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Search for "NMR" in Full Text gives 2993 result(s) in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. Showing first 200.

Synthesis and characterization of water-soluble C60–peptide conjugates

  • Yue Ma,
  • Lorenzo Persi and
  • Yoko Yamakoshi

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 777–786, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.71

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  • most other solvents. C60–oligo-Lys and C60–oligo-Glu were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR. Photoinduced 1O2 generation was observed in the most soluble C60–oligo-Lys conjugate under visible light irradiation (527 nm) to show the potential of this highly water-soluble molecule in biological systems, for
  • . Additionally, 5a exhibited broad absorption in the visible region with relatively low intensity as well as a distinctive sharp peak at around 430 nm [48]. However, those features were not observed in the spectrum of C60–oligo-Glu (5b), presumably due to the aggregation [32]. The 1H NMR spectrum of C60–oligo
  • part (α, β, γ, δ, and ε). The observed splitting of the protons a and b was presumably due to a diastereotopic effect of the methine proton c, similar to the spectrum of the monoadduct. Figure 6a shows the 13C NMR spectra of 5a in D2O and of the monoadduct in CDCl3. Together with the 1H NMR, COSY, HSQC
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Published 12 Apr 2024

Synthesis of new representatives of A3B-type carboranylporphyrins based on meso-tetra(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin transformations

  • Victoria M. Alpatova,
  • Evgeny G. Rys,
  • Elena G. Kononova and
  • Valentina A. Ol'shevskaya

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 767–776, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.70

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  • carborane A3B-porphyrin were also synthesized based on the amino-substituted A3B-porphyrin. The structures of the prepared carboranylporphyrins were determined by UV–vis, IR, 1H, 19F, 11B NMR spectroscopic data and MALDI mass spectrometry. Keywords: bioconjugation; carboranes; fluorine; porphyrin; SNAr
  • azide substituent in porphyrin 2 with SnCl2·2H2O in MeOH resulted in the formation of porphyrin amino-derivative 3 in 82% yield (Scheme 1). The molecular structures of compounds 2 and 3 were confirmed by a combination of NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Having synthesized porphyrins 2 and 3 we
  • easily converted into hydrophilic charged entities by the protonation of the unsubstituted amino functionalities in their structure providing improved bioconjugation. Spectroscopic data All porphyrin conjugates were structurally characterized by IR, UV–vis, NMR spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry. The IR
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Published 12 Apr 2024

Substrate specificity of a ketosynthase domain involved in bacillaene biosynthesis

  • Zhiyong Yin and
  • Jeroen S. Dickschat

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 734–740, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.67

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  • glutamate decarboxylase, and incubated with BaeJ-KS2. Substrate binding was demonstrated through 13C NMR analysis of the products against the background of various control experiments. Keywords: bacillaene; biosynthesis; enzyme mechanisms; isotopes; trans-AT polyketide synthases; Introduction Polyketides
  • cooperate with the PKS “in trans” [11][12]. Notably, in B. subtilis the giant bacillaene biosynthesis machinery forms an organelle-like complex that can be observed through cryoelectron microscopy [13]. The structure elucidation of “bacillaene” through extensive NMR spectroscopic methods revealed the
  • by the preceding modules (highlighted in purple) [14][16]. Furthermore, the structures of 1 and 2 show a shifted triene portion that is not in conjugation with the carboxylic acid function. NMR studies of off-loaded intermediates with the TE deletion mutant revealed that these double bond shifts are
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Published 05 Apr 2024

Genome mining of labdane-related diterpenoids: Discovery of the two-enzyme pathway leading to (−)-sandaracopimaradiene in the fungus Arthrinium sacchari

  • Fumito Sato,
  • Terutaka Sonohara,
  • Shunta Fujiki,
  • Akihiro Sugawara,
  • Yohei Morishita,
  • Taro Ozaki and
  • Teigo Asai

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 714–720, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.65

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  • HREIMS spectrum. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra of 1 were identical to those of sandaracopimaradiene [30][31]. As the specific rotation of compound 1 was in good agreement with the reported data ([α]D24 −14.3 (c 0.97, CHCl3) in this study; [α]D25 −10.29 (c 0.65, CHCl3) in the literature [31]), compound 1 was
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Published 03 Apr 2024

SOMOphilic alkyne vs radical-polar crossover approaches: The full story of the azido-alkynylation of alkenes

  • Julien Borrel and
  • Jerome Waser

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 701–713, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.64

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  • under blue light irradiation afforded 4a in 17% NMR yield (Table 2, entry 1). The major byproduct formed during the transformation was identified as diazide 6. When a copper photocatalyst is involved, a lot of diazidation can be observed. We assumed it could be caused by the reaction of Ts-ABZ (3) with
  • transformation before [41][42][44], in our case only 9% of the desired product was obtained (Table 3, entry 2). A large quantity of product resulting from a Ritter-type reaction between acetonitrile and the carbocation intermediate could be observed by NMR [55]. Other highly polar solvents such as DMF and DMSO
  • diasteroisomer was determined to be trans. Diyne 4l could be accessed in 44% yield from the exclusive 1,2-functionalization of the corresponding ene-yne. Crude NMR of the reaction did not show the presence of an allene product which could have been formed by a 1,4-functionalization. Enol ether could also be
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Published 03 Apr 2024

New variochelins from soil-isolated Variovorax sp. H002

  • Jabal Rahmat Haedar,
  • Aya Yoshimura and
  • Toshiyuki Wakimoto

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 692–700, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.63

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  • iron cycle within the rhizosphere. This study focused on exploring the natural products of the soil-isolated Variovorax sp. H002, leading to the isolation of variochelins A–E (1–5), a series of lipohexapeptide siderophores. NMR and MS/MS analyses revealed that these siderophores share a common core
  • this study, we isolated three new congeners of variochelin-type siderophores, variochelins C–E (3–5), along with two known compounds, variochelins A (1) and B (2), from Variovorax sp. Their structures were elucidated by a combination of NMR, ESIMS/MS, and chemical derivatization. The analysis of the
  • showed a molecular weight of m/z 535.7912 for the [M − 2H]2− ion, inferring a chemical formula of C47H83O17N11 (calcd 535.7911 for the double-negative ion). A combination of 1H NMR and COSY analyses revealed a peptidic structure comprising two Nδ-acetyl-Nδ-hydroxyornithine residues, a proline (Pro), a
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Published 02 Apr 2024

Evaluation of the enantioselectivity of new chiral ligands based on imidazolidin-4-one derivatives

  • Jan Bartáček,
  • Karel Chlumský,
  • Jan Mrkvička,
  • Lucie Paloušová,
  • Miloš Sedlák and
  • Pavel Drabina

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 684–691, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.62

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  • catalysed by copper(II) complex of ligand IV. Asymmetric aldol reactions of various aldehydes with ketones catalysed by compound IV. Supporting Information Supporting Information File 62: General information and experimental data of prepared compounds, copies of 1H and 13C NMR spectra and DFT calculations
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Published 02 Apr 2024

Regioselective quinazoline C2 modifications through the azide–tetrazole tautomeric equilibrium

  • Dāgs Dāvis Līpiņš,
  • Andris Jeminejs,
  • Una Ušacka,
  • Anatoly Mishnev,
  • Māris Turks and
  • Irina Novosjolova

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 675–683, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.61

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  • azide–tetrazole equilibrium of product 12a was initiated, revealing a singular form present in all solvents. Despite attempts to increase the amount of the azide form with the increase of the temperature in NMR experiments [27], no observable alteration in the tautomeric equilibrium was observed. FTIR
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Published 28 Mar 2024

Palladium-catalyzed three-component radical-polar crossover carboamination of 1,3-dienes or allenes with diazo esters and amines

  • Geng-Xin Liu,
  • Xiao-Ting Jie,
  • Ge-Jun Niu,
  • Li-Sheng Yang,
  • Xing-Lin Li,
  • Jian Luo and
  • Wen-Hao Hu

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 661–671, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.59

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  • temperature (rt), the desired unsaturated ε-AA derivative 4a was obtained in 75% isolated yield (Table 1, entry 1). Isolation and NMR analysis demonstrated that this model reaction provided amino acid 4a with good E-selectivity and excellent regioselectivity (E/Z = 91:9, 1,4-/1,2-addition >20:1). Control
  • Supporting Information File 1. Optimization of conditions and control experiments.a Supporting Information Supporting Information File 54: Full experimental details, analytical data and NMR spetra. Funding Financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China
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Published 27 Mar 2024

Enhanced reactivity of Li+@C60 toward thermal [2 + 2] cycloaddition by encapsulated Li+ Lewis acid

  • Hiroshi Ueno,
  • Yu Yamazaki,
  • Hiroshi Okada,
  • Fuminori Misaizu,
  • Ken Kokubo and
  • Hidehiro Sakurai

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 653–660, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.58

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  • by the higher HOMO level of 3 compared to that of 4. The products were characterized by spectroscopic and spectrometric analyses (Figures S3–S11 in Supporting Information File 1). 1H, and 13C NMR spectra clearly indicated the formation of [2 + 2] monoadducts. 7Li NMR spectra showed a sharp singlet
  • , only the E-isomer was observed, as confirmed by 1H-1H 2D-NOESY NMR spectrum (Figure 4). This is not surprising because similar stereoselectivity has been reported in the photoinduced [2 + 2] cycloaddition reaction of empty C60, where the E-isomer is most thermodynamically stable [19][22]. The positive
  • Corp., TCI, Sigma-Aldrich) and used as received without further purification. Li+@C60TFSI− was purchased as PF6− salt from Idea International Corp., and then its counter anion was exchanged to TFSI− according to reported procedures [9]. NMR spectra were recorded on a JEOL JNM-ECZ400S (1H: 400 MHz, 7Li
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Published 25 Mar 2024

Isolation and structure determination of a new analog of polycavernosides from marine Okeania sp. cyanobacterium

  • Kairi Umeda,
  • Naoaki Kurisawa,
  • Ghulam Jeelani,
  • Tomoyoshi Nozaki,
  • Kiyotake Suenaga and
  • Arihiro Iwasaki

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 645–652, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.57

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  • from a marine Okeania sp. cyanobacterium. The relative configuration was elucidated primarily by analyzing the two dimensional nuclear magnetism resonance (2D NMR) data. The absolute configuration was clarified by comparing the electronic circular dichroism (ECD) data of 1 with those of known analogs
  • characteristic UV absorption around 270 nm. The molecular formula of 1 was determined to be C44H66O15 based on the HRESIMS data. The NMR data for 1 are summarized in Table 1. The 1H NMR spectrum of compound 1 was similar to those of known polycavernosides but matched none of them, suggesting that 1 was a new
  • analog of polycavernosides [1][3][4][5]. A detailed analysis of the NMR data revealed the planar structure of 1, as shown in Figure 2. COSY and HMQC spectral analyses revealed several partial structures, indicated by the bold bonds in Figure 2. Four HMBC were observed from singlet methyl signals: δH 0.85
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Published 21 Mar 2024

Production of non-natural 5-methylorsellinate-derived meroterpenoids in Aspergillus oryzae

  • Jia Tang,
  • Yixiang Zhang and
  • Yudai Matsuda

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 638–644, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.56

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  • ). After large-scale cultivation, 3 was isolated and subjected to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis, which suggested that 3 is the C-5′ desmethyl form of preterretonin A [17]. However, several missing signals in the 13C NMR spectrum, likely due to keto–enol tautomerization in the D-ring, hindered
  • -5′ desmethyl form of the product from the K187A variant of AdrI, which was created during the in-depth functional analysis of terpene cyclases involved in DMOA-derived meroterpenoid biosynthesis [21], through NMR and single-crystal X-ray crystallographic analyses (Figure 2C and Figure S1 in
  • . Finally, the A. oryzae strain expressing insA7 produced two major metabolites 7 and 8. Compound 7 was determined to be the C-5′ desmethyl form of insuetusin A1 [19] using NMR and single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses (Figure 2C and Figure S1 in Supporting Information File 1; CCDC: 2300695) and was
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Published 20 Mar 2024

HPW-Catalyzed environmentally benign approach to imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines

  • Luan A. Martinho and
  • Carlos Kleber Z. Andrade

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 628–637, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.55

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  • reproducible. Unsuccessful substrates for these reactions were also detected (Scheme 4). The use of 2-amino-3-hydroxypyridine provided a complex mixture of products (1H and 13C NMR analysis). When 6-amino-2-thiouracil was used, only the starting materials were recovered. Regarding the aldehyde component, the
  • heating. The yields refer to isolated yields after column chromatography and the structures were confirmed by FTIR, NMR, and HRMS. Substrate scope of the HPW-catalyzed GBB reaction using aliphatic aldehydes. Reaction conditions: 2-aminopyridine (0.50 mmol), aliphatic aldehyde (0.50 mmol), isocyanide (0.50
  • mmol), and HPW (0.01 mmol, 2 mol %) in EtOH (0.5 mL), under μw heating. The yields refer to isolated yields after column chromatography and the structures were confirmed by FTIR, NMR, and HRMS. Unsuccessful substrates for the HPW-catalyzed GBB-3CR for the synthesis of imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines. 10-Fold
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Published 19 Mar 2024

A laterally-fused N-heterocyclic carbene framework from polysubstituted aminoimidazo[5,1-b]oxazol-6-ium salts

  • Andrew D. Gillie,
  • Matthew G. Wakeling,
  • Bethan L. Greene,
  • Louise Male and
  • Paul W. Davies

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 621–627, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.54

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  • (I) chloride in acetone led to the formation of the desired AImOxAuCl and AImOxCuCl metal chloride complexes 13 and 14, respectively (Scheme 2) [7]. The 1H NMR spectra of the resulting AImOx metal complexes show a loss of symmetry for the diisopropyl substituents, indicating restricted rotation about
  • which could not be fully purified or characterised but has a characteristic AQ quartet of two protons replacing the singlet for the N-methyl group in the 1H NMR spectra consistent with a cyclometallated complex from C–H insertion [31][32]. Three distinct sets of N-methyl and N-methylsulfonyl signals
  • , with a major one accounting for approximately 80% of the total, were observed in the 1H NMR spectra of 15 likely due to restricted rotation around the metal carbene bond combining with the locked rotation around the oxazole C4–N bond. Elemental analysis was consistent with the proposed structure and
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Published 18 Mar 2024

Chemical and biosynthetic potential of Penicillium shentong XL-F41

  • Ran Zou,
  • Xin Li,
  • Xiaochen Chen,
  • Yue-Wei Guo and
  • Baofu Xu

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 597–606, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.52

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  • m/z 341.1862 [M − H]− (calcd for C20H25N2O3, 341.1870). Spectroscopic analysis, including 1H NMR, 13C NMR (Table 1), and DEPT, revealed that compound 1 contains three methyl groups, one of which is oxygenated, four methines, three saturated non-protonated carbons, and two ketone carbonyl carbons (δC
  • 175.94, δC 194.36). Its NMR data closely resemble those of brocaeloid D [23], with the notable addition of a methoxy group (δH 3.20/δC 53.92). HMBC correlations confirmed the presence of a reversed prenyl group and differentiated compound 1 from brocaeloid D by the substitution of a succinimide
  • substructure at C-14 with a methine at C-16, indicated by the methoxy group. The position of the methoxy substituent was established by HMBC correlations, and the 13C NMR data suggested that compound 1 includes a 4-oxo-2,3-dihydro-(1H)-quinolin-3-yl fragment. The planar structure was established from HMBC
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Published 15 Mar 2024

Entry to new spiroheterocycles via tandem Rh(II)-catalyzed O–H insertion/base-promoted cyclization involving diazoarylidene succinimides

  • Alexander Yanovich,
  • Anastasia Vepreva,
  • Ksenia Malkova,
  • Grigory Kantin and
  • Dmitry Dar’in

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 561–569, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.48

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  • this protocol for spirocyclization and spiroheterocycle formation. The first step of the synthesis, the insertion of rhodium carbene into the O–H bond of 3-bromopropanol, was carried out under standard conditions in the presence of 0.05 mol % Rh2(esp)2 in dry DCM. 1H NMR spectroscopy was used to
  • 1H NMR spectroscopy data, one of its components was the product of the migration of the double bond of the benzylidene fragment into the succinimide cycle – compound 22. Finally, a compound with a longer side chain 24, obtained from 2-(2-bromoethoxy)ethanol (23), underwent exclusively isomerization
  • under basic conditions resulting in achiral product 25. No proton signals related to the expected cyclization product were detected in the proton NMR spectrum. The formation of phthalide from compound 18 under the action of base is difficult to explain. In this case, for some reason, the nucleophilic
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Published 11 Mar 2024

Synthesis of photo- and ionochromic N-acylated 2-(aminomethylene)benzo[b]thiophene-3(2Н)-ones with a terminal phenanthroline group

  • Vladimir P. Rybalkin,
  • Sofiya Yu. Zmeeva,
  • Lidiya L. Popova,
  • Irina V. Dubonosova,
  • Olga Yu. Karlutova,
  • Oleg P. Demidov,
  • Alexander D. Dubonosov and
  • Vladimir A. Bren

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 552–560, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.47

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  • were isolated preparatively and fully characterized by IR, 1H, and 13C NMR spectroscopy as well as HRMS and XRD methods. The reverse thermal reaction was catalyzed by protonic acids. N-Acylated compounds exclusively with Fe2+ formed nonfluorescent complexes with a contrast naked-eye effect: a color
  • vibrations of the thiophene and amide carbonyl groups were observed at 1663–1678 and 1705–1713 cm−1, respectively. The 1H NMR spectra contained signals of methine protons (=CH–) in the region 7.92–9.02 ppm, which corresponded to the Z-configuration of the C=C bond. According to data previously obtained [14
  • ], the signals of methine protons of E-isomers should be in the region of approximately 5.90 ppm [14]. Other IR, 1Н and 13С NMR spectroscopy and HRMS data confirming the structure of the synthesized compounds 1 and 2a–c are presented in Supporting Information File 2. Nonacylated compound 1 showed long
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Published 11 Mar 2024

Synthesis and biological profile of 2,3-dihydro[1,3]thiazolo[4,5-b]pyridines, a novel class of acyl-ACP thioesterase inhibitors

  • Jens Frackenpohl,
  • David M. Barber,
  • Guido Bojack,
  • Birgit Bollenbach-Wahl,
  • Ralf Braun,
  • Rahel Getachew,
  • Sabine Hohmann,
  • Kwang-Yoon Ko,
  • Karoline Kurowski,
  • Bernd Laber,
  • Rebecca L. Mattison,
  • Thomas Müller,
  • Anna M. Reingruber,
  • Dirk Schmutzler and
  • Andrea Svejda

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 540–551, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.46

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  • reduced pressure. The remaining residue was purified via column chromatography (gradient ethyl acetate/hexane) to afford 6-(2-fluorophenyl)pyridin-2-ylamine (9b, 9.98 g, 93%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3, δ) 7.92–7.88 (m, 1H), 7.53–7.49 (m, 1H), 7.36–7.31 (m, 1H), 7.25–7.20 (m, 1H), 7.16–7.10 (m, 1H), 6.50
  • temperature and stirred for 4 h. Subsequently, the reaction mixture was diluted with water, and the resulting solid was filtered off. The solid was washed thoroughly with water and dried to afford 3,5-dibromo-6-(2-fluorophenyl)pyridin-2-ylamine (10b, 17.62 g, 97%) as an orange solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3, δ
  • 11b as thiol–thione tautomer consisting of 6-bromo-5-(2-fluorophenyl)[1,3]thiazolo[4,5-b]pyridine-2-thiol and 6-bromo-5-(2-fluorophenyl)[1,3]thiazolo[4,5-b]pyridine-2(3H)thione (17.20 g, 97%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3, δ) 9.96 (br s, 1H), 8.01 (s, 1H), 7.50–7.44 (m, 1H), 7.41–7.38 (m, 1H), 7.29–7.25 (m
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Published 01 Mar 2024

Switchable molecular tweezers: design and applications

  • Pablo Msellem,
  • Maksym Dekthiarenko,
  • Nihal Hadj Seyd and
  • Guillaume Vives

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 504–539, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.45

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  • attached functional arms. The formation of new hydrogen bonds between -OMe groups and protonated pyridine stabilizes a "W"-shaped open conformation. The conformation switch can be easily followed by NMR spectroscopy in solution. Remarkably, the water-soluble tweezers 1, when functionalized with hydrophobic
  • terpyridine-bearing platinum–salphen known for their luminescence properties [41]. The closing process of the tweezers 12 was studied by NMR or UV–vis titrations with Zn2+ and other cations such as Pb2+, Fe2+, Cu2+, Eu3+, and Yb3+ indicating in all cases a 1:1 association model. The system can then be
  • , conformational analysis performed by variable temperature NMR led to the conclusion that the open and closed conformations have similar energies and are in fast exchange at ambient temperature. This fluxionality resulted in a relatively low affinity for the electron-poor aromatic guest 2,4,7-trinitro-9
Published 01 Mar 2024

A new analog of dihydroxybenzoic acid from Saccharopolyspora sp. KR21-0001

  • Rattiya Janthanom,
  • Yuta Kikuchi,
  • Hiroki Kanto,
  • Tomoyasu Hirose,
  • Arisu Tahara,
  • Takahiro Ishii,
  • Arinthip Thamchaipenet and
  • Yuki Inahashi

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 497–503, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.44

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  • the presence of a new compound designated KR21-0001A (1). The structure was elucidated by NMR, and the absolute stereochemistry was determined by advanced Marfey’s method. The results indicated that 1 is a new analog of dihydroxybenzoic acid. 1 has no antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi
  • determined as C12H13NO7S (requiring seven degrees of unsaturation) from the [M + H]+ ion at m/z 316.0484 (calcd. for C12H14NO7S, 316.0485) by HRESIMS. The 1H and 13C NMR spectral data of 1 are listed in Table 1. The 1H NMR and heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) data indicated the presence of two
  • sp2 methines, one sp3 methine, one sp3 methylene, and one methyl group. The 13C NMR data showed the resonances of twelve carbons, which were classified into six olefinic carbons (including two oxygenated carbons: δC 151.0 and 145.2), three carbonyl carbons, one sp3 methine carbon, one sp3 methylene
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Published 29 Feb 2024

Ligand effects, solvent cooperation, and large kinetic solvent deuterium isotope effects in gold(I)-catalyzed intramolecular alkene hydroamination

  • Ruichen Lan,
  • Brock Yager,
  • Yoonsun Jee,
  • Cynthia S. Day and
  • Amanda C. Jones

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 479–496, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.43

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  • undertaking a 1H NMR spectroscopic kinetic survey of solvent, ligand, and substituent effects on the general reaction 1 → 3 (with a variety of N-protecting groups), to supplement known qualitative observations. We found that, (1) electron-withdrawing phosphines accelerate hydroamination, (2) reactions are
  • , Table 2, entry 4). We were not able to determine the maximum impact of added MeOH, because the rate of cyclization became too fast to be detectable by 1H NMR kinetics (t < 5 minutes). A LN-LN plot of MeOH concentration versus observed rate gives a slope of 0.7, indicating less than first order
  • (k(4a/4c)) for urea substrate 1a → 3a and no MeOH (see Table 1). Hydroaminations with slower reacting substrates revealed another important factor. 31P NMR spectra during the cyclization of carbamate 1b indicated significant amounts of catalyst decomposition when PhOP(o-biphenyl)2AuOTf (4a) was used
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Published 29 Feb 2024

Pseudallenes A and B, new sulfur-containing ovalicin sesquiterpenoid derivatives with antimicrobial activity from the deep-sea cold seep sediment-derived fungus Pseudallescheria boydii CS-793

  • Zhen Ying,
  • Xiao-Ming Li,
  • Sui-Qun Yang,
  • Hong-Lei Li,
  • Xin Li,
  • Bin-Gui Wang and
  • Ling-Hong Meng

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 470–478, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.42

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  • sulfur-containing ovalicin derivatives, along with three known analogues 3–5, were isolated and identified from the culture extract of Pseudallescheria boydii CS-793, a fungus obtained from the deep-sea cold seep sediments. Their structures were established by detailed interpretation of NMR spectroscopic
  • LH-20, and semi-preparative HPLC, yielded compounds 1–5 (Figure 1). Structure elucidations Pseudallene A (1), initially obtained as colorless amorphous powder, was assigned a molecular formula of C16H28O5S with three indices of hydrogen deficiency according to the HRESIMS data. The 1H NMR spectrum
  • )], four aliphatic methylenes, four methines (with two oxygenated and one olefinic), and four exchangeable protons. The 13C NMR spectroscopic data (Table 1) displayed all 16 resonances which were classified by DEPT experiments into the categories of four methyls (including one methoxy), four methylenes
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Published 28 Feb 2024

Synthesis of 2,2-difluoro-1,3-diketone and 2,2-difluoro-1,3-ketoester derivatives using fluorine gas

  • Alexander S. Hampton,
  • David R. W. Hodgson,
  • Graham McDougald,
  • Linhua Wang and
  • Graham Sandford

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 460–469, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.41

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  • reaction of compound 1a with Selectfluor in acetonitrile (MeCN) gave high yields of the monofluorinated product 2a with no difluorinated product being observed by 19F NMR analysis of the product mixture after 5 h (Scheme 1). In contrast, attempts to fluorinate 1a with one equivalent of fluorine gas in MeCN
  • gave no noticeable conversion on analysis by 19F NMR spectroscopy, and a large excess of fluorine led to formation of a dark brown tar from which no useful product could be isolated. On the bases of these failed attempts, coupled with our previous experiences with the DBM scaffold [16][17][36], we used
  • the crude yields of fluorinated products were estimated by 19F NMR integration (monofluoro product 2a, δF −189.9 ppm; difluoro product 3a, δF −102.7 ppm) (Table 1, entry 3). Using excess fluorine or DABCO (entries 5 and 6 in Table 1) led to the formation of tars, while 0.1 equiv of DABCO (entry 7
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Published 28 Feb 2024

(E,Z)-1,1,1,4,4,4-Hexafluorobut-2-enes: hydrofluoroolefins halogenation/dehydrohalogenation cascade to reach new fluorinated allene

  • Nataliia V. Kirij,
  • Andrey A. Filatov,
  • Yurii L. Yagupolskii,
  • Sheng Peng and
  • Lee Sprague

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 452–459, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.40

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  • of stereoisomers in 2:1 ratio. After isolation by distillation, 2,3-dibromo-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobutane (2) was characterized by 1H, 19F, 13C NMR and mass spectra. We studied the reaction of dibromoalkane 2 with various bases such as DBU, Hünig’s base (iPr2NEt), and potassium hydroxide (Table 1). In
  • all cases, except the reaction in diglyme (Table 1, entry 5), a mixture of (E)- and (Z)-2-bromo-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-enes (3a,b) in a ratio of 2:1 was formed. The configuration of the isomers was determined by the 5JFFcis coupling constant in the 19F{H} NMR spectrum (ca. 0 Hz for (Z)-isomer and
  • completion of the reaction the mixture of isomers 3a,b was separated from the water phase and distilled at 55 °C. Further increase in the amount of KOH led to the elimination of the second mole of HBr with the formation of hexafluorobut-2-yne (4). By controlling the course of the reaction by the 19F NMR
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Full Research Paper
Published 27 Feb 2024

Development of a chemical scaffold for inhibiting nonribosomal peptide synthetases in live bacterial cells

  • Fumihiro Ishikawa,
  • Sho Konno,
  • Hideaki Kakeya and
  • Genzoh Tanabe

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 445–451, doi:10.3762/bjoc.20.39

Graphical Abstract
  • the A-domain of gramicidin S synthetasea. Supporting Information Supporting Information File 50: Additional Figures, experimental part and NMR spectra. Funding This study was supported by grants from the Institute Foundation for Science, Osaka (IFO) to F.I. This work was partially supported by the
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Full Research Paper
Published 26 Feb 2024
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