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Criteria ruling particle agglomeration

  • Dieter Vollath

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 1093–1100, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.81

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  • not visible in this graph. Application to a realistic example A valid comparison of the different contributions to the free enthalpy needs a realistic example. As it offers the best availability of data, gold was selected to demonstrate the contributions of the different approaches. Basis for these
  • , the difference of the surface energy between the original and the agglomerated ensemble was calculated. For the case of van der Waals interaction the selection of the parameters is difficult. As basis, the results of Luo et al. [12] obtained for gold was applied. From these data a value of hi = 10 eV
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Published 29 Sep 2021

Assessment of the optical and electrical properties of light-emitting diodes containing carbon-based nanostructures and plasmonic nanoparticles: a review

  • Keshav Nagpal,
  • Erwan Rauwel,
  • Frédérique Ducroquet and
  • Protima Rauwel

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 1078–1092, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.80

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  • reference. Figure 4a and Figure 4b were adapted from [45] (“Enhanced optical output power of blue light-emitting diodes with quasi-aligned gold nanoparticles“, © 2014 Y. Jin et al., distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 International License,
Published 24 Sep 2021

Use of nanosystems to improve the anticancer effects of curcumin

  • Andrea M. Araya-Sibaja,
  • Norma J. Salazar-López,
  • Krissia Wilhelm Romero,
  • José R. Vega-Baudrit,
  • J. Abraham Domínguez-Avila,
  • Carlos A. Velázquez Contreras,
  • Ramón E. Robles-Zepeda,
  • Mirtha Navarro-Hoyos and
  • Gustavo A. González-Aguilar

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 1047–1062, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.78

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  • promising application of gold nanostructures with CUR-loaded alginate microgels, which showed photothermal properties. High CUR retention and preferential toxicity against cancerous cells was also shown. The photoactive agent, wavelength, time of exposure, and distance to the light source are important
  • factors that determine the effectiveness of phototherapy against cancer cells [142]. For example, Rahimi-Moghaddam et al. [140] reported a higher cytotoxic effect of a gold–CUR nanosystem used as photothermal therapy against breast cancer cells when exposed to an 808 nm laser (1.5 W/cm2), as compared to a
Published 15 Sep 2021

Progress and innovation of nanostructured sulfur cathodes and metal-free anodes for room-temperature Na–S batteries

  • Marina Tabuyo-Martínez,
  • Bernd Wicklein and
  • Pilar Aranda

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 995–1020, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.75

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  • . Consequently, the electrocatalysts accelerate the reaction kinetics, improving the electrochemical performance of Na–S batteries. Different compounds were shown to have this property such as cobalt nanoparticles [34][45][46], iron nanoclusters [47] and iron disulfide [48], gold nanodots [49], nickel sulfide
  • undergo a sodiation process to form Na2S2. Then, the Na2S2 intermediate is converted to Na2S. Another remarkable electrocatalyst are gold nanodots, as reported by Wang et al. [49]. The in situ synchrotron XRD results show that gold can effectively catalyze the transformation of Na2S4 into Na2S in the
Published 09 Sep 2021

A Au/CuNiCoS4/p-Si photodiode: electrical and morphological characterization

  • Adem Koçyiğit,
  • Adem Sarılmaz,
  • Teoman Öztürk,
  • Faruk Ozel and
  • Murat Yıldırım

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 984–994, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.74

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  • thermal annealing at 400 °C for 2 min in N2 atmosphere. Top contacts were prepared on the film by evaporating gold with a thickness of 150 nm at 5 × 10−6 Torr through a metal shadow mask (Au, 99.99% from Kurt J. Lesker). High-purity Al and Au metal contacts were thermally evaporated from a tungsten filament
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Published 02 Sep 2021

Uniform arrays of gold nanoelectrodes with tuneable recess depth

  • Elena O. Gordeeva,
  • Ilya V. Roslyakov,
  • Alexey P. Leontiev,
  • Alexey A. Klimenko and
  • Kirill S. Napolskii

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 957–964, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.72

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  • pathways to further improve the recessed nanoelectrode arrays based on anodic alumina templates are discussed. Keywords: anodic alumina; gold; nanoelectrode array; recessed electrode; templated electrodeposition; Introduction A nanoelectrode array (NEA) is a set of regularly arranged isolated metal
  • decreased to 0.64 ± 0.09 µm (Figure 1f). It is worth noting that a decrease in LCu1 value leads to a significant reduction of the absolute length deviation. Segment 2 – gold The high chemical stability of Au makes it an intrinsic material for electrochemical sensors and has motivated the choice of this
  • turning the AAO template upside down (Figure 1d). As a result, an array of 28 nm diameter gold electrodes (electrode-to-electrode distance is equal to 101 nm) with 0.6 µm recess depth was obtained. Electrochemical characterization of the prepared NEAs was performed. To estimate the number of electrodes
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Published 30 Aug 2021

Self-assembly of Eucalyptus gunnii wax tubules and pure ß-diketone on HOPG and glass

  • Miriam Anna Huth,
  • Axel Huth and
  • Kerstin Koch

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 939–949, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.70

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  • , Hamburg, Germany) and conductive carbon cement (Leit-C, Plano, Wetzlar, Germany) was applied. The samples were sputter coated (108 auto/SE, Cressington, Watford, UK) with gold (t: 60 s, I: 30 mA, p: 0.1 mbar), resulting in a gold layer of approximately 8 nm. Recrystallized structures were then
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Published 20 Aug 2021

The role of deep eutectic solvents and carrageenan in synthesizing biocompatible anisotropic metal nanoparticles

  • Nabojit Das,
  • Akash Kumar and
  • Raja Gopal Rayavarapu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 924–938, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.69

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  • utilizing safe nanomaterials for advanced biomedical and clinical applications. Keywords: anisotropic nanoparticles; carrageenan; cytotoxicity; eutectic solvents; surfactants; Review Introduction Plasmonic metals such as gold and silver, upon achieving nanoscale dimensions, exhibit unusual physicochemical
  • of gold and silver nanoparticles. Surface plasmon resonance is an inherent property of plasmonic metal nanoparticles that is immensely employed as a tool for theranostics and is highly influenced by the size and shape of the nanoparticle [2]. The property of SPR has also been exploited for nanochips
  • nanoparticles, especially rod-shaped gold nanoparticles. The most approved and widely used surfactants for synthesizing anisotropic nanoparticles are quaternary ammonium surfactants with halides (bromide, chloride, or iodide) as counterions. Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) is the most commonly used
Published 18 Aug 2021

Comprehensive review on ultrasound-responsive theranostic nanomaterials: mechanisms, structures and medical applications

  • Sepand Tehrani Fateh,
  • Lida Moradi,
  • Elmira Kohan,
  • Michael R. Hamblin and
  • Amin Shiralizadeh Dezfuli

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 808–862, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.64

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  • (conventional and echogenic), niosomes, nanoemulsions, polymeric nanoparticles, chitosan nanocapsules, dendrimers, hydrogels, nanogels, gold nanoparticles, titania nanostructures, carbon nanostructures, mesoporous silica nanoparticles, fuel-free nano/micromotors. Keywords: smart nanomaterials; sonodynamic
  • , dendrimers, and capsules), lipid-based carriers (including liposomes and solid lipid NP), and non-polymer-based structures (including nanomachines, gold NPs, titanium, carbon, and silica nanostructures) along with some other novel NPs which can trigger drug release after US activation. A discussion on these
Published 11 Aug 2021

Silver nanoparticles induce the cardiomyogenic differentiation of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells via telomere length extension

  • Khosro Adibkia,
  • Ali Ehsani,
  • Asma Jodaei,
  • Ezzatollah Fathi,
  • Raheleh Farahzadi and
  • Mohammad Barzegar-Jalali

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 786–797, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.62

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  • culture medium outside the cells [11]. According to a previous study by Fröhlich et al., the access of Ag-NPs into other organelles depends on the particle size [32]. In the same way, Berry et al. demonstrated that the uptake of NPs is limited by the dimensions of the nuclear pores. Gold nanoparticles (Au
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Published 02 Aug 2021

Reducing molecular simulation time for AFM images based on super-resolution methods

  • Zhipeng Dou,
  • Jianqiang Qian,
  • Yingzi Li,
  • Rui Lin,
  • Jianhai Wang,
  • Peng Cheng and
  • Zeyu Xu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 775–785, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.61

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  • angle is 70°, and the hemispherical tip radius is 16 Å. We calculate the surface energy maps with a four-layer graphite and gold samples. The dimensions of the graphite and gold substrates are 9 × 9 × 1.1 and 9 × 9 × 0.4 nm3, respectively. All simulations are performed under equal height conditions. The
  • distance). The cut-off distance for the C–C interaction is 1.19 nm. The cut-off distance for the Si–C interaction is changed to observe the impact on the simulation. Increasing the cut-off distance increases the number of atoms in the tip–sample interaction but the result is more accurate. For the gold
  • loss function: where n is the number of training samples. The parameters are updated with the gradient descent as where η denotes the learning rate. Results and Discussion Molecular dynamics simulation results Molecular dynamics simulation is used to obtain the energy maps of graphite and gold samples
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Published 29 Jul 2021

Recent progress in actuation technologies of micro/nanorobots

  • Ke Xu and
  • Bing Liu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 756–765, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.59

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  • targeted drug delivery. Li et al. [19] designed a fish-like magnetic actuation micro/nanorobot with a passive gold segment as the head, two active nickel segments as the body, and one passive gold segment as the caudal fin, all connected by a flexible structure of porous silver. The swimming mode of the
  • , corresponding to a dimensionless speed of 0.6, has been obtained. After completing the above design, Li et al. [20] worked on the development of a freestyle swimmer-type of magnetically actuated micro/nanorobots, namely a symmetric multi-linked two-arm nanoswimmer, which consists of a central gold body segment
  • . Chen et al. [39] proposed Z-shaped Au/Pt hybrid self-actuation micro/nanorobot for cancer treatment and targeted drug delivery systems. It is based on self-electrophoretic actuation. The platinum end is designed to be wider than the gold end. Thus, the movement of the micro/nanorobot was directed
Published 20 Jul 2021

A review of defect engineering, ion implantation, and nanofabrication using the helium ion microscope

  • Frances I. Allen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 633–664, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.52

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  • analysis of the implantation profiles from line exposures [75] (Figure 3a). A recent extension of this work has been reported by Li et al. [76], which includes strain field analysis (Figure 3b) and a survey of bubble size distributions. In work using a gold target, Veligura et al. investigated the effect
  • has been used to induce the growth of semiconductor nanowires [97]. In this study by Aramesh, gold catalyst nanoparticles were distributed onto GaAs and InAs substrates and upon irradiating selected regions with helium ions, semiconductor nanowires grew from the gold nucleation sites. By increasing
  • nanoimprint. In another HIBL-related study, helium ion irradiation was used to induce varying degrees of cross-linking of aromatic self-assembled monolayers supported on a gold substrate, followed by removal of the non-cross-linked regions by adhesion to a PMMA film [112]. This leaves the exposed (cross
Published 02 Jul 2021

On the stability of microwave-fabricated SERS substrates – chemical and morphological considerations

  • Limin Wang,
  • Aisha Adebola Womiloju,
  • Christiane Höppener,
  • Ulrich S. Schubert and
  • Stephanie Hoeppener

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 541–551, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.44

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  • gold, silver, or copper. Additionally, the shape, density, and form of the nanoparticles on the SERS substrates were found to be critical parameters for field enhancement [4][7] and the formation of the so-called hot spots [4]. These hot spots can be created, for example, by nanoparticles forming small
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Published 11 Jun 2021

Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of water in aqueous dispersions of silver nanoparticles

  • Paulina Filipczak,
  • Krzysztof Hałagan,
  • Jacek Ulański and
  • Marcin Kozanecki

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 497–506, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.40

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  • near gold nanoparticles protected by various ligands [38][39]. The results of hydrogen bond dynamics and calculated far-IR spectra showed that a well-defined multilayered structure of water is formed close to the surface of the metal nanoparticle. The stabilization of this structure may be additionally
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Published 25 May 2021

Rapid controlled synthesis of gold–platinum nanorods with excellent photothermal properties under 808 nm excitation

  • Jialin Wang,
  • Qianqian Duan,
  • Min Yang,
  • Boye Zhang,
  • Li Guo,
  • Pengcui Li,
  • Wendong Zhang and
  • Shengbo Sang

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 462–472, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.37

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  • conversion efficiency (PCE) due to local surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). Studies on different gold–platinum (Au–Pt) bimetal nanoparticles exhibiting the LSPR effect have provided a new idea for the synthesis of excellent PTAs. But there is no simple and scalable method for the controllable synthesis of Au
  • –Pt nanoparticles with adjustable LSPR wavelength range. In this work, the effects of Ag+ and K2PtCl4 on the deposition of Pt on the surface of gold nanorods (AuNRs) were investigated. A fast, precise, and controlled synthesis of dumbbell-like Pt-coated AuNRs (Au@Pt NRs) under mild conditions is
  • Reagents Gold(III) chloride trihydrate (HAuCl4·3H2O), potassium tetrachloroplatinate(II) (K2PtCl4), silver nitrate (AgNO3), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), ascorbic acid, and sodium borohydride (NaBH4) were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co. Ltd. (Taiyuan, China). Deionized water was used
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Published 17 May 2021

A review on nanostructured silver as a basic ingredient in medicine: physicochemical parameters and characterization

  • Gabriel M. Misirli,
  • Kishore Sridharan and
  • Shirley M. P. Abrantes

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 440–461, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.36

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  • the synthesis of gold nanoparticles in solution using trisodium citrate to reduce AuCl4−. Since then, this methodology is popularly known as the Turkevich method and it has been extended to other metals such as silver [137][138]. Following the same principle, this method is used to reduce Ag+. The
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Published 14 May 2021

The impact of molecular tumor profiling on the design strategies for targeting myeloid leukemia and EGFR/CD44-positive solid tumors

  • Nikola Geskovski,
  • Nadica Matevska-Geshkovska,
  • Simona Dimchevska Sazdovska,
  • Marija Glavas Dodov,
  • Kristina Mladenovska and
  • Katerina Goracinova

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 375–401, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.31

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  • internalization, the chemical sensitivity of the cancer cells, and the efficacy of the gold nanoparticles, using different types of EGFR-expressing NSCLC cancer cell lines. C225-AuNPs showed the largest inhibitory effect on cell growth and cell proliferation when the NSCLC cell line A549 with high EGFR expression
  • activating the extracellular domain of membranous EGFR and influencing the EGFR signaling pathways through increased endocytosis (receptor internalization) and cytoplasmic accumulation of EGFR. In the study of Yokoyama et al. paramagnetic gold-coated plasmonic NPs (40–50 nm) with iron core and anti-EGFR
Published 29 Apr 2021

Exploring the fabrication and transfer mechanism of metallic nanostructures on carbon nanomembranes via focused electron beam induced processing

  • Christian Preischl,
  • Linh Hoang Le,
  • Elif Bilgilisoy,
  • Armin Gölzhäuser and
  • Hubertus Marbach

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 319–329, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.26

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  • nanostructures by investigating the fabrication and transfer on the example of a SAM of TPT on a silver substrate. Consequently, a different chemical etching process is needed for the lift-off process during the transfer. In the case of gold, an etching solution of KI/I2/H2O is used. Whereas in this approach
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Published 07 Apr 2021

The patterning toolbox FIB-o-mat: Exploiting the full potential of focused helium ions for nanofabrication

  • Victor Deinhart,
  • Lisa-Marie Kern,
  • Jan N. Kirchhof,
  • Sabrina Juergensen,
  • Joris Sturm,
  • Enno Krauss,
  • Thorsten Feichtner,
  • Sviatoslav Kovalchuk,
  • Michael Schneider,
  • Dieter Engel,
  • Bastian Pfau,
  • Bert Hecht,
  • Kirill I. Bolotin,
  • Stephanie Reich and
  • Katja Höflich

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 304–318, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.25

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  • combined in a straightforward manner, for example, by stacking. Applications of such materials may rely on (coupled) material excitations, such as plasmon polaritons in gold nanostructures [2], on physical properties, such as the exceptionally high mechanical stability of suspended graphene [3], or on
  • , and the fabrication of coupled plasmonic nanoantennas from single-crystalline gold. The three latter examples are realized in this work by developing optimized patterning and automation routines [18]. Patterning and Beam Control Patterning with an ion beam is a digital process where the beam spot
  • selected to demonstrate the different capabilities of FIB-o-mat. These include high-level patterning with automation of magnetic multilayers, low-level patterning with automation of suspended graphene and low-level patterning and beam path optimization for gold on glass. Patterns for all three test cases
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Published 06 Apr 2021

Doxorubicin-loaded gold nanorods: a multifunctional chemo-photothermal nanoplatform for cancer management

  • Uzma Azeem Awan,
  • Abida Raza,
  • Shaukat Ali,
  • Rida Fatima Saeed and
  • Nosheen Akhtar

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 295–303, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.24

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  • study was to fabricate biocompatible multifunctional drug-loaded nanoscale moieties for co-therapy (chemo-photothermal therapy) with maximum efficacy and minimum side effects. Herein, we report in vitro anticancerous effects of doxorubicin (DOX) loaded on gold nanorods coated with the polyelectrolyte
  • based on chemotherapy and photothermal strategies appears to be a promising platform in cancer management. Keywords: chemotherapy; doxorubicin; gold nanorods; NIR laser; photothermal therapy; Introduction Despite the enormous advances in medical research, cancer is still the second most common cause
  • properties such as significant absorption or scattering in the visible and near-infrared (NIR) regions, tunable aspect ratio, biocompatibility, fluorescence properties, and the ease of biofunctionalization, which makes them ideal in biomedical applications [13]. Gold-based nanomaterials (i.e., nanospheres
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Published 31 Mar 2021

Differences in surface chemistry of iron oxide nanoparticles result in different routes of internalization

  • Barbora Svitkova,
  • Vlasta Zavisova,
  • Veronika Nemethova,
  • Martina Koneracka,
  • Miroslava Kretova,
  • Filip Razga,
  • Monika Ursinyova and
  • Alena Gabelova

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 270–281, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.22

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  • , N, MBCD, or Dyn were added to the culture medium. Similar to our results, Brandenberger et al. [60] also observed a reduced internalization of PEG-coated gold nanoparticles after exposure to the endocytic inhibitor MBCD. As the hydrodynamic size in the culture medium was increased (for BSA-SO-MNPs
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Published 23 Mar 2021

Gold(I) N-heterocyclic carbene precursors for focused electron beam-induced deposition

  • Cristiano Glessi,
  • Aya Mahgoub,
  • Cornelis W. Hagen and
  • Mats Tilset

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 257–269, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.21

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  • Sciences, Dept. Imaging Physics, Lorentzweg 1, 2628CJ Delft, Netherlands 10.3762/bjnano.12.21 Abstract Seven gold(I) N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) complexes were synthesized, characterized, and identified as suitable precursors for focused electron beam-induced deposition (FEBID). Several variations on the
  • substitutions on deposit composition and growth rate indicates that the most suitable organic ligand for the gold precursor is triazole-based, with the best deposit composition of 15 atom % gold, while the most suitable anionic ligand is the trifluoromethyl group, leading to a growth rate of 1 × 10−2 nm3/e
  • −. Keywords: Au(I) precursors; focused electron beam-induced deposition (FEBID); gold-NHC; gold precursors; nanofabrication; N-heterocyclic carbene; Introduction Focused electron beam-induced deposition (FEBID) is a nanofabrication technique that allows for the growth of three-dimensional free-standing
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Published 17 Mar 2021

Scanning transmission helium ion microscopy on carbon nanomembranes

  • Daniel Emmrich,
  • Annalena Wolff,
  • Nikolaus Meyerbröker,
  • Jörg K. N. Lindner,
  • André Beyer and
  • Armin Gölzhäuser

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 222–231, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.18

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  • [18], Hall measured the thickness of a silicon nitride membrane down to 5 nm using the bright-field signal [19]. A different detection method is the use of a microchannel plate (MCP). Woehl et al. were able to resolve the core–shell structure of silica-coated gold nanoparticles with an annular
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Published 26 Feb 2021

A review on the biological effects of nanomaterials on silkworm (Bombyx mori)

  • Sandra Senyo Fometu,
  • Guohua Wu,
  • Lin Ma and
  • Joan Shine Davids

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2021, 12, 190–202, doi:10.3762/bjnano.12.15

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  • the resulting silk fiber with a mechanical strength of 1.07 GPa and a strain of 16.8% [170]. The effects of bovine serum albumin (BSA)-stabilized gold nanoclusters (BSA-Au NCs) at different concentrations (9.38, 1.88, 0.938, and 0.188 µg) inserted via intravascular injection in the silkworm was
Published 12 Feb 2021
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