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Search for "water" in Full Text gives 1465 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. Showing first 200.

Nanoarchitectonics of photothermal materials to enhance the sensitivity of lateral flow assays

  • Elangovan Sarathkumar,
  • Rajasekharan S. Anjana and
  • Ramapurath S. Jayasree

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 988–1003, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.82

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  • nanosheets [92]. The photothermal properties of two-dimensional black phosphorous nanosheets was first utilized by Ren et al. in LFAs for the sensitive detection of norfloxacin in tap water. The nanoscale complex of magnetic upconversion particles and black phosphorus has a characteristic brown colour that
  • analytes within 20 min [91]. The utilization of black phosphorous nanosheets in LFA showcases its potential for sensitive and visual detection of norfloxacin in tap water. Although the LOD is higher than that of the GNP-based assay, the development of an integrated system of mobile phone camera and laser
Published 04 Oct 2023

Isolation of cubic Si3P4 in the form of nanocrystals

  • Polina K. Nikiforova,
  • Sergei S. Bubenov,
  • Vadim B. Platonov,
  • Andrey S. Kumskov,
  • Nikolay N. Kononov,
  • Tatyana A. Kuznetsova and
  • Sergey G. Dorofeev

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 971–979, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.80

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  • through diffusion doping of wafers. Incorporating a gaseous etching step into the annealing process widens the applicable use to syntheses of novel nanosized silicon selenides, arsenides, and sulfides. Methods Distilled water, acetonitrile (reagent grade), 1-dodecanol (analytical grade), and hexane
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Published 26 Sep 2023

Metal-organic framework-based nanomaterials for CO2 storage: A review

  • Ha Huu Do,
  • Iqra Rabani and
  • Hai Bang Truong

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 964–970, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.79

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  • global warming. However, despite the considerable research efforts dedicated to MOFs in the context of CO2 adsorption, certain drawbacks still need to be addressed. Primarily, a large number of MOFs have poor CO2 selectivity in the presence of water and acid gases. These species have higher polarities
Published 20 Sep 2023

Prediction of cytotoxicity of heavy metals adsorbed on nano-TiO2 with periodic table descriptors using machine learning approaches

  • Joyita Roy,
  • Souvik Pore and
  • Kunal Roy

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 939–950, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.77

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  • considerably high exposure TiO2 NPs may enter the food chain. Because of current industrialization processes, organisms are also exposed to heavy metal pollutants [7]. Emitted NPs may interact with the pollutants, and this may subsequently lead to bioaccumulation. The contamination of water and soil with heavy
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Published 12 Sep 2023

Upscaling the urea method synthesis of CoAl layered double hydroxides

  • Camilo Jaramillo-Hernández,
  • Víctor Oestreicher,
  • Martín Mizrahi and
  • Gonzalo Abellán

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 927–938, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.76

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  • anions (Figure 1B). In the case of the reference x1, the spectrum displays a broad signal at ca. 3400 cm−1, which corresponds to the OH stretching vibrations typically attributed to interlayer water molecules, as confirmed by the extra signal at 1600 cm−1 (water bending mode). The presence of carbonate
  • oxidative (air) atmospheres was measured through thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Typically, the decomposition of layered hydroxide structures consists of at least two main mass loss steps. The first, below 200 °C, is related to the release of physisorbed and interlayer water. The second one consists of
  • applications of great interest. Experimental Chemicals Cobalt chloride hexahydrate (CoCl2·6H2O), aluminium chloride hexahydrate (AlCl3·6H2O), urea, and ethanol (EtOH) were purchased from Honeywell. All chemicals were used as received. Milli‐Q water was obtained from a Millipore Milli‐Q equipment. Synthesis
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Published 11 Sep 2023

Antibody-conjugated nanoparticles for target-specific drug delivery of chemotherapeutics

  • Mamta Kumari,
  • Amitabha Acharya and
  • Praveen Thaggikuppe Krishnamurthy

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 912–926, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.75

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  • groups of the antibodies (Figure 4a) [35][47]. Neither N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) nor its water-soluble analogue (sulfo-NHS) are required for the single-step carbodiimide reaction. However, NHS or sulfo-NHS are generally added to produce dry-stable intermediates, which improves the conjugation efficiency
  • is an essential water-soluble vitamin for normal cellular function, growth, and cell signaling. Biotin receptors are highly overexpressed in the body; therefore, it is a potential target for a large number of diseases [65]. Avidin is a tetrameric basic glycoprotein with oligosaccharide moieties of
Published 04 Sep 2023

Green SPIONs as a novel highly selective treatment for leishmaniasis: an in vitro study against Leishmania amazonensis intracellular amastigotes

  • Brunno R. F. Verçoza,
  • Robson R. Bernardo,
  • Luiz Augusto S. de Oliveira and
  • Juliany C. F. Rodrigues

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 893–903, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.73

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  • The main goal of this work was to evaluate the therapeutic potential of green superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) produced with coconut water for treating cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania amazonensis. Optical and electron microscopy techniques were used to evaluate the
  • current drugs used to treat the disease. The synthesized SPIONs showed promising activity against Leishmania and can be considered a strong candidate for a new therapeutic approach for treating leishmaniases. Keywords: coconut water; Leishmaniasis; Leishmania amazonensis; nanomedicine; SPIONs
  • using coconut water [9]. In this article, the ability of macrophages to uptake these SPIONs was evaluated, together with some physical and chemical characterizations. The synthesized green SPIONs are around 4 nm in diameter, are composed of pure nonstoichiometric magnetite, exhibit superparamagnetic
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Published 30 Aug 2023

N-Heterocyclic carbene-based gold etchants

  • Robert B. Chevalier,
  • Justin Pantano,
  • Matthew K. Kiesewetter and
  • Jason R. Dwyer

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 865–871, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.71

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  • water and carbon dioxide so that there was no need for a strong base for deprotonation or for air-free conditions [13][14]. Camden and co-workers have used CO2 adducts of benzimidazolium to produce NHC films by melting the solid CO2 adduct directly onto a gold surface under vacuum. They have also
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Published 21 Aug 2023

Industrial perspectives for personalized microneedles

  • Remmi Danae Baker-Sediako,
  • Benjamin Richter,
  • Matthias Blaicher,
  • Michael Thiel and
  • Martin Hermatschweiler

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 857–864, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.70

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  • , it is crucial to consider that structural skin properties (e.g., transepidermal water loss, skin elasticity, dermal layer thicknesses, and ceramide content) differ among these groups [16][17][18], or else results give an incomplete picture. Several studies have also reported that the various
Published 15 Aug 2023

Biomimetics on the micro- and nanoscale – The 25th anniversary of the lotus effect

  • Matthias Mail,
  • Kerstin Koch,
  • Thomas Speck,
  • William M. Megill and
  • Stanislav N. Gorb

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 850–856, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.69

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  • inspire numerous publications and technical developments [2]. Although the phenomenon of the outstanding water repellence of some plant surfaces had been known for over 2000 years, the functional principle behind it and the detailed physicochemistry of superhydrophobic biological surfaces had remained
  • unexplored [3]. Uncovering this water repellence mechanism led to a revolution in the development of such surfaces, which promise huge potential for inspiration for technical innovations and applications. In 2022, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of this significant botanical publication, which was an
  • satisfactory nearly superhydrophobic material which the authors used to create an effective oil–water separation product they called nanopads. What this paper demonstrates, in addition to the not insignificant contribution it makes to the science of structured surfaces, is that with a bit of creativity and a
Published 03 Aug 2023

Ultralow-energy amorphization of contaminated silicon samples investigated by molecular dynamics

  • Grégoire R. N. Defoort-Levkov,
  • Alan Bahm and
  • Patrick Philipp

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 834–849, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.68

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  • contaminant, water, sputtered by ultralow-energy ion beams, ranging from 50 to 500 eV and covering the full range of incidence angles, using molecular dynamics simulations with the ReaxFF potential. We show that the expected sputtering yield trends are maintained down to the lowest sputtering yields. A region
  • of interest with low damage is obtained for incidence angles around 60° to 75°. We also demonstrate that higher energies induce a larger removal of the water contaminant and, at the same time, induce an increased amorphization, which leads to a trade-off between sample cleanliness and damage
  • . Keywords: angle dependency; argon; contamination; energy dependency; ion bombardment; low energy; molecular dynamics; silicon; simulations; water; Introduction Low-energy ion beams offer substantial improvements and possibilities to reduce the damage production on the surface of samples [1][2]. In recent
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Published 01 Aug 2023

Nanostructured lipid carriers containing benznidazole: physicochemical, biopharmaceutical and cellular in vitro studies

  • Giuliana Muraca,
  • María Esperanza Ruiz,
  • Rocío C. Gambaro,
  • Sebastián Scioli-Montoto,
  • María Laura Sbaraglini,
  • Gisel Padula,
  • José Sebastián Cisneros,
  • Cecilia Yamil Chain,
  • Vera A. Álvarez,
  • Cristián Huck-Iriart,
  • Guillermo R. Castro,
  • María Belén Piñero,
  • Matias Ildebrando Marchetto,
  • Catalina Alba Soto,
  • Germán A. Islan and
  • Alan Talevi

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 804–818, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.66

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  • efficiently. Many developments have been made in the past years resulting in lipid formulations such as liposomes, solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs), and nanoemulsions, which increased the apparent solubility of BNZ and its efficacy against parasites [17]. Remarkably, oil-in-water nanoemulsions improved the
  • myristyl myristate (2% w/v, 400 mg) was melted in a water bath at 60–70 °C. The oil (40 μL) was added to the melted lipid phase simultaneously with BNZ (10 mg). The aqueous phase was prepared by dissolving 600 mg (3% w/v) of poloxamer 188 (poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(propylene glycol)block-poly
  • (ethylene glycol)) in 20 mL of ultrapure water (Milli-Q®, Millipore, Ma., USA) and was preheated at the same temperature as the melted lipid in the water bath. After 30 min of thermostatization, the aqueous solution was poured over the lipid phase, and ultrasonication was carried out for 20 min at an 80
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Published 28 Jul 2023

Silver-based SERS substrates fabricated using a 3D printed microfluidic device

  • Phommachith Sonexai,
  • Minh Van Nguyen,
  • Bui The Huy and
  • Yong-Ill Lee

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 793–803, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.65

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  • from Krackeler Scientific (USA). Methyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide (35%), sodium hydroxide (<97%), ammonia water (25–29%), acetone (99.5%), ethyl alcohol (95%), and 2-propanol (99.5%) were bought from Daejung (Republic of Korea). The Formlabs 3D printer and clear V4 resin were purchased from Formlabs
  • (USA). Deionized water with a resistivity of 18 MΩ·cm−1, provided by a Milli-Q water purification system (Millipore Corp., MA, USA), was used throughout all the experiments. The morphologies of Ag NPs and SERS substrates were examined using a field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM, Mira II
  • -treated by being soaked for 20 min in a 90% (v/v) isopropanol solution, followed by 10 min in deionized water, and then gently dried in a nitrogen flow. After that, the mold was exposed to UV light at an energy level of 120 mJ·cm−2 for 30 s and then annealed at 60 °C for 12 h in an oven for slow
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Published 21 Jul 2023

Silver nanoparticles loaded on lactose/alginate: in situ synthesis, catalytic degradation, and pH-dependent antibacterial activity

  • Nguyen Thi Thanh Tu,
  • T. Lan-Anh Vo,
  • T. Thu-Trang Ho,
  • Kim-Phuong T. Dang,
  • Van-Dung Le,
  • Phan Nhat Minh,
  • Chi-Hien Dang,
  • Vinh-Thien Tran,
  • Van-Su Dang,
  • Tran Thi Kim Chi,
  • Hieu Vu-Quang,
  • Radek Fajgar,
  • Thi-Lan-Huong Nguyen,
  • Van-Dat Doan and
  • Thanh-Danh Nguyen

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 781–792, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.64

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  • reagents were purchased from Acros (Belgium): silver nitrate (AgNO3), methyl orange (MO), rhodamine B (RhB), calcium acetate hydrate, sodium alginate, and sodium tetrahydroborate (NaBH4). Lactose was obtained from Yong Da (China). The chemicals were used without additional purification. Distilled water was
  • centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 min and washed three times with distilled water (20 mL each) to remove impurities. Next, an aqueous solution of lactose (16.06 mL, 1.5 mg·mL−1) was added to the Alg/Ca2+ spheres and stirred for 1 h at 1200 rpm. To ensure the formation of a stable gel, the Lac/Alg gel solution
  • nanocomposite was then centrifuged and washed with distilled water. The purified nanocomposite was stored at 4 °C for further experiments. Characterizations of AgNPs@Lac/Alg nanocomposite The size distribution and stability of the nanocomposites were determined using dynamic light scattering (DLS) and zeta
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Published 04 Jul 2023

Carboxylic acids and light interact to affect nanoceria stability and dissolution in acidic aqueous environments

  • Matthew L. Hancock,
  • Eric A. Grulke and
  • Robert A. Yokel

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 762–780, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.63

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  • , namely citric, malic, isocitric, glyceric, lactic, tartaric, α-hydroxybutyric, β-hydroxybutyric, succinic, pimelic, glutaric, tricarballylic, adipic, acetic, tartronic, and dihydroxymalonic acid. Controls, including ascorbic acid, ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate, and water, were also tested. The goal
  • ) results showed that the particles exposed to light also degraded at a much greater rate than those that were protected from light. Nanoceria exposed to citric acid or DI water under light and dark conditions up to four weeks are shown in Figure 1. The vial on the left was kept in the dark, while the vial
  • . No color change was present for the sample kept in the dark. A slight color change was noticeable for the control sample in water; however, a yellow tint was still present after four weeks, for both samples, exposed to dark and light. The color change from yellow to colorless could also be
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Published 27 Jun 2023

In situ magnesiothermic reduction synthesis of a Ge@C composite for high-performance lithium-ion batterie anodes

  • Ha Tran Huu,
  • Ngoc Phi Nguyen,
  • Vuong Hoang Ngo,
  • Huy Hoang Luc,
  • Minh Kha Le,
  • Minh Thu Nguyen,
  • My Loan Phung Le,
  • Hye Rim Kim,
  • In Young Kim,
  • Sung Jin Kim,
  • Van Man Tran and
  • Vien Vo

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 751–761, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.62

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  • various negative environmental consequences of using fossil fuel energy, such as water pollution, increasing emissions of greenhouse gases, and air pollution [1]. Therefore, research regarding eco-friendly and renewable energy resources has emerged [2]. One of the best alternatives to fossil fuels are
  • ) water, before being dried in a vacuum oven at 110 °C for 12 h. The product was further heated under air at 300 °C for 3 h. The activated carbon was obtained after washing with 2 M HCL and DI water. It was dried under vacuum and denoted as BC-800. In situ fabrication of Ge/C-iM750 composite material A
  • with DI water and drying at 70 °C for 12 h, was denoted as Ge/C-iM750. An analogous route to our previous work [29] without adding activated carbon was applied to synthesize pure germanium (denoted as Ge). Hydrothermal coupling to synthesize Ge/C-HT180 composite The hydrothermal synthesis was carried
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Published 26 Jun 2023

Control of morphology and crystallinity of CNTs in flame synthesis with one-dimensional reaction zone

  • Muhammad Hilmi Ibrahim,
  • Norikhwan Hamzah,
  • Mohd Zamri Mohd Yusop,
  • Ni Luh Wulan Septiani and
  • Mohd Fairus Mohd Yasin

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 741–750, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.61

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  • involves cutting a 0.4 mm diameter nickel wire (TEMCO Inc.) into pieces of 50 mm length, followed by cleaning through sonication in an acetone solution for 15 min, and subsequently in distilled water. The wires are then air-dried before being inserted into a flame using a substrate holder (see below in
  • standing flames and temperature distribution of (a,c) diffusion flame and (b,d) premixed flame. Figure 1a was used with permission of Elsevier Science & Technology Journals, from [9] (“Effect of fuel and oxygen concentration toward catalyst encapsulation in water-assisted flame synthesis of carbon
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Published 21 Jun 2023

Cross-sectional Kelvin probe force microscopy on III–V epitaxial multilayer stacks: challenges and perspectives

  • Mattia da Lisca,
  • José Alvarez,
  • James P. Connolly,
  • Nicolas Vaissiere,
  • Karim Mekhazni,
  • Jean Decobert and
  • Jean-Paul Kleider

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 725–737, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.59

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  • reach a higher doping level around 2.5 × 1019 cm−3. Before starting the KPFM analysis, the sample was cleaved, and a surface cleaning was carried out to expose a clean cross section. We performed a chemical treatment based on sequential ultrasonic baths of acetone, ethanol, and deionized water. The
  • sample was then placed in 1% HF solution for 30 s to etch the top oxide layer. This step was followed by a rinsing with deionized water and drying in air. This procedure was necessary for an optimal KPFM analysis since the presence of a native oxide surface layer on top can lead to the measurement of a
  • water molecules on the sample surface due to the humidity present in air [18]. Furthermore, a non-optimal deoxidation procedure may result in an inhomogeneous removal of the surface oxide. Additionally, the condition of the tip during the numerous scans along the sample cross section must also be
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Published 14 Jun 2023

Nanomaterials for photocatalysis and applications in environmental remediation and renewable energy

  • Viet Van Pham and
  • Wee-Jun Ong

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 722–724, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.58

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  • persistent organic pollutants (POPs) also contributes to water pollution, increasing global environmental pollution. Recently, the reduction and conversion of CO2 into fuel as valuable hydrocarbon products has been drawing attention from scientists in materials science, chemical engineering, nanotechnology
  • potential strategy for water treatment via the effectively infinite energy from the sun and the photocatalysts. Photocatalysis based on nanostructured semiconductors can significantly contribute to tackling several environmental pollution problems, sustainable synthesis, and energy production [2][15][16
  • photocatalysis mechanism outlining several possible targets (i.e., NOx degradation, water splitting, degradation of organic pollutants, and enhancement of electron generation in a solar-cell application). This Thematic Issue highlights recent experimental and theoretical developments in using light harvesting by
Published 13 Jun 2023

A graphene quantum dots–glassy carbon electrode-based electrochemical sensor for monitoring malathion

  • Sanju Tanwar,
  • Aditi Sharma and
  • Dhirendra Mathur

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 701–710, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.56

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  • between 1 to 30 µM using differential pulse voltammetry, which resulted in a limit of detection of 0.62 nM. GQDs can thus be used to develop electrochemical sensors for the detection of pesticides in water. Keywords: cyclic voltammetry; differential pulse voltammetry; electrochemical impedance
  • were taken from Fisher Scientific. For all experimental work and the preparation of stock solutions, deionized (DI) water was used. Synthesis of graphene quantum dots Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) were synthesized using glucose as a precursor material via a hydrothermal route [29] with some
  • modifications. Glucose (2 g) was dissolved in 20 mL DI water and filtered for the removal of undissolved particles through Whatman filter paper. In the above solution, 20 mL of conc. H2SO4 was added dropwise until it turned brownish under constant stirring. The hydrothermal treatment was conducted by heating
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Published 09 Jun 2023

The microstrain-accompanied structural phase transition from h-MoO3 to α-MoO3 investigated by in situ X-ray diffraction

  • Zeqian Zhang,
  • Honglong Shi,
  • Boxiang Zhuang,
  • Minting Luo and
  • Zhenfei Hu

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 692–700, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.55

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  • strongly anisotropic, that is, αa=b = 72.87 × 10−6 K−1 and αc = −19.44 × 10−6 K−1. In the h-MoO3 phase, water molecules are located at the (0 0 0.25) site inside the MoO6 octahedra tunnel that is formed by six MoO6 corner-sharing octahedron zigzag chains. With increasing temperature, the release of water
  • to form large one-dimensional tunnels with a diameter of ca. 3 Å [21]. The tunnel permits the intercalation of cations, water molecules, and ammonia, which leads to better photophysical and photochemical capabilities of h-MoO3 compared to the other MoO3 structures [17][22]. However, there are still
  • α-MoO3 is still unclear. Here, to reveal the features of the structural phase transition from h-MoO3 to α-MoO3, we performed in situ X-ray diffraction experiments at temperatures ranging from 30 to 450 °C. The Rietveld refinement results indicate water molecules at the (0 0 0.25) site inside the
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Published 07 Jun 2023

Humidity-dependent electrical performance of CuO nanowire networks studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

  • Jelena Kosmaca,
  • Juris Katkevics,
  • Jana Andzane,
  • Raitis Sondors,
  • Liga Jasulaneca,
  • Raimonds Meija,
  • Kiryl Niherysh,
  • Yelyzaveta Rublova and
  • Donats Erts

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 683–691, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.54

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  • -based system was assessed by measurements of the impedance Z. A slight increase of Z with increasing RH at low humidity was followed by a three orders of magnitude decrease of Z at RH above 50–60%. The two opposite trends observed across the range of the examined RH of 5–97% can be caused by water
  • chemisorption and physisorption at the nanowire interface, which suppress electronic transport inside the p-type semiconductor nanowire but enhance ionic transport in the water layers adsorbed on the nanowire surface. Possible physicochemical processes at the nanowire surface are discussed in line with
  • , which was explained by water chemisorption on the nanowire surface [6][13][18][19]. Nevertheless, for single nanowires assembled on electrodes by dielectrophoresis (DEP), the opposite response to humidity was observed [21]. Besides, unusual responses to humidity were shown for nanowires of other
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Published 05 Jun 2023

Investigations on the optical forces from three mainstream optical resonances in all-dielectric nanostructure arrays

  • Guangdong Wang and
  • Zhanghua Han

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 674–682, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.53

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  • , and the quasi-BIC resonances. For all cases, the metasurface structure is assumed to be immerged in water (n = 1.31) to model a realistic suspending condition for the PS nanospheres. The optical forces on the PS at the excitation values of those three resonances are all calculated based on the MST
  • , respectively. In this work, we use a small virtual cube to accommodate a small object (i.e., the PS sphere) and all surfaces of the cube are in water. The electromagnetic fields at the six surfaces of the virtual cube are used to calculate the optical force according to Equation 2. With numerical calculations
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Published 02 Jun 2023

Metal-organic framework-based nanomaterials as opto-electrochemical sensors for the detection of antibiotics and hormones: A review

  • Akeem Adeyemi Oladipo,
  • Saba Derakhshan Oskouei and
  • Mustafa Gazi

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 631–673, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.52

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  • was around 1400 tons [1]. Due to their complicated structural makeup, the majority of antibiotics are eliminated unaltered in urine and faeces, which ultimately contaminate natural water sources and soil [2][3][4][5][6]. In environmental samples, antibiotics are currently being found at levels between
  • luminescence, and a desirable adsorption capacity that can enhance MOF–target analyte interactions and transduce these interactions into measurable optical responses. A nanoscale MOF (In-sbdc) with a significant quantum yield of 13% and stable emission in water, for instance, was synthesised by Liu et al. [42
  • on an energy transfer mechanism in the sensing system. A water-stable two-dimensional lanthanide-based MOF (Ln-MOF) was synthesised by Ren et al. [38] in a different study to serve as a reversible luminescent sensor for the detection of sulfamethazine (SMZ) antibiotics. According to the authors, the
Published 01 Jun 2023

Titania nanoparticles for photocatalytic degradation of ethanol under simulated solar light

  • Evghenii Goncearenco,
  • Iuliana P. Morjan,
  • Claudiu Teodor Fleaca,
  • Florian Dumitrache,
  • Elena Dutu,
  • Monica Scarisoreanu,
  • Valentin Serban Teodorescu,
  • Alexandra Sandulescu,
  • Crina Anastasescu and
  • Ioan Balint

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 616–630, doi:10.3762/bjnano.14.51

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  • ][18]. Moreover, investigations have shown the possibility for applying TiO2 in hydrogen production by water decomposition [19][20][21][22][23]. Given the TiO2 bandgap, it is considered a low-efficiency material in photodriven water splitting, because only 3% of the solar light can be used. Different
  • approaches were tried to reduce the bandgap [24] by doping with, for example, nitrogen [17]. Recent investigations have shown a possible application of TiO2 for the photocatalytic production of hydrogen from water with the aid of sacrificial agents, such as methanol, ethanol, or glycols [21][22]. There are
  • . Photocatalytic performance of the nanopowders These experiments have been conducted in environments with low oxygen concentration. Ethanol vapors play a double role here, that is, they generate hydrogen by photodehydrogenation and also undergo oxidation to carbon dioxide and water under the action of simulated
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Published 22 May 2023
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