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Search for "ligands" in Full Text gives 275 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. Showing first 200.

From iron coordination compounds to metal oxide nanoparticles

  • Mihail Iacob,
  • Carmen Racles,
  • Codrin Tugui,
  • George Stiubianu,
  • Adrian Bele,
  • Liviu Sacarescu,
  • Daniel Timpu and
  • Maria Cazacu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 2074–2087, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.198

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  • control of formed micro- or nanostructures [19]. Most studies in this area relate to the thermal decomposition of metal complexes with ligands such as acetylacetonates, acetates and oleates. Good results in terms of narrow size distribution of nanoparticles are correlated with nucleation and growth stages
  • general, the procedure leading to metal oxide materials consists of the thermal decomposition of adequate precursors under different conditions: by classical heating at high temperature in air (calcination) or in solution, in presence of changing ligands or surfactants. Nonconventional energy sources such
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Published 28 Dec 2016

Solvent-mediated conductance increase of dodecanethiol-stabilized gold nanoparticle monolayers

  • Patrick A. Reissner,
  • Jean-Nicolas Tisserant,
  • Antoni Sánchez-Ferrer,
  • Raffaele Mezzenga and
  • Andreas Stemmer

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 2057–2064, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.196

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  • further depends on the percolation of charge carriers [11][12]. Initially, gold nanoparticles are typically stabilized by alkanethiol ligands, which are poor conductors. As reported, the conductivity of nanoparticle networks can be increased by immersing the substrate with the nanoparticle monolayer in a
  • dependence can be expected if the decrease in lattice constant is driven by an energy minimization process. Attractive van-der-Waals forces between adjacent nanoparticles can cause agglomeration of nanoparticles, which we observed after removing the alkane ligands by UV/ozone treatment. However, van-der
  • exchange of molecular ligands [3][5][6]. Our data showing a conductance increase by immersion in a pure solvent alone raise the question to what extent an exchange with more conductive molecules contributes to the overall increase in conductance. To this end, we immersed the samples for 20 h in a solvent
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Published 23 Dec 2016

Functionalized platinum nanoparticles with surface charge trigged by pH: synthesis, characterization and stability studies

  • Giovanna Testa,
  • Laura Fontana,
  • Iole Venditti and
  • Ilaria Fratoddi

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1822–1828, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.175

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  • colloidal stability; hydrophobic or hydrophilic thiol-based ligands have been deeply exploited [14][15]. Among others, 2-diethylaminoethanethiol hydrochloride (DEA) has been used as a stabilizing thiol for gold nanoparticles used for the immobilization of lipase [16]. Among others, hydrothermal and
  • reducing agents such as nanocrystalline cellulose from cotton or bacterial cellulose matrixes are currently being studied [23][24]. Thiol ligands have been thoroughly investigated [25][26][27] and particular attention has been devoted to hydrophilic ligands that confer to the PtNP stability in water
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Published 24 Nov 2016

Scanning probe microscopy studies on the adsorption of selected molecular dyes on titania

  • Jakub S. Prauzner-Bechcicki,
  • Lukasz Zajac,
  • Piotr Olszowski,
  • Res Jöhr,
  • Antoine Hinaut,
  • Thilo Glatzel,
  • Bartosz Such,
  • Ernst Meyer and
  • Marek Szymonski

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1642–1653, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.156

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  • the molecules to the formation of a chemical bond via the dehydrogenation of the eight H atoms of the isoindole ligands, as a result of the increased substrate temperature during the deposition. Next, Ishida and Fujita investigated the electronic properties of individual molecules. The immobilized
  • different ligands. Empty-state STM images of the densely packed molecular structures. (a) and (b): the closed layer PTCDA structure obtained when the molecules are adsorbed on a sample kept at elevated to 100 °C temperature; (c) 0.6 ML of PTCDA molecules adsorbed on the sample kept at 100 °C. All STM images
Published 09 Nov 2016

Nano- and microstructured materials for in vitro studies of the physiology of vascular cells

  • Alexandra M. Greiner,
  • Adria Sales,
  • Hao Chen,
  • Sarah A. Biela,
  • Dieter Kaufmann and
  • Ralf Kemkemer

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1620–1641, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.155

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  • size of adhesion proteins and their ligands, or on the size of cells, the effective structuring of surfaces with nanometer to micrometer precision is required. In this section, we review the currently available most common techniques and materials applied for the fabrication of appropriate micro
  • through electrostatic interactions [149][150]. A more native coating of artificial surfaces can be achieved by absorbing molecules from the extracellular matrix (ECM). Commonly used cell ligands enabling a specific cell adhesion are either the full molecules or peptides with motifs from ECM molecules such
Published 08 Nov 2016

Antitumor magnetic hyperthermia induced by RGD-functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles, in an experimental model of colorectal liver metastases

  • Oihane K. Arriortua,
  • Eneko Garaio,
  • Borja Herrero de la Parte,
  • Maite Insausti,
  • Luis Lezama,
  • Fernando Plazaola,
  • Jose Angel García,
  • Jesús M. Aizpurua,
  • Maialen Sagartzazu,
  • Mireia Irazola,
  • Nestor Etxebarria,
  • Ignacio García-Alonso,
  • Alberto Saiz-López and
  • José Javier Echevarria-Uraga

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1532–1542, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.147

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  • . These values do not agree with the concept that 19 nm diameter NPs are surrounded by one layer of oleic acid or PMAO [37], indicating rather the presence of some kind of aggregation that increases with the complexity of the recovering ligands. In the process of incorporation of the RGD peptides, the
  • to the NPs. Infrared spectra of the magnetic nanoparticles have been performed in order to determine the type of ligands surrounding the magnetic nuclei (see Supporting Information File 1, Figure S2). In the case of oleic acid-coated Fe3O4@OA NPs, the –CH2 symmetric and asymmetric stretching
  • between 200 °C and 500 °C, which may account for the mass evolution of oleic acid and/or other organic ligands on the sample surface. Above 700 °C, a weight loss around 10% is observed, which could be ascribed to decomposition of generated carbonates. It can be observed that the increasing weight loss for
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Published 28 Oct 2016

Microwave synthesis of high-quality and uniform 4 nm ZnFe2O4 nanocrystals for application in energy storage and nanomagnetics

  • Christian Suchomski,
  • Ben Breitung,
  • Ralf Witte,
  • Michael Knapp,
  • Sondes Bauer,
  • Tilo Baumbach,
  • Christian Reitz and
  • Torsten Brezesinski

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1350–1360, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.126

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  • functionalities, respectively, with the latter originating from surface ligands. The C 1s spectrum can also be fitted into three peaks at (284.56 ± 0.05) eV, (286.06 ± 0.05) eV and (288.49 ± 0.05) eV. We ascribe the main peak centered at 284.6 eV to sp3-hybridized carbon (C–C); the minor peaks at higher binding
  • indicate a mass loss of 13% in the temperature range between 150 °C and 400 °C due to release of water and combustion of acetate and acetylacetonate ligands. To verify the XPS results, 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy was performed on the ZFO nanoparticles. A representative spectrum measured at 5 K is provided
  • ) indicates that irreversible reactions occurred upon lithiation, including decomposition of surface ligands and formation of a solid electrolyte interface (SEI) on the nanoparticles. However, this relatively large capacity loss (≈30%) was limited to the initial cycle. The electrochemical reaction of ZFO with
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Published 27 Sep 2016

Tunable longitudinal modes in extended silver nanoparticle assemblies

  • Serene S. Bayram,
  • Klas Lindfors and
  • Amy Szuchmacher Blum

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1219–1228, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.113

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  • one of three inexpensive, widely available, and environmentally benign short ditopic ligands: cysteamine, dithiothreitol and cysteine in aqueous solution. The self-assembly of our extended structures is enforced by hydrogen bonding. Varying the ligand concentration modulates the extent and density of
  • hydrogen-bonding short ligands that are known to well passivate the AgNPs surface [30]. We report the substantial influence of the ligand-to-particle ratio on the aggregate configuration and its optical signal. We observe a large influence of NP ensemble size and inter-nanoparticle spacing on the emergence
  • show any sign of assembly, and have an average size of 13.9 nm (Supporting Information File 1, Figure S1A). The addition of the experimental ligands triggers assembly, as shown by changes in the extinction spectra that depend on the ligand to nanoparticle ratio. Figure 1 shows the extinction spectra of
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Published 26 Aug 2016

Multiwalled carbon nanotube hybrids as MRI contrast agents

  • Nikodem Kuźnik and
  • Mateusz M. Tomczyk

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 1086–1103, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.102

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  • functionalization of oMWCNT is aimed at introducing specific organic ligands to permanently chelate metal ions or their oxides. This is the manner in which Lamanna prepared an oligoglycol dendron with phosphonic groups responsible for SPIO anchoring. The ligand was introduced on the alkyne-derived oMWCNT by a click
  • contrast agent was obtained (Gd-DTPA-oMWCNT#Marangon). We utilized this approach to build a CNT-derivative of Fe3+ complexes with amino-phenol ligands, which showed promising results as T1 contrast agents [42]. An in situ generated acid chloride of oMWCNT was reacted with the ligand, resulting in an Fe3
  • coordination via neighboring ligands and is given in Equation 2 and Equation 3. These hold for a moderate proton residence time τM ≈ 10 ns with C being a constant, q the number of inner-sphere water molecules, µeff the effective magnetic moment, τC the molecular correlation time, r the metal–H distance, τS the
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Published 27 Jul 2016

Phenalenyl-based mononuclear dysprosium complexes

  • Yanhua Lan,
  • Andrea Magri,
  • Olaf Fuhr and
  • Mario Ruben

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 995–1009, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.92

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  • , resulting in [Dy(PLN)3(H2O)2]·H2O (3). Due to the presence of non-depronated ligands and solvent molecules in the coordination sphere, all these complexes decomposed at ca. 350 °C during the sublimation process in high vacuum (10−6 mbar). Sublimable lanthanides quinolinates have been prepared by Katkova et
  • for 2a and 2.249 to 2.324 Å for 2b; and the bond angles range from 135.3 to 139.1° for 2a and from 137.5 to 139.1° for 2b. It is noteworthy that the bond distances between the dysprosium atom and the oxygen atoms of the HPLN ligands can be compared to those reported in other dysprosium–oxygen
  • the spectra of complex 4 and its sublimed species 4’ suggests that the sublimable dysprosium complex contains three deprotonated phenalenyl ligands as structurally proposed in Scheme 2. NMR experiments The paramagnetic 1H NMR spectra of complexes 1–4 obtained in deuterated DMSO are shown in Figure S6
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Published 08 Jul 2016

Efficient electron-induced removal of oxalate ions and formation of copper nanoparticles from copper(II) oxalate precursor layers

  • Kai Rückriem,
  • Sarah Grotheer,
  • Henning Vieker,
  • Paul Penner,
  • André Beyer,
  • Armin Gölzhäuser and
  • Petra Swiderek

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 852–861, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.77

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  • ] and the control of the size of the nanostructures pose challenges [1][11][12][13][18][20]. For example, when metals are deposited from the gas phase by FEBID, the organic ligands that provide the metal organic precursors with sufficient volatility are often not fully decomposed. In consequence
  • potassium oxalate [30] can split in two components in copper(II) oxalate due to coupling between oxalate ligands coordinated to a common copper atom. The band intensities show a steady increase with the number of deposition cycles (Figure 1b). This behavior has been observed before during the first 10
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Published 13 Jun 2016

Fabrication and properties of luminescence polymer composites with erbium/ytterbium oxides and gold nanoparticles

  • Julia A. Burunkova,
  • Ihor Yu. Denisiuk,
  • Dmitri I. Zhuk,
  • Lajos Daroczi,
  • Attila Csik,
  • István Csarnovics and
  • Sándor Kokenyesi

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 630–636, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.55

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  • , which makes them unusable for photonics. Other methods also have shortcomings. For example, the synthesis of Er2O3 nanoparticles through the co-precipitation method with addition of coordinating ligands needs additional co-precipitants, and still high temperature annealing is necessary [4]. This method
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Published 26 Apr 2016

Novel roles for well-known players: from tobacco mosaic virus pests to enzymatically active assemblies

  • Claudia Koch,
  • Fabian J. Eber,
  • Carlos Azucena,
  • Alexander Förste,
  • Stefan Walheim,
  • Thomas Schimmel,
  • Alexander M. Bittner,
  • Holger Jeske,
  • Hartmut Gliemann,
  • Sabine Eiben,
  • Fania C. Geiger and
  • Christina Wege

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 613–629, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.54

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  • (length: 300 nm) in combination with functional ligands such as peptides, enzymes, dyes, drugs or inorganic materials is advantageous for applications ranging from biomedical imaging and therapy approaches over surface enlargement of battery electrodes to the immobilization of enzymes. TMV building blocks
Published 25 Apr 2016

Investigating organic multilayers by spectroscopic ellipsometry: specific and non-specific interactions of polyhistidine with NTA self-assembled monolayers

  • Ilaria Solano,
  • Pietro Parisse,
  • Ornella Cavalleri,
  • Federico Gramazio,
  • Loredana Casalis and
  • Maurizio Canepa

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 544–553, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.48

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  • after reaction with competitive ligands. The films were investigated in liquid, and ex situ in ambient air. The SE investigation has been complemented by AFM measurements based on nanolithography methods (nanografting mode). Conclusion: Our approach to the SE data, exploiting the full spectroscopic
  • ligands [32] makes this strategy a versatile system for the development of highly sensitive, specific and renewable sensing devices [33]. A high-performance sensor needs to integrate a specific binding scheme with a sensitive, non-destructive transduction of the binding event into a measurable signal
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Published 13 Apr 2016

Rigid multipodal platforms for metal surfaces

  • Michal Valášek,
  • Marcin Lindner and
  • Marcel Mayor

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 374–405, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.34

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  • scanning probe microscopy [75][81][91], a crosslinker for the creation of arrays of gold nanoparticles, and to anchor several active tail molecules as complex ligands [79][80], fullerenes [77][78][92], rotaxanes [93], pseudorotaxanes and artificial molecular rotors [94][95][96][97] to the surface. Although
  • larger tridentate ligands 21 comprising three long alkylsulfanyl chains (C8, C12) and a redox-active ferrocenyl tail group (Figure 10) for the preparation of redox-active SAMs on Au(111) substrates [89]. These tripodal molecules 21 form almost homogeneous, well-ordered, and fairly densely packed SAMs
Published 08 Mar 2016

Early breast cancer screening using iron/iron oxide-based nanoplatforms with sub-femtomolar limits of detection

  • Dinusha N. Udukala,
  • Hongwang Wang,
  • Sebastian O. Wendel,
  • Aruni P. Malalasekera,
  • Thilani N. Samarakoon,
  • Asanka S. Yapa,
  • Gayani Abayaweera,
  • Matthew T. Basel,
  • Pamela Maynez,
  • Raquel Ortega,
  • Yubisela Toledo,
  • Leonie Bossmann,
  • Colette Robinson,
  • Katharine E. Janik,
  • Olga B. Koper,
  • Ping Li,
  • Massoud Motamedi,
  • Daniel A. Higgins,
  • Gary Gadbury,
  • Gaohong Zhu,
  • Deryl L. Troyer and
  • Stefan H. Bossmann

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 364–373, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.33

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  • characterization of the nanoplatforms for protease detection is described in detail in [19]. In short, water-dispersible Fe/Fe3O4 nanoparticles featuring dopamine ligands [47], TCPP [48], and cyanine 5.5 [49] were synthesized according to established procedures. The oligopeptides used as consensus sequences, which
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Published 07 Mar 2016

Time-dependent growth of crystalline Au0-nanoparticles in cyanobacteria as self-reproducing bioreactors: 2. Anabaena cylindrica

  • Liz M. Rösken,
  • Felix Cappel,
  • Susanne Körsten,
  • Christian B. Fischer,
  • Andreas Schönleber,
  • Sander van Smaalen,
  • Stefan Geimer,
  • Christian Beresko,
  • Georg Ankerhold and
  • Stefan Wehner

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 312–327, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.30

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  • [23]. For further use the nanoparticles have to be separated from all the unavoidable molecules present in living organisms, like the biological capping and reducing ligands, e.g., enzymes, chlorophylls, peptides or polyphenols [10][24]. This task is typically quite challenging. Reduction of the toxic
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Published 02 Mar 2016

Surface coating affects behavior of metallic nanoparticles in a biological environment

  • Darija Domazet Jurašin,
  • Marija Ćurlin,
  • Ivona Capjak,
  • Tea Crnković,
  • Marija Lovrić,
  • Michal Babič,
  • Daniel Horák,
  • Ivana Vinković Vrček and
  • Srećko Gajović

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 246–262, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.23

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  • ligands such as PVP and BSA provide additional steric hindrances. Our results, in accordance with previously published data [48], imply that CIT, PVP and BSA provided colloidal stability for AgNPs irrespective to the type of surface interactions. It is interesting that we have recently observed [49] a
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Published 15 Feb 2016

Single-molecule magnet behavior in 2,2’-bipyrimidine-bridged dilanthanide complexes

  • Wen Yu,
  • Frank Schramm,
  • Eufemio Moreno Pineda,
  • Yanhua Lan,
  • Olaf Fuhr,
  • Jinjie Chen,
  • Hironari Isshiki,
  • Wolfgang Wernsdorfer,
  • Wulf Wulfhekel and
  • Mario Ruben

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 126–137, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.15

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  • -dinuclear complexes of tris-β-diketonate adducts of Gd(III), Tb(III) [30], Dy(III), Ho(III) and Er(III) with a bpm bridging ligand. We employed 2,2’,6,6’-tetramethyl-2,4-heptanedionate (tmhd) ligands as peripheric ligands, providing overall charge-neutral compounds. The magnetic behavior of the compounds
  • ligands tris(tetramethylheptanedionato) lanthanide(III) for f-series metal ions results in charge-neutral homo-dinuclear compounds; an aspect potentially important for later deposition of the compounds in device environments by sublimation techniques. Compounds 1–5 were synthesized by adding Ln(tmhd)3 (Ln
  • inversion-symmetry-related to each other, resulting in the formation of an achiral meso-form of the polyhedra (see Supporting Information File 1, Figure S1). The bond lengths between the lanthanide ions and the coordinating oxygen and nitrogen atoms of the ligands are summarized in Table 3. They decrease
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Published 28 Jan 2016

Simultaneous cancer control and diagnosis with magnetic nanohybrid materials

  • Reza Saadat and
  • Franz Renz

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 121–125, doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.14

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  • [Fe(II)(bzimpy)2] (bzimpy = 2,6-bis(benzimidazol-2-yl)pyridine). The resulting MNP cluster can be used as a pH-labile switch: By protonation of the electron pairs of the ligands (which are coordinated to the iron ion) the MNP cluster-stabilizing complex [Fe(II)(bzimpy)2] decomposes [13] in an acidic
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Published 27 Jan 2016

Chemiresistive/SERS dual sensor based on densely packed gold nanoparticles

  • Sanda Boca,
  • Cosmin Leordean,
  • Simion Astilean and
  • Cosmin Farcau

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 2498–2503, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.259

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  • monitoring. Assemblies of gold NPs were recently proposed as chemiresistor sensors, exhibiting reliable responses to the analyzed compounds [4]. In most cases very small particles were used (3–7 nm), functionalized with specific ligands that facilitate their assembly into thin nanoparticle films through
  • cross-linked nanoparticle films [6][14]. The effective permittivity in the environment of the nanoparticles can increase due to the adsorption of analytes, which can replace ligands or fill up inter-molecular voids on the surface of the nanoparticles. This can decrease the activation energy for electron
  • transfer, which is in turn observed as a resistance decrease. Moreover, in our system MBA is a thiol-terminated molecule while folic acid is not, and therefore one can expect that the MBA molecules can replace folic acid ligands from the surface of the gold particles. MBA is smaller than folic acid, and
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Published 29 Dec 2015

Sub-monolayer film growth of a volatile lanthanide complex on metallic surfaces

  • Hironari Isshiki,
  • Jinjie Chen,
  • Kevin Edelmann and
  • Wulf Wulfhekel

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 2412–2416, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.248

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  • . The films show a distorted three-fold symmetry with a commensurate structure. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy reveals molecular orbitals delocalized on the ligands of the molecule. Our results imply that this complex can be transferred onto the metal substrates without molecular decomposition or
  • -dikenonate ligands (see Figure 1) and the total charge of the molecule is zero. Recent DFT calculations for Ln(thd)3 in gas phase show that the D3 symmetry structure corresponds to the minimum of the potential energy [14]. Though remarkable magnetic properties of Ln(thd)3 in bulk have not been reported, some
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Published 16 Dec 2015

Surfactant-controlled composition and crystal structure of manganese(II) sulfide nanocrystals prepared by solvothermal synthesis

  • Elena Capetti,
  • Anna M. Ferretti,
  • Vladimiro Dal Santo and
  • Alessandro Ponti

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 2319–2329, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.238

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  • final NCs: those prepared in absence of amines show the presence of both stearic acid and stearate, whereas in presence of stearic acid and an amine, both stearate and amine (or alkylammonium cation) could be detected although carboxylic acids are usually stronger ligands than amines. The chemistry
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Published 07 Dec 2015

Silica-coated upconversion lanthanide nanoparticles: The effect of crystal design on morphology, structure and optical properties

  • Uliana Kostiv,
  • Miroslav Šlouf,
  • Hana Macková,
  • Alexander Zhigunov,
  • Hana Engstová,
  • Katarína Smolková,
  • Petr Ježek and
  • Daniel Horák

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 2290–2299, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.235

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  • (e.g., ethylene glycol) at high temperature and pressure [21][22]. Upconversion particles are typically prepared in different morphologies, sizes and shapes with high surface areas to efficiently conjugate target ligands and drugs [23]. It is important to tailor the surface of the nanoparticles to the
  • specific application. Thus, various ligands and functionalities have to be attached to the particle surface to provide efficient drug delivery, to ensure engulfment by the cells, or to control the release of biomolecules and their specific target. Finally, the surface modification must ensure that the
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Published 03 Dec 2015

The role of low-energy electrons in focused electron beam induced deposition: four case studies of representative precursors

  • Rachel M. Thorman,
  • Ragesh Kumar T. P.,
  • D. Howard Fairbrother and
  • Oddur Ingólfsson

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 1904–1926, doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.194

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  • cross sections at low incident energies. Good examples of such reactions are the extensive fragmentation of tetrafluorophenol and tetrafluoroaniline [35] as well as that of the commonly used FEBID precursor ligands tri- and hexafluoroacetylacetone [36]. In each of these cases, low energy electron
  • molecular hydrogen and ethane enables the otherwise thermochemically inhibited formation of CN− at low incident electron energies. With a suitable choice of ligands, such intramolecular reactions may thus also provide a new means to enhance fragmentation of potential FEBID precursors through DEA. Perhaps
  • very low intensity). For the formation of this fragment, the authors proposed a reaction pathway involving the elimination of an ethyl radical via the intramolecular attack of a leaving methyl radical on another methyl ligand and a H-shift from one of the methyl ligands to the central Pt, thereby
Published 16 Sep 2015
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