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Search for "iron" in Full Text gives 365 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. Showing first 200.

Biomimetics on the micro- and nanoscale – The 25th anniversary of the lotus effect

  • Matthias Mail,
  • Kerstin Koch,
  • Thomas Speck,
  • William M. Megill and
  • Stanislav N. Gorb

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 850–856, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.69

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  • be solved was to protect copper air delivery tubes from molten iron during the smelting process. The initial concept was to maintain a layer of air between the vulnerable copper surface and the molten iron. The obvious archetypes, Salvinia and Collemba, which do something similar in their natural
Published 03 Aug 2023

Metal-organic framework-based nanomaterials as opto-electrochemical sensors for the detection of antibiotics and hormones: A review

  • Akeem Adeyemi Oladipo,
  • Saba Derakhshan Oskouei and
  • Mustafa Gazi

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 631–673, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.52

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Published 01 Jun 2023

ZnO-decorated SiC@C hybrids with strong electromagnetic absorption

  • Liqun Duan,
  • Zhiqian Yang,
  • Yilu Xia,
  • Xiaoqing Dai,
  • Jian’an Wu and
  • Minqian Sun

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 565–573, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.47

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  • diversification of working conditions, new electromagnetic (EM) absorbing materials are gradually designed and fabricated to obtain thinner, lighter, wider, and stronger materials than the traditional materials such as carbonyl iron and ferrite [1][2][3][4]. SiC has the advantages of low density, high-temperature
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Published 04 May 2023

Specific absorption rate of randomly oriented magnetic nanoparticles in a static magnetic field

  • Ruslan A. Rytov and
  • Nikolai A. Usov

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 485–493, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.39

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  • simulations using the stochastic Landau–Lifshitz equation are performed to study magnetization dynamics of dilute assemblies of iron oxide nanoparticles exposed to an alternating (ac) magnetic field with an amplitude Hac = 200 Oe and a frequency f = 300 kHz and a static (dc) magnetic field in the range Hdc
  • hyperthermia; magnetic nanoparticles; magnetic particle imaging; specific absorption rate; static magnetic field; Introduction Magnetic nanoparticles, mainly iron oxides, are promising materials for the diagnosis and therapy of oncological diseases [1][2][3]. Important fields of application of magnetic
  • of non-interacting magnetic nanoparticles of iron oxide is considered in a wide range of particle diameters, D = 18–50 nm. The SAR of the assembly is calculated depending on the amplitude and direction of the dc magnetic field in the range Hdc = 0–800 Oe. The spatial distribution of the assembly SAR
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Published 14 Apr 2023

Mixed oxides with corundum-type structure obtained from recycling can seals as paint pigments: color stability

  • Dienifer F. L. Horsth,
  • Julia de O. Primo,
  • Nayara Balaba,
  • Fauze J. Anaissi and
  • Carla Bittencourt

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 467–477, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.37

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  • , Guarapuava, 85040-167, Brazil 10.3762/bjnano.14.37 Abstract Green chromium and red iron oxides are technically important pigments due to their high color intensity, good dispersibility in paints, and superior hiding power. We report on the synthesis of colored pigments of mixed oxides with a corundum-type
  • structure. The pigments are obtained via the addition of coloring ions to boehmite from recycled metallic aluminium. X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy confirmed the crystallographic phase. Additionally, the oxidation state 3+ responsible for the greenish (chromium) and reddish (iron
  • atmospheres than organic pigments [12]. In addition, inorganic pigments offer the advantage of lower production cost [12] when using recycling materials as a precursor. Global demand for pigments was around 12 million tons in 2020 and is dominated by titanium dioxide white pigment [11]. However, iron oxide
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Published 05 Apr 2023

Evaluation of electrosynthesized reduced graphene oxide–Ni/Fe/Co-based (oxy)hydroxide catalysts towards the oxygen evolution reaction

  • Karolina Cysewska,
  • Marcin Łapiński,
  • Marcin Zając,
  • Jakub Karczewski,
  • Piotr Jasiński and
  • Sebastian Molin

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 420–433, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.34

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  • Cracow, Poland 10.3762/bjnano.14.34 Abstract In this work, the specific role of the addition of graphene oxide (GO) to state-of-the-art nickel–iron (NiFe) and cobalt–nickel–iron (CoNiFe) mixed oxides/hydroxides towards the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is investigated. Morphology, structure, and OER
  • and expensive metals [5], studies on other catalyst materials are being conducted. Recently, transition-metal-based materials including nickel, iron, and/or cobalt have become promising catalysts for OER [6][7][8][9][10]. The materials are characterized by relatively low cost and environmentally
  • elements in the catalyst structure: Ni and Fe for NiFe and NiFe-GO, and Ni, Fe, and Co for CoNiFe and CoNiFe-GO. A high amount of detected nickel is due to the presence of nickel in the catalyst but also in the nickel substrate. Since an extremely low atom % fraction of iron in NiFe-GO was detected
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Published 29 Mar 2023

Recent progress in cancer cell membrane-based nanoparticles for biomedical applications

  • Qixiong Lin,
  • Yueyou Peng,
  • Yanyan Wen,
  • Xiaoqiong Li,
  • Donglian Du,
  • Weibin Dai,
  • Wei Tian and
  • Yanfeng Meng

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 262–279, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.24

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  • oxidation, which leads to a decrease in heating efficiency [100]. In addition, magnetic NPs are usually recognized and cleared from the body, which prevents them from reaching their target [101]. Biomimetic cancer cell membrane technology can enhance the performance of magnetic iron oxide NPs (e.g., prevent
  • oxidation, improve biocompatibility, enhance colloidal stability, and enhance targeting), enabling the ablation of tumor tissues by thermal energy [79]. MDA-MB-231 cell membrane-coated NPs loaded with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) and PTX were designed for the combination treatment of
  • development of cells and plays an important regulatory role in the progression of cancer [104][105]. Iron-dependent ferroptosis is a new type of programmed cell death that is different from other modes of action and molecular mechanisms. It is characterized by mitochondrial lipid peroxidation and reduced
Published 27 Feb 2023

Nanotechnology – a robust tool for fighting the challenges of drug resistance in non-small cell lung cancer

  • Filip Gorachinov,
  • Fatima Mraiche,
  • Diala Alhaj Moustafa,
  • Ola Hishari,
  • Yomna Ismail,
  • Jensa Joseph,
  • Maja Simonoska Crcarevska,
  • Marija Glavas Dodov,
  • Nikola Geskovski and
  • Katerina Goracinova

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 240–261, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.23

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  • , gold nanoshells, and microbots) and imaging contrast nanoparticles (quantum dots and iron oxide), after homing into the tumor environment [113]. Xu et al. described an injectable nanoparticle generator (iNPG) showing substantial natural tumor tropism designed as aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES
Published 22 Feb 2023

Gap-directed chemical lift-off lithographic nanoarchitectonics for arbitrary sub-micrometer patterning

  • Chang-Ming Wang,
  • Hong-Sheng Chan,
  • Chia-Li Liao,
  • Che-Wei Chang and
  • Wei-Ssu Liao

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 34–44, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.4

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  • purchased from Echo Chemical (Taipei, Taiwan). Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO, USA). Iron nitrate and thiourea were purchased from Showa Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan). Positive photoresist AZ6112 was purchased from AZ Electronic Materials Taiwan Co
  • structure characterization To transfer chemical patterns created by CLL to the underneath metal layer, a wet chemical etching process was adopted. After lifting the PDMS stamp from a SAM-modified Au substrate, the Au surface was immersed in an aqueous mixture containing 40 mM iron nitrate and 60 mM thiourea
  • lift-off surface can serve as the molecular resist for the underneath material structure transfer. This concept is demonstrated by immersing a post-lift off surface in an aqueous mixture containing iron nitrate and thiourea for wet chemical etching (Figure 3A). The absence of SAM molecule protection at
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Published 04 Jan 2023

Two-step single-reactor synthesis of oleic acid- or undecylenic acid-stabilized magnetic nanoparticles by thermal decomposition

  • Mykhailo Nahorniak,
  • Pamela Pasetto,
  • Jean-Marc Greneche,
  • Volodymyr Samaryk,
  • Sandy Auguste,
  • Anthony Rousseau,
  • Nataliya Nosova and
  • Serhii Varvarenko

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 11–22, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.2

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  • of Sciences, Heyrovského nám. 2, 162 06 Prague 6, Czech Republic Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans (IMMM), UMR 6283 CNRS − Le Mans Université, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex, France 10.3762/bjnano.14.2 Abstract Different iron oxides (i.e., magnetite, maghemite, goethite
  • mol of acetylacetonate and up to 5.5 mol/mol. Below the mentioned limit, NPM dispersions were colloidally unstable, and at higher ratios no NPM were formed which could be precipitated by an applied magnetic field. Monodisperse nanoparticles of iron oxides were synthesized with a diameter of 8–13 nm
  • . Keywords: Fe(III) acetylacetonate; iron oxide nanoparticles; maghemite; magnetic nanoparticles; magnetite; thermal decomposition synthesis; Introduction Magnetic nanoparticles are increasingly being used in various fields thanks to the recent progress in their controlled synthesis and knowledge of their
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Published 03 Jan 2023

Non-stoichiometric magnetite as catalyst for the photocatalytic degradation of phenol and 2,6-dibromo-4-methylphenol – a new approach in water treatment

  • Joanna Kisała,
  • Anna Tomaszewska and
  • Przemysław Kolek

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1531–1540, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.126

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  • the mixed and variable valency of iron in its structure (Fe(III)tet[Fe(II),Fe(III)]octO4), this oxide has unique properties [13][14]. At room temperature, magnetite is an inverse spinel conductor with Fe3+ on the tetrahedral sites and Fe2+ and Fe3+ on the octahedral sites. Electron hopping along the
  • octahedral iron chain handles its conductivity and redox properties, causing the magnetite to initialize oxidation/reduction reactions. Fe3O4 nanoparticles have been used as a photocatalyst for the degradation of azo dyes [15], for wastewater treatment [16][17], for water decomposition, and for Cr(VI
  • transferred with very low activation energy among iron ions on the octahedral sites. As we showed above, DBMP interacts with the magnetite surface, thus, it can react with the generated electrons. The following reaction path for DBMP degradation is proposed to explain our observations (a detailed description
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Published 15 Dec 2022

Straight roads into nowhere – obvious and not-so-obvious biological models for ferrophobic surfaces

  • Wilfried Konrad,
  • Christoph Neinhuis and
  • Anita Roth-Nebelsick

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1345–1360, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.111

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  • iron. Therefore, biological external surfaces that strongly repel liquids appeared to be suitable, particularly the hair cover of the water fern Salvinia molesta and the surface of Collembola (an arthropod group). It turned out, however, that it was not feasible to realise the functional structures of
  • able to create stable air bodies, which support the refilling of embolised conduits. By adopting the shape of these micropores, a successful prototype for a ferrophobic copper surface repelling liquid iron could be devised. This case study illustrates that straight road maps from technical problems to
  • projects. The actual project, whose history will be reconstructed in this contribution and in which two co-authors participated (C. N. and W. K.), dealt with a technical problem encountered during steel production. The aim was to find a (biomimetic) way to prevent the adhesion of liquid iron at 1500 °C to
Published 17 Nov 2022

Recent trends in Bi-based nanomaterials: challenges, fabrication, enhancement techniques, and environmental applications

  • Vishal Dutta,
  • Ankush Chauhan,
  • Ritesh Verma,
  • C. Gopalkrishnan and
  • Van-Huy Nguyen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1316–1336, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.109

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  • [84][85]. Using a straightforward hydrothermal procedure, Hu et al. produced iron-doped Bi2WO6 nanocomposites [84]. In comparison to pristine Bi2WO6, Fe-doped Bi2WO6 exhibits superior visible-light photoabsorption, a considerably increased number of oxygen vacancies, and a noticeably improved capacity
Published 11 Nov 2022

Roll-to-roll fabrication of superhydrophobic pads covered with nanofur for the efficient clean-up of oil spills

  • Patrick Weiser,
  • Robin Kietz,
  • Marc Schneider,
  • Matthias Worgull and
  • Hendrik Hölscher

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1228–1239, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.102

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  • directly in a combined machinery. For the structuring of the PP film, schematically shown in Figure 1b, the roller serving as structuring tool was prepared in two steps. First, it was sandblasted with cast iron particles with a diameter of 0.8–1.2 mm and afterwards with white corundum with a particle size
  • (PE), and polycarbonate (PC), we obtained the best results by sandblasting the roller first with 0.8–1.2 mm cast iron particles and subsequently with white corundum with a particle size of 53–75 µm. For polylactide (PLA), smaller corundum particles with a size of 8–10 µm had to be used for the second
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Published 31 Oct 2022

Recent advances in green carbon dots (2015–2022): synthesis, metal ion sensing, and biological applications

  • Aisha Kanwal,
  • Naheed Bibi,
  • Sajjad Hyder,
  • Arif Muhammad,
  • Hao Ren,
  • Jiangtao Liu and
  • Zhongli Lei

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1068–1107, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.93

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  • solution containing different ions for quenching iron ions specifically. Researchers have employed different beans to synthesize high-quality CDs. Jia et al. used black soya beans as a natural resource to prepare N-CDs by a one-step pyrolysis method. The obtained N-CDs had good photoluminescence
  • structure for endogenous nitrogen-doping in a green synthesis of CD-based room-temperature phosphorescent (RTP) materials. The materials had lifetimes of up to 271.2 ms with a lower energy gap and 350 nm of excitation (0.32 eV). Furthermore, when iron ions (Fe3+) were introduced, they displayed appropriate
Published 05 Oct 2022

Spindle-like MIL101(Fe) decorated with Bi2O3 nanoparticles for enhanced degradation of chlortetracycline under visible-light irradiation

  • Chen-chen Hao,
  • Fang-yan Chen,
  • Kun Bian,
  • Yu-bin Tang and
  • Wei-long Shi

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1038–1050, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.91

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  • iron and bridged terephthalic acid molecules. It has high hydrothermal stability, low cost, good hydrophilicity, non-toxicity, and environmental friendliness [20][34]. Most importantly, MIL101(Fe) contains abundant iron-oxo (Fe-O) clusters, which makes it a photocatalyst with visible-light response [19
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Published 28 Sep 2022

Electrocatalytic oxygen reduction activity of AgCoCu oxides on reduced graphene oxide in alkaline media

  • Iyyappan Madakannu,
  • Indrajit Patil,
  • Bhalchandra Kakade and
  • Kasibhatta Kumara Ramanatha Datta

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 1020–1029, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.89

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  • electrocatalysts [14][18][19]. Oxophilicity, agglomeration, and poor chemical stability of Ag require the amalgamation of Ag with other metals for a better optical and catalytic activity [20]. Chen et al. synthesised Ag nanoscale alloys containing metals such as copper, cobalt, iron, and indium via pulse film
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Published 26 Sep 2022

Theoretical investigations of oxygen vacancy effects in nickel-doped zirconia from ab initio XANES spectroscopy at the oxygen K-edge

  • Dick Hartmann Douma,
  • Lodvert Tchibota Poaty,
  • Alessio Lamperti,
  • Stéphane Kenmoe,
  • Abdulrafiu Tunde Raji,
  • Alberto Debernardi and
  • Bernard M’Passi-Mabiala

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 975–985, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.85

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  • get such information via the ligand K-edge, with the possibility of scanning unoccupied 3d metal states since they are hybridized with the 2p ligand states, as we demonstrated in our earlier work on the O K-edge in iron-doped zirconia (ZrO2:Fe) [27]. There, we compared the experimental XANES data with
  • energies up to 1.5 eV and γ = 0.8 eV for photon energies above 10 eV, with a linear variation in the intermediate photon range. These parameters are equal to those used in our previous ab initio calculations to reproduce experimental O K-edge XANES spectra in the case of iron-doped zirconia [27]. We regard
  • atom site since the lattice sites of all the oxygen atoms are equivalent. The resulting spectrum shows no peak in the pre-edge region where the Fermi level is considered as zero energy in the plot (Figure 3a). This observation is in agreement with our previous observations in the case of iron-doped
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Published 15 Sep 2022

Solar-light-driven LaFexNi1−xO3 perovskite oxides for photocatalytic Fenton-like reaction to degrade organic pollutants

  • Chao-Wei Huang,
  • Shu-Yu Hsu,
  • Jun-Han Lin,
  • Yun Jhou,
  • Wei-Yu Chen,
  • Kun-Yi Andrew Lin,
  • Yu-Tang Lin and
  • Van-Huy Nguyen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 882–895, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.79

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  • substances in wastewater [16]. Among these procedures, the Fenton method causes numerous interests due to its convenience and effectiveness. Notably, the Fenton method can produce many hydroxyl radicals (∙OH) by introducing divalent iron solution and hydrogen peroxide, as shown in Equation 1 below. The
  • )3 precipitation, which is called iron sludge. It might decrease the activity and lead to the termination of the Fenton reaction. Second, ferric ions might easily cause complicated chain reactions with organic matters, resulting in the formation of Fe3+ complexes or other intermediate products. Such
  • hydrogen peroxide can be remarkably transformed into redox radicals, followed by destroying the organic pollutants. Meanwhile, the remaining divalent iron complexes in the system can return to the circulation of hydrogen peroxide reaction and continuously form new hydroxide radicals [20]. Therefore, based
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Published 05 Sep 2022

Ultrafast signatures of magnetic inhomogeneity in Pd1−xFex (x ≤ 0.08) epitaxial thin films

  • Andrey V. Petrov,
  • Sergey I. Nikitin,
  • Lenar R. Tagirov,
  • Amir I. Gumarov,
  • Igor V. Yanilkin and
  • Roman V. Yusupov

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 836–844, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.74

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  • inhomogeneities. The low-temperature fraction of the residual paramagnetic phase can be deduced from the magnitude of the slow reflectivity relaxation component. It is estimated as ≈30% for x = 0.038 and ≈15% for x = 0.062 films. The minimal iron content ensuring the magnetic homogeneity of the ferromagnetic
  • application. Among several candidates [1][2][3], palladium-rich Pd1−xFex alloys look attractive because of the noble-metal base robust against deterioration and the possibility to tune the magnetic properties of Pd1−xFex alloy films by varying the iron content x and the preparation conditions [29][30
  • ]. Moreover, attempts have been made to use this material (with low iron concentrations of x = 0.01–0.03) for MJJ memory applications [1][14][15][24][31][32]. However, these studies faced the problems of small critical current and temporal instability of magnetic properties [33]. On the one hand, nanoscale
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Published 25 Aug 2022

Recent advances in nanoarchitectures of monocrystalline coordination polymers through confined assembly

  • Lingling Xia,
  • Qinyue Wang and
  • Ming Hu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 763–777, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.67

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  • ][38]. The networks can also help to take other components into the single crystals. Nanoparticles, such as quantum dots or iron oxide, which attach to the networks, can be encapsulated within the networks inside the single crystals, rendering the single crystals fluorescent or magnetic [39][40][41
Published 12 Aug 2022

A new method for obtaining the magnetic shape anisotropy directly from electron tomography images

  • Cristian Radu,
  • Ioana D. Vlaicu and
  • Andrei C. Kuncser

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 590–598, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.51

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  • software. Regarding this, a test data volume filled with ellipsoids has been generated (Figure 3). Again, size, shape, position, and orientation of the ellipsoids have a Gaussian distribution in space, this time without the constraint of no overlap. Experimentally obtained system A system of iron oxide
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Published 05 Jul 2022

Controllable two- and three-state magnetization switching in single-layer epitaxial Pd1−xFex films and an epitaxial Pd0.92Fe0.08/Ag/Pd0.96Fe0.04 heterostructure

  • Igor V. Yanilkin,
  • Amir I. Gumarov,
  • Gulnaz F. Gizzatullina,
  • Roman V. Yusupov and
  • Lenar R. Tagirov

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 334–343, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.28

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  • , extending its functionality. Palladium–iron alloys Pd1−xFex with x < 0.10 are of strong practical interest for such MJJ and SSV structures [13][14][15][16][17] as a material for weak ferromagnetic links with tunable magnetic properties [18]. Epitaxial films of Pd1−xFex alloys with low iron content x are
  • easy-plane ferromagnets with four-fold anisotropy in the film plane [18][19]. Our conjecture is a possibility to switch the magnetic moment of a Pd1−xFex alloy film between the steady directions (90° apart) as it had been done with epitaxial iron films [20][21][22]. To realize this idea, it is
  • is determined by the mean distance between the iron atoms. Therefore, the Lorentzian contribution is small, and even at 5 K, the negative magnetoresistance is observed. As the temperature is increased, the number of magnons grows, thereby leading to a larger negative slope Δρ/ΔH (Figure 2a). A
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Published 30 Mar 2022

Photothermal ablation of murine melanomas by Fe3O4 nanoparticle clusters

  • Xue Wang,
  • Lili Xuan and
  • Ying Pan

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 255–264, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.20

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  • , whereas exposure to and subsequent absorption of NIR light by iron oxide nanoparticles promotes NIR-induced hyperthermia [10]. Although magnetic hyperthermia has been widely used in biomedical research, it is subject to several limitations such as the need for sophisticated equipment, cellular confinement
  • the heat shock protein HSP70 as a plausible explanation for the observed therapeutic benefits as a result of hyperthermia. Findings of the current study accentuate the potential application of Fe3O4 nanoparticle clusters in the treatment of melanoma. Experimental Reagents and animals Iron
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Published 22 Feb 2022

Engineered titania nanomaterials in advanced clinical applications

  • Padmavati Sahare,
  • Paulina Govea Alvarez,
  • Juan Manual Sanchez Yanez,
  • Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas,
  • Samik Chakraborty,
  • Sujay Paul and
  • Miriam Estevez

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 201–218, doi:10.3762/bjnano.13.15

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  • many years, titania has been employed as a colorant in food, cosmetics, and sunscreen. Moreover, Ti-containing metal alloys have been widely utilized in medical fields, because the have a higher biocompatibility than other vastly explored metal oxides such as silica, manganese oxide, and iron oxide
Published 14 Feb 2022
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