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Search for "mechanism" in Full Text gives 1733 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. Showing first 200.

Strategies to access the [5-8] bicyclic core encountered in the sesquiterpene, diterpene and sesterterpene series

  • Cécile Alleman,
  • Charlène Gadais,
  • Laurent Legentil and
  • François-Hugues Porée

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 245–281, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.23

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  • of an alkyl halide to a carbonyl group, implementation of the Barbier-type ring closure relied thus on the preliminary introduction of both aldehyde and alkyl halide functional groups on a suitable substrate. The mechanism was first thought to involve the coupling of an alkyl radical and a ketyl
  • )-SmIII enolate 147. The cyclooctane ring was then accessed through the (Z)-SmIII enolate aldol cyclization. The different organosamarium species generated during the cascade cyclization mechanism were hypothesized to drive the diastereoselectivity on each of the stereocenters created during the process
  • -mediated polyterpene cyclization mechanism, they proposed a rapid 9-step strategy starting from abundant monoterpene farnesol (164), chemically converted into cyclopentanol 165 bearing a trichloroketone function that is a well-known radical precursor. The authors found that the correct stereochemistry of
Published 03 Mar 2023

An efficient metal-free and catalyst-free C–S/C–O bond-formation strategy: synthesis of pyrazole-conjugated thioamides and amides

  • Shubham Sharma,
  • Dharmender Singh,
  • Sunit Kumar,
  • Vaishali,
  • Rahul Jamra,
  • Naveen Banyal,
  • Deepika,
  • Chandi C. Malakar and
  • Virender Singh

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 231–244, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.22

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  • equiv of TEMPO delivered the targeted product in 76% yield. On the basis of this experiment, it was concluded that TEMPO did not affect the progress of the reaction and the formation of product 1A. Hence, a radical mechanism of the reaction may be ruled out. The successful synthesis of pyrazole C-3/4/5
  • tethers. Synthesis of pyrazole-pyridine conjugates 9F and 10F having amide tethers. A tentative mechanism for the formation of pyrazole conjugates with thioamide and amide linkage. Screening of reaction conditions towards the formation of pyrazole-conjugated thioamide.a Optimization of the reaction
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Published 02 Mar 2023

Investigation of cationic ring-opening polymerization of 2-oxazolines in the “green” solvent dihydrolevoglucosenone

  • Solomiia Borova and
  • Robert Luxenhofer

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 217–230, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.21

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  • react with 2-oxazoline monomers or solvents well below room temperature, while propagation only proceeds at above 40 °C. The resulting triflate counterion ensures polymerization via the cationic mechanism, but the extremely high reactivity of MeOTf might be an issue when using DLG as the solvent
  • polymerization, we suppose that a rapid termination and chain transfer reaction occurs during the MeOx polymerization. According to the chain transfer mechanism introduced by Litt et al., MeOx acts as a base and abstracts a proton from the polymer side chain [45]. Due to the slightly increased nucleophilicity
  • formation of covalent species [20]. Signals in the 1H NMR spectra that can be attributed to DLG complicate the analysis of the data obtained, while the peaks attributed to the terminal oxazolinium proton or formation of termination groups by the covalent mechanism overlap with the solvent or polymer
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Published 28 Feb 2023

An accelerated Rauhut–Currier dimerization enabled the synthesis of (±)-incarvilleatone and anticancer studies

  • Tharun K. Kotammagari,
  • Sweta Misra,
  • Sayantan Paul,
  • Sunita Kunte,
  • Rajesh G. Gonnade,
  • Manas K. Santra and
  • Asish K. Bhattacharya

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 204–211, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.19

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  • here that in this reaction we obtained the heterochiral dimerized product (±)-4. We did not observe any homochiral dimerized product formation under TBAF reaction conditions. A plausible mechanism for the formation of heterochiral dimerized dihydroxy RC product (±)-4 through accelerated RC [6] is
  • (12% yield), which was identified as (±)-incarviditone (2) by comparison of its NMR spectra with those reported in the literature [2]. In this reaction we detected a trace amount of (±)-incarvilleatone (1) along with (±)-incarviditone (2, Scheme 7). The mechanism of formation of (±)-incarviditone (2
  • dimerized product (±)-4. Proposed reaction mechanism for the formation of compound (±)-4 under TBAF-mediated Rauhut–Currier reaction. Synthesis of (±)-incarvilleatone (1) from RC dimerized product (±)-4. Separation of rac-incarvilleatone (1) and determination of absolute configurations of both the
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Published 21 Feb 2023

Germacrene B – a central intermediate in sesquiterpene biosynthesis

  • Houchao Xu and
  • Jeroen S. Dickschat

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 186–203, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.18

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  • photochemical E/Z isomerisation to 13 prior to [2 + 2] cycloaddition. Further photochemical products from 1 include 5, 15 that may be formed through a biradical mechanism, and rearranged 16 [51]. Germacrene B (1) has planar chirality (Scheme 4D), but recovery of the starting material from an incomplete
Published 20 Feb 2023

Insight into oral amphiphilic cyclodextrin nanoparticles for colorectal cancer: comprehensive mathematical model of drug release kinetic studies and antitumoral efficacy in 3D spheroid colon tumors

  • Sedat Ünal,
  • Gamze Varan,
  • Juan M. Benito,
  • Yeşim Aktaş and
  • Erem Bilensoy

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 139–157, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.14

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  • kinetics of these models, the diffusional exponent values (n or m) regarding the release kinetics from the nanoparticles were computed [37]. In the Korsmeyer–Peppas model, "n" represents the diffusional exponent illustrating the drug release mechanism, but in the Peppas–Sahlin model, "m" represents the
  • diffusion mechanism, for m/n = 0.85 the release occurs by case II transport and m/n > 0.85 indicates super case II transport [38][39][40][41][42]. It has been determined that there is Fickian diffusion in the release kinetics based on the diffusional exponent values of the Korsmeyer–Peppas and Peppas–Sahlin
  • mechanism was diffusion-based release. In our previous studies, it was evaluated that the drug release observed in SGF might be related to the diffusional release of the surface-adsorbed drug and the poorly bound surface drug to the matrix. In the mathematical modeling data, it has been confirmed that the
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Published 13 Feb 2023

1,4-Dithianes: attractive C2-building blocks for the synthesis of complex molecular architectures

  • Bram Ryckaert,
  • Ellen Demeyere,
  • Frederick Degroote,
  • Hilde Janssens and
  • Johan M. Winne

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 115–132, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.12

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  • reverse (3 + 2) cycloaddition which expels a heteroatomic anion via a β-elimination-type mechanism somewhat similar to a classical Grob-type fragmentation. Similarly, 1,3-dithiolanes undergo fragmentation at relatively low reaction temperatures, limiting their synthetic application to alkylation with
Published 02 Feb 2023

Synthesis and characterisation of new antimalarial fluorinated triazolopyrazine compounds

  • Kah Yean Lum,
  • Jonathan M. White,
  • Daniel J. G. Johnson,
  • Vicky M. Avery and
  • Rohan A. Davis

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 107–114, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.11

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  • structure class [5]. Through investigations into the mechanism of action of OSM Series 4 compounds, it has been suggested that this nitrogen-rich chemotype inhibits the ATPase, PfATP4 [6]. PfATP4 functions as a Na+/H+-ATPase, which allows the malaria parasite to regulate Na+ to maintain cell homeostasis [7
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Published 31 Jan 2023

Practical synthesis of isocoumarins via Rh(III)-catalyzed C–H activation/annulation cascade

  • Qian-Ci Gao,
  • Yi-Fei Li,
  • Jun Xuan and
  • Xiao-Qiang Hu

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 100–106, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.10

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  • reactions and radical transformations [36][37][38]. Based on the literature precedents [27] and our previous work [33][34][35], a mechanism for this Rh-catalyzed C–H activation/annulation reaction was proposed and depicted in Scheme 5. In the presence of AgSbF6, dimeric [Cp*RhCl2]2 transforms into the
  • mechanism. Optimization of the reaction conditionsa. Supporting Information Supporting Information File 66: Experimental and copies of spectra. Funding We are grateful to the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21901258, 22271314, 21971001 and 21702001), the Foundation of South-Central MinZu
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Published 30 Jan 2023

Revisiting the bromination of 3β-hydroxycholest-5-ene with CBr4/PPh3 and the subsequent azidolysis of the resulting bromide, disparity in stereochemical behavior

  • Christian Schumacher,
  • Jas S. Ward,
  • Kari Rissanen,
  • Carsten Bolm and
  • Mohamed Ramadan El Sayed Aly

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 91–99, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.9

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  • from the stereochemistry of the standard Appel mechanism due to participation of the Δ5 π-electrons. In contrast, the subsequent azidolysis (NaN3/DMF) of 3β-bromocholest-5-ene proceeds predominantly by Walden inversion (SN2) affording 3α-azidocholest-5-ene. The structures of all relevant products were
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Published 27 Jan 2023

Preparation of β-cyclodextrin/polysaccharide foams using saponin

  • Max Petitjean and
  • José Ramón Isasi

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 78–88, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.7

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  • last impact can be assumed by the saponin moieties. The difference between 45spLiq and 45spFoam is quite small; it is not observable for β-csp, and the biggest difference is seen for c-LBGsp produced by a “liquid path” synthesis. This variation reflects the sorption mechanism, as the curve follows the
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Published 24 Jan 2023

Catalytic aza-Nazarov cyclization reactions to access α-methylene-γ-lactam heterocycles

  • Bilge Banu Yagci,
  • Selin Ezgi Donmez,
  • Onur Şahin and
  • Yunus Emre Türkmen

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 66–77, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.6

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  • analysis of lactam 19l. In order to shed light on the details of the reaction mechanism, we have performed carefully designed mechanistic studies which consist of experiments on the effect of β-silicon stabilization, the alkene geometry of the α,β-unsaturated acyl chloride reactants, and adventitious water
  • in order to shed light on the mechanism and specific features of this transformation. Results and Discussion In the initial phase of our work, we used AgOTf as an anion-exchange agent in order to promote the desired aza-Nazarov cyclization [35]. The reaction between 3,4-dihydoisoquinoline (5a) and
  • and control experiments provided valuable insights on the reaction mechanism including the importance of the β-silicon effect and the alkene geometry of the α,β-unsaturated acyl chloride reactants on reactivity, different potential modes of cyclization, and the effect of adventitious water on the aza
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Published 17 Jan 2023

NaI/PPh3-catalyzed visible-light-mediated decarboxylative radical cascade cyclization of N-arylacrylamides for the efficient synthesis of quaternary oxindoles

  • Dan Liu,
  • Yue Zhao and
  • Frederic W. Patureau

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 57–65, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.5

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  • afforded various functionalized oxindoles featuring a C3 quaternary stereogenic center. Mechanistic experiments suggest a radical mechanism. Keywords: decarboxylative cascade cyclization; iodide catalysis; metal-free photocatalysis; oxindole; phosphine catalysis; Introduction Radical-initiated cascade
  • oxindole 3ap in 63% yield. In order to gain insight into the reaction mechanism, some control experiments were further performed. When a radical scavenger such as 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxyl (TEMPO) was added to the catalytic system under standard conditions, the reaction was fully inhibited, and
  • should be noted that benzoyl ester substrate 6a did not deliver the corresponding cyclized product 7aa (Scheme 4c). All of these outcomes indicate that a radical species should be involved in this decarboxylative cascade cyclization towards oxindoles under NaI/PPh3 catalysis. Thus, the mechanism should
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Published 16 Jan 2023

Combining the best of both worlds: radical-based divergent total synthesis

  • Kyriaki Gennaiou,
  • Antonios Kelesidis,
  • Maria Kourgiantaki and
  • Alexandros L. Zografos

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2023, 19, 1–26, doi:10.3762/bjoc.19.1

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  • the final targets. With regard to the mechanism, it is hypothesized that it commences with the formation of a nitrogen-centered radical. The carbon radical 139 is then formed after the aforementioned nitrogen radical attacks the enamide group. The α-amide positioning is theorized to improve
  • maydis in 2014 and were reported to possess antibacterial activity against a small panel of both gram-positive and -negative bacteria [89][90]. Interestingly, their chemical structure bears no resemblance to recognize antibiotics and their mechanism of action remains unknown. Based on the knowledge
  • presence of appropriate additives (Scheme 18). According to the postulated mechanism, the reaction is initiated by an SET of the dicinnamyl ether substrate to Fukuzumi’s salt 233, leading to radical cation 216. Earlier findings of the same group [107] revealed that substitution on the aryl groups is the
Published 02 Jan 2023

Digyalipopeptide A, an antiparasitic cyclic peptide from the Ghanaian Bacillus sp. strain DE2B

  • Adwoa P. Nartey,
  • Aboagye K. Dofuor,
  • Kofi B. A. Owusu,
  • Anil S. Camas,
  • Hai Deng,
  • Marcel Jaspars and
  • Kwaku Kyeremeh

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2022, 18, 1763–1771, doi:10.3762/bjoc.18.185

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  • hydrophilic biological environments. Repeated studies on the bioactivity of lipopeptides have shown that the primary mechanism of action of these peptides involves interactions with the double layer of lipids and proteins that constitute the cell membrane [24][25][26]. This mechanism of action is important
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Published 28 Dec 2022

Synthetic study toward tridachiapyrone B

  • Morgan Cormier,
  • Florian Hernvann and
  • Michaël De Paolis

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2022, 18, 1741–1748, doi:10.3762/bjoc.18.183

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  • isolated in 41% yield [43] while cyclohexenone 18 was not observed in the crude reaction mixture (as analyzed by 1H NMR spectroscopy). Even though the mechanism was not investigated, the presence of oxygen during the rearrangement step was suspected to account for the oxidation of the enolate intermediate
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Published 19 Dec 2022

Redox-active molecules as organocatalysts for selective oxidative transformations – an unperceived organocatalysis field

  • Elena R. Lopat’eva,
  • Igor B. Krylov,
  • Dmitry A. Lapshin and
  • Alexander O. Terent’ev

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2022, 18, 1672–1695, doi:10.3762/bjoc.18.179

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  • coupling of alkylarenes with NHPI was realized recently [94] (Scheme 11). In this process the formation of benzylic radicals is catalyzed by PINO radicals. According to the mechanism supported by quantum chemical calculations, the mixture of C–O and C–N products is formed as a result of the attack of the
  • mechanism [109] (Scheme 19). A novel family of redox-organocatalysts based on the synthetically available DABCO fragment was proposed [110] (Scheme 20). The quaternization of one of the nitrogen atoms of DABCO leads to a dramatically improved hydrogen atom abstracting activity which allowed the authors to
  • mainly as mediators of oxidative electron transfer (SET mechanism). For example, one-electron oxidative properties of triarylamine cation radicals were used for the vinylarene difunctionalization with the formation of thiadiazolidine 1,1-dioxides that can be further transformed to the corresponding 1,2
Published 09 Dec 2022

Navigating and expanding the roadmap of natural product genome mining tools

  • Friederike Biermann,
  • Sebastian L. Wenski and
  • Eric J. N. Helfrich

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2022, 18, 1656–1671, doi:10.3762/bjoc.18.178

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  • secondary metabolite biosynthetic enzymes are distant paralogs of enzymes involved in primary metabolism [63][71]. These NP biosynthetic enzymes are hypothesized to have undergone significant sequence and selectivity changes while still operating based on the same reaction mechanism (e.g., fatty acid
Published 06 Dec 2022

Rhodium-catalyzed intramolecular reductive aldol-type cyclization: Application for the synthesis of a chiral necic acid lactone

  • Motoyuki Isoda,
  • Kazuyuki Sato,
  • Kenta Kameda,
  • Kana Wakabayashi,
  • Ryota Sato,
  • Hideki Minami,
  • Yukiko Karuo,
  • Atsushi Tarui,
  • Kentaro Kawai and
  • Masaaki Omote

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2022, 18, 1642–1648, doi:10.3762/bjoc.18.176

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  • . Mechanistic investigation of the intramolecular cyclization The reaction mechanism of the intramolecular cyclization can only be speculative at this stage. We have already reported the generation of a rhodium hydride (Rh–H) complex from RhCl(PPh3)3 and Et2Zn, in which the reaction with tert-butyl acrylate
  • complex derived from [RhCl(cod)]2 and Et2Zn played an important role in this reaction [48]. Furthermore, Hopmann et al. detected the Rh–H complex derived from [RhCl(cod)]2 and Et2Zn by 1H NMR, and the detailed mechanism disclosed that the Rh–H complex did not interact with CO2 but with the benzene ring in
  • the substrates through an η6 binding intermediate by DFT calculation [49]. Although another mechanism could not be denied in which a Z-enolate intermediate changes to an E-enolate under thermodynamic control, we propose the following mechanism on the basis of the above results (Scheme 3). The Rh–H
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Published 02 Dec 2022

One-pot double annulations to confer diastereoselective spirooxindolepyrrolothiazoles

  • Juan Lu,
  • Bin Yao,
  • Desheng Zhan,
  • Zhuo Sun,
  • Yun Ji and
  • Xiaofeng Zhang

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2022, 18, 1607–1616, doi:10.3762/bjoc.18.171

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  • different R1 was employed for the synthesis to give 7f with COMe in a trace amount and no product 7g with a Ph group. The following reactions with aliphatic aldehydes gave 7h and 7i as complex mixtures [54][55][56][57][58][59][71]. The reaction mechanism of the double annulations for sequential N,S
  • products. The diastereochemistry of non-stabilized azomethine ylides for decarboxylative [3 + 2] cycloaddition could be identified in reported literature [54][55][56][57][58][59][71]. Through the study of the mechanism, it elucidates that the double annulations using ʟ-cysteine undergoes three stages
  • -component reaction for the synthesis of compound 5. Proposed mechanism for the double [3 + 2] cycloadditions. The synthesis of compound 5a with ᴅ- and ʟ-cysteine. Two-step (process A) vs cascade (process B) synthesis of 5a. i) 1.0:1.15 of 1a/2, EtOH (0.05 M), 25 °C, 6 h. ii) 1.1:1.0:1.0 of 1a/3a/4a, EtOH
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Published 28 Nov 2022

Functionalization of imidazole N-oxide: a recent discovery in organic transformations

  • Koustav Singha,
  • Imran Habib and
  • Mossaraf Hossain

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2022, 18, 1575–1588, doi:10.3762/bjoc.18.168

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  • successfully obtained from the reaction medium (Scheme 4). The proposed mechanism proceeded via cine-substitution. The rate-determining step was found to be the nucleophilic attack of the halide ion at the C-2 position of the O-tosylated imidazole 1-oxide. In spite of the difference in rate for the cases of
  • electrophilicity in case of electron-withdrawing groups. Imidazole N-oxides bearing naphthyl (23g) and n-butyl (23f) groups at the N-1 position also afforded the desired products in 93% and 95% yields, respectively. Notably, no product was isolated in case of glyoxal monoxime. The plausible reaction mechanism
  • 27. Here, heteroaromatic, aromatic, and aliphatic aldehydes along with formaldehyde were taken into consideration providing the corresponding products in 33–76% yield (Scheme 6). Based on the plausible mechanism proposed by the authors, most likely the reaction began with the nucleophilic addition
Published 22 Nov 2022

Simple synthesis of multi-halogenated alkenes from 2-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (halothane)

  • Yukiko Karuo,
  • Atsushi Tarui,
  • Kazuyuki Sato,
  • Kentaro Kawai and
  • Masaaki Omote

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2022, 18, 1567–1574, doi:10.3762/bjoc.18.167

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  • difluoroalkyl ethers (1), along with small amounts of fluoroalkenyl ethers (2), which were obtained from 1 via an E2-elimination mechanism (Scheme 1B) [14][15]. The fluoroalkenyl group in 2 is a potentially useful moiety that could participate in cross-coupling reactions for replacement of the bromine atom with
  • mechanism shown in Scheme 2 [15][26]. In the reaction medium, 3 is deprotonated by KOH to generate phenoxide ion 4, which acts as a base and as a nucleophile. Removal of an acidic hydrogen from halothane provides 5, which is a key intermediate in the reaction. Intermediate 5 is sufficiently electrophilic to
  • (s, 1F), −78.4 (s, 1F); EIMS m/z: 268, 270 [M]+; HREIMS: [M]+ calcd for C13H14ClFSi, 268.0486, 270.0457; found, 268.0490, 270.0452. Medicines containing a difluoromethylene group. Fluoroalkene analogs of some drugs. Reaction of phenol with polyfluoroalkanes. Proposed mechanism. Sonogashira cross
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Published 21 Nov 2022

A study of the DIBAL-promoted selective debenzylation of α-cyclodextrin protected with two different benzyl groups

  • Naser-Abdul Yousefi,
  • Morten L. Zimmermann and
  • Mikael Bols

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2022, 18, 1553–1559, doi:10.3762/bjoc.18.165

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  • binding to this oxygen which is important in the mechanism [9][15]. Experimental General information: In a manner similar to [15] dry solvents were tapped from a PureSolv solvent purification system. Reactants were purchased from commercial sources and used without further purification. HRMS were recorded
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Published 17 Nov 2022

A facile approach to spiro[dihydrofuran-2,3'-oxindoles] via formal [4 + 1] annulation reaction of fused 1H-pyrrole-2,3-diones with diazooxindoles

  • Pavel A. Topanov,
  • Anna A. Maslivets,
  • Maksim V. Dmitriev,
  • Irina V. Mashevskaya,
  • Yurii V. Shklyaev and
  • Andrey N. Maslivets

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2022, 18, 1532–1538, doi:10.3762/bjoc.18.162

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  • mechanism of formal [4 + 1] cycloaddition of FPDs 1 with diazooxindoles 2 (negative charge delocalization is colored in blue); B) plausible base-promoted reaction mechanism of FPD 1i and 3-bromooxindole (4, negative charge delocalization is colored blue). Reaction of FPD 1a and diazooxindole 2a in different
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Published 10 Nov 2022

New triazole-substituted triterpene derivatives exhibiting anti-RSV activity: synthesis, biological evaluation, and molecular modeling

  • Elenilson F. da Silva,
  • Krist Helen Antunes Fernandes,
  • Denise Diedrich,
  • Jessica Gotardi,
  • Marcia Silvana Freire Franco,
  • Carlos Henrique Tomich de Paula da Silva,
  • Ana Paula Duarte de Souza and
  • Simone Cristina Baggio Gnoatto

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2022, 18, 1524–1531, doi:10.3762/bjoc.18.161

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  • antiviral activity against RSV. Molecular docking Therefore, owing to its excellent level of activity and lack of toxicity, evidenced by a high TI, we selected compound 8 for further studies, starting with the elucidation of the mechanism of action. Our hypothesis on the study of the mechanism of action
  • relied on a comparison of compound 8 with crystallographic ligands of IMPDH, on the basis that it would represent a secure interpretation of the site interactions similarity with inhibitors, thus, suggesting that this compound acts by the same mechanism. Therein, flexible docking for compound 8 to the
  • , molecular modeling studies of the interaction of derivative 8 with human IMPDH can provide detailed information regarding the likely mechanism of antiviral action of this molecule. Conclusion In this study, we synthesized new bioisosteric triterpene derivatives of RBV, containing the nitroaryl-1,2,3
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Published 09 Nov 2022
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