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Search for "continuous flow" in Full Text gives 183 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry.

A method to determine the correct photocatalyst concentration for photooxidation reactions conducted in continuous flow reactors

  • Clemens R. Horn and
  • Sylvain Gremetz

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 871–879, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.78

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  • centered on the combination of light with continuous flow reactors [1][2][3][4][5][6]. The reason for this increased interest is that continuous flow photochemical reactors can overcome various limitations that occur when the same reaction run in batch reactors [7]. For example, the flow reactor can
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Published 27 Apr 2020

Combining enyne metathesis with long-established organic transformations: a powerful strategy for the sustainable synthesis of bioactive molecules

  • Valerian Dragutan,
  • Ileana Dragutan,
  • Albert Demonceau and
  • Lionel Delaude

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 738–755, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.68

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  • peroxide bridge, has been subject of extensive scientific investigations during the last decade [53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63]. In this context, Seeberger and co-workers successfully developed an ingenious continuous-flow process for the hemisynthesis of pure artemisinin from
Published 16 Apr 2020

Synthesis of disparlure and monachalure enantiomers from 2,3-butanediacetals

  • Adam Drop,
  • Hubert Wojtasek and
  • Bożena Frąckowiak-Wojtasek

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 616–620, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.57

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  • -2,3-Disubstituted butanediacetal derivatives of dimethyl tartrates 9–11 can be converted to cis-isomers 12–14 (Scheme 2) [32]. Compound 12 can be obtained from trans-dimethyl ester 9 in a two-step procedure either following a traditional way or using continuous flow chemistry [32][33][34]. The
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Published 03 Apr 2020

KOt-Bu-promoted selective ring-opening N-alkylation of 2-oxazolines to access 2-aminoethyl acetates and N-substituted thiazolidinones

  • Qiao Lin,
  • Shiling Zhang and
  • Bin Li

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 492–501, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.44

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  • synthesis of β-nitrate ester carboxamides using tert-butyl nitrite as the nitro source and oxygen as the oxidant through the ring opening of 2-oxazolines [9] (Scheme 1a). Kappe reported a two-step continuous-flow synthesis of N-(2-aminoethyl)acylamides through ring opening/hydrogenation of oxazolines with
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Published 25 Mar 2020

Recent advances in photocatalyzed reactions using well-defined copper(I) complexes

  • Mingbing Zhong,
  • Xavier Pannecoucke,
  • Philippe Jubault and
  • Thomas Poisson

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 451–481, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.42

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  • moderate to good yields. Notably, alkyl iodides were also suitable substrates. The methodology proved to be compatible with a broad range of functional groups. To demonstrate the synthetic utility of the process, the reaction was developed under continuous flow conditions to afford an easy and
  • synthesized in 57% yield. Importantly, the reaction scale was increased to 1 g under continuous flow conditions. Then, the reaction was extended to the cyclization of a stilbene derivative into phenanthrene in a moderate 23% isolated yield. To explain the reaction pathway, the authors suggested an oxidative
  • mechanism. One year later, 2013, Collins and co-workers extended this concept to the synthesis of carbazole derivatives under continuous flow conditions (Scheme 30) [44]. Using, the [Cu(I)(dmp)(xantphos)]BF4 catalyst, the oxidative cyclization of various triarylamines was carried out in the presence of I2
Published 23 Mar 2020

Synthesis of 3-alkenylindoles through regioselective C–H alkenylation of indoles by a ruthenium nanocatalyst

  • Abhijit Paul,
  • Debnath Chatterjee,
  • Srirupa Banerjee and
  • Somnath Yadav

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 140–148, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.16

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  • ]. Noël and co-workers reported the C3–H olefination of indoles using Pd(OAc)2 as a catalyst and molecular oxygen as the oxidant under continuous flow conditions [29]. Jia et al. reported the synthesis of 3-alkenylindoles using Pd(OAc)2 as the catalyst and MnO2 as the oxidant under ball milling conditions
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Published 29 Jan 2020

Functionalization of the imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine ring in α-phosphonoacrylates and α-phosphonopropionates via microwave-assisted Mizoroki–Heck reaction

  • Damian Kusy,
  • Agata Wojciechowska,
  • Joanna Małolepsza and
  • Katarzyna M. Błażewska

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 15–21, doi:10.3762/bjoc.16.3

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  • heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts, as well as continuous-flow conditions [13][14][15]. Therefore, we tested microwave heating, a technique which is known for significant acceleration of the C–C coupling reaction [16]. We carried out the optimization studies using model substrates – compound 1a and benzyl
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Published 03 Jan 2020

Progress in metathesis chemistry

  • Karol Grela and
  • Anna Kajetanowicz

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 2765–2766, doi:10.3762/bjoc.15.267

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  • pills are now truly user friendly. Olefin metathesis catalysts can work under homo- or heterogeneous conditions, as well as under continuous flow. The stability of Ru–methylidene species (an attribute important for a successful ethenolysis process) has been significantly improved. Importantly, we have
Published 15 Nov 2019

Safe and highly efficient adaptation of potentially explosive azide chemistry involved in the synthesis of Tamiflu using continuous-flow technology

  • Cloudius R. Sagandira and
  • Paul Watts

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 2577–2589, doi:10.3762/bjoc.15.251

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  • explosive azide chemistry involved in a proposed Tamiflu route by taking advantage of the continuous-flow technology. The azide intermediates were safely synthesised in full conversions and >89% isolated yields. Keywords: azide chemistry; continuous flow synthesis; hazardous; safe; Tamiflu; Introduction
  • ) (Scheme 1 and Figure 1). Continuous-flow synthesis offers the generation and consumption of dangerous intermediates in situ preventing their accumulation, thus it represents a potential solution for dealing with hazardous reaction intermediates and products [15]. Additionally, microreactors can handle
  • exothermic reactions extremely well, due to the inherent high surface area to volume ratio and rapid heat dissipation [16] unlike the conventional batch process. Continuous-flow production may certainly enhance the green metrics of synthesis in several ways [17] and their work clearly demonstrated the
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Published 30 Oct 2019

Chemical synthesis of the pentasaccharide repeating unit of the O-specific polysaccharide from Escherichia coli O132 in the form of its 2-aminoethyl glycoside

  • Debasish Pal and
  • Balaram Mukhopadhyay

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 2563–2568, doi:10.3762/bjoc.15.249

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  • -acetylation using NaOMe in MeOH followed by hydrogenolysis in a ThalesNano continuous flow hydrogenation assembly using a 10% Pd-C cartridge [29]. After three cycles of hydrogenation, formation of the target pentasaccharide 1 was evident from the mass spectrum (Scheme 4). Conclusion In conclusion, the
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Published 28 Oct 2019

Recent advances in transition-metal-catalyzed incorporation of fluorine-containing groups

  • Xiaowei Li,
  • Xiaolin Shi,
  • Xiangqian Li and
  • Dayong Shi

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 2213–2270, doi:10.3762/bjoc.15.218

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  • dehydrogenation process to afford the target product. Also in 2015, Li and co-workers [146] developed a mild and fast Cu(I/II)-catalyzed trifluoromethylation procedure to obtain 3-trifluoromethylcoumarins. The reaction was carried out with a CuCl/CF3SO2Na/TBHP system under continuous-flow conditions, affording
Published 23 Sep 2019

Ugi reaction-derived prolyl peptide catalysts grafted on the renewable polymer polyfurfuryl alcohol for applications in heterogeneous enamine catalysis

  • Alexander F. de la Torre,
  • Gabriel S. Scatena,
  • Oscar Valdés,
  • Daniel G. Rivera and
  • Márcio W. Paixão

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 1210–1216, doi:10.3762/bjoc.15.118

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  • polyfurfuryl alcohol-supported catalysts for applications in heterogeneous enamine catalysis. The utilization of the polymer-supported catalysts in both batch and continuous-flow organocatalytic procedures proved moderate catalytic efficacy and enantioselectivity, but excellent diastereoselectivity in the
  • -supported chiral organocatalysts usually provides a much greener prospect for the synthesis of enantiomerically enriched building blocks [4][5][6]. Importantly, immobilized catalysts allow for both recyclability of the catalyst and the implementation of continuous-flow procedures, which usually encompass
  • catalysts for applications in continuous-flow catalysis [8]. In an endeavor to develop a cheaper and renewable polymer-supported organocatalyst, herein we describe the multicomponent synthesis of furfuryl-containing prolyl pseudo-peptide catalysts and their subsequent utilization in the preparation of PFA
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Published 04 Jun 2019

Design and synthesis of multivalent α-1,2-trimannose-linked bioerodible microparticles for applications in immune response studies of Leishmania major infection

  • Chelsea L. Rintelmann,
  • Tara Grinnage-Pulley,
  • Kathleen Ross,
  • Daniel E. K. Kabotso,
  • Angela Toepp,
  • Anne Cowell,
  • Christine Petersen,
  • Balaji Narasimhan and
  • Nicola Pohl

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 623–632, doi:10.3762/bjoc.15.58

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  • , hydrogenolysis of the benzyl ethers under continuous flow (0.3–1 mL/min) and H2 pressure (30–60 bar) using an H-cube apparatus was found to be effective at removing the benzyl ethers, but arduously slow (>48 h) from the limited surface-mediated interactions with the Pd/C cartridge. By comparison, batch
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Published 11 Mar 2019

Low-budget 3D-printed equipment for continuous flow reactions

  • Jochen M. Neumaier,
  • Amiera Madani,
  • Thomas Klein and
  • Thomas Ziegler

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 558–566, doi:10.3762/bjoc.15.50

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  • this equipment we performed some multistep glycosylation reactions, where multiple 3D-printed flow reactors were used in series. Keywords: continuous flow; 3D printing; glycosylation; microreactor; multistep; Introduction The use of flow chemistry in comparison to batch chemistry shows great benefits
  • flow [2][3][4]. One use of such multiple step reactions is, for instance, the on-demand production of pharmaceuticals using compact, reconfigurable continuous flow systems [5]. The combination of flow chemistry with 3D-printed reactors is also a growing terrain in the last years [6][7][8][9][10][11][12
  • ]. 3D-printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process, where the object is created layer by layer directly from the computer-aided design (CAD) model. There are different technologies available for printing continuous flow reaction devices like fused deposition modeling (FDM) [13][14
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Published 26 Feb 2019

Mechanistic studies of an L-proline-catalyzed pyridazine formation involving a Diels–Alder reaction with inverse electron demand

  • Anne Schnell,
  • J. Alexander Willms,
  • S. Nozinovic and
  • Marianne Engeser

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 30–43, doi:10.3762/bjoc.15.3

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  • ) in the reacting solution. In order to enhance the ESI response of putative reactive intermediates, the reaction was performed with the charge-tagged tetrazine 4∙Br (R2, Scheme 5). A continuous-flow setup [4][17][18] was used for fast sampling of the reaction R2 directly after its initiation. A
  • substrate, L-proline, rt) ESIMS A 0.4 mmol/L stock solution of 4∙Br in dimethyl sulfoxide was prepared (stock solution ss1), as well as a 0.001 mmol/L stock solution of L-proline in dimethyl sulfoxide/acetone 1:1 (stock solution ss2). Continuous flow setup A continuous flow setup [4][17][18] was used for
  • using a continuous-flow setup with a calculated reaction time of 86 s. The two insets show zooms into relevant parts of the spectrum. a) Reaction R2 after two hours (syringe setup). b) ESIMS monitoring of reaction R2. Signal intensities for substrate 4 and product 5 are depicted. ESI mass spectrum of
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Published 03 Jan 2019

Photocatalyic Appel reaction enabled by copper-based complexes in continuous flow

  • Clémentine Minozzi,
  • Jean-Christophe Grenier-Petel,
  • Shawn Parisien-Collette and
  • Shawn K. Collins

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 2730–2736, doi:10.3762/bjoc.14.251

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  • anhydrides. The protocol was also amendable and optimized under continuous flow conditions. Keywords: Appel; continuous flow; copper; halides; photocatalysis; Introduction Synthetic photochemistry and photocatalysis continues to influence molecular synthesis [1][2][3][4]. In exploring photochemical
  • transfer (PCET) reactions [22][23][24][25][26]. Herein, the evaluation of Cu(I)-complexes for photocatalytic Appel reactions and demonstration in continuous flow is described. Results and Discussion The first step in identifying a heteroleptic diamine/bisphosphine Cu(I)-based photocatalyst for the
  • were then transferred to continuous flow (Table 2). Initially, an experimental set-up using a previously reported reactor for purple LEDs was selected for the reaction [30][31]. Following injection of the reaction mixture with a target residence time of 60 min, only traces of the desired bromide 2 were
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Published 30 Oct 2018

The enzymes of microbial nicotine metabolism

  • Paul F. Fitzpatrick

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 2295–2307, doi:10.3762/bjoc.14.204

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  • -hydroxynicotine in the active site is followed by hydrolysis of the oxidized amine in a second site to yield 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine (Scheme 3) [15]. However, a recent analysis of the structure of the product of the LHNO reaction utilizing NMR and continuous-flow mass spectrometry established that the enzyme
Published 31 Aug 2018

A general and atom-efficient continuous-flow approach to prepare amines, amides and imines via reactive N-chloramines

  • Katherine E. Jolley,
  • Michael R. Chapman and
  • A. John Blacker

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 2220–2228, doi:10.3762/bjoc.14.196

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  • Abstract Chloramines are an important class of reagents, providing a convenient source of chlorine or electrophilic nitrogen. However, the instability of these compounds is a problem which makes their isolation and handling difficult. To overcome these hazards, a continuous-flow approach is reported which
  • afford amides. Primary and secondary imines were produced under continuous conditions from the reaction of N-chloramines with base, with one example subsequently reduced under asymmetric conditions to produce a chiral amine in 94% ee. Keywords: continuous flow; CSTR; N-chloramine; synthetic methods
  • ; telescoping; Introduction N-Chloramines are versatile reagents, however, their availability is restricted by their stability, so useful would be in situ methods to produce and use them [1][2]. The continuous-flow methodology is useful in this context, enabling control over reaction exotherms and improved
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Published 24 Aug 2018

Assessing the possibilities of designing a unified multistep continuous flow synthesis platform

  • Mrityunjay K. Sharma,
  • Roopashri B. Acharya,
  • Chinmay A. Shukla and
  • Amol A. Kulkarni

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 1917–1936, doi:10.3762/bjoc.14.166

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  • ’, in reality, such an envisaged system would be much more complex than these examples. Keywords: automation; continuous flow synthesis; cybernetics; multistep flow synthesis; unified platforms; Review Introduction Flow chemistry is now seen as a reliable approach for the synthesis of simple organic
  • ]. Flow chemistry gains its benefits from excellent heat and mass transfer rates and rapid mixing which is not possible in the case of conventional synthesis modes [21]. In general, the continuous flow synthesis aims at conducting the reactions at intrinsic kinetics. This helps to have reactors having
  • ][26][27]. A few examples of experimental set-ups of successfully demonstrated multistep flow synthesis encompassing various kinds of reactions from the literature are given in Table 1. Single step approaches were useful in terms of evaluating the concepts in continuous flow synthesis. However, since
Published 26 Jul 2018

Mild and selective reduction of aldehydes utilising sodium dithionite under flow conditions

  • Nicole C. Neyt and
  • Darren L. Riley

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 1529–1536, doi:10.3762/bjoc.14.129

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  • laboratories because of its ease of use, safety and control [3][4][5][6]. Continuous flow technologies are generally more effective than traditional batch processes with key advantages including intensified heat and mass transfer, inline reaction monitoring, higher mass throughput, safer control of hazardous
  • developed a simple transition-metal-free continuous flow method for the reduction of aldehydes in aqueous media utilising sodium dithionite which does not generate or use molecular hydrogen. The process affords comparable yields to those obtained under batch conditions but in reduced reaction residence time
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Published 22 Jun 2018

Cobalt–metalloid alloys for electrochemical oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural as an alternative anode reaction in lieu of oxygen evolution during water splitting

  • Jonas Weidner,
  • Stefan Barwe,
  • Kirill Sliozberg,
  • Stefan Piontek,
  • Justus Masa,
  • Ulf-Peter Apfel and
  • Wolfgang Schuhmann

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 1436–1445, doi:10.3762/bjoc.14.121

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  • of the various cobalt–metalloid alloys supported on Ni RDE electrodes revealed CoB to be the most efficient HMF oxidation catalyst. Using a CoB modified Ni foam as anode material, and Ni foam as the cathode in a continuous flow reactor with an anion exchange membrane separating the anodic and
  • of the activities of all investigated CoX-based catalysts (X = B, Si, P, As and Te) is highlighted in Table 1. HMF oxidation in a continuous flow reactor The surprisingly high HMF oxidation activity of CoB made it especially interesting to further study the product distribution and FDCA yield in a
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Published 13 Jun 2018

Recent applications of chiral calixarenes in asymmetric catalysis

  • Mustafa Durmaz,
  • Erkan Halay and
  • Selahattin Bozkurt

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 1389–1412, doi:10.3762/bjoc.14.117

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  • achieve reusable catalysts for batch and continuous-flow studies. Inherently chiral calix[4]arene-based phase-transfer catalysts. Calix[4]arene-amides used as phase-transfer catalysts. Proposed transition state model of asymmetric Henry reaction. Structure of inherently chiral oxazoline calix[4]arenes
Published 08 Jun 2018

[3 + 2]-Cycloaddition reaction of sydnones with alkynes

  • Veronika Hladíková,
  • Jiří Váňa and
  • Jiří Hanusek

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 1317–1348, doi:10.3762/bjoc.14.113

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  • -carboxylate in good yield. Copper(II) acetate anchored on a modified silica gel can also serve as an efficient catalyst in batch reactor or if housed in stainless steel cartridges [127] in continuous-flow conditions (Table 10). Again, the 4-substituted pyrazole is preferentially formed. Conclusion Since its
Published 05 Jun 2018

Nanoreactors for green catalysis

  • M. Teresa De Martino,
  • Loai K. E. A. Abdelmohsen,
  • Floris P. J. T. Rutjes and
  • Jan C. M. van Hest

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 716–733, doi:10.3762/bjoc.14.61

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  • specific characteristics of nanoreactors should be employed more effectively. Physical protection and separation of catalytic species will allow the performance of multistep conversions in one-pot reactors. This would then enable continuous flow processing, as intermediate work-up steps and solvent
Published 29 Mar 2018

Biocatalytic synthesis of the Green Note trans-2-hexenal in a continuous-flow microreactor

  • Morten M. C. H. van Schie,
  • Tiago Pedroso de Almeida,
  • Gabriele Laudadio,
  • Florian Tieves,
  • Elena Fernández-Fueyo,
  • Timothy Noël,
  • Isabel W. C. E. Arends and
  • Frank Hollmann

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 697–703, doi:10.3762/bjoc.14.58

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  • described in the literature to alleviate the inactivation issue described above [9][10][11][12]. The continuous-flow microreactor technology has emerged as a safe and scalable way to approach oxidation reactions [13][14]. Due to its small dimensions, hazardous reactions can be easily controlled, owing to
  • at elevated substrate concentrations may be an indication for a slight substrate inhibition. Performing these initial rate measurements in the presence of varying product concentrations showed a pronounced product inhibition (Supporting Information File 1, Figure S2, vide infra). Continuous-flow
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Published 26 Mar 2018
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