unlike in adhesion experiments, where a pulled neck changes the geometry of the tip–liquid
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Published 23 Aug 2022

Hierachical epicuticular wax coverage on leaves of Deschampsia antarctica as a possible adaptation to severe environmental conditions

  • Elena V. Gorb,
  • Iryna A. Kozeretska and
  • Stanislav N. Gorb

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 807–816, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.71

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  • thawing, water drops flow off the surface and therefore cannot be potentially re-frozen. The study demonstrated the following effects caused by the wax coverage: (i) Air pockets between wax projections prevent direct contact between the plant cuticle and ice crystals, and (ii) after thawing, the fluid
  • water is removed and further re-freezing on the plant surface is averted. Based on the above data, we suppose that the microstructured wax covering both leaf surfaces in D. antarctica also could be involved in the anti-icing mechanism of this plant species thus contributing to its frost resistance. In
  • important abiotic factors affecting the vegetation in Antarctica, is provided mainly by atmospheric water vapor and local melt supplies from fallen snow, drift snow, and permafrost, whereas stream runoff is extremely rare [28]. Precipitation in the Maritime Antarctica ranges from 100 mm per year (Margarita
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Published 22 Aug 2022

Optimizing PMMA solutions to suppress contamination in the transfer of CVD graphene for batch production

  • Chun-Da Liao,
  • Andrea Capasso,
  • Tiago Queirós,
  • Telma Domingues,
  • Fatima Cerqueira,
  • Nicoleta Nicoara,
  • Jérôme Borme,
  • Paulo Freitas and
  • Pedro Alpuim

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 796–806, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.70

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  • metallic contamination from etchants such as FeCl3 can be substantially reduced by rinsing PMMA-coated graphene in DI water solution with 1–2% HCl [12]. Concerning the PMMA residues, several approaches were implemented to dissolve them, primarily by disrupting their chemical bonds. The chemical bond
  • single crystals using PMMA with different weight percentages and AMWs (Figure 1a–g). As detailed in the description of the graphene transfer process, after the Cu etching process (Supporting Information File 1, Figure S1b, step II), the PMMA-coated graphene is rinsed in a DI water bath at least three
  • times (Supporting Information File 1, Figure S1b, step III). Each cycle includes two actions, namely (i) scooping up the sample and (ii) releasing it into the water bath. After the rinse process, the sample must be moved to a target substrate, which takes one more transfer cycle. Therefore, the wet
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Published 18 Aug 2022

Efficient liquid exfoliation of KP15 nanowires aided by Hansen's empirical theory

  • Zhaoxuan Huang,
  • Zhikang Jiang,
  • Nan Tian,
  • Disheng Yao,
  • Fei Long,
  • Yanhan Yang and
  • Danmin Liu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 788–795, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.69

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  • were first obtained. Based on the Hansen's empirical theory, the concentration of liquid-exfoliated KP15 nanowires was improved to 0.0458 mg·mL−1 by a solution containing 50% water and 50% acetone. Approximately 79% of the KP15 nanowires had a thickness value below 50 nm and 60.9% of them had a width
  • this work. By using a solution containing 50% water and 50% acetone, the exfoliation efficiency of KP15 was effectively improved. Our results show that 79% of the KP15 nanowires had thickness values below 50 nm and 60.9% of these nanowires had width values below 100 nm. The thinnest KP15 nanowires
  • , N,N-dimethylformamide, O-phthalic dimethyl ester, dimethyl sulfoxide, N-methylpyrrolidone, water, and cyclohexanone. The HSPs of those solvents are listed in Table 1. Figure 3 exhibits the concentrations of KP15 dispersions exfoliated in different solvents. Cyclopentanone and butyrolactone were more
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Published 17 Aug 2022

Gelatin nanoparticles with tunable mechanical properties: effect of crosslinking time and loading

  • Agnes-Valencia Weiss,
  • Daniel Schorr,
  • Julia K. Metz,
  • Metin Yildirim,
  • Saeed Ahmad Khan and
  • Marc Schneider

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 778–787, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.68

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  • . demonstrated the impact of the measurement setup for polymeric nanoparticles [4]. Young’s moduli obtained by measurements conducted on bulk materials and nanoparticles composed of PLA and PLGA vary significantly from each other. Furthermore, they showed the impact of measurements in water and at physiological
  • relevant temperatures. Performing the measurements at body temperature or 37 °C can have a drastic effect on the resulting Young's modulus [4]. For hydrogel NPs, the influence of the experimental conditions might be even more pronounced due to the high water content [5]. The suitability of a drug carrier
  • nanoprecipitation method described in [17]. In brief, 20 mg gelatin was dissolved in 1 mL of deionized water at 50 °C and added to the antisolvent phase, consisting of 2.8% poloxamer 188 dissolved in a mixture of acetone and deionized water in a ratio of 15:1, with an injection rate of 0.25 mL/min using a syringe
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Published 16 Aug 2022

Recent advances in nanoarchitectures of monocrystalline coordination polymers through confined assembly

  • Lingling Xia,
  • Qinyue Wang and
  • Ming Hu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 763–777, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.67

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  • ]. There are several parameters of the single crystals, such as defects, hydrophilicity, and dispersity in water, that determine the performance of the composites in biomedicine [106][107]. To introduce more controllable and repeatable synthetic methods to tailor the parameters of monocrystalline
  • tailored by controlling the evaporation front and the withdrawal speed, making photonic sensors possible. To pack the coordination polymer particles denser, stronger forces were introduced by casting the particle dispersion at an ice–water interface [142]. After freezing of the residual water, the
  • assemble 2D coordination polymers. To facilitate the assembly of 2D coordination polymers, a modular assembly strategy was developed [144][145]. In the process, the hydrophobic 2D coordination polymers nanosheets were dispersed in ethanol first. Then, the suspension was spread on the surface of water. The
Published 12 Aug 2022
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