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Search for "charge transfer" in Full Text gives 342 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. Showing first 200.

Synthesis of novel C-doped g-C3N4 nanosheets coupled with CdIn2S4 for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

  • Jingshuai Chen,
  • Chang-Jie Mao,
  • Helin Niu and
  • Ji-Ming Song

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 912–921, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.92

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  • [42]. As presented in Figure 11b, a possible mechanism of charge transfer for H2 formation has also been proposed over CISCCN heterostructured photocatalysts under visible-light irradiation. The type-I binary heterojunction interfaces can be formed because of the proper VB and CB positions for CCN and
  • CIS, improving the charge transfer/separation efficiency. Upon visible-light irradiation, both CCN nanosheets and CIS can absorb photons to produce massive electron–hole pairs, then electrons in the VB of the semiconductors are able to be excited to the CB, leaving holes in the VB. Because the CB edge
  • have been prepared for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible-light illumination. This approach not only results in a material with a narrower bandgap but also in the efficient charge transfer and separation, realizing the synergistic effect of C-doping and composite nanostructures. It was
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Published 18 Apr 2019

Fabrication of silver nanoisland films by pulsed laser deposition for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

  • Bogusław Budner,
  • Mariusz Kuźma,
  • Barbara Nasiłowska,
  • Bartosz Bartosewicz,
  • Malwina Liszewska and
  • Bartłomiej J. Jankiewicz

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 882–893, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.89

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  • transfer) effect. In the CT mechanism the charge transfer between the molecules of the analyte and metallic nanostructures is excited, which leads to a resonant increase in the total EF. When the laser energy matches the energy gap between the HOMO and LUMO of molecules, a direct resonant Raman scattering
  • occurs. This effect is visible during excitation with 633 nm, but the enhancement becomes even more pronounced when the excitation wavelength shifts to 532 nm. As it is known, the total enhancement of the Raman scattering signal in the SERS phenomenon depends on the EM (electromagnetic) and CT (charge
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Published 16 Apr 2019

Comparing a porphyrin- and a coumarin-based dye adsorbed on NiO(001)

  • Sara Freund,
  • Antoine Hinaut,
  • Nathalie Marinakis,
  • Edwin C. Constable,
  • Ernst Meyer,
  • Catherine E. Housecroft and
  • Thilo Glatzel

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 874–881, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.88

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  • technologies such as dye-sensitized solar cells. A key optimization parameter for such devices is the choice of the compounds in order to control the direction and the intensity of charge transfer across the interface. Here, the deposition of two different molecular dyes, porphyrin and coumarin, as single
  • -layered islands on a NiO(001) single crystal surface have been studied by means of non-contact atomic force microscopy at room temperature. Comparison of both island types reveals different adsorption and packing of each dye, as well as an opposite charge-transfer direction, which has been quantified by
  • ) of the semiconductor [2]. This charge transfer, which occurs from the dye molecules towards the surface of the semiconductor, offers the possibility of designing specific hybrid devices with photoactive anodes consisting of functionalized TiO2. In contrast to TiO2 [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11], wide
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Published 15 Apr 2019

An efficient electrode material for high performance solid-state hybrid supercapacitors based on a Cu/CuO/porous carbon nanofiber/TiO2 hybrid composite

  • Mamta Sham Lal,
  • Thirugnanam Lavanya and
  • Sundara Ramaprabhu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 781–793, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.78

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  • cost, long-term thermodynamic stability, abundance in nature, ecologically friendliness, photostability, and exceptional structural stability [19][20][21]. Thus, TiO2 nanoparticles can execute faradaic charge transfer reactions and provide the high cycle stability needed to enhance the supercapacitor
  • values than all other electrode materials, which was due to the addition of TiO2 nanoparticles. TiO2 nanoparticles show pseudo-capacitive behavior due to faradaic charge transfer that takes place in redox reactions. Therefore, the supercapacitor performance of the Cu/CuO/PCNF/TiO2 composite electrode
  • layer interface, which provides greater capacitance to enhance the electrochemical performance. These results suggest that the fabricated SSHSC possesses higher specific capacitance, which confirms that the unique structure of the Cu/CuO/PCNF/TiO2 composite could provide a rapid charge-transfer
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Published 01 Apr 2019

Features and advantages of flexible silicon nanowires for SERS applications

  • Hrvoje Gebavi,
  • Vlatko Gašparić,
  • Dubravko Risović,
  • Nikola Baran,
  • Paweł Henryk Albrycht and
  • Mile Ivanda

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 725–734, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.72

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  • weak metal affinity was facilitated through the surface immobilization via 4-MPBA [30][31]. The 4-MPBA reporter features are predominantly based on re-orientation i.e. binding of the analyte via the boronic acid group causing a symmetry breaking and activation of the charge transfer mechanism which
  • of the substrate. The pH value of 100% ethanol is 7.33, while the water has a pH value equal to 7. Therefore, we do not expect a significant increase in SERS intensity due to the reorientation of 4-MPBA that could be ascribed to a small change of pH value (see the charge transfer and absorbance in
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Published 15 Mar 2019

Deposition of metal particles onto semiconductor nanorods using an ionic liquid

  • Michael D. Ballentine,
  • Elizabeth G. Embry,
  • Marco A. Garcia and
  • Lawrence J. Hill

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 718–724, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.71

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  • synthesis conditions [5]. Well-defined nanorod substrates are synthesized using organic ligands to direct crystal growth [6], and these surface-bound ligands often play an important role in charge transfer at the particle/solvent interface [7][8][9][10][11]. However, these stabilizing ligands also insulate
  • and diameters smaller than 10 nm. This is important for the field of chalcogenide nanomaterials where 1D (nanorod) and 0D (quantum dot) materials are interfaced with metals on sub-10 nm length scales to facilitate charge transfer and photocatalysis [26]. Herein, we demonstrate that an ionic liquid may
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Published 14 Mar 2019

The effect of translation on the binding energy for transition-metal porphyrines adsorbed on Ag(111) surface

  • Luiza Buimaga-Iarinca and
  • Cristian Morari

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 706–717, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.70

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  • atom on top the surface. We show that the interaction between the transition metal and silver is the result of a combination between the dispersion interaction, charge transfer and weak chemical interaction. The detailed analysis of the physical properties, such as dipolar and magnetic moments and the
  • molecule–surface charge transfer, analyzed for different geometric configurations allows us to propose qualitative models, relevant for the understanding of the self-assembly processes and related phenomena. Keywords: Ag(111) surface; DFT+U; metal porphyrine; van der Waals; Introduction Metalloporphyrins
  • in this model. The chemisorptive contributions to the TMPP–metal binding energy may lead to a charge transfer between molecule and surface [41]. This constitutes a local perturbation for electronic, structural [42][43] and magnetic [44][45] properties of the adsorbate as well as of the substrate
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Published 13 Mar 2019

A carrier velocity model for electrical detection of gas molecules

  • Ali Hosseingholi Pourasl,
  • Sharifah Hafizah Syed Ariffin,
  • Mohammad Taghi Ahmadi,
  • Razali Ismail and
  • Niayesh Gharaei

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 644–653, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.64

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  • other hand, the charge transfer between GNRs and the adsorbed target molecule can change the concentration of the carriers and modulate the conductivity of the GNR. In addition, because of the atomic forces and charge transfer, molecular adsorption can lead to modification of the energy band diagram and
  • sensors are used to develop a new gas sensor model based on the carrier velocity and I–V characteristics. In addition, a first principle simulation study is employed for the band structure analysis, to calculate the charge transfer, and to evaluate the proposed models. For the sensor structure, an
  • exposed to each of these gas molecules and its band structure and I–V characteristic variations before and after gas adsorption are studied; also, the adsorption energy and charge transfer between gas molecules and the AGNR surface are calculated and discussed. In the adsorption process of CO, different
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Published 04 Mar 2019

Review of time-resolved non-contact electrostatic force microscopy techniques with applications to ionic transport measurements

  • Aaron Mascaro,
  • Yoichi Miyahara,
  • Tyler Enright,
  • Omur E. Dagdeviren and
  • Peter Grütter

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 617–633, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.62

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  • understanding transport properties of real-world, often heterogeneous materials relevant for energy generation and storage. A number of AFM techniques have been developed to study relevant materials including time-resolved EFM to measure photoexcited charge accumulation and charge transfer [6][9][10][11], time
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Published 01 Mar 2019

Hydrophilicity and carbon chain length effects on the gas sensing properties of chemoresistive, self-assembled monolayer carbon nanotube sensors

  • Juan Casanova-Cháfer,
  • Carla Bittencourt and
  • Eduard Llobet

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 565–577, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.58

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  • more responsive to nitrogen dioxide than Au, Pt or Pd-decorated CNTs when operated at room temperature [10][18][40]. This was attributed to a stronger interaction and charge transfer between nitrogen dioxide and oxygenated defects in CNTs than with metal clusters. Possibly the surface of metal clusters
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Published 27 Feb 2019

Quantification and coupling of the electromagnetic and chemical contributions in surface-enhanced Raman scattering

  • Yarong Su,
  • Yuanzhen Shi,
  • Ping Wang,
  • Jinglei Du,
  • Markus B. Raschke and
  • Lin Pang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 549–556, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.56

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  • ]. This suggests that across a charge-transfer or molecular resonance, the enhancement of the asymmetric vs symmetric mode varies. Yet, in the absence of charge-transfer contributions, all modes are equally enhanced, irrespective of excitation frequency [29]. In our work, the mode ω3 is related with the
  • charge-transfer contribution, and its CE value depends on the excitation wavelength. With regards to coupling between physical and chemical enhancement [20][22], a coupling factor can be introduced to quantify how the induced polarization modifies the charge redistribution and vice versa. However, we
  • polarizability derivative, which in turn is due to a change in the ground-state electronic structure when the molecule adsorbs onto a metal surface. In addition, dynamic processes contribute, which are associated with the formation of hybrid states or charge transfer excitations between the molecule and the
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Published 25 Feb 2019

Mo-doped boron nitride monolayer as a promising single-atom electrocatalyst for CO2 conversion

  • Qianyi Cui,
  • Gangqiang Qin,
  • Weihua Wang,
  • Lixiang Sun,
  • Aijun Du and
  • Qiao Sun

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 540–548, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.55

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  • ) is the Mo atom and the three N atoms that the Mo atom linked with, and BN monolayer (moiety 3), as shown in Figure 5a. The variation of the charge distribution is illustrated in Figure 5b. The step 0 is the charge transfer to the adsorbed CO2. The CO2 molecule and the MoN3 gain 0.482 and 0.018
  • for charge transfer between the BN monolayer and moiety 1. Conclusion In conclusion, we have systematically investigated TM atoms, including Sc to Zn, Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd and Ag, anchored on the boron-defective BN monolayer as an efficient SAC for CRR, as investigated by means of DFT calculations. The
  • single transition metal (TM) doped BN monolayers. (b) The length of the C–O bond of CO2 that interacts with the TM atom doped onto the BN monolayers. (c) The angle of the captured CO2 molecule. (d) The charge transfer of CO2 adsorbed on various catalysts. The red dashed lines represent values
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Published 22 Feb 2019

Choosing a substrate for the ion irradiation of two-dimensional materials

  • Egor A. Kolesov

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 531–539, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.54

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  • to a peculiar doping effect, as it was shown for graphene in [1]. Besides, one cannot exclude participation of displaced recoil atoms [8] that reach the interface but remain within the substrate. Moreover, since there is a charge transfer between the substrate and the monolayer [9][10][11][12], the
  • desorption in 2D material through charge transfer effects [9][10][11][12][16]. It is important to note that the electronically stimulated surface atom desorption is a mechanism that basically occurs in unsupported 2D materials under ion irradiation [13]. It principally relates to any non-central collision
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Published 22 Feb 2019

A porous 3D-RGO@MWCNT hybrid material as Li–S battery cathode

  • Yongguang Zhang,
  • Jun Ren,
  • Yan Zhao,
  • Taizhe Tan,
  • Fuxing Yin and
  • Yichao Wang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 514–521, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.52

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  • region the x-intercept is attributed to the contact resistance (R0), and the semicircle is attributed to the charge-transfer resistance (Rct) at the electrode/electrolyte interface. Finally, the inclined slope in the low-frequency region is associated with the Warburg impedance (W) [28], which correlates
  • within a MWCNT lattice matrix, was successfully synthesized. The as-prepared S-3D-RGO@MWCNT cathode exhibited a very good electrochemical performance and cycle stability. This can be attributed to i) the conductive network inherently found in the RGO sheets and MWCNTs, which ensured efficient charge
  • transfer within the cathode, ii) the 3D porous spherical RGO possessing a high surface area and pore volume to accommodate a high sulfur content; and iii) the interconnected pores in the spherical RGO and the lattice matrix formed by MWCNTs, which act as polysulfide reservoirs to alleviate the shuttle
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Published 21 Feb 2019

Temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopy and sensor applications of PtSe2 nanosheets synthesized by wet chemistry

  • Mahendra S. Pawar and
  • Dattatray J. Late

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 467–474, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.46

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  • resistance of the sensor device vs relative humidity plot. The resistance is significantly decreased from 3.75 GΩ to 0.83 MΩ. The humidity sensing mechanism for the PtSe2 sensor can be explained as follows. When the PtSe2 nanosheet sensor device was exposed to water molecules/vapors, a charge transfer
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Published 13 Feb 2019

Reduced graphene oxide supported C3N4 nanoflakes and quantum dots as metal-free catalysts for visible light assisted CO2 reduction

  • Md Rakibuddin and
  • Haekyoung Kim

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 448–458, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.44

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  • rGO [34]. The XPS peaks of g-C3N4 and rGO are shifted slightly to higher and lower binding energies in the GCN-5 hybrid, respectively, indicating possible charge transfer between g-C3N4 and rGO in the heterostructure. Hence, the XPS results confirm the successful preparation of the composite and the
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Published 13 Feb 2019

Biocompatible organic–inorganic hybrid materials based on nucleobases and titanium developed by molecular layer deposition

  • Leva Momtazi,
  • Henrik H. Sønsteby and
  • Ola Nilsen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 399–411, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.39

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  • investigated the charge transfer shake-up satellite modes corresponding to the O 2peg → Ti 3deg transition [27]. No evidence of pure Ti–N bonding could be observed directly from the Ti peaks, indicating that titanium is not found only coordinated to nitrogen. We cannot, however, rule out the possibility of Ti
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Published 08 Feb 2019

A Ni(OH)2 nanopetals network for high-performance supercapacitors synthesized by immersing Ni nanofoam in water

  • Donghui Zheng,
  • Man Li,
  • Yongyan Li,
  • Chunling Qin,
  • Yichao Wang and
  • Zhifeng Wang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 281–293, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.27

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  • peaks, which is related to the poor conductivity (larger ohmic resistance) of Ni(OH)2 nanopetals [21][43]. Larger ohmic resistance leads to slow kinetics of charge transport and interfacial charge transfer of the material. Thus, the electrode reaction rate slows down, resulting in a reduced
  • reservoir” structure is badly damaged. This results in a decrease in the surface area of active materials and subsequently leads to the decline in the volumetric capacitance of the electrode. Impedance spectroscopy To better understand the kinetics of the charge transfer within the electrodes, EIS
  • straight line at low frequencies. The semicircle represents the charge transfer impedance (Rct) for the redox reaction of Ni(OH)2/NiOOH at the electrode/electrolyte interface. The straight line at low frequencies indicates the diffusive resistance of the electrolyte ions (Warburg impedance) [49]. The
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Published 25 Jan 2019

Wet chemistry route for the decoration of carbon nanotubes with iron oxide nanoparticles for gas sensing

  • Hussam M. Elnabawy,
  • Juan Casanova-Chafer,
  • Badawi Anis,
  • Mostafa Fedawy,
  • Mattia Scardamaglia,
  • Carla Bittencourt,
  • Ahmed S. G. Khalil,
  • Eduard Llobet and
  • Xavier Vilanova

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 105–118, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.10

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  • into more reactive species that, in turn, interact with CNTs. In addition, such nanoparticles shift the Fermi level of CNTs, adsorb target molecules, and help in mediating the charge transfer between adsorbates and CNTs [6][10]. Several metal oxides have been reported as useful for decorating CNTs and
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Published 09 Jan 2019

Amorphous NixCoyP-supported TiO2 nanotube arrays as an efficient hydrogen evolution reaction electrocatalyst in acidic solution

  • Yong Li,
  • Peng Yang,
  • Bin Wang and
  • Zhongqing Liu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019, 10, 62–70, doi:10.3762/bjnano.10.6

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  • −), suggesting a small electron density transfer from Ni and Co to P [37]. This charged structure is very beneficial for improving surface activity toward HER. A critical means to improve the charge transfer of HER is to enhance the conductivity of the electrocatalysts. Doping or hybridization to form a
  • active site density, and thus the electrocatalytic activity. The Nyquist and Bode plots are displayed in Figure 8. In the Nyquist plot, the arc radius of the high-frequency section corresponds to the impedance of charge transfer between electrolyte and the catalyst surface, and the ones of the low
  • -frequency area correspond to the impedance of charge transport inside the electrode [15][42][43][44]. In Figure 8a, the Nyquist curves are shown as two arcs with different radius in the high and low frequency, suggesting that the catalytic reaction was limited by the charge transfer step. The arc radii of
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Published 07 Jan 2019

Electrolyte tuning in dye-sensitized solar cells with N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) iron(II) sensitizers

  • Mariia Karpacheva,
  • Catherine E. Housecroft and
  • Edwin C. Constable

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 3069–3078, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.285

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  • impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is an important technique for the investigation of interfaces in DSCs [49][50]. Fitting of the Nyquist and Bode plots, which are used to describe the EIS results, leads to parameters including the recombination resistance (Rrec), electron/hole transport resistance (Rtr), charge
  • -transfer resistance at the counter electrode (RPt) and the active layer surface chemical capacitance (Cµ). All experiments in the following discussion were performed at VOC conditions. The equivalent circuit model used in this study consisted of five elements (Figure S2, Supporting Information File 1). A
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Published 21 Dec 2018

Hydrogen-induced plasticity in nanoporous palladium

  • Markus Gößler,
  • Eva-Maria Steyskal,
  • Markus Stütz,
  • Norbert Enzinger and
  • Roland Würschum

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 3013–3024, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.280

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  • charge transfer during hydrogen loading, especially at strongly negative potentials, a calculation based on the recorded charge flow during hydrogenation might overestimate the hydrogen concentration in the samples. Therefore, the atomic ratio of hydrogen and palladium H/Pd (cf) was determined based on
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Published 10 Dec 2018

Graphene-enhanced metal oxide gas sensors at room temperature: a review

  • Dongjin Sun,
  • Yifan Luo,
  • Marc Debliquy and
  • Chao Zhang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2832–2844, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.264

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  • concentrations of NO2, while the pure WO3 and graphene sensors did not respond to NO2 at room temperature. The authors claimed that the reason for room-temperature sensing of the composite sensor was the effective charge transfer between graphene and WO3 nanospheres by chemical bonds. The research group
Published 09 Nov 2018

Controlling surface morphology and sensitivity of granular and porous silver films for surface-enhanced Raman scattering, SERS

  • Sherif Okeil and
  • Jörg J. Schneider

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2813–2831, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.263

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  • and depends on the local electromagnetic field at the metal surface while the chemical enhancement depends on the analyte itself and results from an effective charge transfer between the noble metal and the adsorbed probe molecule [5][6]. While the Raman effect is intrinsically weak and typically does
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Published 07 Nov 2018

Variation of the photoluminescence spectrum of InAs/GaAs heterostructures grown by ion-beam deposition

  • Alexander S. Pashchenko,
  • Leonid S. Lunin,
  • Eleonora M. Danilina and
  • Sergei N. Chebotarev

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2018, 9, 2794–2801, doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.261

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  • -GaAs layer thickness, on the one hand, limits the fluctuation of QD heights in vertically stacked arrays and stabilizes them and, on the other hand, improves the charge transfer due to the resonant tunneling between the vertical InAs QD layers. Photoluminescence properties of InAs/GaAsBi
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Published 02 Nov 2018
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