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Search for "mechanism" in Full Text gives 1733 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. Showing first 200.

Photoredox catalysis harvesting multiple photon or electrochemical energies

  • Mattia Lepori,
  • Simon Schmid and
  • Joshua P. Barham

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 1055–1145, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.81

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  • methods for SET chemistry. In the context of synthetic molecular photoelectrochemistry, there are various sub-fields classified depending on how the electrochemical and photochemical steps interplay in the mechanism. This Review’s main focus is on electrochemically mediated photoredox catalysis (e-PRC
  • electron transfer (conPET) mechanism (Figure 4C), PDI is photoexcited and reductively quenched by Et3N to form its stable, colored radical anion PDI•− that can be photoexcited again to generate an even stronger reductant; *PDI•− (*E1/2 = −1.87 V vs SCE) [34]. A SET process to the aryl halide regenerates
  • cyclized product 5a was obtained – albeit only in 28% yield – corroborating a radical mechanism. PDI catalysts have since found applications in other chemical transformations, their photophysical properties have been investigated further [40], and new variants [41] including heterogeneous versions have
Published 28 Jul 2023

The effect of dark states on the intersystem crossing and thermally activated delayed fluorescence of naphthalimide-phenothiazine dyads

  • Liyuan Cao,
  • Xi Liu,
  • Xue Zhang,
  • Jianzhang Zhao,
  • Fabiao Yu and
  • Yan Wan

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 1028–1046, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.79

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  • may also enhance the rISC in OLED devices, in which the electron–hole recombination produces mainly the triplet state (the theoretical probability is 75%, by following the spin statistic rule) [1]. Compared to the application studies, the investigation of the photophysical mechanism of TADF emitters
  • [38][39][40][41][42][43][44] and, more recently, time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance (TREPR) spectroscopy [33][39][44][45][46] were also applied to study TADF mechanisms, but the examples are limited. Therefore, much room is left for studies of the photophysical mechanism of the TADF
  • insights into the TADF mechanism. For the dyads with the oxidized PTZ units, however, the CS state energy is increased by up to 0.8 eV, yet the 3LE state energy does not change. Thus the spin–vibronic coupling between the 3LE and 3CS is weak and no TADF was observed for this dyad only a long-lived 3LE
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Published 19 Jul 2023

The unique reactivity of 5,6-unsubstituted 1,4-dihydropyridine in the Huisgen 1,4-diploar cycloaddition and formal [2 + 2] cycloaddition

  • Xiu-Yu Chen,
  • Hui Zheng,
  • Ying Han,
  • Jing Sun and
  • Chao-Guo Yan

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 982–990, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.73

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  • -configured. For explaining the formation of the various cyclic compounds, a plausible reaction mechanism was proposed on the base of the previously reported works [41][42][43][44] and the present experiments (Scheme 2). Initially, the nucleophilic addition of isoquinoline to dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate
  • -dihydropyridines. Plausible reaction mechanism for the various products 4, 5, and 6. Optimizing the reaction conditions.a Synthesis of isoquinolino[1,2-f][1,6]naphthyridines 4a–o.a Synthesis of the bicyclic compounds 5a–o and 6a–o.a Supporting Information The crystallographic data of compounds 4k (CCDC 2260340
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Published 29 Jun 2023

Clauson–Kaas pyrrole synthesis using diverse catalysts: a transition from conventional to greener approach

  • Dileep Kumar Singh and
  • Rajesh Kumar

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 928–955, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.71

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  • -assisted reactions in water, solvent-free conditions and in other organic solvents. Clauson–Kaas reaction and its mechanism The Clauson–Kaas reaction refers to the synthesis of various N-substituted pyrroles via an acid-catalyzed reaction between aromatic or aliphatic primary amines and 2,5
  • nanoorganocatalysts. Various solvent systems, such as aqueous conditions, different organic solvents, solvent-free conditions, ionic liquids, and DESs, have been reported in modified Clauson–Kaas reactions at room temperature, under thermal and microwave-assisted conditions. In the Clauson–Kaas reaction mechanism
  • reactivity of the aromatic amine depends on the electron density of the amino compounds. In addition, the authors also performed the reaction of aliphatic amines with 2,5-DMTHF (2), and found that aliphatic amines are inert in the presence of MgI2 etherate. The proposed mechanism shown in Scheme 9b suggests
Published 27 Jun 2023

Photoredox catalysis enabling decarboxylative radical cyclization of γ,γ-dimethylallyltryptophan (DMAT) derivatives: formal synthesis of 6,7-secoagroclavine

  • Alessio Regni,
  • Francesca Bartoccini and
  • Giovanni Piersanti

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 918–927, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.70

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  • : 1) it functions as the central intermediate in the biosynthetic pathways leading to numerous prenylated indole alkaloids, such as ergot alkaloids in normal biosynthesis and clavicipitic acid in derailment biosynthesis [68][69][70][71]; and 2) the mechanism of the fundamental central C-ring formation
  • of all ergot alkaloids, specifically the decarboxylative cyclization of DMAT, is still a puzzle even though a radical mechanism has been proposed (Figure 1a) [72][73]. Results and Discussion Herein, we propose that visible light irradiation of the cationic iridium photocatalyst Ir[dF(CF3)ppy]2(dtbbpy
  • a tentative mechanism (Figure 2). First, the radical cation I was generated via the oxidation of indole 5 by the excited Ir-based photocatalyst, followed by sequential regioselective proton transfer on the benzylic dimethylallyl unit C–H bond of the C4 side-chain, thereby generating II. Here, the
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Published 26 Jun 2023

Intermediates and shunt products of massiliachelin biosynthesis in Massilia sp. NR 4-1

  • Till Steinmetz,
  • Blaise Kimbadi Lombe and
  • Markus Nett

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 909–917, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.69

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  • formation of the terminal carboxamide in 6 might be due to a spontaneous C–N bond cleavage, which occurs in 1’’ prior to the cyclization, consistent with a mechanism recently proposed in photoxenobactin biosynthesis [34]. Despite the widespread occurrence of siderophores featuring a phenolic moiety with a
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Published 23 Jun 2023

Synthesis of aliphatic nitriles from cyclobutanone oxime mediated by sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2)

  • Xian-Lin Chen and
  • Hua-Li Qin

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 901–908, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.68

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  • 1a and facilitate the ultimate addition process. The selectivity of bases for different processes may attract significant attention for further applications. In order to understand the mechanism of the aforementioned transformation, some experimental investigations were performed as described in
  • completely inhibited when the amount of added TEMPO was increased to 2 equivalents. Based upon the preliminary results and previous reports of this class of transformation [26][30][36][37][42][60][61], a plausible mechanism for the base-promoted, SO2F2-mediated ring-opening cross-coupling of cyclobutanone
  • ) was stirred at 100 °C under an SO2F2 atmosphere (balloon) for 12 h; yields refer to isolated compounds. Competition between two reactions caused by the reduction of base equivalent. Mechanistic investigations. A proposed plausible mechanism. Screening the optimized reaction conditions.a Supporting
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Published 22 Jun 2023

First synthesis of acylated nitrocyclopropanes

  • Kento Iwai,
  • Rikiya Kamidate,
  • Khimiya Wada,
  • Haruyasu Asahara and
  • Nagatoshi Nishiwaki

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 892–900, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.67

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  • . A plausible mechanism explaining the experimental results is illustrated in Scheme 5. In this reaction, acetoxyiodine serves as the active species [13][24]. Nitronic acid, one of the tautomers of 4, attacks the acetoxyiodine to afford α-iododerivative 12. After the carbonyl moiety tautomerized to
  • elimination of nitrous acid, accompanied by aromatization, yielded furan 13. In addition to the stepwise mechanism, a concerted ring-expansion can be also acceptable [25]. Conclusion Although nitrocyclopropanedicarboxylic acid esters 1a have been used in organic syntheses, nitrocyclopropanes possessing an
  • ). A plausible mechanism for formation of cyclopropane 1 and dihydrofuran 8. Tin(II)-mediated ring expansion of nitrocyclopropane 1e. Michael addition of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds 3b–g to nitrostyrene 2a. Comparison of the 1H NMR data of ring protons for compounds 1a, 1b’, and product 8b. Cyclization of
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Published 21 Jun 2023

A fluorescent probe for detection of Hg2+ ions constructed by tetramethyl cucurbit[6]uril and 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethene

  • Xiaoqian Chen,
  • Naqin Yang,
  • Yue Ma,
  • Xinan Yang and
  • Peihua Ma

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 864–872, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.63

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  • of TMeQ[6] and 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethene (Figure 1). The fluorescence response and mechanism of metal ions were studied. It was found that G@TMeQ[6] had specific recognition of Hg2+ ions in an aqueous solution, which provides a theoretical basis for the development of new fluorescent probes for the
  • possible mechanism of G@TMeQ[6] to detect Hg2+ ions Fluorescence spectroscopy to investigate the specific recognition of Hg2+ ions by G@TMeQ[6] The fluorescence response of G and G@TMeQ[6] to various metal ions (Fe3+, K+, Co2+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Cd2+, Zn2+, Pb2+, Cr3+, Cs+, Ca2+, Na+, Ba2+, Sr2+, Hg2+ and
  • molecule partially enters the cavity of TMeQ[6]. The interaction mechanism between the fluorescent probe G@TMeQ[6] and Hg2+ ion was studied using 1H NMR titration experiments (Figure 8B). After the addition of Hg2+ ions to the G@TMeQ[6] system, the proton peaks Ha′, Hb′ and Hc′ on the guest molecules in
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Published 13 Jun 2023

Pyridine C(sp2)–H bond functionalization under transition-metal and rare earth metal catalysis

  • Haritha Sindhe,
  • Malladi Mounika Reddy,
  • Karthikeyan Rajkumar,
  • Akshay Kamble,
  • Amardeep Singh,
  • Anand Kumar and
  • Satyasheel Sharma

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 820–863, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.62

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  • mechanism involves the coordination of pyridine to the metal center of the cationic catalyst and B(C6F5)3 promotes the ortho-C–H activation (deprotonation) of pyridine to afford pyridyl species 6. Next, the 2,1-migratory insertion of alkene 2 into the metal–pyridyl bond in 6 gives the intermediate 7, which
  • starting from both cyclic and acyclic alkyl bromides. The findings of the reaction’s stereochemistry and observations made during some cyclization or ring-opening reactions indicated that the C–H alkylation may proceed through a radical-type mechanism. Next, in 2013, Wang and co-workers [52] reported a
  • the linear addition products. The proposed mechanism (Scheme 5b) involves the initial formation of Zr complex 22 through the reaction of neutral Zr complex 17 with [Ph3C][B(C6F5)4], which on coordination with the pyridine resulted in the formation of the 3-membered zirconacyclic intermediate 23. The
Published 12 Jun 2023

Eschenmoser coupling reactions starting from primary thioamides. When do they work and when not?

  • Lukáš Marek,
  • Jiří Váňa,
  • Jan Svoboda and
  • Jiří Hanusek

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 808–819, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.61

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  • reaction pathway opens that involves either the E2 or E1cB-like mechanism to give the corresponding nitrile X and thiolate IX, which can be further alkylated with an excess of α-halogen component to give a symmetrical sulfide. Only in very few cases when the starting α-thioiminium salt III contains an
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Published 09 Jun 2023

Synthesis of substituted 8H-benzo[h]pyrano[2,3-f]quinazolin-8-ones via photochemical 6π-electrocyclization of pyrimidines containing an allomaltol fragment

  • Constantine V. Milyutin,
  • Andrey N. Komogortsev,
  • Boris V. Lichitsky,
  • Mikhail E. Minyaev and
  • Valeriya G. Melekhina

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 778–788, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.58

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  • developed for this reaction, allowing for the synthesis of pyrimidines 9 containing an allomaltol unit in good yields (Scheme 2). The process is of a general nature and is suitable for the synthesis of various target products 9 with electron-rich or deficient substituents. The plausible reaction mechanism
  • derivative 11a. Thus, all our attempts towards the regiospecific photochemical conversion of pyrimidines 10 into polycyclic compounds 12 were unsuccessful. A plausible mechanism for the considered phototransformation of compounds 9 and 10 is depicted in Scheme 6. At first, pyrimidines 10 undergo a 6π
  • molecules. One molecule of 11g is shown in Figure 3. The other molecules have very similar conformations, but the methoxy group in some molecules exhibits an opposite orientation. The mechanism of formation of products 11g–j is similar to the presented mechanism above for the methoxy derivatives 11a–f
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Published 07 Jun 2023

Sulfate radical anion-induced benzylic oxidation of N-(arylsulfonyl)benzylamines to N-arylsulfonylimines

  • Joydev K. Laha,
  • Pankaj Gupta and
  • Amitava Hazra

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 771–777, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.57

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  • single electron transfer (SET), is proposed to be involved in the plausible reaction mechanism. Keywords: arylsulfonylimine; benzylic oxidation; benzyl sulfonamide; K2S2O8; sulfate radical anion; Introduction Among various imine compounds [1], N-arylsulfonylimines are perhaps the most prominent due to
  • approach, a gram-scale synthesis and a “one-pot” tandem synthesis of pharmaceutically relevant N-heterocycles by the reaction of in situ-generated N-arylsulfonylimines with various ortho-substituted anilines were also developed. The mechanism of the oxidation is believed to occur via hydrogen atom
  • confirms that the reaction proceeds via a radical pathway. Based on the literature [15][16], our previous experience [14][17][18], and current understanding, a plausible mechanism for the benzylic oxidation is depicted in Scheme 5. Initially, a sulfate radical anion (SO4·−) is generated by homolytic
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Published 05 Jun 2023

Bromination of endo-7-norbornene derivatives revisited: failure of a computational NMR method in elucidating the configuration of an organic structure

  • Demet Demirci Gültekin,
  • Arif Daştan,
  • Yavuz Taşkesenligil,
  • Cavit Kazaz,
  • Yunus Zorlu and
  • Metin Balci

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 764–770, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.56

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  • , and assigned our product the structure (1R,2S,3R,4S,7r)-2,3,7-tribromobicyclo[2.2.1]heptane. To fit their revised structure, they proposed an alternative mechanism featuring a skeletal rearrangement without the intermediacy of a carbocation. Herein, we are not only confirming the structure originally
  • assigned by us through crucial NMR experiments, we also present the ultimate structural proof by means of X-ray crystallography. Moreover, we disprove the mechanism proposed by the aforementioned authors based on sound mechanistic reasoning and point to an oversight by the authors that led them to an
  • by NMR experiments. Mechanism: For the formation of the compound 6 we proposed the following mechanism: the double bond in norbornene is pyramidalized in the endo direction [11]. Norbornene exclusively undergoes an exo attack upon treatment with bromine. This exo selectivity [12][13] in norbornene
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Published 02 Jun 2023

Honeycomb reactor: a promising device for streamlining aerobic oxidation under continuous-flow conditions

  • Masahiro Hosoya,
  • Yusuke Saito and
  • Yousuke Horiuchi

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 752–763, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.55

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  • reaction rate [21]. The mechanism for mixing is categorized mainly as active and passive mixing [22]. Active mixing requires an external force and a driving part. In using O2, active mixing increases the risk of ignition due to friction from the driving part, making it unsuitable for the continuous system
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Published 31 May 2023

Photocatalytic sequential C–H functionalization expediting acetoxymalonylation of imidazo heterocycles

  • Deepak Singh,
  • Shyamal Pramanik and
  • Soumitra Maity

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 666–673, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.48

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  • quenching study (Scheme 3F), expressed that the photoredox reaction started with the reductive generation of a malonyl radical from bromomalonate by interaction with the photocatalyst. Analyzing all the observations from the above mechanistic studies, we propose a plausible mechanism involving sequential
  • reaction mechanism. Reaction optimization.a Supporting Information Supporting Information File 110: Experimental section and characterization of synthesized compounds. Funding Financial support from SERB (CRG/2021/004140), India, is gratefully acknowledged. D.S and S.P thank IIT(ISM) and CSIR, New Delhi
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Published 12 May 2023

C3-Alkylation of furfural derivatives by continuous flow homogeneous catalysis

  • Grédy Kiala Kinkutu,
  • Catherine Louis,
  • Myriam Roy,
  • Juliette Blanchard and
  • Julie Oble

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 582–592, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.43

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  • furfural derivatives by C–H activation, a) in batch: previous works, and b) in continuous flow: this work. C3-alkylation of bidentate imine 1 performed in batch. Optimization of the heating for the alkylation reaction on the homemade pulsed-flow setup. Proposed reaction mechanism for the alkylation
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Published 03 May 2023

Direct C2–H alkylation of indoles driven by the photochemical activity of halogen-bonded complexes

  • Martina Mamone,
  • Giuseppe Gentile,
  • Jacopo Dosso,
  • Maurizio Prato and
  • Giacomo Filippini

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 575–581, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.42

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  • mechanism (entries 4 and 5, Table 1) [28]. Afterwards, the effect of the chemical nature of the sacrificial donor on the reaction was investigated (entries 6–9, Table 1). In particular, we employed 2,6-lutidine, 1,1,3,3-tetramethylguanidine (TMG), triethylamine (NEt3), and DABCO. Interestingly, the use of
  • desired product 3a in low chemical yield (entry 15, Table 1). On the other hand, 3a was obtained in moderate yield (60%) using methanol as solvent (entry 16, Table 1). To shed light on the reaction mechanism, the formation of an EDA complex between the α-iodosulfone 2a and DABCO was investigated using
  • absorption spectra recorded in acetonitrile in 1 cm path quartz cuvettes. [DABCO]: 0.5 M; [2a]: 0.5 M. 1H NMR titration of DABCO in a solution of 2a in ACN-d3 to detect their halogen-bonding association through the shift of the signal of Hα. Proposed reaction mechanism for the photochemical alkylation of 1a
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Published 27 Apr 2023

Access to cyclopropanes with geminal trifluoromethyl and difluoromethylphosphonate groups

  • Ita Hajdin,
  • Romana Pajkert,
  • Mira Keßler,
  • Jianlin Han,
  • Haibo Mei and
  • Gerd-Volker Röschenthaler

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 541–549, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.39

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  • chromatography were unsuccessful. In addition, alkenes such as allylpentafluorobenzene, diethyl allylmalonate, allylbenzene and ethyl acrylate did not react with 5. Instead, the diazo compound 5 decomposed immediately under the reaction conditions described in Scheme 4. To better understand the mechanism and to
  • confirm the lack of selectivity during the cyclopropanation process with terminal alkenes, the reaction mechanism between the diazo reagent 5 and styrene as a model substrate in the presence of CuI catalyst was investigated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations (Table 2). In the first step, CuI
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Published 25 Apr 2023

Transition-metal-catalyzed domino reactions of strained bicyclic alkenes

  • Austin Pounder,
  • Eric Neufeld,
  • Peter Myler and
  • William Tam

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 487–540, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.38

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  • be shifted to the 1,4-addition producing a cyclopentene product leading to the conclusion that the substitution pattern on the boronate ester played a significant role in the selectivity between 1,6-addition and 1,4-addition. The mechanism proposed by the authors initially begins in the same manner
  • as Scheme 22 with the transmetalation of the boronate ester with Rh(I) producing 127 which undergoes an exo-carborhodation with the bicyclic substrate 15a producing 128. The reaction path diverges from the previous mechanism undergoing a 1,6-addition resulting in 129. A rapid protodemetalation with
  • occurs producing 144. Subsequently, coordination of the Rh(I) to the electrophilic cyano group leads to an intramolecular addition producing 145. The imine undergoes a hydrolysis releasing the final carboannulated product 141 as well as regeneration of the active Rh(I) catalyst. A similar mechanism can
Published 24 Apr 2023

Transition-metal-catalyzed C–H bond activation as a sustainable strategy for the synthesis of fluorinated molecules: an overview

  • Louis Monsigny,
  • Floriane Doche and
  • Tatiana Besset

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 448–473, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.35

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  • , respectively). Regarding the reaction mechanism, the active Co(III) complex G was obtained from the dimeric catalyst [Cp*CoI2]2 in the presence AgSCF3 and/or NaOPiv·H2O. Then, the reversible formation of the metallacycle H occurs, which after a ligand exchange in the presence of AgSCF3 leads to the formation
  • . The α,β- and β-substituted acrylamides were functionalized in high yields (34h,i and 34k–m, 71–86%). The plausible mechanism is similar as the one reported by Besset for the trifluoromethylthiolation of acrylamides derived from 8-aminoquinoline (Scheme 13). The same year, Besset and co-workers
  • (41c, 41e, and 41g) was achieved (19 examples, up to 93% yield). Of note, the transformation was also efficient with disubstituted substrates such as 41h–j. The authors suggested the following mechanism. After formation of the metallacycle O, the latter is oxidized leading to the Pd(IV) species P
Published 17 Apr 2023

Combretastatins D series and analogues: from isolation, synthetic challenges and biological activities

  • Jorge de Lima Neto and
  • Paulo Henrique Menezes

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 399–427, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.31

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  • derivatives of compound 2 favor to various degrees the formation of microtubules, suggesting that the mechanism of this class of compound interacts with tubulin in a way to allow the microtubule assembly. The authors also observed that the introduction of higher polarity groups at the position of the double
  • cancer cell growth when compared with compounds 2 and 28, due the same lack of phosphatase cited before. It is worth to note that the mechanism of action for these compounds is attributed to their ability to interfere in the dynamics of tubulin, a protein involved in the formation of the cytoskeleton
  • . After binding to tubulin, they act as stabilizing agents, allowing the formation of microtubules in the early stages, but preventing their disassembly in the final stages of cell division, thus leading to apoptosis [15][55][74] in a mechanism similar to taxol® [76]. However, it is worth to note that
Published 29 Mar 2023

CuAAC-inspired synthesis of 1,2,3-triazole-bridged porphyrin conjugates: an overview

  • Dileep Kumar Singh

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 349–379, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.29

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  • fluorescence investigation of hybrid 96 revealed that the fluorescence of zinc porphyrin was strongly quenched, and the electron-transfer quenching mechanism was validated by easy oxidation. Furthermore, femtosecond transient-absorption spectrum investigations offered proof of the charge-separation process
Published 22 Mar 2023

Group 13 exchange and transborylation in catalysis

  • Dominic R. Willcox and
  • Stephen P. Thomas

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 325–348, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.28

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  • -trifluorophenyl)borane [54], BH3 [55][56][57], and H-B-9-BBN [58] have also been reported as catalysts for the hydroboration of alkynes with HBpin (Scheme 2). Lloyd-Jones et al. investigated the mechanism of this reaction and found transborylation, group 13 exchange between boron atoms, enabled catalytic turnover
  • tris[3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]borane [59], tris(3,4,5-trifluorophenyl)borane [54], and BH3 [55][56] found to be competent catalysts of this transformation (Scheme 3a). The mechanism was proposed to be analogous to that of borane-catalysed alkyne hydroboration; alkene 4 hydroboration, followed by
  • frustrated Lewis pair (FLP)-mediated C‒H functionalisation (Scheme 4a). Using computational analysis, the mechanism of the reaction was proposed to occur by borane dimer [9]2 dissociation, followed by a concerted deprotonation of the heterocycle 10 to give a zwitterionic intermediate 11. The zwitterion then
Published 21 Mar 2023

Recommendations for performing measurements of apparent equilibrium constants of enzyme-catalyzed reactions and for reporting the results of these measurements

  • Robert N. Goldberg,
  • Robert T. Giessmann,
  • Peter J. Halling,
  • Carsten Kettner and
  • Hans V. Westerhoff

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 303–316, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.26

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  • is convenient to perform (e.g., continuous spectroscopic monitoring), it requires a substantial amount of additional effort by the investigator. We note that it is not necessary to know the mechanism or the kinetic constants or the rate of approach to equilibrium to obtain an accurate value of K
Published 15 Mar 2023
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