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Search for "charge transfer" in Full Text gives 251 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. Showing first 200.

Synthesis and investigation on optical and electrochemical properties of 2,4-diaryl-9-chloro-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroacridines

  • Najeh Tka,
  • Mohamed Adnene Hadj Ayed,
  • Mourad Ben Braiek,
  • Mahjoub Jabli and
  • Peter Langer

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2021, 17, 2450–2461, doi:10.3762/bjoc.17.162

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  • . Their bands at lower energy may be attributed to the intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) from the electron-donating methoxy groups to the tetrahydroacridine core. The Stokes shifts of 4a–d were calculated based on their absorption and emission spectra. Derivative 4b, containing an electron-donating
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Published 20 Sep 2021

Chemical syntheses and salient features of azulene-containing homo- and copolymers

  • Vijayendra S. Shetti

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2021, 17, 2164–2185, doi:10.3762/bjoc.17.139

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  • of the spectrum, the largest shift of 2500 nm was displayed by the polymer 56. The origin of such absorption bands in the near-IR region can be attributed to an intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) process leading to the lowering of the HOMO–LUMO bandgap [34]. The azulene moiety plays a pivotal role
  • here as it is polar resonance stabilized and protonation leads to a drift in its electron density from the seven-membered ring to the five-membered ring generating a stable tropylium cation making it a strong electron acceptor during the intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) process. These protonated
Published 24 Aug 2021

Cerium-photocatalyzed aerobic oxidation of benzylic alcohols to aldehydes and ketones

  • Girish Suresh Yedase,
  • Sumit Kumar,
  • Jessica Stahl,
  • Burkhard König and
  • Veera Reddy Yatham

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2021, 17, 1727–1732, doi:10.3762/bjoc.17.121

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  • benzylic alcohol selectively to the aldehyde or ketone is still desirable. Recently, cerium photocatalysis was introduced as a robust alternative to generate oxygen or carbon-centered radicals under mild reaction conditions [57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64]. CeCl3 reacts via ligand-to-metal charge transfer
  • inhibition of the catalytic cycle upon the addition of TEMPO revealed that the reaction proceeds through radical intermediates. Next, we carried out UV–vis monitoring experiments in order to verify whether the interaction with the substituted benzyl alcohols and CeIV could lead to a ligand-to-metal charge
  • transfer (LMCT) process, which reduces the CeIV species to CeIII, similarly as reported by Zuo and co-workers [57]. We chose (n-Bu4N)2CeIVCl6 as the CeIV source to ensure a sufficient solubility in organic solvents and to facilitate the detection of the species. The CeIV(OBn)Cln complex was prepared by
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Published 23 Jul 2021

2,4-Bis(arylethynyl)-9-chloro-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroacridines: synthesis and photophysical properties

  • Najeh Tka,
  • Mohamed Adnene Hadj Ayed,
  • Mourad Ben Braiek,
  • Mahjoub Jabli,
  • Noureddine Chaaben,
  • Kamel Alimi,
  • Stefan Jopp and
  • Peter Langer

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2021, 17, 1629–1640, doi:10.3762/bjoc.17.115

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  • attributed to intermolecular charge transfer between the oxygen lone pair electrons and the quinoline core. The unsubstituted derivative 4a presents an onset of absorption (λonset) at 389 nm and its optical band gap was deduced to be around 3.18 eV. Tetrahydroacridines 4e and 4f showed approximately the same
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Published 16 Jul 2021
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  • role as donors in the intramolecular partial charge-transfer cascade to transfer the extra electronic density. Apart from pure affection besides many more reasons for the constant fascination and utility of this beautifully simple yet much effective heteroaromatic system, this unique nitrogen
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Published 02 Jun 2021

Synthesis of 10-O-aryl-substituted berberine derivatives by Chan–Evans–Lam coupling and investigation of their DNA-binding properties

  • Peter Jonas Wickhorst,
  • Mathilda Blachnik,
  • Denisa Lagumdzija and
  • Heiko Ihmels

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2021, 17, 991–1000, doi:10.3762/bjoc.17.81

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  • -aryl substituent to the berberine chromophore. The latter has been shown to operate also in resembling cationic, biaryl-type dyes [42][43]. Along the same lines, the low intrinsic emission quantum yield of the parent berberine (1a) has been suggested to result from an internal charge transfer (ICT
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Published 04 May 2021

Prins cyclization-mediated stereoselective synthesis of tetrahydropyrans and dihydropyrans: an inspection of twenty years

  • Asha Budakoti,
  • Pradip Kumar Mondal,
  • Prachi Verma and
  • Jagadish Khamrai

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2021, 17, 932–963, doi:10.3762/bjoc.17.77

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  • DDQ and the subsequent abstraction of hydride from the benzylic or allylic position generated a charge-transfer complex 298. The complex 298 formed a tin-containing ate oxocarbenium ion complex 299 with SnBr4, and then rapid C–C bond formation took place to generate the cyclic intermediate 300. The
Published 29 Apr 2021

Synthetic reactions driven by electron-donor–acceptor (EDA) complexes

  • Zhonglie Yang,
  • Yutong Liu,
  • Kun Cao,
  • Xiaobin Zhang,
  • Hezhong Jiang and
  • Jiahong Li

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2021, 17, 771–799, doi:10.3762/bjoc.17.67

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  • phenomena based on the electron-donor–acceptor (EDA) complex [1][2][3]. Significantly, a broad absorption peak unrelated to the structure, called charge-transfer band, is typically located in the visible region of the UV–vis spectrum [4], which manifests the color variability of the mixed solution of the
  • that the EDA complex not only undergoes charge transfer but also proton transfer in this approach. The optimization experiment showed that the wavelength of the light source must overlap with the absorption spectrum of the EDA complex. Most importantly, given that the best yield was achieved when the
  • the fact that diamine can condense with the enol substrate, forming an imine-ion intermediate absorbing in the visible region. The direct excitation of the intermediate leads to a charge-transfer excited state, completing the stereocontrolled intermolecular cycloaddition reaction with a good ratio of
Published 06 Apr 2021

[2 + 1] Cycloaddition reactions of fullerene C60 based on diazo compounds

  • Yuliya N. Biglova

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2021, 17, 630–670, doi:10.3762/bjoc.17.55

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  • ) and cobaltocene (Cp2Co) in order to create charge-transfer complexes with the purpose of searching for efficient magnetic materials based on fullerenes. It can be seen in Scheme 16 that methanofullerene 52 was obtained from the initial, also para-substituted, ethyl diazo(4-nitrophenyl)acetate in 32
Published 05 Mar 2021

Amino- and polyaminophthalazin-1(2H)-ones: synthesis, coordination properties, and biological activity

  • Zbigniew Malinowski,
  • Emilia Fornal,
  • Agata Sumara,
  • Renata Kontek,
  • Karol Bukowski,
  • Beata Pasternak,
  • Dariusz Sroczyński,
  • Joachim Kusz,
  • Magdalena Małecka and
  • Monika Nowak

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2021, 17, 558–568, doi:10.3762/bjoc.17.50

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  • the coordination of copper(II) through nitrogen atoms of the pyridin-2-yl substituent, the pyridazin-3-one moiety, and the 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl group. In the vis–NIR spectrum recorded in methanol, based on TD-DFT calculations, the d–d, metal–ligand charge transfer (MLCT), ligand–metal charge
  • transfer (MLCT), and intraligand charge transfer (ILCT) transitions were identified. The vis–NIR spectroscopy revealed that in complex 17 the metal-to-ligand stoichiometry is equal to 1:1. In turn, cyclic voltammetry was used to investigate the electrochemical behavior of complex 17. The measurements on a
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Published 25 Feb 2021

Mesoionic tetrazolium-5-aminides: Synthesis, molecular and crystal structures, UV–vis spectra, and DFT calculations

  • Vladislav A. Budevich,
  • Sergei V. Voitekhovich,
  • Alexander V. Zuraev,
  • Vadim E. Matulis,
  • Vitaly E. Matulis,
  • Alexander S. Lyakhov,
  • Ludmila S. Ivashkevich and
  • Oleg A. Ivashkevich

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2021, 17, 385–395, doi:10.3762/bjoc.17.34

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  • structure in Figure 4c). For more details, see Supporting Information File 1. Charge transfer (CT) during excitation plays a key role in many technological applications because CT states correspond to a light-activated electron–hole separation where the positive and negative charges are distant enough to
  • –vis spectra and charge transfer were carried out within density functional theory for ground states and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) for excited states using the τ-dependent hybrid tHCTHhyb functional [37] with the 6-311+G(2d,p) basis set [38]. The chosen functional allows to
  • , methanol, water. Solvation effects were considered using the SMD [40] model in terms of Linear Response scheme [41]. The analysis of charge transfer during S0→S1 transition was carried out by using the Multiwfn software [36]. The NBO analysis and MESP calculations were performed using the B3LYP/6-31G(d
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Published 08 Feb 2021
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  • -dependent density functional theory calculations indicate that when only two ortho-disposed carbazole donors are used (Type I molecules), the lowest-lying triplet state possesses locally excited (LE) character while the lowest-lying singlet state possesses charge-transfer character. When five carbazole
  • (HONTOs) and the lowest unoccupied natural transition orbitals (LUNTOs) show good agreement with the HOMOs and LUMOs (Figure 5 and Figure 6). As the HOMOs and LUMOs of the seven molecules are sufficiently separated, the nature of the S1 is charge-transfer (CT) in character. The S1 energies of 2CzCF3
  • ]. We analysed the higher excited states of the fluorinated acceptor-containing emitters in both Type I and Type II structures. For 2CzCF3, the T1 is locally excited; further, T2 (3.46 eV) to T6 (3.58 eV) all exhibited significant LE character. The lowest triplet state that exhibits charge transfer
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Published 21 Jan 2021

Naphthalonitriles featuring efficient emission in solution and in the solid state

  • Sidharth Thulaseedharan Nair Sailaja,
  • Iván Maisuls,
  • Jutta Kösters,
  • Alexander Hepp,
  • Andreas Faust,
  • Jens Voskuhl and
  • Cristian A. Strassert

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 2960–2970, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.246

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  • introducing bulky substituents [11][12][13][14], enhanced Intramolecular Charge Transfer (ICT) character [15][16], cross-dipole packing [17] and J-aggregate formation [18][19][20][21][22]. Specifically, in 2001, Tang's group reported an exactly opposite phenomenon to ACQ, namely aggregation-induced emission
  • (methyl and tertiary butyl), it is possible to change the energy content of the emissive states with predominant π–π* character. On the other hand, by introduction of increasingly stronger π-donors (methoxy, methylsulfanyl and dimethylamino) it is possible to progressively enhance the charge transfer (CT
  • reported for these kind of compounds. At 77 K, non-radiative decays caused by the interaction with the solvent are suppressed and charge transfer states are destabilized. Therefore, the emission at low temperature is originated by singlet states with higher π–π* character, if compared with rt. Except for
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Published 02 Dec 2020

Changed reactivity of secondary hydroxy groups in C8-modified adenosine – lessons learned from silylation

  • Jennifer Frommer and
  • Sabine Müller

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 2854–2861, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.234

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  • charge transfer [23][24]. In the course of monomer synthesis, we encountered unexpected results regarding the reactivity and selectivity of the two secondary hydroxy groups of the adenosine derivative 7 (Scheme 1) in the silylation step, leading to non-satisfactory overall reaction yields. Therefore, the
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Published 23 Nov 2020

Thermodynamic and electrochemical study of tailor-made crown ethers for redox-switchable (pseudo)rotaxanes

  • Henrik Hupatz,
  • Marius Gaedke,
  • Hendrik V. Schröder,
  • Julia Beerhues,
  • Arto Valkonen,
  • Fabian Klautzsch,
  • Sebastian Müller,
  • Felix Witte,
  • Kari Rissanen,
  • Biprajit Sarkar and
  • Christoph A. Schalley

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 2576–2588, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.209

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  • NDI monomer between 300 and 380 nm (Figure 4a–c, black) [59]. A weak charge-transfer band at ≈450 nm is observed for the free macrocycle NDIC7 (Figure 4a, black), which is most likely caused by an intramolecularly folded naphthalene–NDI complex in solution, similar to the crystal structure. In
  • contrast, no charge-transfer band is present, neither for NDIRot nor for NDIC8, ruling out the formation of similar charge-transfer complexes in NDIC8 or in the corresponding rotaxane. After one-electron reduction (NDI → NDI•−), a complex absorption band pattern emerges in the visible region of all three
  • intramolecular folding which was observed in the solid-state structure and is likely also present in solution, as indicated by a charge-transfer band. Nevertheless, it might be applicable for redox-controlled metal-sensing [60][61][62]. On the contrary, NDIC8 forms pseudo[2]rotaxanes and facilitates the
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Published 20 Oct 2020

Conformational preferences of fluorine-containing agrochemicals and their implications for lipophilicity prediction

  • Daniela Rodrigues Silva,
  • Joyce K. Daré and
  • Matheus P. Freitas

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 2469–2476, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.200

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  • conformer Igg is the most stabilized by the ΔENL term, which can be attributed to the stabilizing interactions featured in the gauche effect [14][20], due to the gauche arrangement along the two F–C–C–O pathways. The charge transfer from the filled σCH orbital to the empty σ*CF or σ*CO orbitals amounts to
  • 4.6/4.5 and 3.3 kcal mol−1, respectively, which are more stabilizing than the corresponding σCF/CO → σ*CO/CF and nF/O → σ*CO/CF in the anti-orientation (Table 1). Note that the nF → σ*CO charge transfer is slightly more stabilizing than the σCF → σ*CO, which is in agreement with the findings of
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Published 05 Oct 2020

Recent developments in enantioselective photocatalysis

  • Callum Prentice,
  • James Morrisson,
  • Andrew D. Smith and
  • Eli Zysman-Colman

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 2363–2441, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.197

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  • ][33]. When an alkylating agent containing an aryl ring 40 (e.g., phenacyl/benzyl bromides) is used, the enamine intermediate 41 forms a coloured electron-donor acceptor (EDA) complex that can absorb visible light via an intermolecular charge-transfer state (EDA route) [14][34]. Mechanistic
  • energy charge transfer state that can be photoexcited to generate singlet intermediate 89*. Subsequent enantioselective photocycloaddition with 88 via diradical 90 gives iminium ion intermediate 91, which after hydrolysis affords the desired cyclobutane products 92 in excellent yields and good
Published 29 Sep 2020

Styryl-based new organic chromophores bearing free amino and azomethine groups: synthesis, photophysical, NLO, and thermal properties

  • Anka Utama Putra,
  • Deniz Çakmaz,
  • Nurgül Seferoğlu,
  • Alberto Barsella and
  • Zeynel Seferoğlu

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 2282–2296, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.189

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  • tune intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) intensity and it can increase NLO properties [11][12][13][14]. Some ions such as proton (H+) and hydroxide (OH−), in aqueous environments, play significant roles in industrial, biological, and environmental processes [15][16][17]. Their presence in aqueous
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Published 14 Sep 2020

Synthetic approaches to bowl-shaped π-conjugated sumanene and its congeners

  • Shakeel Alvi and
  • Rashid Ali

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 2212–2259, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.186

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  • , since its first successful synthesis, a variety of functionalized sumanenes as well as heterosumanenes have been developed because of their unique physiochemical properties. For example, bowl-to-bowl inversion, bowl depth, facial selectivity, crystal packing, metal complexes, intermolecular charge
  • transfer systems, cation–π complexation, electron conductivity, optical properties and so on. Keeping the importance of this beautiful scaffold in mind, we compiled all the synthetic routes available for the construction of sumanene and its heteroatom derivatives including Mehta’s first unsuccessful effort
Published 09 Sep 2020

Naphthalene diimide–amino acid conjugates as novel fluorimetric and CD probes for differentiation between ds-DNA and ds-RNA

  • Annike Weißenstein,
  • Myroslav O. Vysotsky,
  • Ivo Piantanida and
  • Frank Würthner

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 2032–2045, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.170

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  • colourless and non-fluorescent core-unsubstituted NDI with a new charge transfer band with an absorption maximum in the visible spectral range and a high fluorescence quantum yield (up to 58%) [23][25]. Further, the 2-amino substituent offers the possibility to connect various amino acid side chains, thus
  • molecular ground-state electrical dipole (µ = 7.04 D), which is an evidence for an intramolecular charge transfer (CT) character of the chromophore [34]. The predicted UV–vis spectra by TD-DFT are in excellent agreement with the experimental one (Figure 3, Table 1, the vibrational coupling is neglected
  • stronger quenching for GC-DNA and the weaker for AT(U)-polynucleotides (Figure 5a and b). Because guanine is the most electron-rich nucleobase, this behaviour points at a fluorescence quenching mechanism by charge transfer from the electron-rich purine bases to the electron-poor NDI molecular probes
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Published 19 Aug 2020

When metal-catalyzed C–H functionalization meets visible-light photocatalysis

  • Lucas Guillemard and
  • Joanna Wencel-Delord

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1754–1804, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.147

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  • an oxidative ortho-C–H addition step via a metal-to-ligand charge transfer process, delivering the Rh(III) hydride species. Following borylation of the Rh(III) intermediate and subsequent reductive elimination liberate the expected coupling product with concomitant regeneration of the catalytically
Published 21 Jul 2020

Clickable azide-functionalized bromoarylaldehydes – synthesis and photophysical characterization

  • Dominik Göbel,
  • Marius Friedrich,
  • Enno Lork and
  • Boris J. Nachtsheim

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1683–1692, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.139

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  • facilitate the ISC process from S1 to Tn and thus increase the spin-orbital coupling [38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47]. Also, decreasing the singlet–triplet splitting energy (ΔEST) caused by intramolecular charge-transfer (ICT) interactions is an approved method [48][49]. (2) Significant reduction of
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Published 14 Jul 2020

Models of necessity

  • Timothy Clark and
  • Martin G. Hicks

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1649–1661, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.137

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  • reactivity. However, it is too unwieldy for everyday communication. Qualitative bonding concepts The basic conundrum remains. If we cannot define atoms within molecules, we cannot define atomic charges or bonds between atoms or interatomic concepts such as charge transfer. It is important to emphasize here
  • how well the results fit with the user’s own preferences and prejudices. Take, for instance, the concepts of polarization and charge transfer. Of these two closely related concepts, polarization is real and observable (e.g., through a change in dipole moment), whereas charge transfer is a qualitative
  • concept that can neither be defined nor observed uniquely. This is illustrated in Figure 4. Polarization (above) involves a shift of electrons from the gray atom to the cyan one; charge transfer from the gray/cyan molecule to the red atom. The charge shift in the two examples is identical. Simply moving
Published 13 Jul 2020

Heterogeneous photocatalysis in flow chemical reactors

  • Christopher G. Thomson,
  • Ai-Lan Lee and
  • Filipe Vilela

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1495–1549, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.125

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  • chargetransfer transitions [95]. These transitions are commonly observed in metal–organic framework (MOF) HPCats, discussed more in Section 2.5. Dye-sensitised semiconductor photocatalysts have organic photosensitiser molecules immobilised to their surface. This strategy is typically used to activate a
  • wide-band gap semiconductor towards visible light excitation [95]. The photosensitiser can inject electrons to the semiconductor conduction band via direct HOMO–CB transition (type II excitation) or indirectly by exciting the photosensitiser HOMO–LUMO transition, followed by a LUMO–CB charge transfer
  • (HER). The FSO-FS polymer displayed the highest rates of hydrogen evolution (170 μmol⋅h−1), significantly higher than its structural isomer FSO-FSz. The authors studied the charge transfer dynamics of the different polymers through temperature-dependent photoluminescence, photoelectrochemical
Published 26 Jun 2020

An overview on disulfide-catalyzed and -cocatalyzed photoreactions

  • Yeersen Patehebieke

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1418–1435, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.118

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  • decomposes into ketone or aldehyde products (Scheme 9). However, in the absence of light or oxygen, disulfide could not catalyze the oxidative cleavage of olefins. It was proposed that disulfide and the olefin might be able to form a charge-transfer complex, which may rationalize the unconventional homolysis
Published 23 Jun 2020
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