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Search for "radical cation" in Full Text gives 159 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry.

Synthesis, electrochemical properties, and antioxidant activity of sterically hindered catechols with 1,3,4-oxadiazole, 1,2,4-triazole, thiazole or pyridine fragments

  • Daria A. Burmistrova,
  • Andrey Galustyan,
  • Nadezhda P. Pomortseva,
  • Kristina D. Pashaeva,
  • Maxim V. Arsenyev,
  • Oleg P. Demidov,
  • Mikhail A. Kiskin,
  • Andrey I. Poddel’sky,
  • Nadezhda T. Berberova and
  • Ivan V. Smolyaninov

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 2378–2391, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.202

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  • in the reaction with a diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, ABTS·+ radical cation, CUPRAC test, and inhibition process of superoxide radical anion formation by xanthine oxidase (NBT assay). The presence of a catechol fragment and thioether or thione groups determines the ability to neutralize
  • fragment favors the pronounced antiradical activity. The use of ABTS radical cation to assess the antioxidant capacity of compounds is one of the widely used methods which is based on the transfer of an electron from the studied molecules to the acceptor [67]. The obtained IC50 values for synthesized
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Published 19 Sep 2024

Harnessing the versatility of hydrazones through electrosynthetic oxidative transformations

  • Aurélie Claraz

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 1988–2004, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.175

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  • formation of dimeric side products. Cyclic voltammetry analysis suggested an initial anodic single electron transfer (SET) to radical cation 5, cyclization and deprotonation. Subsequent SET oxidation in solution by 5 led to cation 7. Final deprotonation furnished aromatic cycle 4. In 2022, Zhang et al
  • species to be oxidized, initial SET anodic oxidation of the hydrazone furnishes the highly electrophilic radical cation species D, which undergo nucleophilic addition of the second partner and deprotonation to produce hydrazinyl radical F (route a). Alternatively, if the partner possesses a lower
  • + (E1/2(TAC2+/TAC+) = +1.3 V vs SCE). Subsequent SET between highly oxidizing photoexcited species TAC2+* (E1/2(TAC2+*/TAC+) = +3.3 V vs SCE) and 150 generated distonic species 151 by denitrogenation. After Wagner–Merweein shift, the resulting radical cation 152 would undergo SET reduction from an
Published 14 Aug 2024

Development of a flow photochemical process for a π-Lewis acidic metal-catalyzed cyclization/radical addition sequence: in situ-generated 2-benzopyrylium as photoredox catalyst and reactive intermediate

  • Masahiro Terada,
  • Zen Iwasaki,
  • Ryohei Yazaki,
  • Shigenobu Umemiya and
  • Jun Kikuchi

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 1973–1980, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.173

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  • , initiating further radical reactions through the formation of radical cations B. Nucleophilic arylmethyl radicals C, which are generated from radical cations B by desilylation, undergo an addition reaction with 2-benzopyrylium intermediates A, giving rise to the corresponding radical cation. Catalytic cycle
  • II is completed through a SET from D, a reduced form of the photoredox catalyst 2-benzopyrylium intermediates A, to the generated radical cation, affording 1H-isochromene derivatives 3. The photoredox cycle is also completed with the regeneration of cations A through SET from D. The most distinctive
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Published 13 Aug 2024

Novel oxidative routes to N-arylpyridoindazolium salts

  • Oleg A. Levitskiy,
  • Yuri K. Grishin and
  • Tatiana V. Magdesieva

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 1906–1913, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.166

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  • amount (5%) of the N,N’-diaryldihydrophenazine radical cation that is the byproduct corresponding to the intermolecular oxidative C–N coupling of the diarylamine A1 was detected in the reaction mixture. This emphasizes that the both processes are of the same nature and proceed through the same
  • intermediate (i.e., the diarylamines’ radical cation) and indicates the dominance of the intramolecular cyclization over the intermolecular C–N coupling process. Oxidation of diarylamines in the presence of an excess of trifluoroacetic acid gave no targeted pyridoindazolium salts, whereas the amount of
  • A1, similarly to the chemical oxidation. The radical cation of dihydrophenazine formed was isolated and studied using ESR and HRMS methods. The ESR spectrum (see Supporting Information File 1) was typical for this type of compounds: a characteristic quintet due to hyperfine splitting on two
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Published 07 Aug 2024

Electrochemical radical cation aza-Wacker cyclizations

  • Sota Adachi and
  • Yohei Okada

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 1900–1905, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.165

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  • cations that offer unique reactivities as intermediates in various bond-formation processes. Such intermediates can potentially take part in both radical and ionic bond formation; however, the mechanisms involved are complicated and not fully understood. Herein, we report electrochemical radical cation
  • aza-Wacker cyclizations under acidic conditions, which are expected to proceed via radical cations generated by single-electron oxidation of alkenes. Keywords: alkene; aza-Wacker cyclization; electrochemistry; radical cation; sulfonamide; Introduction Activating bench-stable substrates is the first
  • representative radical cation precursors that are widely used to realize the formation of unique bonds. The respective radical cations are trapped by various nucleophiles under radical and/or ion control, where kinetic and/or thermodynamic effects are expected to be dominant. Typical examples that clearly show
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Published 05 Aug 2024

Synthesis of polycyclic aromatic quinones by continuous flow electrochemical oxidation: anodic methoxylation of polycyclic aromatic phenols (PAPs)

  • Hiwot M. Tiruye,
  • Solon Economopoulos and
  • Kåre B. Jørgensen

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 1746–1757, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.153

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  • chrysenols nor phenanthrols, suggesting a chemically irreversible reaction of the radical cation intermediate with the ensuing product no longer being electrochemically active within the potential window of the CV scans. However, a reduction peak was observed for compound 1b (see Figure S2 in Supporting
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Published 24 Jul 2024

Benzylic C(sp3)–H fluorination

  • Alexander P. Atkins,
  • Alice C. Dean and
  • Alastair J. J. Lennox

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 1527–1547, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.137

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  • functional groups on the aromatic ring and adjacent to the benzylic position. Mechanistic investigations suggested an initial electron transfer to generate a radical cation en route to the intermediate benzylic radical, rather than a HAT process, however, the authors did not distinguish between a stepwise
  • radical cation II. The acidity of benzylic protons is augmented after oxidation of the adjacent π-system, facilitating rapid proton transfer at this position, resulting in benzylic radical III [13][88]. Single-electron oxidation of the resulting benzylic radical is facile and expected to occur readily
  • hypervalent fluoroiodane reagents [92][93]. In 2000, Fuchigami and co-workers demonstrated the effectiveness of these reagents in the oxidative electrochemical fluorination of benzylic positions adjacent to thiocyanate groups (Figure 36) [94]. The authors proposed anodic oxidation to generate a radical cation
Published 10 Jul 2024

Synthesis of cyclic β-1,6-oligosaccharides from glucosamine monomers by electrochemical polyglycosylation

  • Md Azadur Rahman,
  • Hirofumi Endo,
  • Takashi Yamamoto,
  • Shoma Okushiba,
  • Norihiko Sasaki and
  • Toshiki Nokami

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 1421–1427, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.124

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  • product of monomer 6. The proposed mechanism is shown in Scheme 2. Anodic oxidation of thioglycoside 6 generated radical cation 11, which was converted to glycosyl triflate 12. 1,6-Anhydrosugar 7 was produced via 4C1-to-1C4 conformational change of the pyran ring to generate cation intermediate 13
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Published 26 Jun 2024

Generation of alkyl and acyl radicals by visible-light photoredox catalysis: direct activation of C–O bonds in organic transformations

  • Mithu Roy,
  • Bitan Sardar,
  • Itu Mallick and
  • Dipankar Srimani

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 1348–1375, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.119

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  • iridium photocatalyst [Ir(dF(CF3)ppy)2(dtbbpy)]PF6 leads to excited-state *[Ir(III)], Ered (*[Ir(III)]/[Ir(II)]) = +1.21 V, possessing sufficient energy to oxidize PPh3, forming the triphenylphosphine radical cation. Subsequently, benzoic acid undergoes deprotonation facilitated by a base, producing
  • benzoate. This benzoate then reacts with the triphenylphosphine radical cation, resulting in the formation of the phosphoranyl radical intermediate, which undergoes β-scission, leading to the formation of a benzoyl radical, accompanied by the liberation of a triphenylphosphine oxide molecule. After this
  • salicylic acid derivatives and aryl acetylenes. Due to irradiation with blue light, Mes–Acr–Me+ gets excited to Mes–Acr–Me+* and takes up a single electron from Ph2S. The reaction of the diphenyl sulfide radical cation with carboxylate and successive acyloxy C–O bond cleavage forms diphenyl sulfoxide and an
Published 14 Jun 2024

Mechanistic investigations of polyaza[7]helicene in photoredox and energy transfer catalysis

  • Johannes Rocker,
  • Till J. B. Zähringer,
  • Matthias Schmitz,
  • Till Opatz and
  • Christoph Kerzig

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 1236–1245, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.106

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  • as the ionization product resulting from a consecutive two-photon absorption at the selected high laser intensity [69][70], yielding the corresponding long-lived radical cation with second-order decay that is typical for oxidized/reduced species, and a solvated electron as by-product. The latter is
  • in equilibrium with the dimeric solvent radical anion in MeCN, it weakly absorbs in our detection window and this species is rather short-lived compared to the triplet as well as the radical cation [71]. The oscillator strengths for the electronic transitions of 3Aza-H (purple) and the radical cation
  • contribution of the radical cation to the TA signal at 640 nm is only minor, which allows us to estimate a triplet lifetime of ≈28 µs at this detection wavelength. Based on our observations, an isolated triplet spectrum can be obtained from the spectral difference between the black and the red spectrum in
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Published 28 May 2024

Advancements in hydrochlorination of alkenes

  • Daniel S. Müller

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 787–814, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.72

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  • state thereof, denoted with an asterisk, possessing a reduction potential of 2.0 V versus SCE (saturated calomel electrode). Subsequently, this excited state undergoes quenching through photoinduced electron transfer (PET) with styrene 5. The resulting vinyl radical cation exhibits electrophilicity at
  • the homobenzylic position, engaging in an anti-Markovnikov manner with a formal chloride nucleophile. The ultimate step involves hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) with thiol 148, culminating in the formation of the desired product 147. Therefore, the generation of the vinyl radical cation plays a pivotal
Published 15 Apr 2024

Switchable molecular tweezers: design and applications

  • Pablo Msellem,
  • Maksym Dekthiarenko,
  • Nihal Hadj Seyd and
  • Guillaume Vives

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 504–539, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.45

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Published 01 Mar 2024

Green and sustainable approaches for the Friedel–Crafts reaction between aldehydes and indoles

  • Periklis X. Kolagkis,
  • Eirini M. Galathri and
  • Christoforos G. Kokotos

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 379–426, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.36

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Published 22 Feb 2024

Mechanisms for radical reactions initiating from N-hydroxyphthalimide esters

  • Carlos R. Azpilcueta-Nicolas and
  • Jean-Philip Lumb

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 346–378, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.35

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  • . Intramolecular radical addition into the radical cation of the furan ring would then form cation 50 before nucleophilic capture by H2O leads to product 45. In 2020, the Wang group reported the functionalization of enamides employing radicals derived from NHPI esters in combination with indole nucleophiles [57
  • hydrogen atom to terminate the radical reaction. The proposed mechanism of the hydroalkylation cascade is depicted in Scheme 13B. Upon excitation of complex 59 with blue light, intra-complex SET takes place from the HE to the NHPI ester, leading to the formation of tert-butyl radical 64 and radical cation
  • ). Additionally, Minisci-type additions were carried out in the presence of protonated quinoline radical acceptor 83, affording product 84 (Scheme 16A). Mechanistically, this activation mode involves an intra-complex SET that forms the Ph3P–NaI radical cation species 85 and the corresponding radical anion 86
Published 21 Feb 2024
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  • lifetime of 71 ps in toluene. Meanwhile, the absorption at 640 nm, corresponding to the ZnP radical cation, was not observed. The results obtained from Rehm–Weller’s equation [146] suggested that photoinduced electron transfer was thermodynamically permitted in 86. However, ultrafast energy transfer from
  • , the emergence of the weak absorption band of the ZnP radical cation at 640 nm was hindered by the overwhelming absorption intensity of the residual porphyrin. The transient absorption spectra of 87 were obtained in benzonitrile solvent, which was expected to stabilize the CS state. Absorption
  • corresponding to the ZnP radical cation was clearly observed with a lifetime of 2.3 μs. The occurrence of such a long-living CS state can be rationally associated with the Marcus-inverted-region [143] behavior of the charge-recombination process. For 88, which has no spacer between ZnP and TCBD, as opposed to
Published 22 Jan 2024

Electron-beam-promoted fullerene dimerization in nanotubes: insights from DFT computations

  • Laura Abella,
  • Gerard Novell-Leruth,
  • Josep M. Ricart,
  • Josep M. Poblet and
  • Antonio Rodríguez-Fortea

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 92–100, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.10

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  • and reversible process named phase 1. We find that the barriers for the radical cation mechanism are significantly lower than those found for the neutral pathway. The peapod is mainly providing one-dimensional confinement for the reaction to take place in a more efficient way. Car–Parrinello
  • the reaction either via singlet excitation or via radical cation formation (Scheme 1). Estimation of the activation barrier for the [2 + 2] cycloaddition when the nanotube acts as a sensitizer is 33.5 ± 6.8 kJ mol−1. This value agrees with computational predictions for the reaction via an excited
  • can also be activated through the formation of C60+• radical cation [3][9]. This mechanistic proposal for phase 1, which to our knowledge has not yet been explored in detail inside a carbon nanotube, is analyzed here and compared to the non-activated C60 dimerization. Finally, some intermediates for
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Published 17 Jan 2024

Multi-redox indenofluorene chromophores incorporating dithiafulvene donor and ene/enediyne acceptor units

  • Christina Schøttler,
  • Kasper Lund-Rasmussen,
  • Line Broløs,
  • Philip Vinterberg,
  • Ema Bazikova,
  • Viktor B. R. Pedersen and
  • Mogens Brøndsted Nielsen

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 59–73, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.8

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  • Tetrathiafulvalene (TTF, Figure 1) is a redox-active molecule that has been widely explored in materials chemistry and supramolecular chemistry [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. TTF reversibly undergoes two sequential one-electron oxidations, generating first a radical cation (TTF+•) and subsequently a dication (TTF2
  • rate: 0.1 V/s. All potentials are depicted against the Fc/Fc+ redox couple. Radical anion (left), dianion (middle), and radical cation (right) of compound 23; the radical anion has a 14πz-aromatic ring (highlighted in blue; only counting 2π-electrons of each triple bond, here defined as those in πz
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Published 15 Jan 2024

Selectivity control towards CO versus H2 for photo-driven CO2 reduction with a novel Co(II) catalyst

  • Lisa-Lou Gracia,
  • Philip Henkel,
  • Olaf Fuhr and
  • Claudia Bizzarri

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 1766–1775, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.129

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  • (helping in the deprotonation of the radical cation BIH•+ formed after the reductive quenching of the PS), but also can actively assist the catalysis, by capturing CO2 [50][51][52]. On the other hand, having three hydroxy groups, TEOA is also considered a proton donor and the formation of metal hydrides is
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Published 17 Nov 2023

Tying a knot between crown ethers and porphyrins

  • Maksym Matviyishyn and
  • Bartosz Szyszko

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 1630–1650, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.120

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  • 1.70–2.50 ns. An apparent colour change was observed upon treatment of 42 with AgSbF6 and CuCl2, indicating radical cation formation 42•+. ESR spectra and coulometric oxidation experiments further supported the presence and stability of the radical species. The reactions of 38 with a pre-functionalized
Published 27 Oct 2023

Radical chemistry in polymer science: an overview and recent advances

  • Zixiao Wang,
  • Feichen Cui,
  • Yang Sui and
  • Jiajun Yan

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 1580–1603, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.116

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  • necessary. MF-ROMP, also termed photo-ROMP, is a novel technique to polymerize cyclic olefins. It begins with the reductive quenching of an photoexcited photocatalyst (PC) at an enol ether initiator to produce a radical cation carrier [90]. Then, the carrier undergoes cyclic addition with a cyclic olefin
  • monomer to generate a cyclobutene radical cation intermediate. The thermodynamically instable intermediate subsequently forms the propagating radical cation species via a ring-opening process. The reduced PC•− terminates the catalytic loop by reducing the propagating species to provide a polymer chain
Published 18 Oct 2023

N-Sulfenylsuccinimide/phthalimide: an alternative sulfenylating reagent in organic transformations

  • Fatemeh Doraghi,
  • Seyedeh Pegah Aledavoud,
  • Mehdi Ghanbarlou,
  • Bagher Larijani and
  • Mohammad Mahdavi

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 1471–1502, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.106

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  • sulfur atom to Fe3+ to generate Fe2+ and radical cation I. Subsequent cleavage of the N–S bond led to cation II and radical III. Interaction of III with Fe2+ regenerated the Fe3+ species and IV. At the same time, electrophilic addition of II to alkene 9 yielded intermediate V, which was subjected to the
Published 27 Sep 2023

Non-noble metal-catalyzed cross-dehydrogenation coupling (CDC) involving ether α-C(sp3)–H to construct C–C bonds

  • Hui Yu and
  • Feng Xu

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 1259–1288, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.94

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  • -methylisochroman, 3-methoxyanisole). Mechanism experiments showed that the coupling of aromatic ring radicals with ether oxygen ions produced an intermediate radical cation, which achieves a catalytic cycle through the Cu center. Lee et al. disclosed TBHP as an oxidant and Pd(OAc)2/Cu(OTf)2 as the catalyst to
  • ) process, the carbocation intermediate B is generated, which is attacked by a nucleophile to afford the target product. Further, C–H bonds in the ortho-position of a heteroatom are activated through a SET pathway generating a radical cation C, which is easily deprotonated by an oxidant to generate a
Published 06 Sep 2023

Exploring the role of halogen bonding in iodonium ylides: insights into unexpected reactivity and reaction control

  • Carlee A. Montgomery and
  • Graham K. Murphy

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 1171–1190, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.86

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  • proposed that electron donor–acceptor (EDA) complex 36 was initially formed between 32 and a sacrificial equivalent of 31, and that 36 underwent a SET to give radical anion 37 and radical cation 38 (Figure 8). While one equivalent of the ylide orchestrated a series of proton transfer (PT) and SET events
Published 07 Aug 2023

Selective and scalable oxygenation of heteroatoms using the elements of nature: air, water, and light

  • Damiano Diprima,
  • Hannes Gemoets,
  • Stefano Bonciolini and
  • Koen Van Aken

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 1146–1154, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.82

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  • originates from water. In this tentative mechanism, the sulfide I forms with water and oxygen a photoactive complex II which is excited at 365 nm towards III. Via single-electron transfer both a radical cation IV and the superoxide V are generated. Subsequently, the sulfide radical cation IV undergoes a
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Published 31 Jul 2023

Photoredox catalysis harvesting multiple photon or electrochemical energies

  • Mattia Lepori,
  • Simon Schmid and
  • Joshua P. Barham

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 1055–1145, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.81

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  • radical anion or radical cation. As a semi-stable, higher energy ground-state entity, this can accumulate in sufficient concentration under the reaction conditions to absorb another photon and thereby generate a super-reducing or super-oxidizing excited state (Figure 2 left). In addition to ‘radical ion
Published 28 Jul 2023
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